UMAT Combination Test

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Transcript of UMAT Combination Test

  • 7/31/2019 UMAT Combination Test


    UMAT sample Questions Section 1UMAT Sample Question 1

    A bride and eight of her female friends and family are posing for a wedding photo. In the

    centre of the photo is the bride. Also in the photo are her two sisters, the Maid of Honour,

    her mother and maternal aunt, the aunts daughter (the brides cousin), a workmate, and a

    close friend. Laura is the Bride. Her guests names are Katie, Susan, Miranda, Sarah,

    Brittany, Jessica, Rachel and Lisa.

    The following information is available about the order the women are standing in:

    - Katie was a late addition to the photo so was placed on the end

    - Lauras older sister is standing next to her, but her younger sister is

    between Sarah and Susan

    - There is at least two women between the bride and her mother

    - Rachel is positioned next to Jessica, who is Brittanys cousin

    - No mother and daughter are positioned next to each other

    - Miranda is not related to Susan

    - Katie and Lisa are sisters

    - Miranda is Lauras younger sister, and is standing next to the Maid of Honour

    - Susan is not the Maid of Honour

    - Lisa is Lauras mother

    Which of the following MUST be FALSE about the arrangement for the photo?

    A. Susan is Lauras friend

    B. Lauras mother and Aunt are standing on opposite ends

    C. Susan and Brittany are related

    D. The Maid of Honour is standing next to the bride

  • 7/31/2019 UMAT Combination Test


    UMAT Sample Question 2

    Abe runs a 5 km track every morning. This takes him 50 minutes.

    Question If the track is reduced by 1.5 km and Abe takes 20 minutes less to complete the

    track, what is Abes speed?A 7 km/hr.

    B 6.5 km/hr.

    C 6 km/hr.

    D 8 km/hr.

    UMAT Sample Question 3

    Abe runs a 5 km track every morning. This takes him 50 minutes.Betty runs much faster

    than Abe at 5 km in just 40 minutes but starts 45 minutes later than Abe finishes. If Abe

    starts running the reduced track at 8:00, what time does Betty finish the reduced track?

    A 9:42.

    B 9:43.

    C 9:44.

    D 9:30.

    UMAT Sample Question 4

    The presence together of carbon, water, and temperature at which water is ordinarily a

    liquid are essential to life on earth. Which of the following can be deduced from the passage?

    1. Life on the moon seems impossible since the moon has no water.2. Living things must be made up of elements that are known to us.3.

    All living things on earth use carbon.4. The conditions given in the statements are the only ones essential to life on earth.

    UMAT Sample Question 5

  • 7/31/2019 UMAT Combination Test


    Botanists studied a rainforest in Nicaragua that had been

    ravaged by Hurricane Joan in 1988. They found that in the

    following ten years the number of tree species had increased by

    at least 200%, and up to 300%, in eight storm-affected plots.

    Other plots not affected by the hurricane showed little if any

    such increase.

    From this information, it can be concluded that

    A hurricanes play an important role in ensuring the

    long-term survival of tropical rainforests.

    B when the dominant trees in an area of tropical

    rainforest are destroyed, other species are given a

    chance to flourish.

    C the overall life of a tropical rainforest is increased if

    large areas are occasionally levelled to the ground.

    D the productivity of a tropical rainforest will be

    maximised if large areas are occasionally levelled to

    the ground.

    There are two questions based on this stimulus:

    Delia goes bushwalking, and afterwards finds that she has

    painful insect bites over most of her body. She is told that both

    Esi-oil and Pine-elix are good for easing the pain of these bites.

    To test whether there is any difference, she applies Esi-oil to the

    bites on her left side, and Pine-elix to those on her right side. The

    next day, the bites on her left side feel considerably better, while

    those on her right side feel only a little better.

    UMAT Sample Question 6

    Which of the following is consistent with these results?

    A Neither product relieves insect bite pain; Esi-oil

    actually delays recovery considerably, and Pine-elix

    delays recovery somewhat less.

