Understand Al Qur'an Academy - Understand Quran … Data/Newsletters/UQA_India_Januar… · Tamil...

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Transcript of Understand Al Qur'an Academy - Understand Quran … Data/Newsletters/UQA_India_Januar… · Tamil...

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From Director's Desk

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Assalam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

The most exciting news for this month is that finally, Alhamdulillah, we have our Telugu book of course-1 (Understand Salah and the Qur’an – the Easy way) ready and printed. Our head office is in Hyderabad and it is our duty to reach out to the local people who speak Telugu. I request all those brothers who are from Telugu speaking regions and know friends, institutions, schools, masajid, organizations, etc. who speak in Telugu in their daily dealings to take our product there, introduce it, promote it, and sponsor it, if possible. Alhamdulillah, our activities are expanding. Most important among them is the development of Indian portal (understandquran.co.in). It is specially designed to help Indian audience get access to our materials at a very low/affordable price. It will inshaAllah have many other features specific to Indian audience such as teachers discussion forum etc. Very soon, we will have it ready. Please pray for its success. Please remember us in your prayers. Abdulazeez Abdulraheem For more details you can write to us at: understandquran.newsletter@gmail.com May Allah bless us with sincerity, help us do the best and accept it from us, aameen. Wassalam

What’s inside in this Newsletter!

1. UQA syllabus in 78 Schools 2. UQA syllabus in 2 Madaaris: 3. UQA syllabus in 14 Study Circles 4. Teachers’ Training Courses (TTC) – Trained 1200 teachers so far 5. Activities at Hyderabad Head Office: 6. Research & Development at UQA 7. Selected photos of some of our activities

Understand Al Qur'an Academy

All course materials are available at: www.understandquran.co.in



January - 2015


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1. UQA syllabus in 78 Schools

Alhamdulillah! The list of Indian Schools is increasing. We would have reached all schools, had we had more resources! We ask Allah to bless us with more resources. Following is the number of schools in different states. Within brackets, cities are shown:

Telangana: 49 (Hyderabad: 48; Mahboobnagar: 1)

Andhra: 1 (Vishakapatnam: 1)

Maharashtra: 11 (Mumbai: 5, Aurangabad: 3; Nanded: 3)

Karnataka: 1 (Bidar:1)

West Bengal: 1 (Calcutta: 1)

Rajasthan: 1 ()

Tamil Nadu: 4 (Chennai: 4)

Uttar Pradesh: 8 (Moradabad: 5; Lukhnow: 1; Rampur: 2)

Delhi: 2

2. UQA syllabus in 2 Madaaris:

Courses have been conducted in Madaaris

Two Madasas have adopted it as syllabus We request you to introduce our course in Madaaris that you are familiar with. It will inshaAllah make their start of Arabic learning very easy, smooth, and interesting.

3. UQA syllabus in 14 Study Circles

Qur’an Study Circles are informal small groups, mostly ladies gather weekly basis to study UQA Courses. By this program, UQA has been able to reach out to 100’s of Muslim homes with the message of Holy Qur’an in past few years. Huge enthusiasm is witnessed among the attendees. These Study Circles are run for Read Qur’an and Understand Qur’an courses (SC -1 & SC -2).

Telangana: 6 (Hyderabad: 6)

Andhra: 1 (Guntur: 1)

Maharashtra: 2 (Mumbai: 2)

Uttar Pradesh: 2 (Kanpur: 2)

West Bengal: 1 (Calcutta: 1)

Tamil Nadu: 1 (Chennai: 1)

Kerala: 1 ()

4. Teachers’ Training Courses (TTC) – Trained 1200 teachers so far

This month we have run 25th TTC at UQA Head Office for Understand Qur’an as well as Read Qur’an.

The demand for TTC is so huge that the Year-2015 is almost booked. Reason: Very few trainers. We need sponsors for more trainers .

5. Activities at Hyderabad Head Office:

Weekly Teachers’ Training (every Friday).

NLP in Classrooms Training Sessions

Spoken English classes for all teachers and staff.

Regular inspection of the teachers at schools.

