UNESCO/COL/ICDE Chair in OER: Is open online learning sustainable?

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UNESCO/COL/ICDE Chair in OER: Is open online learning sustainable?

Transcript of UNESCO/COL/ICDE Chair in OER: Is open online learning sustainable?

UNESCO/COL/ICDE Chair in OER: Is open

online learning sustainable?

Rory McGrealAthabasca University

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Some images are fair dealing/fair use


Toronto Sun

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Alberta Diary

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Focus• Stimulating uptake of OER through policy• Building on previous initiatives (eg. OPAL, Olnet)• Through country reports and case studies• Evaluate successful OER


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eMundus EuroProject

MENON Network BE

Leicester U.UK

U. La RiojaES

Fundação de Apoio a Universidade de São Paulo - BR

U Autonoma Metropolitana MX

Open Educational Resources - OER Foundation NZ

Athabasca U - CA

Universitas Siswa Bangsa IN

Moscow U Economics, Statistics & Informatics- RU

Rory McGrealCanada

Fred MulderNetherlands

UNESCO/ICDE Chairsin OER Partners

Wayne MackintoshNew Zealand


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The new technologies are developing at a rapid pace. In the Seychelles Islands of the Indian Ocean, the Australians are known for pulling up their boats alongside a swimming shark, leaning over and easing themselves onto the creature's back. The trick is: They DON'T Let go. No matter where or how fast the shark goes, they have to maintain their grip on the dorsal fin and hang on. Modern technology is like that. It is moving so rapidly and so erratically that all we can do is climb aboard and hang on.

The best way to predict the futureis to invent it now

Arthur L. Costa(Creating the Future)

Four Discontinuities

Barry Gander

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In attempting to understand the position the province was in, provincial representatives looked back at historical experience. In the nineteenth century, (according to Barry Gander) there were four discontinuities. These were technological advances that profoundly altered the economy and culture of the society of the day. The steam engine made modern cities possible. The electric light facilitated working in shifts through the night. Steel made skyscrapers and crowded inner cities possible. And, towards the end of the century, the automobile set the stage for the growth of suburbs and super highways.

The Internet economy has in five years done what it took the auto industry 100 years to do-- Don Listwin ( VP,Cisco Systems)

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Entering the 1890s, more than 40% of the North American economic activity revolved around the horse. But, by 1910 this old economy had already been displaced by the motor car. Old prosperous centres like Georgia where they made carriages and Tennessee where they bred horses gave way to new economic centres that produced cars. Detroit was a backwater that happened to have a large number of oddballs tinkering with engines and the new “horseless carriages”. When investors began to reailze the potential of automobiles they started moving their money into Detroit and its surroundings. The industrial northeast became the centre of the North American economy and drove the world economy into the 20th century. Advanced training technologies represent a majore growth industry. In NB, we have the oddballs “tinkering” aroundwith training software and web courses. We believe that this is the industry that will drive the world economy into the21st century .
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The world economy has changed from one based on manufacturing and transportation to one centred around computers and telecommunications.
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The computers are to thinking what the space shuttle is to walking. Computers expand the power of the human mind exponentially.
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The success of NB arises from an early realization that the advanced training technology sector could become a new growth industry for he province. The province prioritized its resources in order to incubate this new industry.
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The new economy is forcing major changes in the marketplace and in our lives. Those who fear for their jobs do so with reason. When we see major struggles among multi-billion dollar companies for market positions, we have to conclude that something is up. New markets are up for grabs and multinationals and other companies that do not understand this will not survive. National fortunes are at stake. In the present climate, it would be irresponsible of us to pretend that information technology will not effect our educational institutions in as profound a manner as it is effecting the world at large. Personal careers are at risk.

“Not only has abstract knowledge come to the center of the world’s political economy, but there is also a tendency to produce and trade in symbolic significations rather than concrete products. Today knowledge rather than traditional skill is the main productive force.”

- Aronowitz & DiFazio

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Not only has abstract knowledge come to the center of the world’s political economy, but there is also a tenedency to produce and trade in symbolic significations rather than concrete products. Today knowledge rathat than traditional skill is the mai productive force (Aronowitz and Difazio)

“The visible world is no longer a reality and the unseen world is no longer a dream.”

- W.B. YeatsAugustus John

Bits is Bits

Voice Voice



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Negroponte informs us that this new economy is being driven by bits. Many people envision information travlling down a wire as discrete units of voice, data, or images. But, in fact, these three types of information are all made up of bits. It is only the intelligence at the sending and receiving ends that determines what form the bits will take when displayed on a computer monitor.
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Some of the characteristics of bits are that they have zero mass and zero volume. They can be reproduced infinitely at almost no extra cost and they move at the speed of light.

