UFO Newspaper/Magazine Cuttings from NSW Australia - 1983 to 1992

Post on 10-Oct-2015

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UFO related cuttings predominately taken from the Sydney Telegraph, Australia between 1983 to 1992.

Transcript of UFO Newspaper/Magazine Cuttings from NSW Australia - 1983 to 1992




  • By John Pinkney

    S p E: C T A C U l A R N I G H T photographs of a mystenous unidentified flying object lver rur'll VIctoria have baffled thE. RAAF and thrown a score 1nto the. hundreds of people who saw them

    Russell H1 nthorn, a 1 6-year-old techn1c .11 college student, took the photographs at the he1ght of the UFO s1ght1nqs which swept Bendigo in May

    The air force's intelligence officers extcn!!>1vely tested Russell's negatives on sophisticated aenal reconnaissance eqUipment - and then passed me the enlargements shown here

    "Eventually we"ll produce a theory," sa1d Fh9ht Lieutenant Brett B1dd1ngton. a speclnl 1nvesttgatton off1cer

    'We know there was a temperature 1nvers1on over some parts of Victoria at that t1me, but not 1n Bendgo.

    "So we are ndeed puzzled -cspccally by the p1cture wh1ch seems to have a structure in it.

    "This p1cturc 1s clear and cnsply 1n tocus, and it appears to show three panels"

    This negat1ve was also analysed by Gerard Lie, sen1or photographic expert o f Melbourne University's higher educ.ttlon department.

    He called the photograph "the most fascinating and seemingly detailed shot of on alleged UFO I have ever seen "

    It shows a circular object whose s1de panels are ablaze w1th red, blue and white lights

    From Castlemame to Bendigo hundreds of people rang newspapers and rad10 stallons to report seemg

    An artist's Impression of the honeycomb-shaped UFO -

    similar to those In one of Pinkney's books.



    Russell Henthorn: UFOtographer.

    Were the strange lights over Bendigo a deliberate display by alien spacecraft? similar cone shaped, slivery obJects with flashing coloured lights hurtling across the night sky that even1ng in May

    And many witnesses 1nclud1ng 3BO announcer Mike Evans, sa1d they had seen honeycomb pattern1ng' on the undersdes of the UFOs

    An artist's mpress1on of what Evans saw was published 1n the Bendgo Adverllser It showed ongatod hexagons - wtunlly d nllcal to those descnbed by Leor:ard Ryzman and I 1n our book Allen Honeycomb published 111 1979. The book described numerous cases of hexagon structures on UFOs.

    And Pat G1ldea. the V1ctonan UFO Society's research officer, now holds an actual photograph of a honeycomb patterned UFO T re p1cture was taken over BendigO during the day by a profeSSional photographer and wll be published after US computer analysis.

    Like the fly ing saucers which presented themselves to a New Zealand telev1s1on crew In 1979 the Bend1go UFOs appeared to be seeking publicity

    In three of the best documented s1ght1ngs, they hovered outs1de a rad1o

    stallon, appeared to a profess1onal photographer and presented themselves at a TV stat1on

    Russell Henthorn had been play1ng table tennis with h1s brother n the backyard when he suddenly caught s1ght of something sp1nn1ng 1n the sky

    He rushed inside to grab h1s camera. a FUJICa STX, and yelled to h1s parents to come and look at the spectacle

    'The object was round, with six huge blue yellow and red lights wh1ch kept wtwling around the base," he said.

    " It was moving very slowly, so I set up my tnpod on the garage roof and loft the lens open for long exposure."

    Russell got his best photograph after h1s brother Gary rang from Melbourne Gary, a radiographer. urged that the lens be left open for 1 0 m1nutes

    By Wednesday, May 25, scores of Melburn1ans were nnging the med1a to s11y they too had seen UFOs And to Channel 7's delight, head cameraman Laune Bow1e caught one on f1lm He d been alerted by a cleaner who'd sa1d an obtect pulsating w1th coloured lights was hovering far above the station's stud10 block

    The resulting telev1sed film showed a bnghtly lit body, changmg colour from white to green to red And hke the Bend1go UFOs, appeared to rotate

    ''I've shot a lot of n1ght footage," Laune said, "but I've never seen anything like th1s before.'