Promotion for our courses in Schools & Madaris

Parents workshops and their counselling at various schools

Online Teachers’ Training Course is in Progress

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Staff at Hyderabad Head Office: Teachers at Hyderabad: 35 (includes volunteers/sponsored)

Total Staff at Hyderabad: 30 (Administrators: 2; Scholars in R&D: 6; Sales & Distribution: 3; Trainers for Study Circles and Teachers’ Training Program: 7; Promotion & marketing: 2; HR: 2; Accounts: 3; IT and website: 5. It includes volunteers)

6. Research & Development at UQA

Number of projects completed

Scratch Card for Indian website (understandquran.co.in) (IT Team)

Design & Printing Telugu Book

Urdu Translation of TTC manual

Design & Printing of Calendar for Year 2015

Number of Ongoing Projects

Development of Understand Quran Indian portal (IT Team)

Learn Quran mobile app for Indian audience (IT Team)

SC-1 for children

Development of revised version of SC-2 (based on supplications)

Teachers’ Training Manual for school teachers

Islamic Studies syllabus to complement UQ so that a Qur’an-Centric Islamic Studies syllabus is developed.

Full Course Grammar strategy : to cover all basic Arabic Grammar rules; step by step; one rule for one page of the Qur’an.

Full Course PPTs for Al-Baqarah – These are used for producing 5 min videos of full course.

Pointers-Phrases-Meanings-Grammar (PPMG) sheets/booklet – A new vocabulary system for remembering the meanings and message of the Qur’an.

Read Al-Quran (RQ) in Arabic font – for International students

Quran Fluency course – to help children and adults increase their fluency while reading the Qur’an

Read Al-Quran (RQ) Hindi (60%)

English phrase-for-phrase translation of the Qur’an. Instead of word-for-word, phrases are selected in this one so that easy words are joined together. This makes the study simpler and smooth.

SC-1 course in Marathi

Urdu word-for-word translation of the Quran

Future Projects

81% Booklet

RQ-Hindi Video

Mushaf with Tajweed and selected meanings

RQ Telugu

SC-1 Hindi Video Recording

To translate Khawatir- Qurania by Amr Khalid

To translate TaleemTadabbur Quran by Dr Hashim Al-Ahdal

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7. Selected photos of some of our activities

25th Teachers’ Training Program (TTC)

Conducted at the UQA Head Office, Hyderabad

School Programs at Chennai & Calicut University

Our Chennai Branch is working at its maximum potential to reach out to various sections of the society.

To help them in their endeavor, Br Abdulraheem Nayeemuddin (Head of Global Promotion) from UQA

Headoffice has been assigned to assist them in promotion and marketing in schools, madaris, masajids

and other NGOs. Some of the programs conducted in Chennai and at Calicut University are shown in the

following pictures.

RQ class at ISLC Chennai by Br. Abdul Raheem

SC-1 for Teachers at Crescent Girls H.S, Chennai

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UQ Introduction at Iqra School, Ptalam, Chennai

UQ Practice through Dr. Sahab Video, Calicut

Trainee Demonstration at Calicut University

Students taking RQ Exam at University of Calicut

School Programs & Weekend Classes at Hyderabad

Following Pictures show Br. Afzal Ahmed is taking RQ and UQA Course classes in the schools

named below and also the week end (Sunday class for adults) at Moghalpura study circle.

Boys Class at Hyd. Mission School Shaalibanda

Girls Class at Alliance Intl. School Golconda

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Weekend ( Sunday) Class for Adults at Moghalpura

Weekend (Sunday) Class for Ladies,


Arabic Madarsas: Following Picture shows classes of UQA Course at Fatima Niswan Darul uloom Adilabad

at Fatima Niswan Darul uloom Adilabad

at Fatima Niswan Darul uloom Adilabad

Study Circle

SC-1 /teaching by a Sister

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Tap the Genius - Memory Class by Zafar Mahmood, UQA’s new expert trainer, at Hyderabad

Br. Zafer Mahmood (a soft skill Trainer) is seen in the below pictures taking Classes in various

schools to enhance the Memory & Mind Power of the students by taping the Genius. Workshop

is in progress in New Era High School.

Training Class at New Era Mission School Saidabad

Training Class at St. Maaz School Saidabad

Memory Class at Hyderabad Islamic School


Memory class at New Era Mission Saidabad

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Spoken English Class:

Spoken English Classes Many schools require English as a medium of teaching the Qur’an. For this reason,

UQA has appointed our staff member Br. Ansar Ahmed Siddiqui as a trainer of English to upgrade the standard of

those who are in need of it. At present two batches of Spoken English are in progress at UQA Head office,


English class