UNDER 17 EUROPEAN CIRCUIT MEN AND FEMALE FOIL dossier_v1.pdf · L’hotel, in qualità di Titolare...

Post on 15-Mar-2020

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Transcript of UNDER 17 EUROPEAN CIRCUIT MEN AND FEMALE FOIL dossier_v1.pdf · L’hotel, in qualità di Titolare...




Competition Schedule ...................................................................................................................... 3

Competition Venue ........................................................................................................................... 3

Competition Rules ............................................................................................................................. 3

Participation ............................................................................................................................................................... 3

Entry Fee ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Registration ................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Competitions formula .............................................................................................................................................. 3

Equipment .................................................................................................................................................................. 3

Weapon Control ................................................................................................................................. 4

Referees ...................................................................................................................................... 4

Hotels ...................................................................................................................................... 4

Transport ...................................................................................................................................... 4

Leonard express (from and to Roma Termini Station/Fiumicino Airport) ................................................. 4

From Termini Station to EUR Torrino: ................................................................................................................ 5

Organizing Committee ...................................................................................................................... 5

Competition Schedule

January, 24th

16h00 – 19h00

Men Foil Weapons control and accreditation

January, 25th

8h00 – 11h00 Men Foil

Weapons control and accreditation

09h00 Competition start

16h00 – 19h00

Women Foil Weapons control and accreditation

January, 26th

8h00 – 11h00

Women Foil

Weapons control and accreditation

9h00 Competition start

Competition Venue

Centro Tecnico Federale FIB (Eur Torrino district)

Via Fiume Bianco (without street number)

00144 Roma

Competition Rules


According to the EFC Cadets Rules.

Entry Fee

The entry fee of € 20 must be paid on arrival at the competition venue.


According to the EFC Cadets Rules.

Competitions formula

1st round in groups of 6/7 athletes, with ordering following EFC Cadet ranking and elimination from 20% of up to 25% of participants;

Direct elimination without repechage.


According to EFC/FIE Rules.

Weapon Control

According to the EFC rules weapon control is mandatory. One mask, one glove and one electric jacket will be checked for each fencer at least.


Each delegation will provide the organizers of a number of referees as follows:

1 to 4 athletes: no referee

5 to 9 athletes: 1 referee

10 to 15 athletes: 2 referees

16 to 20 athletes: 3 referees One hour before start of competitions, meeting of referees with EFC Referees delegate Mrs. Martina Ganassin will be held. At that meeting participation of all referees is mandatory. The failure to comply with the “referee share” will involve a fine of € 500,00 for each missing referee, to be paid by bank transfer to following current account: Holder: Federazione Italiana Scherma IBAN: IT98W0100503309000000010104 SWIT/BIC: BNLIITRR



Via Eroi di Cefalonia 301 - Roma

Tel. 0650834715 – Fax. 0650834793


email: groups@mercureromawest.com

79,00 euro single room

92,00 euro twin room

99,00 euro triple room

City Tax (€6,00/night): not included

Booking: please use the attched document

Dinner: 25,00€ per person (3 main dishes+mineral water)


Leonard express (from and to Roma Termini Station/Fiumicino Airport)

A dedicated Fiumicino Airport/Termini Station train with not intermediated stop, departs every 30 minutes and, it takes about 30 minutes from Station to Airport and viceversa. You can by Leonardo express ticket on the website www.trenitalia.com (you can travel by printing the pdf file of the ticket you receive on your own e-mail as a purchase confirmation), at railway

ticket desks, at self services tellers, at the authorized travel agencies and, at the authorized stores. Ticket bought (and printed) online are already validated and, therefor, their validity lasts for 90 minutes from the departure time of the selected train. For more details see www.trenitalia.com (from where the above information have been collected).