    Mike Evans was similarly bemused He sa1d the station's lines were jammed w1th calls.

    " What got to me most was that people wouldn't stop ringing and some of thom sounded dead scared." he said

    "One man was 1n total panic He said a UFO had tailed his car from Long Gully into Bend1go about 5km. The thlnq hovered d1rect1y above h1m, at about 70 degrees. He drove flat out to Bend1go, trymg to escape 11 "

    The UFOs had announced the1r puzzling presen ,. a week earl1er. Several motonsts told me they had seen flash1ng hghts over Lake Eppalock- but had thought little more about it unhl the mator flap began

    Such seemingly deliberate d1splays are not uncommon 1n the h1story of UFO sight1ngs French phySICISt Jacques Vallee. who has probed the flying saucer mystery for more than 30 yoars has an intrigUing theory about them

    Vallee wntes 'If a supenor but ben1gn civ1lisat1on were trying to prepare us for contact. m1ght It not decide to cushon our race from cultural shock by leasing us tor a long, preparatory period of time

    . by playing jokes on us, to accustom us to the idea that other intelligences might share our universe?" FOOTNOTE If you have photographed a UFO, please wnte or telephone me, John P1nkney, at PEOPLE ~

    E NTEBED - THUBSQ.A~ I SI S E e.TfMBEB l 9.83

  • '

    ~ ~----------------1 Judge for ~ourself: Sneak preview of I I I D December 1979 saw an anxious world turn I its eyes to New Zealand. The rrason? An mcr!'dlblr 10 days of UFO activity which

    cndck 1 g Ull a number of Ul-'0~ on the:r urtf"'U m

    I eluding one object U1ey lwl trackrd ror ocrllOkm. *

    Is there someone, or something, out there? Whether you believe or are a sceptic don't miss UFO - A Worldwide Myst.,ry, opening tomorrow

    at Sydney Tower, Centrepoint. The huge uhibilion, costing almost $1 million to stage, documents slghtings of UFOs, boasts diagrams, models and maps and allen figures. Close encounters are listed and the pho tographs will challenge even the most ardent sceptics. Today the Dally Mirror concludes its sneak preview.

    Tho ob)l. n!lnu!M to -- I 00 as J;1rse as a COJnllle'r-cW a!rtinrr. had t.hrn rem3lnfd &tationary untll

    I Captain Ponll arri\td on lhc ""'"'Then >t Lratktd hb aircraft downthr coast lor 2Dkm btforc 1 anl&hil'g. Bright lights La~ In th at~rnoon of Dfff"Ulbt"r 26, wath world \l.'lde int.f-nst arou~ed. Chaunt! OtlO repOrt.u Quenun t'ogarty, hOild&l' llllf In New Zraland., \\1l5 eked by hb MelbOurne offfCC" lOCO\tr Lheztory.

    Fogarty arranged lor httnS('Jf and a tJlm crew to flY on an Arg~y and re-COilJtruct Pov.cU'a tllght.

    On Otmbtr 30. Fo-garty and husband and "'! Clllllt~k"\r tup dccldtd to lur 1 lo--\\"ard:iJ\,

    1ft." put the Jllauf' mtn a 9()-d('~te turn B.lld thr ob l Jollo,.,td htS llla.IH)f"11

    vrf' - lllfn t;hot l4J 1 hf'! lront of Uil' a.lrl'rafL. Lo Llu~ hlt .md thrn &ped nv.ay lutdf'r Ill~> '!ltnriJQard wmg.

