Unit 3 A day out Welcome to the unit and comic strip.

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Transcript of Unit 3 A day out Welcome to the unit and comic strip.

Unit 3 A day out Welcome to the unit and comic strip

Unit 3 A day out Welcome to the unit and comic strip

Where did you go during the holiday?

What did you do there?

Free talk

Where are you going to visit next

holiday ?

What are you going to do there?

the Great Wall

What about our friend Eddie ?

What’s he going to do?

Listen and answer

He’s going to exercise.

If you want to exercise, what are you

going to do? Why?

Are you going to climb hills ?

It can help you keep fit.

Some more questions:

1. Is Eddie really going to climb the hill?

No, he isn’t.

3. What is Eddie going to do?

He is going to enjoy himself.

2. What kind of hill is it?

It’s a hill of food.

Act out the dialogue


How does Eddie enjoy himself?

How do you enjoy yourself?

By travelling.

Look and say

What can you see in the picture?

Where is it?

Let’s travel around the

world and enjoy ourselves!

the Palace Museum Beijing



the Eiffel Tower

Washington D.C the USA

the White House


the Opera House &the Harbour Bridge

Paris France

the River Seine

Read the postcards

Q1: What place did Nick visit?

Q2: How did he travel?

The Harbour Bridge and the Opera House.

By boat.

Q: Where did Leo write the postcard?

In a little coffee shop by the River Seine.

Q: What did Jane think of the White House?

It’s a beautiful building with a big garden

and many trees.


A: Which country do you want to go to?

B: I want to go to _____.

A: Which city do you want to visit?

B: I want to visit ________

A: Why do you want to go there?

B: Because I want to see_______.


1. 评价手册 Unit 3 ( Period 1)

2. 翻译句子


1. 明天你打算做什么? 我去参观白宫。 _______________________ tomorrow?

I’m going to visit the White House.

2. 我在运动会上玩得很开心。 I ____ __ _____ ______ in the sports meeting.

3. 他们坐在秦淮河边的一家小咖啡馆里。 They are sitting in a _____ _____ _____

near the Qinhuai River.

What are you going to do

had a great time

little coffee shop

4. 美国总统住在白宫里。 The ________ of the USA _____

in the White House.

5. 你需要锻炼来保持体形。 You _____ ___exercise to _____ ____.

6. 中国是一个历史悠久的国家。 China is a country _______ _____

_____ ________.

with a

long history



need to keep fit