Unfriended analysis poster

Post on 09-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Unfriended analysis poster

Unfriended poster analysis

Why did I choose this poster? I have chosen to use this film poster because of how they have used modern technology to create a new film. I also have chosen this poster as they do not use a person but instead use an image of a search bar taken from google images.

Anchor text

The tag line for this poster is “this April, revenge comes online” this connotes that the main character is trying to take revenge on another person as they have done bad to they, as the audience we do not know what this is, this entices the audience in and makes they want to watch the film. The anchor text also inform the viewer on when the film comes out. Using the words “online” connotes that social networking will be used and shown in this film.


The masthead for this poster is in capital letters which connotes that the masthead is important to the poster and its important for the audience to know the name the film.

Main image

This is a very unique poster as it does not include a photo of the main character/s. the denotations of this film poster are the fact that to is a web search and half of the text has been typed. The connotes of the web search bar are that it involves using social media on the internet and is a very modern up to date film. Also having a name in the search bar connotes that this persona is the main character also including different words which relate to this persona also informs the viewer about things which made her want to take her own life, finding out so early on that this person commit suicide connotes that it is important to the story line of this film.

Colour scheme

The colours used for this poster are red, black and white. Dark red which is featured in this poster connotes anger rage and strong power. White connotes goodness and often used because it is a neutral colour. Black also connotes dangers and evil. Using these three colours make it clear to the audience that this film is about dark emotions.

What I will take away from this poster

I like how they haven't used a photo of the main character but instead hinted towards who they are. In my own poster I am thinking about using a object such as a touch or something which relates to the plot. another think is that they haven't shown the age rating. I also like how they have used words instead of numbers for the release date.

Main image


Release date

Anchor text/tag line

Film company

Social media link