    Until thf'V ~. Jukd :t! Hie uhtJm tiur ('Ontlnutd

    ' II Flight of the Argosy: How a tv crew filmed the speed, power of a -

    mystery craft

    to "'" hnrht, pul allng bghl&

    At ltJ 1)5 thai niJht I O ~rty, ~ah thf" 111m firmly tn lwl hand. boarded a JIJI(ht. 1 rom Chrl3tc 1u1"t'1 to MrlhOUrllf':. On Nnv Yr:u's Uay,

    Jlt80. 011 world saw lht 11Im 1 hr ble OP

  • 0 ~~:~~: !!~::~'n!:u~~!~'~aa'r~~n~~n:dL:n:~~r~:~:~:~~~ that It has official confirmation of an Unldentlfld Flying ObJect landing ne., a base at Woodbridge In Suffolk used by both the United States and Royal Air forces. Nor would they COMMENT on the paper's claims that about 200 civilians and strvlcemen, British and American, witnessed the event: CONFIRM reports that the spacecraft had been tracked by RAF' radar opera tort. Requesu for Information to the British Ministry of Defence were referred to the Amerlcan1.. But similar requests to the USAF received the reply: 11AII re ports of this Incident are now with your Defence Ministry." The eyewitness accounts of thf" landing appeared In the Sunday newspapt'l', News of The Y/orld, The paper' carried Eyewitness accounts of the landing, Including: A statement by ART WALLACE, a USAF security policeman,

    ~0~x~r~i~!1"t~ob~c~~n o'.':~~~~s~:..':!tw!~ 'th:~~~~rnv by USAF .__l_OO~-K~IN=G-:I~tk_e_a_g-,a-r~t~t-o-:rt-o-,s-e. ~th~t""s-ts-:-h-C!N-A=-rt~w"a~l~la:-:c:-:e~d::::r-:ew-::-"th::e~5::pa::::c:'::e-:c::r:::ar.lt:;h:::e:::-:::sa=w~ LleutenantColonel CHARLES I. HALT, n offer stationed at Woodbrldg; and Interviews with people less dlree ot them "ent cut

    They reported tng a glow. .ng ob;rc n the lotf' t trlangu la.r in sharx-. n c taiHc m aub IW.IlCt' lt h. d a publng rt'd llJ;ht on

    top. d a k of blue lights undcrntat

    Ac >rcllng to the patrolmen. tt \\.lSrtth ri10\rrlnR"Cro, leogs

    A th ' nwroa rd 11 1:"' nOf'u \ f'd a v. aJ and e\ r. tually dl3apprartd

    L k'r t':le coionrl ri'porttd. the arf'a v.as t f'c ed tor rad1 t tlon and "Padm wl'rf" Jound 1n three c1 ~pres 1ons tound "'hrrt" the rb]ect had 'leen on the ground.

    Ueton HUng hl;~~ r port tLa' e a hoax

    ~~ER.--~8=3 __ _

    By TONY BARNAO THE longest offlclel fnvest-fgUion of UFOs underteken In Austreffe has felled to solve the mystery slghtlngs

    I :;~~ Bendigo three months

    Intensive analysis of a pt.oto-graph of the strange multi-colored. cone-shaped lights ex-clusively published In the Mir-

    1yste lights s n h

    HUNDREDS people across NSW last night reported seeing bright colored lights travelling through the sky.

    Pollee from Tam .. worth 10 Albury ,~ .. celvtd ulls report lng a cometllke sight.

    1'1ltrotllng pollee In Sydney saw the lights and [n the western ~butbs thought they were burning plane mak lng an emergency lending at Banks town Airport.

    Some people said the lights moved from north to south end others from ea.st to


    ror In May reveals they were not a planet or st.a.r. MYSTERY; Evans' photograph

    AI Goutburn there was a report of a blue light In tho sky wfth sparks coming from It, at Gosford bright white and ot Penrlth green. yel low and ted lights. I Repeated tests or the

    negatives by experts have also ruled out

    I' faulty camera CQltlp-mentor a hoax. The Mirror haa just re r crlvcd details of the RAAP Int.elllgrnce

    Unlt'a OO.pace TPport on the mystery U,hta. ~n by more than 450 people ovtr a toOiun tront in CI'IItral VIctoria brtween .Ma7 a! and 24.

