Understanding Uric Acid Diet

Post on 07-May-2015

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http://curegoutpainnow.com The best long term results are obtained by eating a properly planned uric acid diet. Any diet plan that is prescribed for gout patients must be able to reduce the level of uric acid in the blood.

Transcript of Understanding Uric Acid Diet

Understanding Uric Acid Diet

A uric acid diet is of vital importance to the gout sufferer.

High levels of uric acid in blood leads to the painful condition of gout.

The uric acid crystallizes out of the blood and deposits into the joints, causing incredible

pain and swelling of the area.

Many forms of treatment are prescribed for gout, but the best long term results

are obtained by eating a properly planned uric acid diet.

Any diet plan that is prescribed for gout patients must be able to reduce the level of

uric acid in the blood and must also be able to help in the dissolving the urate crystals and

push them out of the body.

Uric acid is a by-product of the metabolism process and is produced mainly during the breaking up of purines we take in our food.

If the food we eat contains too much purine, the purine cannot be utilized by the body and

is degraded into uric acid.

Once the uric acid concentrations get too high then gout problems begin.

A uric acid diet aims at reducing the amount of purines taken in your food.

A gout patient must reduce the amount of seafood and red meat in their diet as these foods

are rich in purines.

Totally avoid taking shellfish like scallop, shrimp, oyster and clam, and particularly avoid eating

offal such as liver, kidney or brain.

Some studies say that people who eat these foods are 50% more likely to have gout than

those who don’t.

Certain vegetables that are classified as dark green leafy vegetables like cauliflower,

mushrooms, asparagus and spinach also contain liberal mounts of purines and hence

must be limited in your uric acid diet.

However they do have other health benefits so can be included in moderation.

Dairy products are found to be good for gout and hence your diet for uric acid should

contain milk, yogurt and cheese.

These are good for bones due to rich calcium content, and they are especially good for gout

patients due to the low purine content.

Low fat options are the better choice.

Alcohol is one of the most likely causes of gout and your intake must be reduced.

Alcohol itself does not contain large amounts of purine (with the exception of some beers), but alcohol modifies the metabolic processes and

can lead to higher retention of uric acid.

The uric acid diet always aims to hydrate your body enough to help it dilute the uric acid and the monosodium urate crystals formed out of

it and excrete the same through urine.

For this your diet plan must be able to provide for enough fluids to be taken in.

Try to take at least 3 liters of water and other fluids daily.

Water and fluids are good for the overall health and it can help eliminate the toxins

accumulated in the body.

Many vegetables and fruits like cherries, black bean, celery seeds, apples, and banana are found to be good for gout patients and so

the uric acid diet planed for you should contain these foods.

Being overweight is a very significant factor in gout.

Overweight people are much more likely to get gout symptoms.

The uric acid diet, by increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables, replacing alcohol

with water, and generally being a healthier diet, will assist in weight loss.

However care must be taken to lose weight slowly as rapid weight loss can cause ketosis

which may set off a gout attack.

If you combine a good uric acid diet with a proper exercise regimen, you will significantly

lower your risk of future gout attacks.

Remember that if left untreated gout will continue to worsen and can even become a

permanent problem.

For more details and information to get rid of gout forever,

visit curegoutpainnow.com