UFO - Paranormal World

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  • 7/27/2019 UFO - Paranormal World


    June 17, 2012



    "walk" a replica of Easter Island's famous statues (Sheela Sharma/National

    Geographic)Were the giant statues on Easter Island actually "walked" to their final

    resting spots?

    Researchers have unveiled a new theory that may redefine the historical

    understanding of how natives on Easter Island transported the iconic moai


    Writing in July's issue of National Geographic magazine, California StateUniversity at Long Beach archeologist Carl Lipo and Hawaii anthropologist

    Terry Hunt postulate that Polynesian natives used a system of ropes and

    manpower to walk the statues across the island.

    "A lot of what people think they know about the island turns out to be not

    Easter Islands statues may have been walked to their


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    true," Lipo says.

    Using the ropes, islanders would stand on each side of the statues, swaying

    them back and forth to create the walking effect.

    Popular theory has held that the islanders created sled-like devices out of

    the island's trees to cart the statues. That theory also claims that

    deforestation from the island's inhabitants as part of the statue transportingprocess was directly tied to the population's eventual downfall.

    Instead, Lipo and Hunt say the island's population was actually sustainable

    and instead fell victim to disease when European explorers first visited the

    island. In fact, Lipo said the cooperative effort involved in his

    transportation theory might have led to a more harmonious existence

    amongst Easter Island's inhabitants.

    "You're actually putting a lot of your effort into the process of moving a

    statue rather than fighting," Lipo said. "Moving the moai was a little bit like

    playing a football game."

    Jared Diamond, proponent of the sled transportation and subsequent

    deforestation theory, has disputed the new theory.

    "This seems an implausible recipe for disaster," Diamond wrote in a post

    titled "The Myths of Easter Island" on Mark Lynas' blog. "Imagine it

    yourself: If you were told to transport a 90-ton statue 33 feet high over a

    dirt road, why would you risk tipping and breaking it by transporting it

    vertically with all its weight concentrated on its small base, rather than

    avoiding the risk of tipping by laying it flat and distributing its weight over

    its entire length?"

    To counter Diamond's criticism, Lipo and Hunt attempted to recreate the

    walking method. They built a 5-ton moai replica (much smaller than the

    90-ton Easter Island versions) and found the method worked quite well.

    And Hunt tells MSNBC that the theory applies to the larger statues as well.

    "With the physics of the taller statue, you have greater leverage," he said. "It

    almost gets to the point where you would have to do it that way."


    iconic-location-182902034.html visit site to see video of statue

    being walked across island

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    ABC4 News Amazing Footage of a UFO sighting

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    Update Underwater SEA UFO English SubTitles

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    2012 Something Is Going On 1.avi

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    An archaeologist believes a wall carving in a south Wales cave could be

    Britains oldest example of rock art.

    The faint scratchings of a speared reindeer are believed to have been carved

    by a hunter-gatherer in the Ice Age more than 14,000 years ago.

    The archaeologist who found the carving on the Gower peninsula, DrGeorge Nash, called it very, very exciting.

    Experts are working to verify the discovery, although its exact location is

    being kept secret for now.

    Dr Nash, a part-time academic for Bristol University, made the discovery

    while at the caves in September 2010.

    He told BBC Wales: It was a strange moment of being in the right place at

    the right time with the right kit.

    dd h b ki d hi d lki b

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    and awkward recess and there a very faint image bounced in front of me I

    couldnt believe my eyes.

    He said that although the characteristics of the reindeer drawing match

    many found in northern Europe around 4,000-5,000 years later, thediscovery of flint tools in the cave in the 1950s could hold the key to the

    carvings true date.

    In the 1950s, Cambridge University undertook an excavation there and

    found 300-400 pieces of flint and dated it to between 12,000-14,000 BC.

    This drawing was done with the right hand and the niche is very, very tight

    and the engraving has been done by somebody using a piece of flint who has

    drawn a classic reindeer design.

    My colleagues in England have been doing some work in Nottinghamshire

    at Creswell Crags and got very nice dates for a red deer and one or two other

    images of around 12,000-14,000 BC.

    I think this [newly found carving] may be roughly the same period or may

    be even earlier.

    Glacial geologyThe limestone cliffs along the Gower coast are known for their

    archaeological importance.

    The Red Lady of Paviland, actually the remains of a young male, is the

    earliest formal human burial to have been found in western Europe. It is

    thought to be roughly around 29,000 years old.

    It was discovered at Goats Hole Cave at Paviland on Gower in 1823 by

    William Buckland, then a geology professor at Oxford University.

    Dr Nash added: We know from the glacial geology of the area this was an

    open area just before the ice limit came down from the glaciers

    15,000-20,000 years ago and it stops just about 2km short of the cave site.

    We know hunter fisher gatherers were roaming around this landscape,

    albeit seasonally, and they were burying their dead 30,000 years ago and

    making their mark through artistic endeavor between 30,000 and 40,000years ago.

    The find is now being officially dated and verified by experts at the National

    Museum of Wales and Cadw.

    Its location will be revealed to the public in the future.

