Unit 3 Language in use Objectives: To summarise and consolidate past simple “be” ( affirmative,...

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Transcript of Unit 3 Language in use Objectives: To summarise and consolidate past simple “be” ( affirmative,...

Unit 3 Language in use

Objectives: To summarise and consolidate past simple “be” ( affirmative, negative and interrogative)

Activity 31.

gardentreepondbathroombedroomliving roomkitchen

Activity 1Read about Liu Yun. Ask and answer the questions.

Liu Yun You Your partner

Born in Tianjian

Born on 2nd November, 1990


Quizheng Primary School

First teacher

Ms Guo

First friends

Hunter, Jiajia

Character Naughty, nice

Eg. where / born ? --Where was she born ? --She was born in Tianjin.

Ask and Answer the questions.

1 When / born ?2 What / primary school ?3 Who / first teacher ?4 Who / first friends ?5 What / like ?

Work in pairs.

Around the world

Hero of South AfricaNelson Mandela was born in a small village in the Transkei region of South Africa. He was born on 18th July , 1918. He was President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999.

Write about your partner’s past life.

Task 1: Work in pairs. Talk about your past life with your partner. --When were you born ? --I was born in …

Task 2 : Write about your partner’s life. He was born in … .

用所给单词的适当形式填空1 He is good at ________ (speak) English.2 I want to travel to some ____________ (interest) places.3 What do you like me ________ (do)?4 It’s very important _______ (learn) English well.5 He runs _______ (slow).6 What about _________ (play) the computer games?7 Maths is one of my __________ (favourite) subjects.8 Every day I do some _________ (shop).9 They are _______ (hero).10 Please listen to the teacher ________ (careful).


to do

to learnslowly





英汉词组互译从 ....... 到…… . ________________谈论……… ____________过去的生活 _____________在 1918 年 7 月 18 日

______________________写关于…… . _________________in a small village ______________president of South Africa _________________a primary school _______________listen to ____________hero of South Africa ___________________

from ….. to

talk aboutthe past life

on 18th July, 1918write about




be 动词的一般过去时若主语是第一人称单数或第三人称单数时,谓语

动词用 was ;主语是第二人称或其它人称的复数时,谓语动词用 were 。

He was in a bank a moment ago. 刚才他在银行。 They were at home last night. 昨晚他们在家。

在 was / were 之后加 not 即可变为否定句。即:主语+ was / were + not +表语+其它。

Tom and Li Ming were not in the classroom just now. 汤姆和李明刚才不在教室。

把 was / were 提到句首,句末用问号即可变为一般疑问句。即: Was / Were +主语+表语+其它?

若对一般疑问句做出回答,肯定形式用: Yes ,主语+ was / were. 否定形式用: No ,主语+wasn’t / weren’t.

— Were you on the farm yesterday? 昨天你在农场吗?

— Yes, I was. 是的,我在农场。— No, I wasn’t. 不,我不在。

A ) 按要求变化下面的句型。 1. There was a big house near the river. ( 改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答 )_______________________________________________________________2. There were lots of people in the concert. ( 改为否定句 )_________________________________ 3. I was born in Shandong. ( 对划线部 分提问 )_____________________________

Was there a big house near the river?

Yes, there was.

There weren’t lots of people in the concert.

Where were you born?

B ) 用 be 的适当形式填空。 4. The last time I ______ in Shenzhen ______ in 2003. 5. — ______ you born in 1990? — No, I ______. 6. There ______ many fish in the pond now, but two years ago there ______ no






词汇大训练。A) 根据方框里的汉语提示,选用适当的词填空。 过去;厨房;科学家;教授;友好的

1. My grandma is cooking in the _______.2. Yuan Longping is a great _______.3. There was a big garden in the _______.4. They are very _______ to their friends.5. Tom’s father is a _______ in a big university.






B) 根据中文提示写出单词。6. My little brother is very ________.7. — Where is Tom now? — He is in the __________ .8. My brother is good at playing ________.9. Would you like to go to the ________with me?10. There will be a new _________ in the cinema.






II . 单项选择 1. Bill Gates _______ in Seattle when he _______ young.A. was; were B. was; was C. were; was 2. Who _______ your first friend?A. were B. are C. was 3. — What is he _______? — He is very tall.A. / B. like C. look like

4. The last time I was in China ________ in 2005.A. were B. was C. /5. My first teacher was strict _______ us.A. on B. in C. with 6. — Were you well-behaved at the primary school? — Yes, I _______.A. were B. am C. was

7. — Was your teacher’s name Zhang Li? — No, _______.A. he wasn’t B. it wasn’t C. they weren’t 8. The water ________ the pond is very

clear.A. on B. in C. at

9. There were many beautiful pictures _______ the bedroom wall. A. on B. in C. under 10. Many foreigners were looking forward to _______ China. A. come B. coming C.coming to

III . 按要求变化下面的句子。( 10 分) 1. I was born in Shandong. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) ______ ______ ____in Shandong? 2. There is a pond near my house. ( 用 last

year 改写句子 ) ______ ______ a pond near my house last


Were you born

There was

3. There was much money in the living room. ( 改为否定句 ) ______ ______ much money in the living room. 4. We were in Dalian in 2003. ( 对划线部分提问 ) ______ ______ ______ in Dalian? 5. The girl was born in a small village. ( 对划线部分提问 ) ______ ______ the girl ______?

There wasn’t

When were you

Where was born

IV. 将下列句子翻译完整 1 . 你的第一所学校叫什么名字? What ______ ______ ______ ____ your first school? 2 . 这对双胞胎生于 1990 年。 The twins ______ ______ ___ 1990. 3 . 你第一次在那里是什么时候? ______ ______ the ______ ______

you______ there?

was the name of

were born in

When was first time


4 . 2002 年这里有个有很多树的花园。 There ______ a garden ______ lots of trees in 2002.5 . 青岛是中国东海岸的一座城市。 Qingdao is a city ______ ______


was with

on the east coast of

V . 用 be 的适当形式填空

1. — ________ you late for school this morning? — Yes, I ________. 2. — Where ________ you last evening? — I ________ in the library.





3. — Where ________ they yesterday? — They ________ in Beijing yesterday. 4. — ______ that boy born in Shanghai? — No, he ______. 5. — Who ______ the woman over there? — She ______ my teacher.





Write a description of your past life.I was born……