Understanding and engaging in the international … 25th August/Plenary Session... · regulation of...

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Understanding and engaging in the internationalregulation of agricultural biotechnologies –

The Public Research and Regulation Initiative

ABIC2008, Cork, Ireland

Piet van der Meer, Executive Secretary PRRI

Background – why PRRI ? Activities 2004 – 2008 Future Activities Lessons learned



The world community faces escalating developments in termspopulation growth, changing diets, loss of arable land, climatechange and environmental degradation.

These developments demand, among other things, that we producemore crop per hectare, more crop per litre of water, using lesshazardous pesticides and fertilisers and causing less soil erosion.

These challenges cannot be solved by conventional approachesalone.

Modern biotechnology, although no ‘silver bullet ‘, can contributesignificantly to addressing these challenges.

PRRI - Background

Tens of thousands public sector scientists worldwide conductbiotechnological research to strengthen sustainable agriculturalproduction, improved health care and environmental protection.

National policies and regulations define which role public researchshould and can play.

International agreements, such as the Cartagena Protocol onBiosafety, steer national policies and regulations.

For long, public researchers working in modern biotechnologyhave not been represented in international negotiations


The voice of public research has not been brought to thenegotiation table in an organised way

Confirmation of the misperception that modern biotechnology is thedomain of a handful big multinationals.

PRRI - Background

PRRI is established in 2004 with the objective to offer a forum forpublic researchers involved in biotechnology through which they areinformed about and can participate in international negotiations thatare relevant to biotechnology.

PRRI aims to:1. Educate public researchers about international regulations2. Bring science to international negotiations as well as views on the

impacts of regulations on public research

The Public Research and Regulation Initiative (PRRI)

Planting the seed - (2004)Raising awareness in international meetings

Germination (2005 – 2006)‘Try out ‘ participation in two “MOPs”

Growing and branching - (2006 – 2008)

PRRI - the first four years

Raising awareness at international meetings:

ABIC 2004, (September 2004, Germany) 8th IBRS conference (September 2004, France) 'Plants for the Future', (October 2004, Belgium) NAS ‘Global Challenges’ (October 2004, USA) Plant Made Pharmaceuticals (Feb. 2005, Canada) Bio2005 (June 2005, USA)

2004 – 2005: Raising Awareness

Introductory seminar, March 2005, Donald Danforth Center, USA

MOP2, June 2005, Montreal, Canada 30 PRRI participants from 21countries

MOP3, March 2006, Curitiba, Brazil 40 PRRI participants from 25 countries

2005 – 2006: Try Out Phase


Public researchers understand the importance of participating innegotiations and are prepared to volunteer time and resources.

PRRI participation in negotiations makes a difference.

PRRI is here to stay.

PRRI - Try Out Phase


Expansion of number of PRRI members Expansion of the Steering Committee Support from the European Commission for 2006-2009 Full time Secretariat Working groups for specific topics MoUs with like minded organisations Publications: website, newsletters, briefing papers

2006 – 2008: growing and branching

Steering Committee Dr. Nevena Alexandrova, Bulgaria Em. Prof Klaus Ammann, NL Dr. Roger N. Beachy, United States Prof. Yaroslav Blume, Ukraine Dr. Premendra D. Dwivedi, India Dr. Ismail El Hadrami, Marocco Dr. Christian Fatokun, Nigeria Prof. Behzad Ghareyazie, Iran Dr. Desiree Hautea, The Philippines Prof. Calestous Juma, United States

Prof. Julian Kinderlerer, South AfricaDr. Charles Mugoya, UgandaProf. Magdy Madkour, EgyptDr. Zaida Lentini, ColombiaDr. Susana Sirvas-Cornejo, PeruDr. Natalia Stepanova, RussiaProf. Paul S. Teng, Nanyang, SingaporeEm Prof. Marc Van Montagu (Chair)Dr. Arnoldo Ventura, Jamaica

PRRI - organisation

FORUM: Over 250 members

PRRI Working Groups:

Public Sector Research Biosafety Protocol & Biodiversity Convention Aarhus Convention EU Directives and Regulations Risk Assessment and Risk Management Legal issues, e.g. Liability GURTS GM Trees Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Communication

PRRI - organisation

Memoranda of Collaboration with other organisations

FARA (Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa) BSBA (Black Sea Biotechnology Association ) IFPRI (The International Food Policy Research Institute) EFB (European Federation on Biotechnology) ANBio (Associaçao Nacional de Biossegurança)

PRRI - organisation


Public research institutes Governments European Commission (2006-2009) International organisations and institutions Private sector

Annual budgets and donors published on the PRRI website

PRRI - Funding


Beyond the Cartagena Protocol

Beyond biosafety

Beyond international instruments

Assisting in complying with international regulations

New projects: The Ask-Force, The ABC-Database

2006 – 2008: growing and branching

Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB)

MOP4, 12 –16 May 2008, Bonn, Germany

Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

COP9, 19-30 May 2008, Bonn, Germany

PRRI - Beyond the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

Preparation: June 2006 - April 2008:

Regional PRRI preparatory meetings Participating in intersessional CPB and CBD meetings

PRRI participation in MOP4 and COP9

PRRI preparation for MOP4 and COP9

PRRI regional preparatory meetings, e.g:

Africa,Johannesburg, in collaboration with FARA and AfricaBio,and in conjunction with the FARA Science Week, 11 June 2007

Europe, Barcelona, in collaboration with the EFB, in conjunctionwith the ECB, 17 September 2007

North America, Davis, in collaboration with Seed BiotechnologyCenter’s international seed meeting, 17 September 2007

Latin America, Ouro Preto, in collaboration with ANBio, inconjunction with the V Biosafety Congress, 21 September 2007

Participation in CPB and CBD intersessional meetings:

Fourth meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity-building for Biosafety, 26 February - 2 March2007, Lusaka, Zambia.