    Source: BBC




    Pictured: The UFO-shaped object found at the bottom of

    the Baltic Sea... covered in soot, with 'little fireplaces' and

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    It has a 60 metre diameter with an egg-shaped hole leading into it

    from the top

    Hole is surrounded by an strange rock formation that expedition

    team can not explain

    Stones are covered in something 'resembling soot' which has baffledexperts

    By Meghan Keneally

    Sceptics expected that a deep-water dive would debunk the

    slew of extra-terrestrial theories surrounding an unidentified

    object sitting at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

    But the Swedish expedition team that took the plunge surfaced

    with more questions than answers - and certainly no solution

    to its origins.

    The divers found that the object, which some have likened tothe Millennium Falcon because of its unusual round outline,

    was raised about 10 to 13ft above the seabed and curved in at

    the sides, giving it a mushroom shape.

    Hefty trajectory: The Swedish diving team noted a 985-foot flattened out

    'runway' leading up to the object, implying that it skidded along the path

    before stopping but no true answers are clear

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    They added that the object has 'rounded sides and rugged


    'First we thought this was only stone, but this is something

    else,' diver Peter Lindberg said in a press release.

    At the center of the object, which has a 60-meter diameter, hasan 'egg shaped hole leading into it from the top'.

    Surrounding the hole, they found a strange, unexplained rock

    formation. Adding fuel to the speculative fire, they said that the

    rocks looked 'like small fireplaces' and the 'stones were coveredin something resembling soot'.

    'Since no volcanic activity has ever been reported in the Baltic

    Sea the find becomes even stranger,' Mr Lindberg continued.

    A brief video clip of the dive was released to Swedish-language

    paper Expressen and can be viewed on Gizmodo.

    More questions: The divers found soot-covered rocks that encircled an

    egg-shaped hole that went into the object at its center, and have no idea

    what any of it means

    Landing spot: The exact coordinates of the object have not been released,but it is confirmed to be somewhere at the bottom of the Botnia Gulf in the

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    The soot also proved cause for concern for Mr Lindberg's

    colleague on the Ocean X explorer team, Stefan Hogeborn.

    'During my 20-year diving career, including 6,000 dives, I have

    never seen anything like this. Normally stones dont burn,' Mr

    Hogeborn said in the release.'I cant explain what we saw, and I went down there to answer

    questions, but I came up with even more questions.'

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    Unidentified treasure: Shipwreck divers are perplexed by the oddly-shapedobject that they found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea

    The sonar picture of the unidentified object resembles the famed Star Wars

    ship the Millennium Falcon

    Another find that they saw in person for the first time was the

    985-foot trail that they described 'as a runway or a downhill

    path that is flattened at the seabed with the object at the end of


    The object was first found this month last year, but because of

    a lack of funding and bad timing, they have were not able to

    pull a team together to see for themselves - just the strange,

    metallic outline, and a similar disk-shaped object about 200

    metres away.As it was before the recent dive the story behind the object is

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    down there or something,' Mr Lindberg said.

    Speaking to Fox News, he said: 'We dont know whether it is a

    natural phenomenon, or an object. We saw it on sonar when

    we were searching for a wreck from World War I. This circular

    object just turned up on the monitor.While the Ocean Explorer team is understandably excited

    about their potentially earth-shattering find, others are slightly

    more sceptical and are questioning the accuracy of the sonar


    In the past, such technology has confused foreign objects with

    unusual- but natural- rock formations.

    Part of the trouble they face, however, is that they have no way

    of telling what is inside the supposed cylinder- whether it is

    filled with gold and riches or simply aged sediment particles.

    They're hoping for the former, and history seems to be in their

    favour.The Baltic Sea is a treasure trove for shipwreck hunters, as an

    estimated 100,000 objects are thought to line the cold sea's


    The company have created a submarine that they hope will

    appeal to tourists and wannabe shipwreck hunters who will pay

    to take a trip down to the bottom of the Baltic Sea to see for


    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2160297/Pictured-




    5 Huge Misconceptions aboutliens

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    typical Hollywood alien is "soft, squishy and big on mucus," in the wordsof Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mountain View,

    Calif. These sci-fi lumps of goo are inclined to abduct us, probe us, hover

    above us and even walk among us (in disguise, of course). But far beyond

    Hollywood's limited scope, aliens might really exist. What are they like, and

    how would they actually handle a human encounter?

    strobiologists have deduced a few answers by combining their knowledge

    of life on Earth with their understanding of the cosmos as a whole. Their

    profile of ET might not be what you expected.

    1. They won't come in peace

    The renowned physicist Stephen Hawking once famously warned that

    humanity's efforts to radio communicate with extraterrestrials could be

    endangering us. If the aliens that detect our signals are technologicallycapable of coming here proof that they are far more advanced than we

    "I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first

    landed in America, which didn't turn out very well for the Native

    mericans," Hawking said.

    But how can we know the first thing about ET's behavior, be it malevolent

    or otherwise? Shostak said we need look no farther than Earth. Aggression

    evolved as a trait among Earthlings because it helps us obtain and protect

    resources. Though aliens would have arisen and evolved under totally

    different conditions, pressure to secure finite resources would probably

    have molded their behavior, too. "I suspect resources would be finite

    anywhere in the universe," Shostak told Life's Little Mysteries.

