Unit 14 P3 M2 (Sustainability)

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Transcript of Unit 14 P3 M2 (Sustainability)

1. Environment and sustainability in Hospitality Unit 14 P3 M2 1 2. Instruction to: Hospitalities approach to sustainability development, and measures which business within the Hospitality Industry can take to be more sustainable, and environmentally friendly. Saving the world requires saving democracy. That requires well-informed citizens. Conservation, environment, poverty, community, education, family, health, economy- these combine to make one quest: liberty and justice for all. Whether one's special emphasis is global warming or child welfare, the cause is the same cause. And justice comes from the same place being human comes from: compassion. Carl Safina, The View from Lazy Point: A Natural Year in an Unnatural World 2 3. The Impact Customers make. One hotel guest can generate about 1kg (2lb) of waste per night, more than half of it in paper, plastic and cardboard. In addition to negative environmental impact, as landfill capacity diminishes, so the cost of waste disposal becomes more expensive. In the UK, for example, landfilling costs are now 48 per tonne (1.1 tons) compared to 18 a tonne in 2005 Up to 60% of the rubbish that ends up in the dustbin can be recycled. Customers have a huge impact on the amount of waste which is produced but if hospitality provider i.e hotels help reduce the amount of waste it is possible for them to produce, it benefits the hotel as less work, and the environment. 3 4. Environment: The term environment can be used an defined in different ways depending on the use and terms of the word, according to the Oxford dictionary: The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates, survival in an often hostile environment Environment: The term Environment in expression of human aspect can be defined as; the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates Sustainability: The term Sustainability can be defined in reflectance to environmental areas as; For renewable resources, the rate of harvest should not exceed the rate of regeneration (sustainable yield) [For pollution] The rates of waste generation from projects should not exceed the assimilative capacity of the environment (sustainable waste disposal); and For non-renewable resources the depletion of the non-renewable resources should require comparable development of renewable substitutes for that resource. Carbon Footprint: The term Carbon foot means; The amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, organization, or community Waste: The term Waste means: Use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose. In terms of environmental waste: Hazardous waste is defined as liquid, solid, contained gas, or sludge wastes that contain properties that are dangerous or potentially harmful to human health or the environment. Learn how to properly manage and dispose of hazardous waste. Fossil fuels: The term Fossil fuels means: A natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms. Sector: The term sector means: A distinct part or branch of a nations economy or society or of a sphere of activity such as education: Understanding the Terminology: 4 5. Sustainability for first specific business Whitbread our a company which try to be as economically friendly as possible. They run a project called Good Together which in is based over their brand this includes; - Costa Coffee - Premier Inn - Beefeater - Table Table -Hub -Taybarns -Brewers fayre. They base have 3 principles Environmental, Customer Wellbeing ( Quality of service whilst being eco friendly) And a team aspect. 5 6. Whitbread Vision and understanding Whitbreads vision Our sustainability vision at Whitbread is simple. We want to lead the hospitality industry to a more sustainable future. Good Together back in 2009 made significant progress, and demonstrated that a major hospitality business with an aggressive expansion programme can deliver valuable energy, water and waste savings. Whitbread have received a Triple Standard award from the Carbon Trust for achieving their challenging standard on reducing carbon, water and waste. Our 30,000 team members have a significant role to play in helping us reduce our impacts and achieve our targets and we have developed training and communication programmes to help our team members understand what they can do and why it is so important. Our Good Together Energy and Environment programme is split into 3 key areas Carbon Management, Waste Management and Water Management 6 7. What Whitbread do to train team? Whitbread on induction for new team, run online training modules from economical to health and safety. 2013 Whitbread we launched an on-line module to assist our team members to understand our new multi-stream waste recycling system and the benefits of recycling over landfill. They have learning module for general energy, carbon and environmental awareness. The teams also receive a Weekly Energy Report for their site which lets them know their weekly utility consumption so they can monitor, measure and control in real time their energy usage and carbon emissions. 7 8. How we inform guest and improve sustainability ? In Premier Inn they run a Green, Greener, campaign to encourage the guests to enjoy a greener stay by reducing their impacts in hotels. This included environmental tips in their key card folder, posters throughout the site and further information on the payment receipt such as not printing receipt but emailing them. 8 9. Method of reducing waste which Whitbread use. Install recycling bins in guest rooms Put two bins in guestrooms, one for general waste and one for recycling. The recycling one should be larger and specify which products can be placed in it. Housekeeping trolleys must be fitted with separate bins for collecting recyclable material. Install Soap dispensers For toiletries, switch to dispensers and purchase bulk containers. The Scandic hotel chain found that only 15% of its soaps, shampoos and conditioners were used, with the balance thrown away. By replacing traditional amenities with bulk items, Scandic has reduced its waste volume by 40% and packaging waste by 11 tonnes annually. 