    B Neither product relieves insect bite pain; Pine-elixactually delays recovery considerably and Esi-oil

    delays recovery somewhat less.

    C Both products relieve insect bite pain, Pine-elix more

    so than Esi-oil.

    D Pine-elix and Esi-oil are equally effective products for

    relieving insect bite pain.

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    UMAT Sample Question 7

    Which one of the following modifications would have

    enabled Delia to learn most about the effectiveness of

    the two products in relieving insect bite pain?

    A Repeat the original applications.

    B Apply the different products randomly to different

    parts of her body.

    C After the original applications, apply the same

    products to the opposite sides of the body.

    D As well as treating some bites with Esi-oil and some

    with Pine-elix, leave some of the bites untreated.

    Answers and Solutions to UMAT SampleQuestions Section 1:UMAT Sample Question 1

    Answer: C

    None of the clues preclude A, B or D from being correct. C is an incorrect statement because

    of the following: Brittany is cousin to Jessica, which means one of these women is the

    brides cousin, and the other her sister. Both women are therefore related to Miranda, who

    is known to be the brides younger sister. Since Susan is not related to Miranda, she also

    cannot be related to Brittany.

    UMAT Sample Question 2

    Answer: A

    The track is now 3.5 km long. If it takes Abe half an hour (50 minutes 20 minutes) to run

    3.5 km, then he would take an hour to run double that distance: 7 km. Thus, Abes speed

    must now be 7 km/hour.

    UMAT Sample Question 3

    Answer: B

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    Abe takes half an hour to complete the reduced track (from previous question) so he

    finishes at 8:30. This means Betty starts at 9:15. The reduced track is 3.5 km and she runs

    5 km in 40 minutes. 3.5 is 7/10 of 5 km so it will take her 7/10 of 40 minutes. In other

    words, it will take her 28 minutes. Thus, 28 minutes after 9:15 is 9:43.

    UMAT Sample Question 4

    Answer: A

    We can eliminate option B immediately because they are clearly not mentioned in the

    passage. Even though the presence of carbon is essential to life on earth, it does not mean

    that all living things on earth use carbon, so C is incorrect. We are told that these

    conditions are essential to life on earth, but there is a possibility that it may also be the

    same on other planets. Therefore, option A is the most appropriate. Note the importance of

    the word seems.

    UMAT Sample Question 5

    Answer: B

    UMAT Sample Question 6

    Answer: B

    UMAT Sample Question 7

    Answer: D

  • 7/31/2019 UMAT Combination Test


    Nikki flipped through the magazine on her lap as she sat cross-legged on her bed. Every

    other second her gaze would move to the test on her desk. The moment of truth was

    getting closer and closer. She tried to focus on an article in the magazine, but wasnt

    surprised when it didnt work. She once again looked at the test. She checked her watch.

    One more minute. She sighed and the put the magazine aside. It wasnt like she was in the

    mood to read right now anyway. She got up from her bed and started pacing through the

    room. This was without a doubt the most nerve wrecking moment of her life. Not to mention

    the longest one minute ever.

    When the minute was finally over, it took her another minute to get the courage to walk up

    to the desk. Her hands were trembling as she picked up the test. She took a deep breath

    before looking down. She stared at the thing for a couple of minutes. Then she grabbed the

    instruction manual of the test and checked it one more time. This couldnt be true right?

    She was seventeen years old. This simply couldnt be true. Easy as that.

    It was true. Almost no doubt about it. The test was for 99 percent accurate. That was a lot.

    So..she was pregnant. Pregnant with a child. She didnt believe it. She sat back down on the

    bed, not at all sure what to do now. Was she supposed to be happy? Because she really

    wasnt. What was she going to do now? She sighed. Her life was a mess. All because of one

    night of passion with her boyfriend. Speaking of


    Its meNikki

    HeyWhats up?

    Youthink you could come over? She asked.


    Nikki sighed. By the tone of his voice she could tell he was already annoyed with her, as

    usual. Things hadnt been going too well between them lately.