    2. They didn't put us herepopular fringe theory holds that humans are alien's gift to Earth. Some

    people say we were delivered here during a near pass of a life-bearing planet

    called Nibiru. This alleged planet, which has not actually been observed by

    astronomers, is said to skirt the edges of the solar system and swing inward

    from time to time. [A Field Guide to Alien Planets]

    "I get emails every week saying thatHomo sapiens are the result of alien

    intervention," Shostak said. "I'm not sure why aliens would be interested in

    d i I thi k l lik t thi k ' i l B t i 't th t h t

  • 7/27/2019 UFO - Paranormal World


    brought down by their own alien nature. Lacking immunity to Earth-based

    bacteria, they all die of infections. This wouldn't really happen. "Alien life

    forms wouldn't come here only to be done in by our bacteria, unless they

    were related biochemically to humans," Shostak told IEEE Spectrum.

    "Bacteria would have to be able to interact with their biochemistry to be

    dangerous, and their ability to do that is far from a sure thing."

    4. They won't eat us

    Just as they would not be recognized by the local pathogens as potential

    hosts, aliens would also not recognize Earth's organic matter as a potential

    food source. They couldn't digest us. And they probably wouldn't need to,

    anyway. As Jacob Haqq-Misra, an astronomer at Pennsylvania State

    University, pointed out, "A society capable of interstellar travel should have

    solved their development issues such that they do not need humans for


    5. They won't mate with us

    Human DNA can't combine with XYZ, or whatever it is that encodes alien

    life. "The idea that they've come for breeding purposes is more akin towishful thinking by members of the audience who don't have good social

    lives," Shostak told IEEE Spectrum. "Think about how well we breed with

    other species on Earth, and they have DNA. It would be like trying to breed

    with an oak tree."



    y Opinions and Comments on the Above Article

    I do not agree with a great deal of the article concerning the five

    misconceptions about aliens I have posted above.

    1.. They do not come in peace: I see the author of this article constructs

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    are cosmic visitors, dimensional or something we are yet to understand on

    our primitive human level. I do know they exist. I would not consider

    making determinations about their reasons until we are able to figure out

    and understand what they are and where they come from. The science of

    their life form and the actions they take is something far beyond our

    understanding. To make the statement they come in peace or to kill orcontrol is unreasonable at our level of understanding these unknowns. It is

    obvious that they have been coming here and have yet to overtake, destroy

    or help us in any way. That makes it clear we do not have enough

    information about them to make any statement concerning their agenda's.

    Giving them human qualities in my mind is a waste of time. They are not


    2. They did not put us here: I think we can all agree that no human can say

    without question they know how we definitely started on this planet. There

    are many theories, many avenues of thought on this subject but no human

    has a absolute answer to this question. I do not think we are at a level to

    suggest why a life form we cannot and do not understand would doanything is above our range of understanding so making a statement that

    they did not place us here is fruitless until we have the absolute answer to

    this question and others like it.

    3. They are immune to earths bacteria: This should be a simple subject to

    digest by logic. If another life form is far more sophisticated, advanced and

    intelligent than we are that they are able to visit us -I am sure they are fully

    able and equipped to deal with our bacteria and atmosphere. I also think

    they wear skin like protective garments that handle all those issues for

    them. I do not think any human has ever seen a visiting being in their

    natural form. We have seen many protective suits.

    4. They will not eat us. This is the only thought I fully agree with. They will

    have no need to eat us. I do however think they are interested in our


    5. They will not mate with us. : Once again I find the comments on this issue

    extremely limited to those who cannot see outside the human box. Since we

    have no idea what the interest in humans really is about by those who visit

    and inspect some of us it is impossible for us to make any statements on

    what they are doing with us. I do think they need something human that

    they seem to be taking or experimenting with or using. I also think makingthe statement that it is impossible to cross breed species is almost true of

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    species. I think it is time we start to stop keeping all our thinking locked in

    small human boxes of our limited knowledge and start to consider the

    possibilities of those who are far advanced. Let us start to think of it as we

    are the ant hill and they are us. It is about the same for those far more

    advanced in all ways. We are silly little dumb humans who need to expand

    our thinking past our human limitations if we are ever going to be morethan silly little humans !





    By Tom Goodenough

    People often say that time speeds up as we age, but if the latest

    scientific theory is true the opposite could well be the case.

    The radical theory by academics suggests that time itself couldbe slowing down - and may eventually grind to a halt


    The latest mind-bending findings - put forward by researchers

    working at two Spanish universities - proposes that we have all

    been fooled into thinking the universe is expanding.

    Our time really is running out: Scientists put forward

    theory suggesting that the universe could grind to a halt

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    computer visualization of dark matter in the Universe which scientists

    have previously battled to explain

    In fact, they say, time itself is slowing down until eventually, in

    billions of years time, it will cease altogether.

    lthough the findings might sound worrying, however, it's

    probably not worth losing any sleep over, or indeed spending

    too long mulling over.

    ccording to scientists, the gradual loss of time is not

    noticeable to the human eye.

    nd anyway, they say, we'll all be long gone by the time time

    really does end.

    Professor Senovilla told New Scientist magazine: 'Everything

    will be frozen, like a snapshot of one instant, forever.

