UIA: Pest control – the natural way

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DIY Pest control : the natural waY!

#DIYpestcontrolbrought to you by UIA Insurance

Before you pick up the phone and dial Rentokil, we check out some alternative ideas to getting rid of household pests.


spideR Repellent: lemon

brought to you by UIA Insurance

Rub lemon around door and window frames. spiders are not fans of the smell of citrus – so this should keep them out.

And your home will smell lemony fresh too!


moth Repellent: lAvendeR

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Moths love to feed on natural fibres like cotton and cashmere, hence why the contents of your wardrobe look so appetising!

Add a few drops of lavender oil to the base, or hang sachets of dried lavender around moth-loving clothes – they can’t stand the smell and it’ll kill their appetite for your favourite threads.


Ant Repellent: CAtnip

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if your house is at risk of being invaded by ants and you don’t want to resort to chemicals to get rid of them, then catnip could be your answer.

sprinkle a bit of catnip around doors and windows and the ants will scarper! if you don’t have catnip to hand, try crushed mint leaves – it’s been said that it deters rodents too!


Rodent Repellent: mint

brought to you by UIA Insurance

Will planting lots of mint around your home repel rodents?

no one really knows. however, the myth has persisted for years, so if you are worried about rats or mice entering your home then there’s no harm in planting some wild mint in the garden – plus, there’ll be plenty for weekend mojitos!

Fly Repellent: heRBs

brought to you by UIA Insurance

Flies and mosquitos can be really, really irritating. the good news is you can keep them at bay by planting some common household herbs.

the strong smell and natural oil in lemon balm, for example, is an ideal mosquito and fly deterrent – you can use basil, rosemary and thyme too.