    Special lnve.;Ugator Pl!rht.-Lieutenant Brett Blddlngton eoncluded the roun:e of the ahot, Iaten by an amateur photographer In ~n~DA'f, SrH DE.c..E..Ma.ER... __LqB.3._

  • Experts baffled by UFO mystery LONDON: Scientists are probing one of Britain's biggest UFO mysteries -the Yorkshire Trl angle.

    Slghtlngs of brlghtlvllt objects above the notth Yorkshire moors have all been by policemen.

    Now, Amerlun ex peru at the Ciround Sauctr Watch In Arl zona have confirmed the latest sighting was an unidentified

    ~~~~ ~W~ !~.,.b:n~O:~ i aircraft. i

    Their verdict Is consld I ered the most condu slve eldenco of 1 ,: UFO sighting, :

    Hovering Tho slghtlngs began In march 19111 when 1 Cracoe policeman's 1. wife saw a clgar-shaptd oblect hover

    1 lng over the moors. Her husband and an other policeman took pictures.

    The second sighting was a year ago at Carleton Moor, 12km from Cracoe, when two olfduty pollee men took pictures of 1 yellow boll of liGht resembling a craft.

    Tho last sighting was In November lut year when a senior North Yorkshire pollc.eman

    .... reported a round, ob-Ject covered with pul sating red lights.

    Police, civilian report STUNNED policemen and a civilian had a strange encounter with eerie llghU hovering near Perth yesterday.

    .weird lights On~ of t \I'D police- o.nd MOrl and the H.AAF baae at Ptarce but found no llktly cau eo tor &.he pllrnomcnon. All of a auddf!n I woke

    Gordon's blow: no UFOs t t'O appear to be a batk number ..-lth De!enCh lhe myslery ob1ects left 1n lhe soi

    And a scienhsl lrom lhe Wesl Auslral'an lnsiLlule of Technology has taken SOng hs lraclor in ~ across a paddock. Iarmer Ke~ Chick suddenly saw a ~

    s1milar c~rcular depresstons, always symmelncally patterned. have beon lound on larms around the world

    "And oil en people have seen mysteriOUs lights '" lhe sky JUsl belore lhe marks were found

    "There's lremendous c~rcumslanloal eVIdence lhat ahen shps are regularly land,ng on our planet.

    J.t!TEREI) :-~ ll.TH~_,#_-_._._.,..~_,

  • uF ' .\lm the mutilatrd ennns es of

    tatt It and hnrscs the first olid : eYidtntc 11c ha1e that alien:. may be 1 i iting Earth? lnlb~ t s alone, there Jm1e been at Je:u t : I I ,000 rPporls or thP.Sc bizarre mutrlatlons. A r~w mrr, led reports ha1e surfaced 0 Ul Au traiJ.I

    Whoe1cr or 11 halc1rr 18 ~spot lbl~ u ts ud,anH d s ~:, 8 and sc~ organs nr~ th~ parts "'"'t often attacked. Rlood Is dram1 d from tlu carcasses more- romp:ctcly th 1 p~r ont day hnlO f31l a h)C\ e. 0

    A Jd around the nnlmal. ncthln~ 1\o trnks,l too!'" t . drops or blood, bits 01 ncsh .. 1 viti nrc of a truggle. :Sothlng. :

    Fl.-en thousand known cus~s and no real Jo no u peds, Just n mystery,

    -A rordt. to Australlan UFO researcher ltJrra Str.tt, prod marks consistent withal ll'd l FO ground markings !lave omeumes bren en close to \I here n>u1Jiated lllllmals 1\rrrl und.