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    picture from the Hubble Space Telescope which scientists believed

    showed so-called 'dark energy' spurring the expansion of the universe

    'Our planet will be long gone by then.'

    Scientists have previously measured the light from distant

    exploding stars to show that the universe is expanding at arapid rate.

    The accepted theory is based on the idea that a kind of

    anti-gravitational force - known as 'dark energy' - must be

    driving galaxies apart.

    However, the scientists working on the latest theory say that

    we're looking at thing backwards.

    nd Senovilla proposes that the current assumption has got it

    all wrong - with the appearance of acceleration instead caused

    by time gradually slowing.

    It might sound difficult to believe, but a cosmologist at

    Cambridge University, says the idea is not without substance:'We believe that time emerged during the Big Bang, and if time

    can emerge, it can also disappear - that's just the reverse


    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2160625


    grind-halt html#ixzz1y6pxobhn

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    June 14, 2012

    Lots of Reports all Over the World


    My Email has been filled with people all over Long Island reporting strange

    lights and crafts overhead. Summer is here and sightings are more likely as

    we spend more time outdoors. Keep your eyes open and remember always

    keep your distance for safety reasons and always try to find others to

    witness what you are seeing. It is easy to discredit one person much harder

    as you add more eyes to the encounter. Seek people and safety and try to

    have your phone or camera charged and with you as you never know what

    you will see when out in the world that falls in the category of strange



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  • 7/27/2019 UFO - Paranormal World


    Posted by Chris Holly at 4:37 PM Links to this post

    June 9, 2012

    What Horror Lurks in YourNeighborhood?

    Awhile back I wrote an article about the infamous Plum Island that is located off

    of the tip of Long Island New York. Plum Island has been long known as a place of

    dangerous activities since the mid 1950s. I will include my article below as well

    as a few videos.

    Knowing dangerous strange experiments like those that were conducted for years at

    Plum Island take place all over the world I was not surprised at all when I ran

    across the story I have posted about a strange beast created somewhere in China.

    Thankfully for New York Plum Island is not currently in active use. The dangerous

    lab that was housed on Plum Island was supposed to be moved to Manhattan

    Kansas. I tried to find information on the location of the old Plum Island Lab but

    could not find any information other than that stating it still had not been relocated.

    I may be wrong on this issue but was not able to find definite answers to its

    location. Of course this may be for security which I can understand as the things

    that took place over the years on Plum Island were horrific.

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    another example of things that go on right in front of our eyes that we simply

    choose not to see? I also have to wonder if man is the only being doing

    experiments on living creatures? Most of all I have to wonder how many of these

    things have gotten away be it a hybrid creature or deadly virus ? I have to wonder

    about these things and frankly I find it a sad part of the way of things!

    Chris Holly



    Find articles below:

    By Rob Waugh

    With a mohawk-style plume of hair and pink flesh covered inleopard-esque spots, the mysterious animal terrified locals in

    Xinxiang, Henan province

    Xinxiang is close to several scientific research centers and a

    local medical school - and locals became convinced the

    creature was an experiment gone wrong, on the run from a

    nearby lab.

    One witness said: The pink skin makes it look just like pig

    gone wrong in some sort of genetic experiment.

    Xinxiang is close to several scientific research centres and a local medical

    school - and locals became convinced the creature was an experiment gone

    wrong on the run from a nearby lab

    Genetic experiment' terrifies Chinese city as residents

    fear mysterious animal is escapee from nearby research


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    One witness said: 'The pink skin makes it look just like pig gone wrong in

    some sort of genetic experiment'

    But police say the dog is actually a pedigree breed called a

    Chinese crested hairless dog is a pet - and expensive.

    It is definitely a dog, and quite an expensive one at that, said a


    The bizarre breed with just tufts of hair on its head and tail and

    a bare, spotted body regularly features as a contender in the

    World's Ugliest Dog contest.

    One celebrated example, Yoda (pictured below), won the 2011

    World's Ugliest Dog contest at the Sonoma Marin Fair for her

    short tufts of hair, protruding tongue, and long, seemingly

    hairless legs.The 1.8lb pooch had lived a rough life before Terry Schumacher

    found her abandoned behind an apartment building and

    mistook her for a rat.

    The dog went on to bag $1,000 and a trophy 15 times her size

    when she won the contest held in Petaluma, California last


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    But police say the dog is actually a pedigree breed called a Chinese crested

    hairless dog is a pet - and expensive

    Best paw forward: Yoda was a first-time competitor and beat fierce

    competition for the title



    Note : after posting this article I did remember seeing odd dogs when Iwas in Asia and did find this one that looks very much like the animal

    above. Not an exact match and maybe what the poor animal above is

    crossed with. I think man needs to step away from this type of thing and

    let nature handle it!

  • 7/27/2019 UFO - Paranormal World


    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2156362





    Conspiracy Theory Jesse Ventura S02E01 Plum

    0:00 / 14:45

    Strange Events of Long I sland

  • 7/27/2019 UFO - Paranormal World


    PLUM ISLAND, N.Y. (WPIX) - An alleged mutated human body washed

    ashore on Plumb Island, a small island where the U.S. Government typically

    studies dangerous animal diseases.

    security guard on foot patrol reportedly discovered the clothed

    decomposing body Thursday afternoon on the southwest beach area of the

    island, where access is restricted, police said.