$150 000


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Look at these two memory sticks. One of them is worth $1.50 and the other is worth $50 000. They look just the same. The only difference between them is that the zeroes and ones are rearranged differently.
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The chaos theoreticians tell us tha a butterfly flying over the Miramichi Rive in NB can alter the weather patterns in southern Brazil. This gives us hope that small out-of-the-way places can create major effects. We are no longer insignificant cogz in the indurstrial process, but rather butterflies that can produce significant effects. https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSYAFZFtFZMqCTFGM91O4qLTveXo2SRYmkXAuR9pPkM6wnF_IMy

3 billion Internet connexionsWorld population: 7 billion

40% of the world’s population


Most access Internet with Mobile devices2.3 billion have mobile broadband

Mobile learning

4.5 billion mobile subscriptions1.5 billion mobile internet users

1/3 only access internet via mobile

90% of world population is covered by cellular

More time spent on Internet

with Mobile

than with desktops

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Digital convergence:



Electronic book








Handy 21 Oxygen project MIT



Game player

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Computers on paper and electronic books represent different aspects of a the phenomenon known as pervasive computing, where microchips are being imbedded into common objects. Your refrigerator will be able to talk to your stove. God forbid that they don’t gossip about us. Can you imagine your fridge whispering to your stove: “Oh God! Here comes the fat man again?” Digital convergence is another trend where your cell phone will also house a personal digital assistant, a computer, a calculator, a clock, a fax, an Internet connection for email and web browsing, an electronic book, and even a television. These devices already exist.

Let’s get real!• World economy is online• World economy is global• World is mobileTherefore• Students should be

online, global & mobile

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2025 + 98 million new students

4 universities per week (30k students)British Council & IDP Australia

The Challenge for the 21st Century

Library of Alexandria


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http://www.baltimoreegypt.org/Images/scrools2.jpg Hero: Wikipedia

Medieval University

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TraditionalUniversity Quality Control?

Put a PhD in a classroom

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• + 500 studies• regardless of the technology or media


Traditional Education

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What technology has done more to destroy human community than any other?

Could it be the portable book?

Community or accessibility?

OER Quality: Number of Learners

20 or 2 million?

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OER quality can also be related to the number of learners. What is the “quality” of proprietary course materials used in one class for some twenty students in comparison to an OER that is available and accessed by millions of learners?

Virtual Mobility

Using ICT to connect students in different countries to activities, courses & programmes

Virtual Mobility

Online learning replaces travel even within cities


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“Global competition in telecommunications is an overwhelming and irreversible tide. We can neither go against, alter nor shut out this tide. We will simply be bypassed and rendered irrelevant.”

- Singapore governmentGlobe & Mail Aug 6, 1994



*What? Why? Where? Wow? 47

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educational resources (including curriculum maps, course materials, textbooks, streaming videos, multimedia applications, podcasts, and any other materials that have been designed for use in teaching and learning) that are openly available for use by educators and students, without an accompanying need to pay royalties or licence fees. http://www.dawnmwilliams.com/curriculummapping02.jpg http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSe55NASKLs9sxsKSzFw5cfTF6-i2ZbjXPLReBTxdxGsIq1j3dQrg http://blog.kaltura.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Kaltura-Education-Video-Solutions-Source2.jpg http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTTTSLVz7NYDJHBw9djQptGtgh_gXyJ-8Rp2OsrOBXOqGwKxYwg http://tux4kids.alioth.debian.org/

Changing OER• Mixing – a new resource• Adaption – multiple contexts• Extraction – remove assets• Localisation – change to suit• Translation - other language• Reuse/Repurpose


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Some rights reserved



No derivatives

Toys?Sony’s PSP GO

Mobile phone

CD ShapeGizmondo

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On the other hand, gaming and other play devices have been with us for some time. These are reasonably priced 64 bit computers (twice as powerful as your average desktop!). Game players like the Sony Playstation and the Xbox can be modified to include lessons, educational simulations, games and other learning activities. Athabasca University has successfully taken the Sony Playstation and the Ipod and used it for accessing our digital library. The next generation of game players will have more open systems to allow many more possibilities for learning.

= 2 jiffies or 200 milliseconds

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Has anyone heard of a unit of measure called a “twitch”? A twitch is a unit of measure in electronic game design. It is equivalent to 1/200th of a millisecond. In this time, electrons travelling on a wire can travel 13 000 miles. What does this tell us? -- That God in his or her infinite wisdom designed the world perfectly for playing video games.

Why OER?• DRM (digital rights management)• Digital licenses

DRM (Digital Rights Management)

You CANNOT• Copy & paste, annotate, highlight• Text to speech• Format change• Move material • Print out• Move geographically• Use after expiry date• Resell

• DRM restricts our freedom

• Can we not own & control our own property?

