Under Cocos2D Tree @mdvecon 2013

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Under Cocos2D Tree @mdvecon 2013

Under Cocos2D TreeMaxim Zaks, Wooga



• Understanding the concepts behind Cocos2D

• Running through implementation of a very unpolished Memory Game

Implementation of Memory Game

1. Embedding Cocos2D

2. Scenes, Transitions and Menu

3. Layers and Actions

4. Game Logic, Simulation & Interaction

Implementation of Memory Game

5. Sprites and Textures

6. Frame by Frame Animation

7. Drawing primitives

8. Particles

1. Embedding Cocos2D

Cocoa Pods is your friend

Setting up window and root view controller

CCDirector Singleton with a lot of responsibilities

• UIViewController (handles CCGLView)

• Scene Manager

• RunLoop Manager (Draw, Animation, Scheduler)

• Interaction Manager (touchDispatcher)

2. Scenes, Transitions and Menu

3. Layers and Actions

Leaking Scenes!

4. Game Logic, Simulation and


5. Sprites and Textures

Demo TexturePacker

6. Frame by Frame Animation

7. Drawing Primitives

8. Particles

Demo Particle Designer


Thank you!

Maxim Zaks@iceX33