    The body was described as that of a white male about 6-feet tall with a largebuild and "very long" fingers. According to authorities, there were no

    obvious signs of trauma.

    n autopsy will be conducted by the Suffolk County medical examiner in

    order to determine an exact cause of death.

    Plum Island, which is located about 100 miles northeast of New York City in

    the Long Island Sound, has been called a potential target for terrorists

    because of its stock of vaccines and diseases.

    The above report was all over the Internet sites recently. The body was

    found January 15th on the Shore of Plum Island, which is located only about

    a mile off the shore of Long Island New York.

    The locals of Long Island know Plum Island for its top-secret activities. Ithas been known as the best kept secret of the dangerous kind for a very long

    time to native east end Long Islanders. No one ever knew exactly what all

    the strange scientists where working on as Plum Island was a protected

    guarded top secret projects that sat openly on the small island known as

    Plum Island directly off the long island coast.

    If you were not from the Long Island area you most likely never heard of the

    l Th dd thi b t Pl I l d i th t it t l h b th

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  • 7/27/2019 UFO - Paranormal World


    I was not shocked at all to read the story about the body being found on

    Plum Island. I am sure like other things found on or near Plum Island a

    neat little packaged story will appear explaining away what they found so it

    can quickly and quietly be swept under the rug and thought of no more!

    That may fool most of the people most of the time but for old Islanders

    the fact will more likely be accepted that another odd creature was found onPlum- and we will go on never knowing what it is that creeps along the

    coastal shores on cold Long Island night!.

    Copyright 2008- 2012 Chris Holly all Rights Reserved

    Chris Hollys Paranormal World- http://endlessjrny.blogspot.com/

    Email chrishollyufo@yahoo.com


    The Montauk Beach Monster and Plum Island

    0:00 / 2:13




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    June 4, 2012

    And Then There is all of This!

    So maybe we won't find.... The Doctor's nemesis, the Daleks...

    Starchild DNA Showing "Wright" Stuff

    0:00 / 9:10



    By Eddie Wrenn

    To anyone who has seen the film 'Prometheus', it will be a very

    familiar story.Humans and aliens may share the same DNA which could be


    aliens might look like you: DNA

    could be a 'universal constant' -

    making humans and ET closer

    to 'cousins'

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    Whilst no concrete proof has been found yet, the finding makes

    it more likely they would develop on strange planets than had

    previously been thought.

    M lik th th i ht If th th b t h i i t R l h P d it

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    into amino acids.

    In total there are 20 standard such chemicals, which contain

    the DNA from which human life developed.

    Researchers have already synthesized the 10 which are thought

    to have existed millions of years ago - and also discovered theseare most likely to be found on meteorites too.

    Purditz has concluded that these 10 are simpler, need less heat

    and lower pressure than more complex acids, meaning they are

    more likely to survive in hostile environments.

    ...Or the Predators from the films of the same name

    And whilst the exact conditions of meteorites are not known,

    they are thought to be warm and hydrated which would make

    comparable conditions to a young Earth.

    Purditz said: 'This may implicate a universal structure of thefirst genetic codes anywhere...

    'There's a theory that they could be made in the warm interiors

    of large-enough meteorite'.

    He added: 'Thermodynamics is fundamental.

    'It must hold through all points of the universe. If you can show

    there are certain frequencies that fall in a natural way like this,

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    In the opening sequence a human like creature is seen drinking

    a black fluid before falling into stream where the first creatures

    suddenly spring to life.

    Harvard University systems biologist Irene Chen, who

    specialises in molecular evolution, said the new work was'interesting' but hard to analyse without experiments to back it


    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2157644





    Janet Ciminelli of North Shore Animal League of America holds Garfield in

    Long Island, New York on June 4, 2012. Garfield, the 40lb feline, hasclaimed the dubious title of world's fattest cat. The obese cat was brought

    into the shelter after his owner sadly passed away. Staff have put Garfield

    on a no dry food diet in hopes he can lose 15 to 20lbs and are looking for a

    new owner who is committed to helping him become healthy and active.

    Now That is a Cat!

    I posted this a few days ago but

    wait look at Rupert below!

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    By Chris Parsons

    At three times the size of the average cat, most would think

    giant pet Rupert has done enough growing for now.

    But the super-sized feline, who at 20lbs (9kg) could claim to be

    one of the world's biggest cats, is only half grown and set to

    gain more weight.

    The giant breed Maine coon is only half its possible size atnearly three years old, and is expected to put on another 11lbs.

    Larger than life: Natalie Chettle holds her mother's giant cat Rupert over

    her head



    Is Rupert the world's mightiest

    moggy? Mammoth cat weighs in

    at 20lb... and he's still growing

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    A three-time cat of the year in his native Australia, Rupert is

    said by cat competition judges to be among the biggest Maine

    coon domestic cats they have ever seen.

    Cat competition judge Lesley Morgan Blythe said: 'He's a

    mega, monster cat and still yet to fully fill out.

