Unit 3 internet research project. 1º eso

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Unit 3 internet research project. 1º eso

Names ____________________________________________Insert your favorite picture of a multicellular organism without tissues here:

1. http://library.thinkquest.org/C004535/prokaryotic_cells.htmlWhat type of cell do you see in the diagram? _______________________One way these cells are different from ______________________ cells are that they don´t have a ________________________. They can be different shapes, like rod-shaped, ___________________ and _____________________.In the picture of the salmonella bacteria, we saw _______________ sticking out of the cell membrane. What shape do you think salmonella are? ____________How can you contract salmonella? ____________________________________________________________

2. http://scienceforkids.kidipede.com/biology/animals/sponges/hydra.htmFlagella are used for movement. When you look at this animal, which is called a _____________, you would think the ____________________ were used for movement, but in the video they were used to ______________________________.Hydra can reproduce _____________________or asexually. In the top picture, we observe ________________ reproduction. We can see a little ____________ forming on the ______________ of the hydra.

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_Uu3z9OLuQThis animal, called a _________________ reproduces ________________. After laying her ______________, she does something curious. What is it?__________________________________________________________________________________________.Why do you think she does this to them? _______________________________________________________________________________________________.

4. Research the taxa ranks of the animal from video 3 and write them down in the space below. Remember: Kevin Plays Clarinet Or Flute - Great Sound!____________________________________________________________


gdom.htm&h=495&w=570&sz=42&tbnid=I22vmCnWNtaS9M:&tbnh=90&tbnw=104&zoom=1&usg=__F-cOnGugXJp-HyZXhn0qsLxVy8A=&docid=4MEZoWgRxxhXaM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=0XmrUP_YIJOY1AWfvIDADw&ved=0CEUQ9QEwAg&dur=2037This picture shows a picture of the five ______________. They are _______________,______________, ________________, _____________, _______________.

To the left and right of the salmon-colored and orange castle, we can see _____________. Let´s look at another one of these fungi.

6. http://www.mykoweb.com/articles/How-the-mushroom-got-its-name.htmlWhat is the scientific name of the mushroom you see in this picture?________________________ ______________________We say the scientific name in this language __________________. True or false? The two taxa ranks that we use are the family and the order?If false, what taxa ranks do we use to make the scientific name? __________ ____________Which scientist came up with the scientific name? ___________________________. What year was he born?___________

He really liked plants and when he was young, he would go outside to search for them. Where was he from?____________ Can you find a native plant from his country? What is it called? ___________________Is it autotrophic or heterotrophic? _____________________ What does this mean?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Can you find a plant named after him? Can you insert a picture of it below?