But our device is our PROPERTY


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http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3276/3008950250_270b214478_o.png http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2a/Lock_PD.png http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/295/d/1/tablet_png_by_mario_editions-d5ikhga.png http://openclipart.org/image/800px/svg_to_png/174484/Red_Cross.png
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http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3276/3008950250_270b214478_o.png http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2a/Lock_PD.png http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/295/d/1/tablet_png_by_mario_editions-d5ikhga.png


Digital Licenses•Copy & paste, annotate, highlight• Text to speech or hyperlink• Format change• Move material to another computer• Print out• Move geographically• Use after expiry date• Resell

• Prohibited to show your content to others • Must accept that you have NO rights

• Owners have NO liability even if product doesn’t work• Owners can “invade” your computer without permission• Collect & use personal data• User has a “privilege” to use the product not own it

Open ETextbooks•Copy & paste, annotate, highlight √• Text to speech or hyperlink √• Format change √• Move material to other computer √• Print out √• Move geographically √• No expiry date √• Reuse/Remix/Mash √

•Retain privacy and digital rights √√

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Access Rights?Vendors can control how, when, where, and with what specific brands of technological assistance audiences are able to access content

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Canadian copyright to not only including "moral rights" and "mass-copying rights" (commercial uses of copyrighted works), but now to "access rights" where copyright holders are presumed to be able to control how, when, and with what specific brands of technological assistance audiences are able to access copyrighted material. I strongly believe we should be going the opposite direction, mandating that copyright not be allowed to be abused to dictate to audiences any aspect of their own personal technology choices. I believe that any 'hardware assist' for communications, whether it be eye-glasses, VCR's, or personal computers, must be under the control of the citizen and not a third party.

• student owns nothing, can share nothing, save nothing, sell nothing• subscription ends – ALL ends•publishers own student data, notes, highlights• students can’t transfer data

Commercial Learning Service or Rent-a-book

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US Version per month+20 000 movies $ 7.99

+45 000 TV shows $ 7.99

+15 000 000 songs $ 9.99

TOTAL $25.97

ONE Biology text $20.25

-David Wiley

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When you subscribe to content through a digital service, the publisher achieves complete and perfect control over you and your use of their content

-- David Wiley

Attack on Personal Property

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Openness is the skeleton key that unlocks every attempt at vendor control and lock in

D. Wiley

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http://wikieducator.org/images/thumb/e/e9/OER-Theory-of-action.jpg/750px-OER-Theory-of-action.jpg http://images.pictureshunt.com/pics/y/yellow_stars-2185.jpg



Creating using & sharing OER


Fred Mulder

PhD in the study of OER

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Global OER Graduate(School) Network


1 expand the OER research base2 good quality PhD trajectories3 universities around the world4 global learning network5 free and easy access to the generated


Susan D’Antoni

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2008: CCK08Stephen Downes, George SiemensThe First Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)


G. Siemens


2007: The Wiley Wiki

An Open Course based in a wiki

Participants from around the world contributed to the creation of the course

G. Siemens


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2007: Alec CourosSocial Media and Open EducationOpen online course sessions with guest experts from around the world G. Siemens


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Why is CCK08 the First MOOC?

It combines open content (Wiley) and open teaching (Couros)

But also…




Supporting Mobile Learning Technology

Inge de Waard

G. Siemens


AI-Class: Redefining Massive

More than 100,000 people signed up for pre-registration

http://www.ai-class.com/ 82

ITC 23%

Arts 28%


Statement of Accomplishment“ . . . You may not use as part of any tuition-

based or for-credit certification or program . .“

• “the real squeeze exerted by MOOCs may not be on the campus F2F learning format, but rather on the paid-for online formats”

Haggard, S. (2013, September). Maturing of the MOOC Vol. Research Paper number 130.Retrieved from www.gov.uk/bis

2014MOOCs: Expectations & Reality

• FREE MOOCs only from wealthy institutions • MOOCs are NOT “democratizing” education • MOOC costs: $39K to $325K• Online & hybrid learning is here to stay• MOOCs catalyzed shift supporting Elearning

F. Hollands & D. Tirthali

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Hollands, F. M., & Tirthali, D. (2014). MOOCs: expectations and reality. Full report. Center for Benefit- Cost Studies of Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, NY. Retrieved from: http://cbcse.org/wordpress/wpcontent/ uploads/2014/05/MOOCs_Expectations_and_Reality.pdf Free, non-credit bearing MOOCs only from wealthy institutions that can subsidize the costs from other sources of funds MOOCs are NOT “democratizing” education and may, for now, be doing more to increase gaps in access to education than to diminish them Based on cost analyses of MOOC production and delivery at four institutions, total cost estimates per MOOC were $39,000 to $325,300. Whether MOOCs, as they currently stand, persist into the future is certainly debatable, but there is no doubt that online and hybrid learning is here to stay and that MOOCs have catalyzed a shift in stance by some of the most strongly branded institutions in the United States and abroad. Read MOOCs: Expectations and Realities. The Full Report for the complete answer to this key question and others

