Unit 1 The world of our senses

Post on 02-Feb-2016

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Unit 1 The world of our senses. Welcome to the unit. Brainstorming. Questions: With what do we see and hear? How do we know whether a dish is delicious ? How do we know that a flower has a pleasant smell? What do we do when we want to know whether the water in the basin is hot or cold? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Unit 1 The world of our senses

Unit 1 The world of our senses

Welcome to the unit


Questions:1.With what do we see and hear?

2.How do we know whether a dish is delicious ?

3.How do we know that a flower has a pleasant smell?

4.What do we do when we want to know whether thewater in the basin is hot or cold?

5.How do we know about the world around us?

We see with our eyes and hear with our ears.


We taste it with our tongues.

We smell it with our noses.

We put our hands in the water to feel it.

We usually use our five senses. They are sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch.

Fill in the form with proper words:

action sense organs 器官 the sense





eyes sight

ears hearing

tongue舌头 taste

nose smell

touch/feel hands/feet/skin touch

1.A person who cannot see is ______.blind

2.A person who cannot hear is ______.deaf

3.Do you know how blind people can read?

4.How do the deaf communicate with each other?

They can read by touching raised dots which is called Braille.

They can use body language or sign language.

raised dots


body language

sign language

Read the instructions and the short passage ”Five senses” on page 1 .

Sometimes our senses affect one another. Can you give some examples?

1. What can you see in picture one?

2. Are the two lines of the same length?

3. Can you prove that the two lines in

picture 3 are straight?

4. How can you read line b?

What can you see in this picture ?

When looking at the white part, we can see a vase, but two faces when looking at the black part.

Are the two lines of the same length?

We can measure the two lines with a ruler or use two pieces of paper to cover both ends of the two lines. The answer is the two lines are of the same length.

Can you prove that the two lines in this picture are straight?

Place a ruler next to the line or use a ruler to draw more straight lines which run parallel(平行 ) to the two lines. Then we’ll know the answer.

For line b in picture 4 we can read them as letters K, B, R, M, or K, 13, R, M.

How can you read line b?

Why are people misled(误导 ) by their own eyes?

Because the background( 背景 ) or other lines confuse( 混淆 ) our eyes. Also, what we expect to see can change what we see. Actually, it is more the brain that is confused than the eyes.

Is the circle in the centre round?

More examples

1. Do you use one of your senses more than the others?

• In the darkness

• Listening to music

• Reading an interesting book

• Eating

1. We use one or two of the five senses more than the other when we need to. For example, in the darkness, the sense of hearing and the sense of touch become more sensitive because we cannot see anything. When we listen to our favorite music, we will close our eyes and just want to listen with our ears. When we read an interesting book, we’ll lose ourselves in it, and hardly hear anything around us. When we eat something, we do not only taste or smell it. We look at it as well.

2. Which sense helps you learn best? How does it help you?

• Learning English

2. I think in learning English, the sense of sight and the sense of hearing help me a lot. I usually listen to the tape before I read it. While I listen to the tape, I’ll look at the text. And I often read the English text aloud. The combination of these two senses best help me remember what I have learnt.

3. Do you know of any people who have made great achievements even if they have lost one of their senses?

• Beethoven 9th symphony

• Helen Keller three days to see

• Abing erhu solos

Moonlight Reflected On The Two Springs

Moonlight Reflected On The Two Springs

Read the article in Reading on page 94 of the Workbook and answer the following questions.

1. In which year was Beethoven born?

2.Why was Beethoven so popular when he was alive?

3.Why did Beethoven show Haydn his compositions?

4.How long did Beethoven play for his orchestra?

5.How old was Beethoven when he went completely deaf?


Because he changed the way music was listened to. People listened to his music for pleasure.

Because he wanted Haydn to teach him.

Nearly 8 years.

48 years old.

Language points:

1. sense ① n. [c] 感觉器官 , 感官我们有五种感觉器官 : 视觉 , 听觉 , 味觉 , 嗅觉和触觉 .We have five _______: _____, _______, ______, _____ and _____.

② vt. 觉悟 , 觉察 , 理解 , 意义他意识到他处在危险之中 .

He _______ that he was in danger.

senses: sight hearing

taste smell touch


常用短语 :① 味觉② 方向感③ 在某种意义上

④ 有意义 , 有道理 , 讲得通 ; 是明智的 ,是合情合理的

译 : 你的话在某种意义上属实 . _______ _____ ______ is true ____ __ _____.

What you said makes sense.

What you said in a


a sense of taste

a sense of directionin a sense

make sense

2. 在某人的日常生活中

3. one another “ 相互 , 彼此” in one’s daily life

译 : 同学们在学习上要互相帮助 . Students should help one another in learning.Compare:

The twins dislike each other but the triplets ( 三胞胎 ) dislike one another.

each other 应当用于表达两个个体间的相互关系, 而 one another 表示两个以上的个体

考虑 : With hearing problems 与 Using sign language 在句中充当的成分 ?

4. People with hearing problems can understand each other using sign language.

The boys wore each other's coats.

完成句子有时候各种感觉相互影响 .Sometimes senses ________ _______

________.盲人可以通过触摸盲文的凸点符号进行阅读 .Blind people can read _____ __________

letters in ______ dots called Braille.听力有问题的人可以通过姿势语进行交流 .________ ________ ______ _______ can

understand each other using ____ _________.

即使我们有很好的感官感觉,他们有时也会把我们搞糊涂 ._______ _____ we have good senses, they _____ ________ us.一些人只需要听到某些东西一两次就能记住它 .Some people _______ ______ ___ ______ something _____ ___ _______before they can remember it.


1.Learn by heart the following words and phrases:in our daily lives; five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch; Braille; sign language, make great achievement.2. Preview Reading: Fog