    'He's bigger than the biggest maine coon I've seen. And he's

    probably only half grown at two.'

    Rupert's owner, Kyra Foster, said: 'He is particularly majestic

    looking with his long hair adding to his magnificent, wild look.

    Rupert is a Maine coon cat, a breed which are known for their larger bonestructure

  • 7/27/2019 UFO - Paranormal World


    of the biggest domestic felines.

    Native to the U.S. state of Maine, they are distinctive for their

    long, heavily-furred tails, and can grow to over 40 inches from

    nose to tail.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2157167/fat-cat-




    UFO Footage I-10 N. Florida Very Strange 11 26 ...

    0:00 / 2:44

    Note: When viewing this video please enlarge it to full screen and then

    realize that the three lights are the bottom or underneath the UFO. If you

    look up from that angle you can see the outline of a spinning hovering

    modulating craft. I have seen this up close in my life time and hope you are

    able to look carefully at this video concentrating on what is above the three

    lights so you too can see in my estimation a real UFO

    If you watched the latest episode of Fact or Faked this week you watched as

    the team investigated this video and found it to be a real UFO . From my

    own experience I also think this is a video of a real UFO and an excellent

    example of a real sighting caught on video. The most interesting thing about

    all of this is that when the Fact or Faked team were going about theinvestigation of this video they not only could not disprove the video but

    had and caught on film an incredible UFO sighting of their own. You must

    catch this episode of the show. I will download it to my site as soon as it is

    available to do so. This is one of the best real UFO videos I have ever seen.

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    thoughts about the possibilities for the origins of whatever entities perform the

    abductions and accompanying lost time events naturally changed, too. Comments

    from abductees who've told me about their experiences, as well as my own lifelong

    experiences in this particular segment of the unknown, have led to this shift in

    perception during the years I've been writing about these events . While I won't

    claim with certainty that this is what happens, Ive come to the conclusion it's asmuch a possibility as the theory that beings from other worlds are visiting our

    planet. Those who are snatching up humans and using them for whatever strange

    purpose they deem necessary may be us in whatever form we will evolve to

    become.. It t may be that we are the ones performing these abductions as beings

    from the distant future, evolved into something akin to our present human form, but

    different enough in appearance that the handful of abductees who recall anything

    about their abductors talk about similarities, not exact replicas of humans as we

    appear today. There are other possibilities, besides evolution, that could explain the

    difference in appearance between these humans and today's humans, though.

    Consider the drive to enhance humans through addition of non-biological parts,

    such as computer chips and even mechanical limbs, a move I feel is a dangerous

    error being made by modern science. It may even be possible that we continue inthis "bionic" direction until future humans become as much machine as living,

    biological life, if not more so. If this is what our future holds, I don't think it's

    illogical to consider that we will lose our ability to produce the required genetic

    material necessary for the continued production of uniquely human life. If the

    future leads to some type of human that is artificially developed, rather than

    naturally born, what we will have become may no longer possess the ability to

    reproduce in the manner we now do. What humanity becomes in the future may

    have need of "parts" harvested from the purely biological humans living today, like

    you and me.

    The main point I'm attempting to make is that we're extremely limited by current

    scientific concepts concerning the subject of abductions perpetrated by unidentifiedentities, and that should lead us to remain open minded until we have a better

    understanding of the complicated workings of our universe and the dimensions that

    could be next to us in time and space, as well as the possibility of travel backward

    and forward in time. It is just as possible more than one of these theories is actual

    reality. I think it's entirely possible that all of these scenarios are being applied to

    us, and it may be that many more than just one species visits us and uses us for

    whatever reasons or agendas they have concerning the human race. All of the

    interference is however intrusive, against our will and a nightmare for those


    The only thing I know for a fact is that we're being visited, some of us are being

    abducted against our will , some of us are returned, some of us are never seen

    again, and we have no idea at all what is doing this, why they are doing this, howmany different perpetrators are involved, or where these perpetrators originate.

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    shapes, including flying buildings, and no one seems to have any idea who or what

    is piloting them, who or what could even conceive of some of the unwieldy

    designs freely flying through our skies. I have seen mysterious airships on more

    than one occasion myself, and I've faced unknown entities multiple times without

    getting any closer to understanding who or what stood right in front of me. For

    these reasons, I'll state, unequivocally, it's time for humanity to take this situationseriously, to stop treating these reports and the growing evidence as though it's

    something to be approached with ridicule. It's now time to "get to the getting," as

    some people say, when it comes to researching the unknown phenomena around us.

    There are other beings visiting us, far more technologically advanced than we are

    and subjecting us to intrusive and frightening events. How long do we all intend to

    treat their visits as objects of derision and remain the most ignorant beings in the

    scenario? I, for one, would like to know what's going on before the agenda (or

    agendas) of these beings progress too far for us to counteract them, if it's even

    possible we ever could. If we're doomed to become some vaguely human like

    creatures from our own future and travel back in time to visit our ancestors, I

    imagine it may not be too late to change it. If we're losing our humanity and what's

    showing up to snatch certain ones of us away is actually the future "us," we need

    to begin changing the possibility of that future now. The fact is that the part of oursociety we would expect to examine this phenomenon, the scientific researchers,

    treats reports of abduction as though they're hallucinations experienced by people

    with diminished thought processes. The media treat it as some entertaining

    stupidity portrayed by an uneducated fringe. The result is that abduction events

    and the people experiencing them are minimized by scientists and considered a

    reasonable target for laughter by the media. The result, if allowed to continue,

    means we'll remain the dumbest kids on the universal block! Is this really the road

    you wish to take?

