U:\My Documents\6 Th Form Work\Pictures For Magazine

Post on 22-May-2015

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Transcript of U:\My Documents\6 Th Form Work\Pictures For Magazine

Pictures for my music magazine

This picture was taken outside.

I am not going to use this picture even though I really like its scenic sky because I feel it doesn’t focus enough on the main feature which the magazine is based on.

I like the setting of this picture and I also like the lining of the picture, the footprints leading to the focus and the tracks also.

• This picture I am thinking about using, inside the magazine for my double spread, because it is more of a focus on the main artist the lighting I like, and as mentioned before the lining and scenic background I feel gives it more of an urban feel.

• I like this picture because it shows real individuality and I like the bright lighting which is highlighting part of the main focus.

• A few objectives I would say to this picture would be the shadowing. And the fact half of the main character in the picture is cropped off.

• I prefer this picture to the one before, it brings more colour. The colours fit together well.

• The only objection again is the fact half of his knee is off the picture. Making it difficult to involve it into a double spread page or even a front cover which I will experiment with 2 pictures to decide which is best.

• I am considering using this picture in my double page spread because even though it needs cropping and slight editing, I like the landscape view and I like the lighting, it also feel less formal which to me makes the magazine feel more like it is meant to appear, more suiting the target audience.

• I like the pose in this picture, however I feel the background is too busy and I would have to cut the character out to use the picture as something in the magazine.

• I have originally choose this picture for my front cover, I really like this picture. I originally had a background to this which was the wallpaper behind the one before. Which I felt was to busy and defocusing the main event.

The only problem with this picture I feel is the shadowing on the guitar. Other than that I love the prospective making the guitar seem majorly bigger compared to the character in this picture, which bases the magazine on the music as well as the artist.