undergrad portfolio

Post on 16-Mar-2016

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work produced at FIU

Transcript of undergrad portfolio

  • + FERNANDO HERRERA243 Sundhine Dr. Coconut Creek FL 33066 / 954.805.6785 / fherr001@fiu.edu

    + EDUCATIONFlorida International University B.A. of Architecture [Aug 2003 - May 2010]Miami Dade College, design studios 1-4 [Jan 2004 - May 2005]

    + AWARDS AND HONORSMDC Sustainabilty In Urban Design Competition (1st place)The National Deans List [2006 - 2007]

    + WORK EXPERIENCECSA GROUP INC. ASSISTANT PROJECT MANAGER [Sep 2006 - Apr 2009]Design-Build office of 50 employees geared towards government projects consisting of schematic design, additions, and renovations. Held responsabilities in schematic design, construction documents and project management. Project manager tasks included construction site visits / ispections, conducting meetingswith clients and contractors and closing out projects.

    CURE ARQUITECTOS, INTERN JUNIOR DESIGNER [ May 2006 - Aug 2006]Small office of 8 employees based in Bogota Colombia. Worked on schematic designs and renderings for a Carrefur chain store. Also worked on schematic designs for a new hospital in Barranquilla Colombia.

    + LEADERSHIPAIAS FIU CHAPTER PRESIDENT [Aug 2007 - Aug 2008]In Time as president : Reinitiated the FIU chapter / Hosted workshops in various com-puter programs for students / Brought guest lecturer from Spine 3D, Initiated process to architectural supply store to campus

    + RELEVANT SKILLSProefficient 3D modeling in: Maya, Rhino, Cad, 3ds MaxProefficient rendering in: Illustrator, photoshop, after effectsProefficient in web design using Flash.

    + OTHER INTERESTSIllustration, Photograpgy, Film making, Carpentry

  • D.5



    Digital Fabrications

    Computer Modeling

    Computer Applications in Design

    ARC 4324

    ARC 4335

    ARC 4342

    ARC 4185

    ARC 3485

    ARC 4058

  • DESIGN DISTRICTlibrary + gallery

  • DESIGN DISTRICTlibrary + gallery

    design district library


    This library is located in the heart of Miamis design district. The program demands for flex-ibility since at night and weekends the district becomes flooded with art aficionados and exhibition spaces draw artists and patrons. Along with containing a 50,000 book collection and computer labs the library is geared to host large outdoor gatherings with over 40,000 sq ft of open space. The library sweeps around a central courtyard and concludes bifocated to an open space at the main entrance communicating with a large exhibition yard across the street.

  • design district library

  • design district library

    SITE REACTIONSdesign district library

    The design districts unique urban fabric is aknowledged on the site through the programatic arrangement. The librarys arrangement is a conversation materialized between the large communal space across the street and the plant nursery that once employed the site. The roof garden ribbon underwhich the book collection is located is at once vestige of the former plant nursery and a pronounced reaction to pedestrian flows. Rhythms reflected by said flows materialize in the shelv-ing organization in the collection pace. This theme is carried over to other programatic components creating further urban openings.

    gatherings flow and stitches stitching defrag.

  • design district library

    general collection

    metalic envelope

    roof garden

    truss system

    managorial offices

    exhibition space

    computer labs

    anatomy + composition

  • design district library

    COMPOSITION + PLANSdesign district library

  • design district library

    The manigorial offices and storage rooms run along the perimeter leg of the library

    The first floor of the perimeter leg contains gallery space

  • design district library

    The general book collection is located be-neath the garden ribbon. The 6,000 sq foot area contains 80% of the book collection

    The media center/computer lab is placed in the middle leg of the library

    The childrens book collection is situated on the garden ribbon toprovide the kids access the garden

    SECTIONdesign district library

  • level 1

    level 1

  • level 3level 2

    PLANSdesign district library

  • NORTH MIAMI BEACHart studios + housing

  • NORTH MIAMI BEACHart studios + housing

    D.6art studios + housing

    The site is perched on the intercoastal of the Miami beach island strip facing the Miami main-land. The scope of the project is to house Mad-dame X (art collector) and the eight artists she invites annually to create work for her to display. The artists are provided a living unit with all the necessary living accomodations. They are also afforded a communal work space as their studio. Maddame Xs house is docked on the water separated from the working realm by a pair of cat walks. The house is paired with an exibition gallery where she hosts exhibitions of the work produced by her annual guests.

