Unbridled Joy

Post on 05-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Unbridled Joy

  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


    Effects of daily life on happiness

    Enthalpy Press

    Don Schaeffer

  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


    Borrower Be

    When your benefactor frowns

    and suddenly

    becomes yourcreditor, art

    stops poetry

    freezes. You look

    into the unforgivingface. Earth shrinks.

    All of the


  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


    Feeling Better

    As I get closer to dottering,I put on Bach

    and the music reaches out

    through the centuries saying,

    we are here for you,we are your neighbors,

    in spite of the early death,and the cold impoverished

    winters, wars,rights of kings, conquest.

    My neighbors with their

    smiles suppress their hates.

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  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


    Halloween in Spring

    Sometimes I think

    I enjoy fearremembering what I felt

    when I was fearless.

    I awake bravely

    in the morning knowingrisks and hearing continuous

    portents, sad words

    follow me everywhere.

    Is silence the scariest thing,or is the gabble of human

    voices scarier still?

  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


    Head First

    As I tumble

    I will stay the same;

    I promise like the rainbownot changing the rules

    clean in the morning

    breakfasted according to the laws of nature.

    I won't lookthat which is expected will come,

    don't need to study it

    will travel with myhead down letting

    my body absorb the impact.

  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


    Encounter with Superman

    Big John Gunn,

    one syllable man

    whose eyesrefuse to elaborate

    on the sky,

    tells me how much

    real honesty costs.

    It's not the cheap

    self serving stuff,not the insider stuff,

    he says, big feet

    crushing the clay.

    Honesty only

    counts when it costs me,

    says big John Gunn, theone syllable man.

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  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


    Absolute Limen

    We sit in the back

    against the forest in April

    at the border of Spring. She isstill sad as the dusk gathers

    and will probably remain so.

    I watch the filaments

    in the trees get finer,uncountable threads of shadow,

    nets of shadow, lace, and the

    catching webs of vine,thinner and finer until we

    fall into darkness.

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    To Someone Allied with Death

    Life, the time sovereign

    is also powerful.

    She didn't think so,didn't feel the

    weight of days,

    how they grind edges,

    polish jagged everydayto jewels.

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    Temporal Extension


    that never lets up

    is cruel.Objectively, Daniel was real

    for two afternoons a month

    plus a long story of checkered youth

    and shaded manhood.But when he has died

    Daniel's reality looms over her

    like the god of storms.

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    Dream from Delayed Check

    I dream anotherdark towered city

    that masks the sky, glistens

    like diamonds in moistureand loves the rain at night.

    With my muddy eyes,I grope, chilled,

    wish for familiar warm

    small spaces alone.

    I dream the pension-granter

    decides it's time for me to die.

    My muddy mind races through thatlooking for ways to combat the terror.

    Bound to happen sometime I dream,

    considering painful options.

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    Longish Epitaph

    OK I'm not a good poet

    and what I do for art

    sucks too andI'm not really

    a poet or an artist at all.

    We can get that out of the way.

    And what I am is just a guywho lives here doing some

    biological duty, un-

    memorable, living with error,memory of failure, denying


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    Labyrinthine Day

    The trees

    extrude themselves

    along the low-resistancepathways in the air.

    Nature abhors such vacuums and

    fills them with wood.

    .The birds who

    inhabit the trees

    ride sunlight trails,slip through transparent

    tunnels in the surface of wind.

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    He knows

    how family is a war zone,

    strut meetscounter-strut.

    Leaving and not

    leaving soon enough,the soft and warm

    up for grabs.

    He knows how life is war,

    how sweet is victory

    and how permanent anddevastating is defeat.

    Love is the prize

    and always has been.Those outcast can only

    squeeze tight to

    hold themselves in.

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    Memories of Winnipeg

    We often

    intensely disagree,

    but I know your faceand over the long term

    you have always been here

    and tightening my strings.

    .Now I see you broken.

    You have

    temporarily lost andevery one of your days is scary

    as you hang on a string above the

    safety web, with king safety poised toeat you.


    I could gloat and will and do in private

    while smiling down at you and offeringa hand which I know is not enough.

    We have tightened each others

    knots and tugged for 20 years. I'mglad to see you victim of your errors.


    I tell you your career has beencheckered. You have been stubborn and

    righteous as if you were

    meant to struggle. My

    poor friend. And you have becomesomething else. It must be

    better now.

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    Time Factory

    The human brain

    has an organelle

    .that stacks heartbeats

    end to end

    and synthesizes time.

    .We are conscious

    because we

    make moments.

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    My Van Gogh Poem

    Oh look at that Europe.

    I love the way it moves

    the fields dance andthe stars circle each other

    in the sky. I want a place of my own.

    Thank God for my eyes

    and for the color. WhenI cry and my eyes

    emit paint. I make

    my own Europe.Please take it.

  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


    The Odd Thing About Memory

    I remember Mr. Quinn.

    "You can't just keep running

    roughshod over people's feelings."He told me when I was twenty.


    It's odd

    that I remember thebumpy spots in the path

    and honor those names.