From Termini Station to EUR Torrino:

Hotel Mercure Roma West Take metro B (Blu line) 'Laurentina' direction and get off at EUR Fermi, once out of the metro, take the bus n. 705 (Piermarini). A shuttle free service is available from the metro station to the hotel for 7 pax maximum. The service must be booked at the hotel reception. Centro Tecnico Federale Take metro B (Blu line) 'Laurentina' direction and change at MAGLIANA STATION. Take trenino Roma-Ostia, (using the same ticket) 'Ostia' direction and get off at TOR DI VALLE STATION (just one stop). Once out you go straight towards the rotary (100mt), get Via Fiume Bianco and after 200mt you can find the Centro Tecnico Federale (opposite side of the Farmacia )

Organizing Committee

C.R. Lazio - Claudio FONTANA Informazioni : Gianluca Casale +393669639140 Mail : europfoil17@gmail.com


T +39 06 50 83 47 15 | F +39 06 50 83 47 93 | E-mail : groups@mercureromawest.com| | www.mercure-roma-west.com | accorhotels.com

GARE SCHERMA - 25/26 Gennaio 2020 FENCING COMPETITIONS - 25/26 January 2020

Al fine di confermare definitivamente la prenotazione(1 camera per modulo) preghiamo di compilare il

presente modulo in tutte le sue parti ed inviarlo all’indirizzo e-mail groups@mercureromawest.com. In order to book and guarantee your accommodation(1 room reservation per form) please fill in this form

and sent it back to the below e-mail: groups@mercureromawest.com.

PRENOTAZIONE CAMERA – ROOM RESERVATION Cognome/Nome - Surname/Name: ___________________________________________________________

Cognome/Nome - Surname/Name:______________________________________________________

Cognome/Nome - Surname/Name:___________________________________________________________

Numero di telefono - Telephone number:______________________________________________________


Data di arrivo - Arrival date__________ Data di partenza - Departure date__________ (Notti - Nights____)

Camera singola - Single room € 79,00 Camera doppia(matrim 2 letti separati) - Double room(double twin) € 92,00 Camera tripla(matrim+3°letto doppia+3°letto) - Triple room(double+3°bed twin+3°bed) € 99,00 Le suddette tariffe si intendono per camera, per notte ed includono Iva, American breakfast. City tax: € 6,00 per persona, per notte da pagare al momento della partenza. The above rates are per room, per night and inclusive of vat, American breakfast. City tax € 6,00 per person, per night to be paid at check-out time. PRENOTAZIONE PASTI – F&B SERVICES RESERVATION 24/01/2020 Pranzo - Lunch N.pax………..…. Cena - Dinner N.pax……………. 25/01/2020 Pranzo - Lunch N.pax………….. Cena - Dinner N.pax……………. 26/01/2020 Pranzo - Lunch N.pax………….. Cena - Dinner N.pax……………. (Il pasto prevede un menu 3 portate minerale inclusa a € 26,00 per persona, per servizio) (The above meals include 3 courses menu with mineral water at € 26,00 per person, per serving) Le prenotazioni dovranno pervenire entro il 09 Dicembre 2019, dopo tale data ogni singola prenotazione verrà accettata su disponibilità dell’hotel. Hotel inform that reservations will be accepted within 09 December 2019, after this date reservation will be accepted upon hotel availability MODALITA’ DI PAGAMENTO – TERMS OF PAYMENT Prepagamento totale anticipato(non rimborsabile) entro il 13 Gennaio 2020. Full prepayment(not refundable) before 13 January 2020. CARTA DI CREDITO - CREDIT CARD BONIFICO BANCARIO - BANK PAYMENT MODALITA’ DI CANCELLAZIONE – CANCELLATION POLICY Cancellazioni senza penalità: fino al 12 Gennaio 2020. In caso di cancellazione a partire dal 13 Gennaio 2020 o in caso di mancato arrivo si addebiterà l’intero soggiorno a titolo di penale. Free cancellation: up to 12 January 2020. After this date in case of cancellation or in case of no-show the total stay will not be refunded DATA DATE_________________________________________


T +39 06 50 83 47 15 | F +39 06 50 83 47 93 | E-mail : groups@mercureromawest.com| | www.mercure-roma-west.com | accorhotels.com



