Unit 2 american revolution

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Apuntes sobre la revolución de americana. Secciones europeas (inglés) 4º ESO

Transcript of Unit 2 american revolution



THE AAMERICAN RREVOLUTIONFirst British colonistFirst British colonist arrived to North America eastern coasts in 1607. They were around 1,3 million

of inhabitants. North America was a plentiful land, which was politically dominated by the British Crown,

however the colonists' life was very different from Britain: the colonists could gain wealth and social

standing by working hard, but in Britain, it was determined by birth and privileged.

In addition, Britain had paid little attention to these colonies because they were more concerned

about India's control, so “The Thirteen Colonies” developed such as a self-government.

The Seven Year's War1 had left the British government deeply in debt. Since British troops had

fought in North America, to protect the colonists, the British government felt justified in requiring the

colonist to help paying for their own defense.

When the war finished the British government tried to impose new and hard economic conditions

through taxation as a special tax in sugar or in paper.

1 The Seven Year's War (1756-1763) was the First Global War. Initially, it was a conflict between Prussia and Austria because of the Austrian Succession, but quickly European major powers joined the struggle supporting the Austrian or Prussian's cause. Great Britain supported Prussia and Austria formed alliance with France and Russia. Although much of the fighting took place, the war spread in North America too, where French had made alliances with many American Indians to prevent the British finished the French Empire in North America (Canada) came to an end, and the British also became stronger in the India's control.


In 1765, English Parliament passed the Stamp ActStamp Act,, a tax in a form of special stamp on many paper

goods (newspaper, contracts, mortgages or wills). The colonist united in opposition to this tax, because

they were paying more taxes than other English subjects and they did not have representation on the

Parliament. They claimed that they had not been consulted before the tax was imposed. Finally, the

Thirteen Colonies began a trade boycott of British good and Parlamient repealed the Stamp Act.

ONE CRISIS SEEMED TO FOLLOW ANOTHER in the colonies, however. In 1770 British guards fearing for

their safety, fired into an angry mob, killing several people. This incident is known as the BostonBoston

MassacreMassacre, and it fueled the growing colonial outrage against Great Britain.

Tensions increased further in 1773, when the British granted the British East India Company a

monopoly over the tea trade in the British colonies. When angry colonists threw a shipment of tea into

Boston Harbor (Boston Tea PartyBoston Tea Party). The Bristish closed the part of Boston to all shipping.

In 1774 delegates from all the colonies but Georgia met in Philadelphia in the First ContinentalFirst Continental

CongressCongress to discuss the situation. The delegates demanded that they would be granted the full rights of

British subjects, but they did not talk about independence. In April 1775 British troops marched from

Boston to two nearby towns, but they met armed resistence from the colonists.

The war started in 1775 and a year later (on July 4th) the delegates to the Second ContinentalSecond Continental

Congress Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, which proclaimed the United States of

America as an independent nation.


The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson,

and clearly showed the influence of the Enlightenment. Its main ideas were:

1st. No government could exist without the consent of its citizens.

2nd. Citizens created government to protect individual rights and if a

government failed, then the people had the right to alter or abolish it.

However, neither women nor slaves were included in the provisions of the

Declaration of Independence.

The war lasted since 1783, and colonialist army was funded by French Crown. At the outset of the

war, the Patriots (colonialists) were made by poorly trained volunteers, while British troops were well

trained and disciplined. However, the colonists were fighting for their own homes and they were

commanded by George Washington, whose was a trusted leader.

Most of the fightings were favorable to British army, so France, Spain and Netherlands joined the

war against the British in 1777. France's intervention was crucial. In 1783 the war of Independence

ended with the signing of the Treaty or Paris. The Americans won not only independence but also a

territory much larger than the original 13 colonies.

After the American Revolution, the colonist established the first government based on

Enlightenment principles.


1. What was the Enlightenment?

2. Explain the statement society.

3. What impact did Enlightenment ideas have on absolute monarchs?

4. Explain the difference between an absolute monarch and the enligthened monarchs.


6. Why did the colonist decide to declare independence from Great Britain?

7. Imagine that you are a member of the French government. Explain why you would want to help the American