    Chris Holly and Rick Stokes

    Copyright 2012 Chris Holly all Rights Reserved

    Chris Hollys Paranormal World- http://endlessjrny.blogspot.com/

    Email chrisholly61@yahoo.com Phone: 631-887-4818



    Has a Stonehenge like structure

    been discovered underneath the

    waters of Lake Michigan. If so,

    the site could be around 10,000

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    when they came across some large stones that were arranged in a circular

    pattern with one of the stones appearing to have a Mastodon carved into it.

    The stones were under approximately 40 feet of water and were detected

    using a new form of sonar. Below is a picture of what the sonar scan

    revealed with the Stonehenge like structure.

    Certainly, there are more tests needed to be done to confirm these findings

    but if this actually turns out to be a man made object then it would place the

    building of the stones at around 10,000 years ago when the waters of Lake

    Michigan were much lower due to the glaciation of the area. This time

    period would also coincide with the extinction of the mastodons in thisarea. Several pictures of the mastodon are below.

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    Of course, there is a lot of skepticism with this so called Stonehenge like

    structure. And the supposed mastodon carving is not too clear in any

    pictures as of yet. There will need to be many underwater scuba

    investigations of the area before any of this can be confirmed. One thing

    the area does have going for it is that there are numerous petroglyph sites

    and even standing stones. The problem is that these ancient sites are muchyounger than when the Stonehenge site would have been above water so the

    questions will remain until better investigations are completed.

    So, what is your opinion on these findings? Are they just naturally placed

    rocks underneath the water and what appears to be a mastodon is just the

    odd shape of the cracks in the rock? In my opinion, we need more

    information before a decision can be reached. I am fascinated by these

    findings though and am utterly intrigued by the numbers of underwaterstructures we have been finding in the past several decades It certainly

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    Read more: http://socyberty.com/social-sciences/stonehenge-




    By Matthew KalmanPUBLISHED: 10:29 EST, 10 June 2012 | UPDATED: 12:05 EST, 10 June


    It has been venerated for centuries as the burial shroud of

    Jesus and has attracted thousands to the chapel where it lies.

    But an eminent Church historian says the Turin Shroud isprobably a medieval fake and just one of 40 similar cloths

    circulating in Europe until the 18th century.

    In a new study, Antonio Lombatti, a Church historian at the

    Universita Popolare in Parma, Italy, says the shroud appears to

    have originated in Turkey some 1,300 years after the

    crucifixion of Jesus in the Holy Land.

    The shroud is a linen cloth about 14ft by 4ft bearing a front and

    back view of the negative image of a bearded, naked man who

    appears to have been stabbed or tortured.

    The Turin Shroud is a fake...

    and it's one of 40: Historian

    claims linen cloths were

    produced AFTER the crucifixion

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    The Turin Shroud was believed to have covered Jesus, but a leading Church

    historian says it is one of many produced over a thousand years after his


    It has attracted thousands of pilgrims to the Royal Chapel of

    the Cathedral of St John the Baptist in Turin, Italy since the

    remarkable detail on the cloth was revealed by negative

    photography in the late 19th century.

    In a research paper to be published later this month in the

    scholarly journal 'Studi Medievali,' Lombatti says the shroud

    was most likely given to a French knight as a memento from a

    crusade to Smyrna, Turkey in the 14th century.

    'The Turin Shroud is only one of the many burial cloths which

    were circulating in the Christian world during the Middle Ages.

    There were at least 40,' said Lombatti, citing research by the19th-century French historian Francois de Mely, who had

  • 7/27/2019 UFO - Paranormal World


    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2157217/The-Turin-



    'Vampire' Skeletons Discovered In Bulgaria

    0:00 / 0:36

    By Daniel Miller

    If you thought vampires were simply the stuff of myth and

    legend - and perhaps the odd teen horror film - think again.

    Archaeologists in Bulgaria have unearthed two skeletons fromthe Middle Ages pierced through the chest with iron rods to

    keep them from turning into the undead.

    They are the latest in a succession of finds across western and

    central Europe which shed new light on just how seriously

    people took the threat of vampires and how those beliefs

    transformed into the modern myth.


    Are you sure digging him up is

    a good idea? Archaeologists

    find Bulgarian 'vampires' from

    Middle Ages with iron rods

    staked through their chests

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    Find: Two skeletons, believed to be those of suspected Medieval vampires,

    were discovered with iron poles plunged through their chests in the

    Bulgarian Black Sea town of Sozopol

    The two skeletons, believed to be around 800 years old, were

    discovered during an archaeological dig near a monastery in

    the Bulgarian Black Sea town of Sozopol.

    Bulgaria's national history museum chief Bozhidar Dimitrov

    said: 'These two skeletons stabbed with rods illustrate a

    practice which was common in some Bulgarian villages up

    until the first decade of the 20th century.'