GUEST NAME:________________________________________________________________

DATA DI ARRIVO: DATA DI PARTENZA ARRIVAL DATE:_________________________ DEPARTURE DATE:____________________

CONTI A CARICO Camera/Colazione Tutte le spese CHARGE COVERED: Room/Breakfast Full Credit ALTRE SPESE



CREDIT CARD NUMBER:_____________________________ EXP.______________________

Amex Visa/Mc Diners Other


CARDHOLDERS NAME:_________________________________________________________


NOTE REMARKS:___________________________________________________________________

Con la presente autorizzo la Direzione del Mercure Roma West Hotel ad addebitare automaticamente sulla

carta di credito sopra indicata eventuali pagamenti insoluti o penali per mancato arrivo. I hereby authorize the Management of the Mercure Roma West Hotel to charge automatically on my mentioned credit card the services above specified and fees for late cancellations or no shows.


CARDHOLDERS SIGNATURE:___________________________________________________

DATA DATE:______________________________________________________________________

Allego copia fronte/retro della carta di credito Herewith credit card copy(both sides)

L’hotel, in qualità di Titolare del Trattamento, tratta i dati personali da Lei forniti durante il suo soggiorno allo scopo di gestire la prenotazione, adempiere gli obblighi legali e, sulla base di interessi

legittimi, per attività di marketing (incluse campagne marketing mirate) e per migliorare la qualità del suo soggiorno, incluse le indagini di soddisfazione.

I dati vengono comunicati ad Accor S.A., ad altre entità giuridiche del Gruppo Accorhotels ed a tutti i fornitori di servizi dell’hotel e delle predette entità giuridiche.

In particolare, i dati personali relativi al suo soggiorno, alle preferenze, alla soddisfazione e, se del caso, al suo programma di fidelizzazione, sono condivisi tra gli hotels gestiti con uno dei marchi del

Gruppo AccorHotels al fine di migliorare la qualità dei suoi soggiorni in ciascuno di questi hotels. In qualsiasi momento Lei può opporsi alla condivisione di questi dati tra gli hotels del network del

Gruppo Accorhotels scrivendo una email a data.privacy@accor.com. I dati possono essere trasferiti in paesi che potrebbero non garantire un livello adeguato di protezione. Pertanto, vengono fornite

garanzie appropriate e adeguate di cui può chiedere di ottenerne una copia.

Lei ha il diritto di richiedere all’hotel, Titolare del trattamento, l'accesso e la rettifica o la cancellazione dei suoi dat i personali o la limitazione del trattamento o di opporsi al trattamento, nonché il

diritto alla portabilità dei dati. Lei ha altresì il diritto di proporre reclamo presso un'autorità di vigilanza.

Per ulteriori informazioni sul trattamento dei dati personali all'interno di AccorHotels, per favore visiti la nostra sezione sui dati personali su www.accorhotels.com. Lei può anche chiedere una copia

della carta di protezione dei dati di Accorhotels che saremo felici di consegnarle.

The hotel, as data controller, processes the personal data you provide in this form or during your stay for the purposes of booking management, compliance with legal obligations and, based on

legitimate interest, for marketing activities (including targeted marketing campaigns) and the improvement of the quality of your stays, including satisfaction enquiries.

The data are disclosed to Accor SA, other AccorHotels Group legal entities and all hotel’s and entities’ service providers. In particular, the data related to your stays, preferences, satisfaction and, if

the case may be, your loyalty program are shared between the hotels operated under one of the AccorHotels Group hotels brands in order to improve the quality of your stays in each of these hotels.

You may at any time object to the sharing of this data between the hotels of the Group by writing to data.privacy@accor.com.

The data may be transferred to countries which might not ensure an adequate level of protection. Therefore, appropriate and suitable safeguards are provided which you can request to obtain a copy.

You have the right to request from the hotel, as data controller, access to and rectification or erasure of your personal data or restriction of processing or to object to processing as well as the right to

data portability. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

For more information about the processing of your personal data within AccorHotels please visit our personal data section on www.accorhotels.com. You can also ask for a copy the detailed

AccorHotels Data Protection Charter which we will be happy to hand over.