    Th~ nttacks seem to Oti'Ur ..---...,..., ~~~~ ~~~~~~~::tr~rdd 0~;} ~~j 1---.-Y--, hrllcopttrs, ha~e been uen ., ....... ho\ermc 11rounan>s t .. aL nltt.ou~h

    there's no simple ans1Rumors Pollee at Mounl Barkrr

    and 8ttrttnr. the area whtrf' tht cows wrre found. sald they had no noporto of UF'Oa or unu oual oatllc deaths, but were aware of rumora ot UFOs.

    Mr Norrta l&ld "The &rt'& b o!ttn used by the t.rm7 and b clo:ed oll

    "I'm told the t.rmy uked the farmtr to remain quiet about It and that t.hty will covtr the who!t-thlni up

    Ht 1131d many people hAd reported uetna Uf"Oa In tht area

    ~E.O.NJ~ 5 DA"(,..J.l~ JUJ:f._ l9B4 .

    Army denies UFO claim IJit \rnu't lnd;arpourt'dl'oldalf'rOnC'L&im.'t fCh w-rrr lint.:rd w.tth the bh.&rre JdWn.c of tour o In bouthj\WII,...IIa.

    tipokr~num In CanMrra and A.dtlau:ie- dtmtd lh.trt wa an1 50f\ oC fO\f't-up.

    \ I 0 r~('""''' htr ft1r ( oU.-. ~orrl1 hll> cblmtd th;d .. r~;lra tf'rrf'"'hltl'l m .n NH bf-t-n imohrd in thr-

    draUt~ vllhf' cu, .

    ..TiiU.&5.DB'i 12.Ik\ JU L't. ~~~ I


    . I

    Drivers claim r mystery light reduced power

    By TONY BARNAO TWO drivers claim a UFO stopped their freight train on an outback trip.

    Pollee and Australian Na-tional Railway authorities are trying to find out why the train was drained of power while crossing the Nullarbor Plain.

    Two locomot1ve engineers wat.ched as a mysterious light hov-ered for several mmutes above their freight tram, wh1ch had lost power. The men were forced to uncouple

    some of the wagons to gE-t to the top of a steep embankment.

    Investigation ANR spokesman John Beattie

    said an Investigation was under way into the Incident which oc-curred late Wednesday night on the Trans-Australia line which Unks Adelaide and Perth.

    Mr Beattie said the men. experi-enced drivers, report.cd the light while heading west from Port Au-gusta m South Australia. "It appears they sighted some-

    thlug several kllometres overhead as they neared a remote railway siding at Ooldea, 740km north-west of Adelaide: he said.

    "We don't know what it was or ..... --- - what caused them t.0

    lose power as they climbed the hill. Mr Beattie sa1d the

    men had to uncouple most ol their wagons to reach Ooldea.

    The stretch of line where the Incident took place Is near the restricted Woomera mil-Itary base and only a short distance from Ma-ralingn.


    .GUARD FRIGHTENS A SECURITY guard frightened off a flying saucer with his flash-light, he claimed today.

    Robert Dlx, 38, of Campbelltown, said he was securing the Chullora depot of Roadlut Relrlgereted Trensport at Sam on Sunday when he saw a bizarre light.

    "It was huge and very bright," he said. ult was shaped like saucer

    .. It was a cler morning and the ob feet .stood out like a beac:on. "I lloshed my torch u It and It star-

    ted to zigzag about." Mr Dlx said he then went away to

    secure a storeroom . ... was gone for about 15 mfnutas

    and when I came back out It was still there," he said.

    "It wu as II It was waiting for me and wanted to communicate. "I again flashed the torch at It and

    - - - this time It stopped zigzagging and shot Into space at Incredible .speed.u

    Mr Dlx said he rang Sydney Airport and checked to see II any strange object had shown up on their radar.

    "They sold nothing unusual had appeared


    so I rong Richmond olr force base,'' he said.

    11 1 didn't believe 1n flying saucers but now I am convinced they are about."

