Unit 10 How much are these pants? Language Goals: Ask about prices; Thank someone Main tasks: Ask...

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Transcript of Unit 10 How much are these pants? Language Goals: Ask about prices; Thank someone Main tasks: Ask...

Unit 10 How much are these pants?

Language Goals: Ask about prices; Thank someone

Main tasks: Ask about prices; Role play—shopping; Design ads; Plan to use money

Learning strategies: Preparation for lessons before class; Memorizing; Repeating; Role-playing; Self-evaluating; Guessing; Using context; Practicing; Listening for key words; etc.

Assessment: Self-assessment; Partner/group assessment; Parent assessment; Teacher assessment

Teaching Design for Period 1:

Main task: Ask about price

How many numbers do you know in this song?

Can you count these numbers in English?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 13 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

3914 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

4915 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

5916 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68

6917 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78

79 18 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88

89 19 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98

99 100

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelvethirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteen


twenty-one … twenty-ninethirty-one … thirty-nineforty-one … forty-ninefifty-one … fifty-ninesixty-one … sixty-nineseventy-one … seventy-nineeighty-one … eighty-nine ninety-one … ninety-nine


Learn these numbers and find out the rules:

bag hat T-shirt pants

shoes shorts sweater socks


-How much is this bag?-It’s $8. (it’s = it is; $ = dollar)



-How much are these shoes?-They’re $21. (they’re = they are)





bag hat T-shirt pants

shoes shorts sweater socks

-How much is/are this/that/these/those …?-It’s / They’re $...



$21 $27$33 $3

-What color is this bag?-It’s black.




white-What color are these socks?-They’re white.


black red

yellow green


bag hat

T-shirt pants

shoes socks



$21 $3

A: What color is this/that …? are these/those …?B: It’s / They’re …A: How much is this/that …? are these/those …?B: It’s / They’re …

What color is this sweater?It’s green. Green, green, green.How much is this green sweater?It’s $15. Fifteen, fifteen, fifteen.

What color are these shoes?They’re green. Green, green, green.How much are these green shoes?They’re $15. Fifteen, fifteen, fifteen.

T-shirt yellow $12bag black $17hat red $25

socks white $6pants blue $39shorts yellow $46

Have a look at your own clothes at home, and then complete in this form:

Picture Thing Number Colors Price ($)T-shirt 3 yellow $7

Teaching Design for Period 2:

Main task: Role play---shopping

Go and ask your classmates and then complete this form:

Name Thing Color Price (RMB)


Do you have a/some …, ***? What color is/are …?How much is/are …?Where do you buy( 买) ?

How much?

Listen to a conversation and then complete this form:


What color?

How much?

Who are they in this conversation?

Will he take it?

Read the conversation and fill in the blanks:Clerk: Can I help you?Mary: Yes, please. I want a sweater (1). Clerk: What _____ (2) do you want?Mary: Blue.Clerk: Here you are.Mary: ________ (3) is it?Clerk: 20 dollars.Mary: I’ll take it. __________ (4).Clerk: You’re welcome.


How much

Thank you

Practice in pairs and then make some similar dialogues with the pictures below.

Who is the best actor/actress?

_______,The best actor in the dialogue performance. Class5, Grade 1 Sep 28, 2004

The Best Actor


Make a shopping dialogue;

Try to find some sale ads( 广告) and try to say something about in English.

Teaching Design for Period 3:

Main task: Design ads---sale ads

How much is my T-shirt?

Where did I buy?

Who are they?

How much are they?

Blackboard writing:

buy fromsend toonly

at a very good pricecomehave a lookhave a saleseeeachfor yourself


What do you know about this ad?

Read the ad carefully and complete this form:

Picture Name Price (RMB) Which do you want to buy?

What do you think of the things at Huaxing Clothes Store?

Do you want to buy anything at Huaxing Clothes Store?

What do you want to buy there? Why?

Does your mother have a clothing store?

If you have a clothing store next to Huaxing, now you also need to make your own ad to attract customers.

How will you make your own ad?

Listen carefully and complete this form:

Things colors price …

_______,The best designer of the clothes sale ads. Class5, Grade 1 Sep 28, 2004

The Best Designer

A: The blue shirt is $5.B: The blue shirt is $5. The red sweater is $25.C: The blue shirt is $5. The red sweater is $25. The green pants are $18.D: …A: …

Play this game in groups of four.


Read and learn the ads at page 45.

Design an ad for a clothes store.

Teaching design for Period 4:

Main task: Plan to use money.

¥ 85














Numbers: 1-9 10-31

Clothes: sweater, shirt, T-shirt, pants, shorts … socks, shoes, bag, …

Colors: black, blue, green, red, white, yellow, etc.

Grammar: How much…? It’s=It is They’re=They are this that these those

Who learns and remembers the most words?

_______, Remember the most new words in Unit 7. Class5, Grade 1 Sep 28, 2004

Word King

Homework:1. Revise Unit 7;2. If you have 500 RMB. You can buy anything you like. Please complete your plan and make yourself much more beautiful and nicer:(pay attention to the price and color)

Thing Buy from Price Color Number(数量 )