Unit 1 Friendship Angel Child, Dragon Child – Day 1.

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Unit 1 Friendship Angel Child, Dragon Child – Day 1.

  • Unit 1FriendshipAngel Child, Dragon Child Day 1

  • Word Knowledge



    What is the singular form of these words?

  • Word Knowledge

    tilttiltedtiltingwaitwaitedwaitingbowbowedbowingcurvecurvedcurvingtackletackledtacklingThese are all verbs. What is a verb?How do these endings change the meanings?What spelling changes took place when the endings were added?

  • Word Knowledge


    These are base words with comparative endings. How do the endings change the words? What is the difference between er and est?

  • Word Knowledge

    them send next bell edge

    These are all words in the story. They review the /e/ sound spelled e.

  • Word Knowledge

    The American Children tilted back their long noses, laughing.

    I stood and bowed.

    Her hands curved over my shoulders.

    These sentences are from the story. Identify the verbs with -ed and -ing endings.

  • Word Knowledge

    Friends like for you to send them letters in the mail.

    This sentence is from the story. Find the words that contain the /e/ sound.

  • VocabularyTake out your vocabulary folder.We will go over this weeks words. Meaning Part of Speech Synonyms Antonyms

  • Unit 1 Lesson 2 Angel Child, Dragon Child Open Court 2002

  • JangledTo make a loud ringing noisePart of Speech: VerbSynonyms: din, clamor, musicAntonym: quiet

  • TwitteredChattered noisily, sounding like chirping birdsPart of Speech: VerbSynonyms: chirp, cheepAntonym: quiet

  • GleamedSomething bright and shinyPart of Speech: VerbSynonyms: shine, flashAntonym: dull

  • DartedMoved or ran quickly from one place to another placePart of speech: VerbSynonyms: fly, scurry, spring, scamperAntonym: amble

  • ScrawledTo write quickly, but not carefullyPart of Speech: VerbSynonym: scribbleAntonym: write neatly

  • MarginsEmpty spaces at the edge of the page, above, below, to the left and rightPart of Speech: VerbSynonyms: borders, framesAntonym: middle

  • Dont write anything in the ____ of your paper.


  • The squirrel ____ across the road.darted

  • The birds ____ to each other in the trees.twittered

  • The keys ___ in the teachers hand. jangled

  • His car ____ after it was shined with wax.


  • Match vocabulary words with definitions


    A make a loud ringing noiseB chattered noisily like chirping birds C bright and shinyD moved or ran quickly from one place to anotherE wrote quickly but not carefully; scribbledF empty spaces at the edges of a paper


  • Genre Realistic FictionThe characters behave as people do in real life.The setting of the story is a real place or could be a real place.The events in the story could happen in real life.

  • AuthorMichele Maria Surats Angel Child, Dragon Child is Michele Maria Surats first book for children. She teaches high school near Washington, D.C., when she is not writing. The tale of Ut, the main character in this story, began when a Vietnamese student came to Surat with tear-filled eyes and shared a photograph of her mother in Vietnam. Surat wanted to tell the story of the brave students she worked with in hopes of creating an understanding between Vietnamese and American children.

  • IllustratorVo-Dinh Mai Vo-Dinh Mai is an artist and author from Vietnam. He came to the United States when he was twenty-seven years old. Before that he spent time studying art in Paris, France. In addition to painting, Vo-Dinh loves printmaking from woodcuts. He also loves illustraing books and says, I believe hat good illustrations can enrich the mind of a reader, young or old more

  • IllustratorVo-Dinh Mai Vo-Dinh was back in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. He has this to say about how the war affects his art: If anything, the war between Vietnamese and between Vietnamese and Americans has reinforced my faith in the miracle of life.

  • BackgroundVietnam is in Southeast AsiaBeginning in 1957, the country was engaged in a civil war in which the United States became involved. Many Vietnamese people fled their country, going to refugee camps or traveling by boat to new places. more

  • BackgroundMany families were separated during the Vietnam War.In the story, Nguyen (n yen) is the main characters family name.Her given name is Hoa (hw), which means flower.Ut (t) is her nickname, an affectionate term for the youngest daughter.

  • BackgroundHer little brother is named Quang (kwng), and her older sister is named Chi Hai (ch h). Because family ties are very important to Vietnamese people, they put their family name before their given name. This is also the case for the storys illustrator, Vo-Dinh Mai (v din m).

  • Clues, Problems and WonderingsFold a page in your notebook into thirds like I will demonstrate.Label the first column, clues.Label the second column, problems.Label the third column, wonderings.As you read put at least three things in each column.

  • Focus QuestionsWhat might it be like to be in a new school and in a new country?

    How would you make friends if you didnt speak the same language as the rest of your classmates.

  • Whisper ReadWhisper read with your partner. Take turns reading pages.As you read put a sticky note where you have any problems with words or any wonderings about the story.While you read think about connections between your own experiences and the story.

  • After ReadingLets share some of your clues, problems and wonderings.