M. Caulfield


Peer learning

Formal assessment

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• Anti-MOOC• Mini-MOOC

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• Learners who access OER and acquire knowledge/skills cannot have their learning assessed and accredited

• OER Pathways• +30 institutions/orgs on 5 continents

Anti-MOOC:• Public universities• Open enrollment & OPEN CONTENT• Education 1st not profit• Useful credential

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Mini-MOOC model?• OER first lessons • Assessment/accreditation for $50• Award 1 credit? (3 credits = 1 semester

course)• Recruit students to pay fee for final two


•Present systems• are unsustainable• are not scalable

•NEED: cost-effective learning systems with quality

•MOOCs are part of any solution

• How many learners??

The view from an OERu partner

Traditional modelTraditional model OERu model


Friesen & Murray


Challenge for Credit• Assessment

– computerized testing– Multiple-choice & essays– peer assessment?– portfolios– projects

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A sustainable MOOC scenario?

• Course price: $650• Course cost: $600• Profit: $ 50• Challenge exam price: $150• Challenge exam cost: $ 50• Profit: $100

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What’s wrong with cost-effectiveness?

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• “Affordability in the future may be the first requirement not an afterthought.” Whitesides (2011)

The race may not be to the swift, but to the cheap

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The race may not be to the swift, but to the cheap http://pubs.acs.org/cen/_img/85/i13/8513cov2_friedmancxd.jpg We think there is opportunity (and accompanying challenge) for educational institutions to be early adopters of low cost and no-frills model to avoid the ongoing spiral of increased costs coupled with decreased government funding and increasing student resistance and incapacity to pay high tuition fees. To make such a transition challenges many of the traditional ideals and systems of higher education institutions based on pre-net ideals and technologies. Many will fail to adapt and go out of business; some may continue serving an elite that can afford the high costs.   The open universities have a particular challenge and opportunity to embrace these disruptive technologies and pedagogies as these initiatives speak directly to their mandate of increasing access. If both public campuses and online systems do not adapt and move to exploit these network affordances, then it leaves a tremendous opportunity that can be filled by private, for profit entrepreneurs. Whitesides (2011) tells that the race may not be to the swift, but to the cheap, noting that "affordability in the future may be the first requirement not an afterthought."

The restriction of the commons by patents, copyright, and databases is not in the interests of society and unduly hampers scientific endeavour.

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“On the part of rich countries there is excessive zeal for protecting knowledge through an unduly rigid assertion of the right to intellectual property . . .”

- Pope Benedict XVI

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http://www.keionline.org/blogs/2009/07/07/pope-ipr/ “Encyclical Letter Caritas In Veritate Of The Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI To The Bishops Priests And Deacons Men And Women Religious The Lay Faithful And All People Of Good Will On Integral Human Development In Charity And Truth,” June 29, 2009. http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/encyclicals/documents/hf_ben-xvi_enc_20090629_caritas-in-veritate_en.html

“On the part of rich countries there is excessive zeal for protecting knowledge through an unduly rigid assertion of the right to intellectual property . . .”

- Pope Benedict XVI

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http://www.keionline.org/blogs/2009/07/07/pope-ipr/ “Encyclical Letter Caritas In Veritate Of The Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI To The Bishops Priests And Deacons Men And Women Religious The Lay Faithful And All People Of Good Will On Integral Human Development In Charity And Truth,” June 29, 2009. http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/encyclicals/documents/hf_ben-xvi_enc_20090629_caritas-in-veritate_en.html
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The changes are happening very rapidly and are very worrisome. But do not be alarmed. If you are not confused, you do not understand what is happening. When the world is confusing, confusion is an understandable feeling. In the present situation,people who know exactly what they are doing are very dangerous. They are either charlatans or fools.

"Let's put all this hype about change and transformation in perspective. It's underhyped."

"There's something coming after us, and I imagine it is something wonderful.” "

Danny Hillis, Wired


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Danny Hillis reminds us "Let's put all this hype about change and transformation in perspective. It's underhyped.“ He continues: "There's something coming after us, and I imagine it is something wonderful.” François Tavenas, past rector of Laval University warns: “Change is mandatory, survival is an option. Make the right choice.” François Tavenas, ancien recteur de l’Université Laval
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To conclude, there is a story that if you put a frog in cold water and slowly heat it up, he won’t jump out even when the water is boiling. By this time, his legs are cooked and he cannot jump. The new technology is like that bubbling all around us. At some point, we have to jump or we are cooked!

So, let’s wake up and smell the coffee

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