    Yes, now. Nikki impatiently said.

    Im a little busy right now.

    A little busy doing what?

    Im hanging out with the guys and

    You call that busy? she interrupted him. Look, Michaelwe need to talk, okay? It wont

    take ages. Just please come over.

  • 7/31/2019 UMAT Combination Test


    Fine Michael gave in, although it didnt sound like he was too willing.


    Be there in fifteen minutes.

    Ill be waiting

    She hung up the phone and put it down on her nightstand again. She once again walked up

    to her desk and picked up the test, as if she was expecting to see something different this

    time. As if she had been hallucinating earlier. Of course she hadnt been hallucinating. She

    wasnt that crazy. Now she had to tell Michael. He was going to freak out, she was sure of

    that. He was going to yell and scream andit wasnt going to be pretty. But it had to be


    Extract from Struggling by Dlover; Fiction Press

    UMAT sample Question 1

    The relationship between Michael and Nikki can be described as

    A. Loving

    B. Deteriorating

    C. Strained

    D. Distressful

    UMAT Sample Question 2

    Nikkis initial attitude towards her pregnancy is:

    A. Distress

    B. Denial

    C. Disbelief

    D. Regret

    UMAT Sample Question 3

  • 7/31/2019 UMAT Combination Test


    The pregnancy is likely to:

    A. cause the relationship to improve.

    B. cause further conflict between the couple

    C. cause them to break up

    D. cause Michaels reluctant acceptance of his role as a father

    There are five questions based on this stimulus.

    Eileen: You said youll never smoke. You said youll never touch a friggin cigarette in yourlife!

    Jimmy: Mum

    Eileen: Oh well pardon me. That must be burning pencil youve got in your hand

    Jimmy: Look mum. I really did-

    Eileen: Just save it. Ive heard it all before. Remember? The time you got totally wasted and

    crashed the car into the neighbours garden.

    Jimmy: I-

    Eileen: Sometimes, I stun myself with my own stupidity. Why trust? Why trust again?! You

    always lie!

    Jimmy: Just shut it, mum. Its just one tiny cigarette.

    Eileen: It starts off as one. It doubles. It triples. Soon, its a pack per day!

    Jimmy: Im 16 now! I can deal with my own decisions, good or bad.

    Eileen: However old you are, I am still your mother. I cant watch my son step into a pit,

    and not try to save him.

    Jimmy: I dont need you to save me.


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    Eileen: I know better.

    Jimmy: You dont know better! You think thats true, but its not. You always try to

    mollycoddle me. Thats why I have to lie!

    UMAT sample Question 4

    Eileen is most concerned with:

    A. Jimmys decision to drink and smoke

    B. Jimmys lies and the things he hides from her.

    C. Jimmys desire to grow up

    D. Jimmys defiance of parental authority

    UMAT sample Question 5:

    In his first statement, Jimmys tone is

    A. Shamefaced

    B. Unsure

    C. Confused

    D. Hostile

    UMAT sample Question 6:

    Eileen can be described to be

    A. Hysterical

    B. Angry

    C. Frank

    D. Critical

  • 7/31/2019 UMAT Combination Test


    UMAT Sample Question 7:

    Jimmy and Eileen have

    A. A loving relationship with an occasional argument

    B. A distant relationship where neither really cares about each other

    C. An uneasy relationship where neither understands each other.

    D. A one-sided relationship where only one person cares

    UMAT Sample Question 8:

    Jimmys reaction towards his mothers comment I know better can be described as

    A. Hostile

    B. Frustrated

    C. Angry

    D. Indignant

    UMAT Sample Question 9:

    Bobs wife, Mary, has been in hospital recovering from a heart

    attack. The doctor informs Bob that she is now well enough to

    return home, although she will need to take things easy for a


    Bob: Im glad she can come home now Doctor, but Im not sure I can look after Mary by myself. We live on our own,

    you know.

    Doctor: Bob, its natural to feel a little anxious, but the best

    thing for Mary will be to be back in her own environment.

