Unit 1: The Field of Psychology. What is Psychology? How Can it be Applied to Everyday Life?

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Transcript of Unit 1: The Field of Psychology. What is Psychology? How Can it be Applied to Everyday Life?

PsychologyUnit 1: The Field of Psychology

What is Psychology?

How Can it be Applied to Everyday Life?

Behaviormeaning any activity we perform consciously

or unconsciouslyex. Breathing, blinking, lying, learning, attitudes, thoughts, physical changes and emotional changes

we study behavior to figure out why it occurs

ConsciousnessIs it self awareness?Is it our cognitive ability (thinking)Does it effect our behavior?

Theorygeneral frameworks or structure about the

nature of somethingex. Erickson’s Theory of the Stages of Development

needs to be based on both physiology and psychology

The History of PsychologyFounding Fathers

Charles Darwin “In considering the Origin of Species, it is

quite conceivable that a naturalist, reflecting on the mutual affinities of organic beings, on their embryological relations, their geographical distribution, geological succession, and other such facts, might come to the conclusion that each species had not been independently created, but had descended, like varieties, from other species.”

– Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species

Darwin cont.Darwin observed that a change

in climate, environment, food supply, etc could cause a change in an animal’s behavior or environmental adaptation

he inspired scientist to study animals in an attempt to understand humans better

From him we get animal psychology

Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) Called the father of psychology

because in 1879 he started the first laboratory for studying humans

he tries to theorize about what makes up the thoughts and feelings of humans

Finds that introspection is the key to figuring out why you feel a certain way *looking into ones self and describing what is there* Extreme training required to evaluate introspections

Sigmund Freud(1856 – 1939) Developed one of the first comprehensive theories of

personality - How Personality Develops - What can go wrong - How to fix it

Theory is based on the effects of the unconscious conflicts with the individual - influences if the unconscious and of early childhood

Freud hugely impacted American Psychology in the 1950’s and 60’s but by the 80’s his influence had declined

William James ( 1842 – 1910)His main interest was how humans

function and adapt to their environment He preferred to look at human

experiences as a complete whole each being slightly different from one another

ex. Thinking is a stream of ideas rather than a series of separate thoughts all strung together

While basic rules of behavior apply, psychology must never loose sight of the individual

He wrote one of the first a widely used and very important textbook – Principles in Psychology

John B Watson ( 1878 – 1958)He studied the impact of

learning on human emotion

Believed that what we feel and do depends on connections and associations we have made in the past

afraid = bad experience

careful parenting could prevent psychological problems

Approaches to PsychologyAKA Perspectives

NeurobiologicalViewpoint CriticismViews your behavior as a

result of physical, chemical or biological abnormality in your body.

Doesn’t take into account life experiences or the environment.



Views behavior as the result of learning and associations (experiences)

We act because of our environment

Doesn’t take into account a persons present situation or peer pressure



Belief that people are intrinsically good and are capable of helping themselves

Humans can achieve perfection

Doesn’t give weight to environmental factors or past experiences



Belief that people behave as a result of unconscious thoughts and forces

To understand these behaviors one must undergo psychoanalysis with a trained therapist

Negates free will and conscious decision making



Behavior is based on cognition

Humans analyze, evaluate and problem solve to deal with our environment

Downplays effects of emotions

Socio-culturalViewpoint CriticismBehavior is influenced by

social, ethnic, racial, religious and economic constructs placed on a person

List can be infiniteDoes not take motivation

or emotion into consideration

Methods of PsychologyConducting and Creating Psychological Experiments

Critical Question:Which do you believe is stronger, the body or

the mind?

Can your mind cure an ache or pain simply by thinking about it or by believing you will feel better?

Why did the patients taking the placebo pill feel better?

The Power of the Human Mind

Placebo – This is a medicine that has no active ingredients, usually made up of a simple sugar that can be processes easily through the body. The idea is that patients taking this pill will think they are being treated.

Double Blind Study – A study during which neither the participants nor the researchers know to which group any subject belongs.we use these types of studies so that a

research cannot unknowingly alter the results of the study (biases to a certain group)

The Power of the Human Mind

Biases – Be aware of your personal biases and the biases of your subjects when working on an experiment.

The Power of the Human Mind

Experimental Procedures

Scientific MethodHypothesis – A statement of the result an

researcher expects to get at the end of an experiment

Subjects – a group of people or animals on whom the experiment will be conducted

Variables – these are the factors that change in the study, some studies have multiple variables, studies with hidden variables can invalidate or change the results of a study.

Independent Variables – the factor that the experimenter changes in a study

Dependent Variable – this factor in a study changes in response to the change made by the independent variable – what is being effected

Control – removal of factors that may cause the experiment to become invalid

Scientific Method cont.

Control Group – this group is actively involved in the study but does not experience the independent variable (Placebo Group)

Experimental Group – this group takes part in the study and experiences the independent variable

Results – the findings of the studyIf the hypothesis turns out to be incorrect the

results are just as valid as if you proved the hypothesis to be true

Scientific Method cont.

Methods of ResearchAdvantages Disadvantages

Laboratory Experiment

Researcher can be completely objective

Usually provides accurate information

Artificial setting may not reflect “real world” results

Field Experiment Setting is more realistic than

a lab Often difficult to control all


Survey Method

Can gather info on feelings, opinions & behavior patterns

Can be extremely accurate

Sample may not be representative of whole population

Questions may not be objective

Interpretation of results may be distorted

Naturalistic Observation

Behavior studied is completely normal

Researcher cannot interact with subjects & may interpret subjects’ responses incorrectly


Researcher can obtain detailed personal information

Subjects’ responses may not be honest

Researcher biases can influence behavior

Methods of Research cont.

Case Study Method

Provides background information that may contribute to current behavior

Subjects’ responses may not be honest

Researcher biases can influence behavior

Psychological Test Provides accurate, objective

information Tests are limited in the

amount of information they can obtain

Longitudinal Method Necessary for certain types

of research (Developmental studies)

Expensive and time consuming

Cross-Sectional Method

Samples are usually representative of the whole pop.

Less expensive & time consuming (LM)

Not appropriate for some types of research (Developmental changes over time)

ResultsValidity – meaning that the experiment

measures what it says that it measures.

Reliability – meaning that you will get the same results each time the experiment is run

The Experimental ProcedureHypothesis

If “X” (independent variable) is presented or changesThen “Y” (dependent variable) will happen or change as a result

Test your hypothesis onSubjects

People or animals randomly divided into groups

Experimental GroupExperience the independent variable

Record & Measure the results(Dependent Variable)

Control GroupDo not experience the independent variable (Placebo)

Record & Measure the results(Dependent Variable)

Compare the results of the 2 GroupsCome to a conclusion & record your findings

The End