  • art studios + housing

    pulled lacerations skin lacerations skin folds

    lacerations allow for light to penetrate the skin around the communal areas where the artists are afforded studio space

    skin contractions of the communal spaces reflect programatic pulsations

    with different desired amounts of natural lighting, the lacerations are pulled to differ-ent widths accordingly

    shell + unit geometry

  • art studios + housing


    horizontal + vertical loops Loops applied to the ejected slots are employed to add width and hight to the living units.

    FORM DEVELOPMENTart studios + housing

    The artists lodging is comprised of several parts that are self sustaining and can be easily transported for a speedy assembly on site. The buildings scope reflects an ephemeral sensibility, and the build-ings techtonics inherit this theme. The programatic organization and aesthetics through the relationship between shell and units, allude to the idea of temporarily trapping parts that are making their way through space and time.

  • art studios + housing

    circulation paths

    living units

    commons shell

    common studio spaces

    composition + organization

    The primary source for circulation is an atrium space that pertrudes just past the dermis of the shell revealing itself to water. Centrally located, this multilevel void pulsates activity out into the intercoastal nightscape as it is the primary source of outward lighting.

  • art studios + housing


    residence platform

    residence enclosure

    gallery shell

    COMPOSITIONart studios + housing



    Maddame Xs home hovers over the intercoastal looking out into the water and back towards the housing and studios. The home inherits the same dermis of the studios to maximize the ranve of views. Private quarters are walled beneath the translucent skin. Draped over the home are the gallery spaces. The galleries unlike the home are completely solid for sunlight protection. The galleries are are multileveled con-nected via a ramp and plugged into the house by a pouder room on the first level

  • curators house + galleryF E D C


    B A



    art studios + housing

  • art studios + housing

    SECTIONS art studios + housing


  • level 1 level 2

    art studios + housing

  • PLANSart studios + housing

    level 2level 3

    art studios + housing

  • library of the future MDC METRORAIL

  • library of the future

    This dual purpose metro rail station is locatedin down town Miami in the middle of a Miami Dade College campus which has campus building to the north and west. This station has the potential for a large influx of student patrons. The purpose of this multi-use library is encourage public transportation and provide young people with an educational tool that is easily accesible while employing technological advancements for an environmental benefit

    D.7library of the future

  • library of the future

    As one makes their way from the train drop off they proceed downward encountering the librarys destination posibilities

  • library of the future

    On the second level patrons can either proceed to the computer labs or the roof gardens. The book collections are on the ground level

    PROGRAM + ORGANIZATIONlibrary of the future

  • Roof garden

    Computer Labs

    Book collection

    The implementation of the proposed mobile phone applica-tion should reduce the the amount of books carried. There are 3.5 million books in circulation between all of the Miami Dade county libraries. With the elimination all books except those of literature and fiction, The county will use less that a quarter of the books it has previously been using. The rest of the books would be donated. What all this translates to is a decreased demand for paper. The concept that no book physically leaves the library lowers overhead costs from missing and lost books.

    The mobile phone application will enable patrons to download books by scan-ning the ISBN. The book can then be accesed on the phone or uploaded to a computer but self distructs after a pre-determined amount of time.

    library of the future

    Metro Books

    : 100,000

  • library of the future

    Metro Books

    Metro Books

    Metro Books

    Download book content from any Metrorail library collection.

    Save yourself a trip to the library to return a book! The content self terminates after x amount of days.

    scan ISBN numbers to view book informationsuch as retailers and prices

    Metro Books

    Metro BooksMetro Books

    Couldnt make it to class? No worries, just take the metrorail to the station library and down load the podcast of the lecture.

    Computers containing podcasts are only accesible to those arriv-ing from or taking the metrorail.

    TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONlibrary of the future

  • library of the future

  • library of the future

    level 1

    level 2

    level 3

    PLANSlibrary of the future

  • CELLS AMALGAMATED ...a crafted geneology

  • The relationship between the built unit and terrain is materialized using mutual DNA. The parental cell concieves a familiy of resonators and composes the genetics of both ground and built piece generating a harmony of polyrhythms via amalgamations. These rythms vary in scale, depth, and program yet remain subsidiaries of the compositional scheme.

    Digital Fabricationcells amalgamated

    ...a crafted geneology

  • amalgamated cells

    _006 PARENT CELL _018 _05


    terrain conception

    The products of the cloned parental cell are massaged and adhered linearly creating a two dimensional scheme. This amalgama-tion process is then mirrored verically where the resonators are nestled into eachother. The composite is then further massaged to create rhythms in three dimensions.

  • amalgamated cells


    Rhythm is applied to the terrain scheme by pushing and pulling the amalgamated cell resonators in three dimen-sions. This action produces moments of friction and nest-ling; tesnsions between regions tempered and in vacilation; and foils between the truncated and sinuous. The altera-tions continue to affect the piece in creating depresions and emergent regions.

    cells amalgamated

  • amalgamated cellsunit iterations



    The same parental cell employed on the terrain is employed to concieve the pavillion. The cell is aggregated to clones of itself on a veriaty of different edges, sides and angles...

  • PAVILIONcells amalgamated

    amalgamated cells

    ... One product of the aggregations is chosen to be the subparent to the pavillion system.This subparent is then cloned a number of times and each piece is gently tuned to sync with the terrains rhythms. The superimposition of the two systems a polyrhythmic system.

  • The pavillions extremeties hug and latch on to the countours of the emergent terrain rhythms. The arms dually serve as the pavillions seating and structural anchoring extruding upward holding the pavillions canopies.

  • ...an envelope invasion of interior spacesINFILTRATED

  • ...an envelope invasion of interior spaces


    Computer Modeling

    The envelope applied to the existing building is a system de-signed by blending several drawings vertically. The system is a conglomeration of horizontal cells that opens and towards the public corner of the building along the entire height of the structure. The lacerations introduce the interior to the exterior balconies. The system infiltrates the building to the circulation core. The core itself is transformed by the cell conglomertation. The form of the system employs curves and contour deviatiotoins to soften otherwise ridgid edge conditionds. As the cell system progreses downward the the cell units depart from eachother once again to provide the entry way of the building.

  • The scope of the skin applied to the facades draws parallels to the function of gills, mechanical and natural. The facade application works as a filtration system

    The envelope is an installation raked onto the corner facade of this building to improve its performancein in natural lighting and ventilation. The concept was to apply a breathing mechanism to two sides of the building creating cognative thresholds for inhabitants.

    infiltratedconcept + form development

  • infiltrated


    Form Development

  • infiltratedsystem strategies


    The interior system works the outer wall dictating where glass openings occur, and infiltrates the buildings interior guiding the core vertical circulation.

    The exterior system is made up of cantilevers. A select group of the cantelevers provide balconies communicating with the corresponding glass openings dictated by the interior core.

  • infiltrated


    The members of the skin vary in girth and separation. Such varia-tions concieve a veriaty of floor specific strategies creating a dy-namic interaction between interior and exterior. The openings are widest at mid height of the building and tighten towards the top and bottom. The belly of the system is relaxed enough to where its oppenings become large enough to host exterior inhabitation.

    Main Entry

    Balcony Access


    System Deployment

  • infiltrated

    The largest openings of the system supply the interior with the most substancial activity. In this region of the instalation patrons can inhabit the cantelever wich are deployed as balconies.

    system filtration

  • infiltrated




  • The intention of this project is to convert cognative forces into tangible reactions through a piece of urban furniture. The project takes along an alleyway that leads to the FIU school of architecture complex from the parking area. The instalation is a group of circular thresholds punched through a metalic fabric that vary is girth space creating compressed and relaxed passage ways.

    urban furniture

    Computer Applications in Design




    urban furnituresystem strategies

  • urban furniture

    urban furniture


  • urban furniturephysical reactions to the varying threshold forces

  • urban furniture

    urban furniture