    In his response, the doctor has

  • 7/31/2019 UMAT Combination Test


    Anot realised that Bob is concerned.

    Bnot really dealt with Bobs concerns.

    Cresponded to Bobs concerns effectively.

    Dmade Bob feel bad about being concerned.

    UMAT Sample Question 10:

    Bobs wife, Mary, has been in hospital recovering from a heart

    attack. The doctor informs Bob that she is now well enough to

    return home, although she will need to take things easy for a


    Bob: Im glad she can come home now Doctor, but Im not

    sure I can look after Mary by myself. We live on our own,you know.

    Doctor: Bob, its natural to feel a little anxious, but the best

    thing for Mary will be to be back in her own environment.

    Following the doctors reply, Bob is likely to feel

    A relieved.

    B empowered.

    C embarrassed.

    D apprehensive.

    UMAT Sample Question 11:

    In the following passage, an adolescent boy talks about living

    with a physical disability.

    As I have been physically disabled all my life, I have managed

    to cope with the purely practical problems arising with a

    minimum of fuss. I felt no loss, because I had no feelings ofnormality to compare with. One of my physical problems is

    that I am short, about 127 centimetres tall. I was constantly

    mistaken by strangers for a little kid. Its a real pain for a

    16-year-old boy to be handed a kids menu every time he

    enters a restaurant. It is even worse when mere coherent

    speech is greeted with awe.

  • 7/31/2019 UMAT Combination Test


    For the writer, the main problem with his disability is

    Athe embarrassment of being so short.

    Bnever knowing what it is to be normal.

    Cdealing with other peoples preconceptions.

    Dcoping with the practical problems caused by hiscondition.

    Answers and Solutions to UMAT sampleQuestions Section 2

    UMAT Sample Question 1

    Answer: C

    This passage does not reflect a loving relationship. It clearly says that thingshadnt been

    going too well between them lately. It is not distressful either. Both Michael and Nikki do

    not show sufficient commitment to the relationship as to provoke such a strong emotion as

    distress. While deteriorating may be correct, it goes beyond the scope of the passage. It

    assumes that the relationship was loving at one point. This may not be true, considering

    Nikki puts passion in quotation marks. It leaves strained as the best answer. There is a

    clear annoyance at the each other, which also supports this answer.

    UMAT Sample Question 2

    Answer: C

    Nikki experiences a range of emotion regarding her pregnancy. However, her first reaction

    can be clearly seen in these lines.

    She stared at the thing for a couple of minutes. Then she grabbed the instruction manual

    of the test and checked it one more time. This couldnt be true right?

    It shows clear disbelief. It is then followed by denial. It may be easy to mix the two options.

    Disbelief is the doubt in the truth while denial is refusing to comply with the truth.

    UMAT Sample Question 3

    Answer: B

  • 7/31/2019 UMAT Combination Test


    Option C and D are too specific. As readers, we can predict the reactions, but their actions

    are beyond the scope. Hence, these two options are not the answer. This leaves option A

    and B. Would the relationship become better or worst? The answer is obvious. Both

    characters show a lack of commitment to the relationship. Michael would rather hang out

    with his friends. Nikki regrets the one night of passion. At this stage, the child is unwanted.

    Clearly, the pregnancy will put further strain on the relationship and cause further conflict.

    UMAT Sample Question 4

    Answer: A

    All four issues are seen within the extract. However, Eileens main concern is Jimmys

    decision to drink and smoke. C is an underlying issue, but not addressed properly by Eileen.

    She dismisses it by saying However old you are, I am still yourmother. D can be seen inJimmys disrespectful tone, but Eileen overlooks it. She doesnt tell him to watch your tone

    or have some respect towards your mother. The issue about lying is mentioned several

    times. However, the answer to this question can be seen in these lines.

    Eileen: Sometimes, I stun myself with my own stupidity. Why trust? Why trust again?! You

    always lie!

    Jimmy: Just shut it, mum. Its just one tiny cigarette.