    A l f f h ' i ' k l di d i h l b

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    being buried.

    People believed the rod would also pin them down in their

    graves to prevent them from leaving at midnight and

    terrorising the living, the historian explained.

    According to Mr Dimitrov over 100 buried people whosecorpses were stabbed to prevent them from becoming vampires

    have been discovered across Bulgaria over the years.

    He added: 'I do not know why an ordinary discovery like that

    became so popular. Perhaps because of the mysteriousness of

    the word "vampire".

    'These people were believed to be evil while they were alive,

    and it was believed that they would become vampires once they

    are dead, continuing to torment people.'

    According to Dimitrov, 'vampires' were often aristocrats and


    He added: 'The curious thing is that there are no womenamong them. They were not afraid of witches.'

    However last month Italian researchers discovered what they

    believed to be the remains of a female 'vampire' in Venice -

    buried with a brick jammed between her jaws to prevent her

    feeding on victims of a plague which swept the city in the 16th


    Matteo Borrini, an anthropologist from the University of

    Florence, said the discovery on the small island of Lazzaretto

    Nuovo in the Venice lagoon supported the medieval belief that

    vampires were behind the spread of plagues like the Black


    Find: The two skeletons were discovered during a dig outside a monastery

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    Sozopol: According to the head of Bulgaria's natural history museum 100corpses of people who were stabbed to prevent them from becoming

    vampires have been discovered across the country over the years

    The skeleton was unearthed in a mass grave from the Venetian

    plague of 1576 - in which the artist Titian died - on Lazzaretto

    Nuovo, which lies around two miles northeast of Venice and

    was used as a sanitorium for plague sufferers.Borrini said: 'This is the first time that archaeology has

    succeeded in reconstructing the ritual of exorcism of a


    'This helps ... authenticate how the myth of vampires was


    The succession of plagues which ravaged Europe between 1300

    and 1700 fostered the belief in vampires, mainly because the

    decomposition of corpses was not well understood, Borrini


    Gravediggers reopening mass graves would sometimes come

    across bodies bloated by gas, with hair still growing, and blood

    seeping from their mouths and believe them to be still alive.

    The shrouds used to cover the faces of the dead were oftendecayed by bacteria in the mouth revealing the corpse's teeth

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    return to the streets again.

    The remains of a female 'vampire' from 16th-century Venice, buried with a

    brick in her mouth to prevent her feasting on plague victims

    'To kill the vampire you had to remove the shroud from itsmouth, which was its food like the milk of a child, and put

    something uneatable in there,' said Borrini.

    'It's possible that other corpses have been found with bricks in

    their mouths, but this is the first time the ritual has been

    recognised.'While legends about blood-drinking ghouls date back

    thousands of years, the modern figure of the vampire was

    encapsulated in the Irish author Bram Stoker's 1897 novel

    'Dracula,' based on 18th century eastern European folktales.

    The belief in vampires was widespread throughout

    Bulgaria and other parts of central Europe

    throughout the Middle Ages.

    The word vampire is derived from the original Slavic

    term opyrb or opir which later appears as vipir, vepir,or vapir.

    Drunkards, thieves and murderers were all believed

    to be likely candidates to become vampires.



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    Movie legend: Christopher Lee as Count Dracula gets his comeuppance with

    a stake through the heart in the 1958 film Dracula

    Appearing completely normal, they would arrive at a

    town and live amongst the people often even marrying

    and fathering children. But at night they would

    wander the countryside in search of blood.These types of vampires could be destroyed with a

    stake through the heart.

    One account maintains that a vampire was the soul of

    an outlaw who died in the mountains or forest or

    along a country road, and whose corpse is eaten by

    crows, wolves, or some other such scavengers.

    Because such a soul is not permitted to enter heaven

    or hell it remains on earth haunting the place where

    he was killed strangling and drinking the blood of

    anyone who comes by.

    Another account states a person who died a violent,unnatural death or whose corpse was jumped over by

    a cat before burial, can become a vampire.

    In such cases during the first 40 days after burial, the

    bones turn to gelatin and the vampire performs

    mischief at night - releasing animals from their pens,

    scattering house hold items, and suffocating people.

    During the first forty days it can be destroyed by a

    Vampiridzhija - a professional vampire hunter

    capable of seeing them - or alternatively devoured by a


    However if not destroyed in this time period the

    Vampire ould de elop a skeleton and becomes e en

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    These were believed to be the spirits of children born

    on a Saturday but who died before receiving baptism.

    On the ninth day after its burial, a Ustrel would climb

    out of the ground and attack cattle or sheep by

    draining their blood before returning to its gravebefore dawn.

    To kill an Ustrel, a village would have to go through a

    ritual known as lighting of a needfire.

    This involved extinguishing all the village household

    fires on a Saturday morning before rounding up all

    the cattle and sheep in an open space.

    From there the animals were marched to a nearby

    crossroads where two bonfires, lit by a new fire

    created by rubbing sticks together, had been set up.

    By guiding the animals between the fires the vampire

    would become stranded at the crossroads wherewolves devoured it.

    Before the bonfires burned out, someone took a flame

    and used it to relight all the household fires in the


    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2154837





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