The Second International Meeting of Academic Institutions and Organizations Involved in BiosafetyEducation and Training, 16 - 18 April 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Canada Norway Expert Workshop on Risk Assessment for Future Applications of ModernBiotechnology, 4-6 June Montreal, Canada

Twelfth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, 2- 6 July2007 - UNESCO, Paris, France.

Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group of Legal and Technical Experts on Liability and Redress in thecontext of the Protocol, 22-26 October 2007, Montreal, Canada

Fifth meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity-building for Biosafety, 14 - 15 February 2008, NewDelhi, India

Thirteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice(SBSTTA 13), 18 - 22 Feb 2008, Rome, Italy

Fifth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group of Legal and Technical Experts on Liabilityand Redress in the context of the Protocol, 12 - 19 Mar 2008, Cartagena, Colombia

Asia Sub-Regional Workshop on Capacity-Building and Exchange of Experiences on RiskAssessment and Risk Management of Living Modified Organisms, 7 - 9 April 2008, Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia

PRRI preparation for MOP4 and COP9

PRRI participation in MOP4 and COP9

PRRI preparatory weekend before MOP4 and COP9:

Introduction to the Cartagena Protocol and the BiodiversityConvention

Introduction to MOPs and COPs

Discussion of the agenda items of MOP4 and COP9, preparationof PRRI statements

Preparation of the PRRI side events at MOP4 and COP9

Coordination of PRRI’s participation in MOP4 and COP9

PRRI participation in MOP4 and COP9

Over 40 Researchers in MOP4 and 10 in COP9

Making interventions Meeting with other delegations Organising PRRI side-events Attending side-events organised by others Informal discussions with delegates Providing information at PRRI stand Contacts with media Daily coordination meetings

Public Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice inEnvironmental matters – Aarhus Convention

Intellectual Property Rights – WIPO

Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) – Biodiversity Convention

Food safety : Codex Alimentarius Commission

PRRI - Beyond Biosafety

Engaging in discussions with other organisations, such as:

European Commission, European Parliament



PRRI - Beyond International Instruments

Letter to the European Commission & European Parliament:

Despite EU rules and in spite of EFSA conclusions that theGMOs assessed are unlikely to have adverse effects, the EFSAopinions have been ignored for political reasons.

Detrimental impacts inside the EU: to credibility of the EUregulations, to sustainable agriculture and to R&D in Europe

Detrimental impacts outside the EU, to the production of cash cropsin developing countries for export to the EU, to EUs role in takingon a greater share of world food production.

PRRI - Beyond International Instruments

PRRI’s letter on the IAASTD synthesis report 2007:

IAASTD is a unique international effort in terms scope, size, budget,human resources and support on international level, that will frequentlyserve as a reference point in the future.

IAASTD should have explored how agricultural biotechnology cancontribute to reducing hunger and poverty, improving health andlivelihoods, and facilitating sustainable agriculture.

PRRI - Beyond International Instruments

However, instead, the chapter on biotechnology shows a lack ofunderstanding of the potential of biotechnology and a bias againstbiotechnology. Experts on agricultural biotechnology wereunderrepresented in the process.

In addition, the chapter deals almost exclusively with the private sector,and says little about public sector biotechnology research .

PRRI urged that the chapter on biotechnology IAASTD be entirelyrewritten by a group of experts in the various fields

PRRI - Beyond International Instruments

NGOs: e.g.: letter to Friends of the Earth:

Funding: There is nothing wrong with funding by the private sector;the Parties to the Protocol always call upon the private sector tocontribute to capacity building. PRRI accepts all contributions thatcome without strings.

Positions: A position is not invalid simply because it is similar to aposition of the private sector. No group in this field has a monopolyon good intentions regarding the environment. Intolerance of otherapproaches to achieving these goals does not encourage the publicto make thoughtful, informed decisions.

PRRI - Beyond International Instruments

For example: complying with the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety:

1. Explain the purpose of the CPB:

To allow countries without biosafety regulations in place tomake informed decisions on import of GMOs

Harmonisation of definitions and risk assessment

2. PRRI Guide on producing notifications and risk assessments forreleases of GMOs in the environment - updated version early 2009

Assisting compliance with international regulations

New Projects

ABC – Database

Ask Force

PRRI – New Projects

ABC - Database

The Agricultural Biotechnology Capacity Database

Web-based database of agricultural biotechnology R&D activitiesin public research institutions

Collaboration between the International Food Policy ResearchInstitute (IFPRI) and PRRI

See www.pubresreg.org -

‘Ask Force’

Address frequentlyquoted misperceptionsabout science.

Contact: Prof. KlausAmmann

Participating in international negotiations makes sense

Participation only makes sense if “full fledged”, i.e. Participate in preparatory meetings Sufficiently large numbers of PRRI participants Monitor all fora that are relevant to the topic

Coordinate with like minded groups

Coordinate but do not “over-organise”

PRRI – lessons learned

Joining PRRI: www.pubresreg.org