    Bill Chalker, presi-dent of the privately-run organlsatfon UFO Research In NSW, said Mr Dlx's sighting was

    sfmlfar to others his orgonlsotlon hod In vestlgated. "It sounds like sight

    lngs at Northmeod In 1975 ond ot Midlands, ;;'84~erth, In January,

    "AU these slghtfngs had the strange zigzag reference," Mr Chalker said.

    'I thought a plane had lost its door'

    By CRAIG McPHERSON WORKERS at a Sydney western suburb warehouse say a UFO regularly appears In the sky. They say a small shiny object can be seen on a

    clear day at about 9.30am from the San Remo Pasta warehouse at Auburn.

    Warehouse and distribution manager Len Potts was first to spot the UFO while he was helping load a truck at 9 30 am on Thursday . "It sits very high In t11e sky and looks like a Lony dot, .. M'r p~i{.~:~~ t~aChore for about two hours bclore It shoots across the sky t.owa.rds the ocean nt an lncredible speed."

    Mr Potts and Lhrre other om~loyces also noticed the ob ject at the same time on Monday. ....i:

    "I was watcl11ng a ;umbo plane fly ovrrliPad on Thursday ~ when I saw this shiny object,'' Mr Potts said MYSTERIOUS SIGHTING: Paul Crawford, Doug Hawkins, Rosa S1111th and Len dtc;~:d"fl~! ~:~~'~o:;,:~,~~~'; irlt::'~l::d !a!Gien uolt 9.1~1d IRD 'S SIGHllNG 'CONrlRMrD'

    "Nothing happened so r looked back r I ,;;;, I and there It was," he said.

    Mr Potts said he watched It for a while but couldn't work out what It was.

    He pointed It out t.o his assltant Paul Crawford and truck driver Doug Haw-kins before calling out switchboard operat.or Rosa Smith.

    He said he saw the UFO suddenly shoot off and disappear as It rocketed over Sydney.

    Mr Potts, 46, married with three chll dren. said that he didn't believe Jn UFO's brlore his sightil>g.

    "It couldn't be a star because they don't shoot across the sky aL such speed on bright mornings," he said.

    "IL needs to be investigated.''

    A SECURITY guard's claim that he saw a flying saucer hovering over Chullora early on Sunday morning has been supported by a Queensclltf woman.

    Margot VIsser, 45, said she saw a huge bright obJect In the sky above Sydney Harbor about 4.4Som.

    She said the object wu a brll

    By CRAIG McPHERSON She woke her husband In her

    excitement so he could witness the phenomenon. "I was up because my back

    was giving me hell and I could not sleep," she said.

    ..Our home unit Is right on the headland and we have views of the harbor.

    pollee but I thought they would not believe me."

    Mrs VIsser said that she was prepared to remain quiet until reading Mr Robert Dht's claim In yesterday's Dally Mirror.

    Mr Dfx, a TNT security guard, said he saw a flying saucer on Sunday at Sam.

    "I was looking out the window when I saw this huge UFO.

    111 know what I saw was a ur-o and no one can tell me It wasn't," Mrs VIsser said~

    llant white c:olor and was fll~k "It was Incredible. My hus6 .. , wasn't scared of what 1 SfW, ~r!~~. like a s_p__k_l_er_o_n__r__c_e_r_,::b::.::n:;:d_::w:.:a:;;n:.:,t:;d:._:;m:.::._:t::o:._:ca=ll~t:.:.h.:.e __ l_w_a_s..:cJ_us_t_oma::.:.d.:.._" ____ ...,;._

    WE: D N E:f! DB'(, 29TH MA)'. jqjS.._

  • Hundreds tell of blinding 'balls'

    By LUCY O'CALLAGHAN FLYING obJects which caused an earth tremor as t hey exploded have baffled residents on the NSW north coast.

    Hundreds of listeners j:unmed the switch-board of n local rndio stnUon claiming they had seen blinding lights v;h!ch appeared to explode In the sky In broad daylight. Eye witnesses desc:rlbcd the phenomenon

    as two bright orange balls followed by smoke trnlls plummeting toward earth at a 45-degree angle.