9 10. Method of reducing waste Premier inn. Installed Water effective/ saving shower head Water saving shower heads mix water with air to reduce the amount of water emitted reducing the amount of water. The Shower heads controls the flow and spray pattern of water. They come in a range of shapes and sizes, and the design can directly affect water consumption. Use less towels Instead of putting 4 towels in a room for one person put one or two, as I you put more they dont really need 4 but as they are in the room they will need to be washed. Reduce electrical use by; Install Sensors: key card holder, presence detector, thermostat, open/ close windows Install Actuators: lighting control, air conditioning control Install A single, easy-to-use interface, from simple push buttons to user-friendly touch screens Automated functions provide additional energy savings and smoother operation, without any inconvenience for the guests Benefits for End Users:10% energy savings off each guestrooms electric bill By lowering room temperature by just one degree, you can shave 3% off of your HVAC systems energy consumption Achieve additional savings through smart lighting and blind management 10 11. Whitbread with hotels use these. Premier inn use these shower head to be more water efficient mixing water and air to create a better show experience for guests whilst ensuring that it lowers costs and water use. 11 This is what you could save 12. Training team positives and negatives Positives + Training team allow better understanding. Training team can lower bills. Making team more economically aware. Supporting the environment. Aiding to sustainability Negatives - Cost of training team May not receive or rep anything from the training. Investment into methods, of training as everyone learns different. 12 13. Future plans As Whitbread continue to grow they wish to continue there environmental friendly approach and have set goals for the years ahead. Please watch these three video from Whitbread on good together and an interview with the CEO. 13 14. Sustainability for second specific business McDonalds is the second business we will be looking at. McDonalds have a project called Together for Good. Which incorporates Food, sourcing, plants, people and communities. 14 15. Framework which McDonalds use to be more sustainable We have worked to develop and finalize our Global CSR & Sustainability Framework with five clear priority areas, or pillars, to structure our efforts. In 2013 we developed measurable, specific goals for some of these efforts to align our company around common goals for advancing what we call Our Journey Together. For Good. Please watch these two video which explains more about the framework and how McDonalds our more use there programme Goof Food 15 16. McDonalds Vision / Goals / aspirations The aspirational goals included in our framework provide a destination we desire to achieve by 2020. Each of our five pillars is at different stages of progress, governance and resource allocation. Our Framework currently includes goals for Food, Sourcing and Planet, while People and Community represent core foundational values. In addition, our business operates under various constraints that impact our journey to achieve these goals. As a brand we realize that it will be difficult to measure progress in all the countries where we operate, but will strive to motivate the entire System by providing tools and resources to drive engagement and performance across our System. Progress toward the aspirational goals will be aggregated and reported in our annual sustainability report, but market- by-market progress may vary. Plans to achieve the global goals will be created based on market-by-market considerations. We cannot guarantee that we will achieve these stated goals given the above factors. The Company is committed to putting forth good-faith efforts to make progress towards these goals, to report on an annual basis tangible progress and measurements, where possible, and to explain both successes and challenges along this journey. 16 17. McDonalds Food aspirations Looking forward to 2020 - Our Aspirational Goals for Good Food across our menu: 1. Serve 100% more fruit, vegetables, low-fat dairy or whole grains. We are developing guidelines to measure our progress against this goal. 2. Reduce salt/sodium, sugar, saturated fat or calories across the menu. Top 9 Markets. Develop goals in 2015. Continuing to enhance the nutritional profile of existing menu offerings and developing new menu choices featuring fruit, vegetables, low-fat dairy, and whole grains. focusing on childrens well-being by optimizing our childrens menu, promoting physical activity, and communicating responsibly. Providing food and nutrition information in relevant ways that help customers make easy, informed choices 17 18. Positives and Negatives on being sustainable Positives + Being more sustainable Better understand for all Supporting the environment Gives a friendlier image of the business Shows development Increase niche market Reducing overhead and fixed costs Negatives - Cost of training team Cost of setting up a scheme such as Good together or Good food Danger of compromising brand Danger of compromising quality of service. Please watch this video on why sustainability is important to a business 18 19. 19 How has McDonalds become more Sustainability and development in time? 20. Summary In this presentation we have looked at two companies which have assessed there approach to the environment, Each taking a slightly different approach through the personal scheme they have developed but with key similarities such as being eco friendly. They use two different scheme as they have to market to different sectors within the industry to ensure they meet there customer bases. 20 21. References Websites http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/environment - Environment definition Page 2 http://www.google.co.uk/?gws_rd=ssl#safe=active&q=definition+of+environment&surl=1 Environment human aspect. Page 2 http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/environment - Quote reference Page 1 http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/sector Page 3 https://www.whitbread.co.uk/corporate-responsibility/good-together-in-whitbread-hotels-and- restaurants/index.html Page 4 http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/carbon-footprint - Page 2 https://www.whitbread.co.uk/corporate-responsibility/good-together-in-whitbread-hotels-and- restaurants/environment-management.html - Page 4, 9, 11 https://www.whitbread.co.uk/corporate-responsibility/good-together-in-whitbread-hotels-and- restaurants/customer-wellbeing.html - Page 7 http://www.whitbread.co.uk/content/dam/whitbread/pdfs/investors/reports-and- presentations/Presentations/2013-14/whitbread-preliminary-results-2014.pdf - supportive research https://www.whitbread.co.uk/content/dam/whitbread/pdfs/corporate-responsibility/reports- presentations/Whitbread%20Corporate%20Responsibility%20Report%202014.pdf Page 12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmsHyTCczOc Page 12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzzfsC3ntRQ Page 12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_x7YSBGV9nc Page 12 http://www.aboutmcdonalds.com/mcd/sustainability.html Page 13 http://www.aboutmcdonalds.com/mcd/sustainability/csr-and-sustainability-approach.html Page 14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJ6QGesUWAQ Page 14 http://www.aboutmcdonalds.com/content/dam/AboutMcDonalds/2.0/pdfs/2012_2013_csr_report.pdf - Page 17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5unzmWAIdg Page 17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9ejG83lrX4 Page 15 21