    Eileen: It starts off as one. It doubles. It triples. Soon, its a pack per day!

    If Eileen was concerned with the lying more, she would have said Sure its one cigarette

    now, but what else will you hide from me later?

    Instead, she chooses to address her main concern, Jimmys decision to smoke.

    UMAT Sample Question 5

    Answer: A

    Jimmys first statement is mum His statement trails off. This does not reflect the clear,

    concise clipped tone of hostility. He is neither unsure nor confused. The passage indicatesthat he has previous experience in drinking. This situation has come up before. The best

    answer is A. He would initially experience shame, due to being caught red-handed again.

    UMAT Sample Question 6

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    Answer: B

    Eileen is angry with her sons actions. Shes not hysterical as she eventually tries to make

    Jimmy see from her perspective. She is still able to control herself. Frank suggests a

    certain level of detachment from the situation, which clearly isnt the case. Eileen has a

    subjective view of the situation whilst frank suggest an objective view. Eileen is critical,

    but again, critical gives an impression of being characterized by careful evaluation and

    judgment. The term is too objective.

    UMAT Sample Question 7

    Answer: C

    Both Jimmy and Eileen care about each other. Eileens care can be clearly seen. Jimmys

    care is more subtle. However, it is evident in the way that Jimmy initially attempts to

    explain his actions to his mother. He becomes angry due to his natural defensive

    mechanism. Hence, B and D can be crossed out. There is no evidence in the passage that

    supports A. In contrast, theres plenty of evidence that supports C. The relationship is

    uneasy due to the lies and the misunderstandings. Jimmy believes Eileen is too

    overwhelming. Eileen thinks Jimmy still needs her help. Neither really understands each


    UMAT Sample Question 8

    Answer: C

    The four words have very similar meanings, but in varying strengths. A and C are strong

    reactions while B and D are more mild. Evidently, Jimmy has quite a strong reaction to

    Eileens comment. Hostile isnt the most appropriate word because it suggests of an ill will

    towards his mother. This isnt true. Therefore, the best option is C. Jimmy is angry.

    UMAT Sample Question 9

    Answer: B

    UMAT Sample Question 10

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    Answer: D

    UMAT Sample Question 11

    Answer: C

  • 7/31/2019 UMAT Combination Test


    UMAT Sample Question 1 Pick the Middle

    UMAT Sample Question 2 Pick the Middle

    UMAT Sample Question 3 Pick the Middle

    UMAT Sample Question 4 Pick the Middle

  • 7/31/2019 UMAT Combination Test


    UMAT Sample Question 5 Next in the Series

    UMAT Sample Question 6

    27 36 ?

    36 16 24

    3 9 11

    Which of the following should replace the question mark?

    A. 54 B. 45 C.66 D.63 E.64

    Answers and Solutions to UMAT sampleQuesions:Question 1: Answer: B

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    Solution: When put in the right order the pieces form a continuous line.

    Question 2: Answer: D


    Thicker line rotates clockwise 90 each time.

    Thinner line rotates clockwise 90, 180, 270 then 360.

    Question 3: Answer: C


    Black circle moves around the corners clockwise 1 step at a time.

    White circle moves around the corners clockwise 1 step, then 2, 3 and finally 4 steps

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    Question 4: Answer: D


    Circle rotates 45 anticlockwise, 135 clockwise, 225 anticlockwise then 315 clockwise.

    Question 5: Answer: B


    The shape rotates 45 each time, therefore A is incorrect. The black square on the top in

    the first frame moves along to the adjacent square each turn, eliminating E. The other black

    square moves along two squares in one turn. Hence, B is the correct answer.

    Question 6: Answer: C

    The rule is: in each column, multiply the number that you get from the division of top

    number and bottom number by 4, you get the middle number. (ie. (27/3)*4 = 36; (36/9)*4

    = 16). Therefore, the missing number must be 66 (ie. (66/11)*4 = 24)

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  • 7/31/2019 UMAT Combination Test