    Victor Hynn was working In scrubland near Macksville when the two mystery ob-jects appeared. He said a small orange light followed by a

    bigge.r red ball exploded in the air and causM the earth to tremble. ''The noise was so loud I could hear It

    above our tmctors," Mr Ryan said. But when l\1r Ryan nnd his team of work-

    ers tried to get a better look, thick cloud spoilt their view. Mr Ryan was not alone In witnessing the

    amazing scrne. At The~ mopolltan Hotel, nude famous

    by Slim D ~ty's clas-sic song The Pub With No Beer, the mystery objects have been the bigg-est talking point since the country singer's smash hit.

    ~re was a ftlll boom, It could be heard !rom COifs llarbor to Port Macquarte - every-one haa been talklnl about It," said hotel worke.rJohn White.

    Hundreds or nur\h coasc rcldent.a called local radio station 2MO, alarmt:l~rd ncllc- "''"til UFO lOO\C

    Pear on' Lookout 11f'ar tm .. ~nall \lila c ot C.lll rrl~"f' nbu 'bkm north olltlh O\\

    I! lOl "'ted cf lWC brlht 1\hl!P lt hlo hkt" q1 1rtl '":llogcn . "hie' \H' t mcd II lnJ llt one "-co1uJ 1ntcnals, llC s~\ld

    No sounds o. \\' 1 1 rei ThY ''ere heading home at d.uk on sunday "'"en Ul('l' saw UlcUFO.

    Or.r. Mrs Elizabeth T~se. said tv.'l separate lights remalntd motionless, then 111nl$hrd v.1thout trn~.

    ..It. "Voa.s vtry, very unusual," shr oald

    "1\c never fP

  • China's VFOi I MOIU, than QlO unldenll< lied II) In: obJerf"d jet which 1~ n!'!lr tho mut~l') obj~t over northern NSW at Sam ou 'n>ursdav Thr UtO. "11 rh \\':U described as

    rxtrrrndy bright and sphertral,- was photosrophrd from I he cockpit of th~ Premier's charttrtd Jet by lhe first olrle..r. Oary Elsass. or Rose Bay

    The pilots ol an AI'IS"tl BQ.,Jng, br l1r\ rd to br AN 62 tra\eUing rrom

    S~dney to llrlsbanr, nlso slghltd the UFO and rtported It to the Brisbane

    Wran's UFO was a balloon TilE Untdtrt t cod' Ji llJt ob ~t lf'd t'~ thP PJ"("Illlt"r Mr Wran. anrt lhr' Agr culturr Mm. l.t'r '1r ll.1ll.un, has turnNt out. tn bf> rwthtn.: mnr than ,l wrathrr baUoon

    Au ntr Jor~ pokcsnuu1 tllcl twUurn balloons ~hlch lnlh\le thr turtlu:r thf'~ n,oor. "- r rf'h'a t'tl f'\ l'r~ \H'Ck to tnt\\ lnd dtrtdtun AIX'Crl and t r1 llKlh

    1'hr apt'lkes.mat' 11d a Mtra ., Jltlot sr.lt l hnt'Stlgat th~ stghUng Ia 1. 1 hursdoy t"OHitnnrd u the ob)tC'l \\1Uaballooro

    _M_j)_N~fti,_q:nt .... .SJ~f .. T..M.&..EB,.._ _t_tiS..._

    THURS[) A'i 30TH JANVAR'1, 198b. I

    Pilo~ ministers, radar report 'shiny object' AITJIOrt control towtr.

    Ycst.rdov. thr Sydnry Mrteorolngl. rl:l} Hureau rt'JlOrtrd ron tart "lth an

    oiJ~rt" hovering aiJnClSt stationary 100.000 I ret al>oH Colrsllarbor.