    .The broken spots

    have anchors in my dreams.

    They shame me all my life.I will be embarrassed beyond death.

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    How Poorly Do I Love You?

    We have

    the agreed engagement of

    fingers and the casualbrace of arm on waist and

    laughter to break the silence.

    We sleep with limb touching limb

    and feel the brief vacuum of absence..

    I tell her that she

    spent most of her lifeorbiting around people

    who never learned how

    to show love..

    I ask,

    among the

    love skills deficient,why am I different?

  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


    Heroism Dream

    They have forgotten the athletes.

    Heroically, I run to grab

    as much of the vaccine as I can find.I dash through the tunnel

    to where they are about to board the bus.

    But I must return to make an appearance

    at the dinner partyand I forget the needles.

    You watch my sneaking back.

    I can't do it all myself. I cry out,

    in spite of my heroic intentions.I lose the way as my opportunities vanish

    Something is wrong with my legs.

    When all comes

    down to it, poemsflow through my

    brain like dreams,ephemeral wispsof egocentricity processed

    through my eyes,

    frozen self-centered ripples.

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    Biography of a Man

    We are creatures

    atop and below

    whose ancestors joined long ago.

    Slimed together

    in gelatinous

    biological glueswallowed into

    the maw of an elastic fish.

    I don't know why

    I think myself alive,

    I,suffused among

    masses of

    soft automata,

    each with its own god,can hear the pumps

    and wonder.

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    Letter to the Ethics Editor

    How do you feel about anger?

    Does it feel good

    like other passions?Is it a friendly device

    like a sharpened ax

    to shape the hardwood?

    Can one be

    forgiven for it?

    When I hold

    anger in my mind's hand,

    I cut through ropes,jam smooth uneven walls.

    It vibrates hard

    like a rifle butt.

  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


    Biography of a Tree

    I know she is one

    huge vegetable harmony,

    impossible to dissect.

    The vines reach inside her skin

    and their fingernail fleshes

    merge with hers.

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    Known but Not Familiar Words

    I always

    put it around my nostrils,

    I answer when she asks mewhere I put my Vicks.

    Then in my half-sleep

    I notice how strange the word sounds,"nostrils." Words not often said

    wander in the woods without trails.

    Something like nose,

    I know that word even though it's

    not every day. Nostrils, the appendagefeature, like the nomenclature of insect parts.

    In my half-sleep about to slip

    into dream my facetious mindknows the link

    here on earth to parts of strange beasts.

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    The Hole

    The truth

    has to buried

    down here somewhere.

    I enter cannily

    prepared for

    a long slow journey.

    The light of my candle

    flickers as ifit can fail.

    It is throughthe basement of my old house

    that it opens.

    Sub-floors andcatacombs never explored

    behind a door of wooden slats I could nearly remember,

    as if the truth

    were hidden in the realm

    of devils.

    I walk in alone

    peering at the cells of my brain

    amazed at how huge I am.

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    Why I like Cop Shows ("Where Id was there shall ego be.")

    Police come in

    bright like the sun,

    cleaning away from the outsidewhat should be hidden safely within.

    So the ordinary hours

    dawn from underneath.They are full-sized,

    with heavy feet.

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    Chauvet Cave

    From a world of

    closed loops

    where kinks andcorners weren't

    imagined yet,

    where animals

    mixed and soulsslipped in and out

    of bodies. We hold

    the line now, coldand fast. We

    lock and crimp sharp.

    The circle is onlyan ideal we cannot match.

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    Freud vs Jung

    I used to thinksomething came from

    down the great tube of body and brain.I thought I saw a light.

    But I'm grown less certain.

    I now think it all comes

    from this tiny Earth,

    emergent detail. Memory

    is all that's left

    of mystery.

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    You Have Many Moles

    When I slipped into the world

    it wasn't certain about me.

    The lines around my bodyare therefore fudged.

    It takes more energy

    to finish the work of rounding.Rough extrusions remain,

    statistical shivers

    of half way.

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  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


    Mom Returns for a Night

    It took

    a lot out of her,

    returning that kind of smileand pushing her body into

    that angle she learned

    in high school. But shebecame my mother again,

    briefly, on that anniversary day,

    those years ago, a womanof long learned habit in front

    of the camera.Unknowns followed her, just

    weeks ahead. The effort

    showed. I don't know how

    she remembered.

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    My Comment When The Poet Denied the Rant

    He wrote a wonderful rant about

    somebody's criticism of his poems.

    I never noticed the trouble

    somebody said he had.

    I told him the one thing

    you have to watch when you

    write a rant is the glorious high you get.

    It makes you selfish.He blushed saying it was

    just a spoof. But this was no spoof.I told him how much he enjoyed the bitter juice.

    I told him I can tell.

  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


    Daily Visit of the Unforgiving Sun

    First sun slipping through the

    East window excites the air dust

    and highlights the flawsin the rug.

    The sun is

    refreshing likean inspector

    who visits from

    beyond the walls

    and tells me I'm OK.

    That's why I lovethe morning.

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    Systemic Misunderstanding Dream

    Now I get it I'm

    surrounded by the

    frowns of righteousness-addicts,I sit swiveling on a pike.

