Ugma na ni part 2

Post on 05-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Ugma na ni part 2

How did you get along with each of your parents? What were they like?What special memories do you have of your childhood?What were your hurts and disappointments as a child?What is your most urgent prayer request right now?What were you afraid of? Do you have any of those fears today?What was your spiritual life as a child? As an adolescent?How did you express your relationship with God during this time?What do you do when you have spare time?How often do you read the Bible?Which Biblical character do you most relate to or identify with? Why?How the use of technology positively and negatively affected you as an Adventist youth?Why does God allow trials/temptations to come into our lives?What Is your definition of love?What type of person would you most likely want for a best friend?What do you find most difficult about the Christian life?What are 3 qualities you admire in one of your parents?What important beliefs have you changed your mind on since following Jesus?How would you define the word Christian?What small thing could you do for God this week?Specifically, why do we worship God?

In what area of your life do you need to trust God more?What one question would you like to ask God?Whats your favorite characteristic of God?Where in your daily routine could you become more aware of Gods presence?When was the last time you prayed?What is one of your most favorite worship songs?How many siblings do you have, and what are your relationships with them like?One thing I love/hate about my parents is ____________.What draws you closer to God more than anything else?How do you take a stand with your friends/what do you do when you have a friend that is becoming rebellious?Words are powerful. They can make or break. How careful are you as you use the power of your tongue?What do you think are the responsibilities of being an Adventist/Christian?

How do you overcome temptations? Site a situation that happened in your life.

How do you celebrate/spend the Sabbath? Relate your experiences and how you feel.