    When they spin me,

    push into my eyesglower after glare,

    asking whys.

    I wanted to please them,

    loved the project;

    but can't do it.Resign.

  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


    Brenda the Real Poet

    To all the

    unheard poets

    who want to weep tooin the spirit of weeping

    feel the tropical

    drizzle gustson just a special day of

    music they make,

    to all of us

    with small and silent audiences,

    I call in sympathy,"May your stories


  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


    What Happens When You Settle Down

    I put away my

    pretty orange vest

    and toss away mywing-tipped salesman shoes.

    Love means

    no more parade,poetry over,

    the end of the pleas.

    The world of aspiration

    thins, fantasy assumes

    its valid translucent form,all is tame. Days pass.

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    Photographs of Textures

    Focused eyes

    dots of the world,

    filaments streaming


    within the big thingshovering through intermediate space

    between the nose pushing insectsand the mountains of the moon.

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    The Party

    The first course of

    outrage was wonderful.

    Now, I await the tears.Lick my lips,

    feel the

    sea building in my eyes,breath surfs


    Servers bring dessert.

    Yes. It's my birthday.

    I so lookedforward to this.

  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


    Love Light

    When you say

    I love you and

    you are faint of heart,uttering a slight or

    ignorant lie,

    you live luke warm,

    senses numbing.The answer is also a lie.

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    Seeing the Earth before Exit


    I wore the jacket padded

    armor to the office.

    The hands that

    touched my shoulder

    were just dead weight.

    Tailored decoration

    hid my neck

    so there was little

    visible flesh.

    Stacked fluid instants like

    a football game wentfrom offense to defense,

    victory to loss,covered as possible.

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    We paid

    for ways to spend our minutes.

    We exchanged

    past units for dollops

    of the future,

    licking anticipation

    from our lips.

    Manipulated sound

    or flavors especially formed, or

    carefully timed open gates.

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  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy



    I am tired

    of worrying whose

    mood is badin the evening.

    I just want to find

    bits of pleasure.

    I am tired of

    civilization, let the place

    fester in themorning. The movement

    around me makes me

    want to hide.

    Blast the others

    and their selves.

    I am tired ofmaking room.

    And I love the outrage,

    feeling how muchI earned it.

  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


    The Victory of a Mature Man

    Well Madam,

    I have purged all those

    pretensions. I haveneatly simplified.

    No longer do

    what I called art,

    laughable recordinglike a cave man.

    Especially with the vainelements, burnt away,

    purely I live, immersed

    in what I see and feellearning how short life is

    and how few will

    briefly remember.

  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy



    What do I have

    to worry about

    in an era of peace?Just death

    and arrangements.

    As usual I open my eyesat four am for my customary

    waking dream compulsion.

    In foresight, infrantic planning.

    In an era of peace, another mindworries. I am

    absent and someone

    disposes of me, whole

    or pieces.

  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy



    Tonight acts and

    pauses like a theatrical.

    The curtain risesthrice during intermissions

    and falls as the drama ensues.

    Act 1.Murk and introduction.

    I stir.

    Act 2.

    In medias res

    with my girlfriendflying in my balloon designed to make my

    enemies jealous. They

    reach up to grab me

    as I throttle away.My eyes open.

    Act 3.Sleep and wakefulness

    mix. I count

    and worry.

  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


    The Clinic

    When I enter the room

    with my huge keys dangling

    in my recognizable uniform,I see him sitting there.

    I say I want to help you.

    I take the "help" by thehilt and slash him. He is

    agog, repeating only "I" and "I".

    The "we" falls from his face.

    The "you" is long lost.

    He and I exchange stares.Mine wins..

  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy



    Awake in the breath

    of ghosts after

    a nightmare suppressednight, unlocatable feet

    no discernible floor.

    It got cold last night.The room pushes me away

    as I move from the bed

    out of the blankets

    Cats are disobedient. Halls

    are haunted with disorder.Estranged breakfast.

    I wait for the sun.

  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


    Getting Old without Religion

    I remember

    what it was like

    in the old dayswhen I would go

    someplace that made me

    obedient. The obedience

    made me safe. Therewere no obvious friends there

    but everyone knew my face.I always felt there would be

    more chances and the years

    would be a path to perfection.Now I am far, far away from those melodies I used

    to chew on to ease the sweet sap

    out of the words. I look around for

    other chances and see brevity.

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  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


    Her Sunday Night

    Her Sunday night

    convulses.Breath whistles,

    crashes on pillow.

    Her outer shell crimps.But inside she

    only sleeps.

  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


    Definition of Art

    When we traveled

    to an arty town

    we found most artistsown their galleries.

    What about this?

    Art definedas things on display

    in an art gallery

  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy


    Grumpy Dream

    As he balds

    the dark stripes

    on his pate appear.

    His face formed

    with a glare,

    tiny baby teethshiny and sharp.

    Unfriendly like a tiger,but he is a lamb.

    I was born with him.

    He stages the day.

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  • 7/31/2019 Unbridled Joy