    H IIPJX'Rrl to be too high Md too novm~ to bra normal weathtr bat ur .a 81)()kttsman said We nrc trying tc "ork out whnt It

    Tht'rt Y-tl"l' confltCLmg rrporta h~ h\CCn the \\'enthtr Durrau aud air lint o~rntlons ~ l:ctbor thr object "as slo~ ly edging Eaat or w rst. Mr Wran y~strrday sald the object

    \\'1\S "quite etl sblny", and coulcl not ldcn tlfylr...

    ''I hMe n t\tr romt across nnything like u. be tore and nf'tth('r has Mr Hnl lam, or the two pilots. who are nry txJl('nrnced." Mr Wron said. we thought at first t ':1.~ an OJ>ll

    cal Illusion." 1\fr },.'!sass said the Citation aln:rnlt

    \l'aS travelling M 35.000 r ... t IOOknt aouth of Coolangatta about9am when tht obj~t was slghitd

    our aircraft was travelling at about 380 knots and the ob~ Ill>" l"'ared to br almost tauouary by y wrr aoun aat.u ~a fl!,., M>WI!\~~~~~rC{li!JS

    A PRIVATF. phlnr ptlot In north< ... t llraztl snld )

  • EXPERTS "ere still bafnt'd yestuday over the orig~ns or a large mystery object which slammt'd to earth near an ISolated

    I COIIDtl) lo"n. Dozens or ntrvoub telephone callers jammed pollee switch

    l boards when the unidenlltled object, d thought to be either the naming !]...- remains or a meteor or a satellite, / plunged Into the rugged Stratbbogle Ranges In central Victoria. A family at Merton, 301un south of the llwne JI(Jha)' to"n of Euroa.sald their house was shaken by an nplo


    Bright UFO confounds

    5ton after lhree u,hts were seen to fall from the akY on t'ridal' nl.lhL

    M0$1 re>idenls of the small Ranees town.hip beard the crash bat there} was only a handful of ,.ltnesses.

    Mr \\ ilfred t'lnk, '19. tb area's old .. t rfildent ""nd affec:Uonatelv kno n ..

    ,__,... .... -~C'-o_n .. _z~

    M Ol'l 0 B'f, _2. ZJ:i.p_ ..SEPTEMBER. 19 8 4:,..__

    Mo close encounters with UFO mania w; are not alone. . or are 'lOt'~ Jt 1s a quest :m ~ old as man

    ability to \\Ondr but Lt"ns o1 thousands of )ea on and hons of UJ-0 r.lght ngs later "e sl"em no clOSf'r to an ansV~cr

    The last ,. eek 5e Mdh'a

    ~~~::: =~~-:: loud e.xplosloll. ded !Ike celle IIUIJr -a pece of..,...

    nHe or cb"namlt.e. he ald. junk. , ''One al lhe clrla said Hlce lrcm -....n& 'Here we tJ:O, lhq've WftiL It U.. area wbfte dropped the bomb' the objlcc crallled but

    An a1r trattlt CPC!b'OIIer ~said a was-at Tullarmar'.zw Airport ~ ti l!lc1a t.o find

    ~ aet'lnl what he anyUllaC.

    Glow in sh, baffles scientist~ . NEW YORK: Hundreda of pooplt In tho ustern UnltM States laat night reporte-d seeing a atrange, luminous cloud high In tM sky,

    In a flood of calls to pollee and tho UFO centro In S..ttlt thty descrlbM the phenomenon ... , like glowing gas." A spokeaman for the National Weather Service uld nobody know what It was.

    Metaorologllts said they had navor

    Jeen a cloud like It before, but :spe culated It might have been a "noctl lucent cloud" - a lumltlo&aa cloud of unknown substance wtllch occurs at groat heights a bove the aarth.

    Tha woathtr sorvlct roportM tMt ~n~;;:: ~~:.:"..!'1:n~p:;;r;:1Tn ~~~; .. starn thltd of tho country,

    NASA said II had not launchM any rockets for ttstflrlng lut night.

    A l) c;a V ST ... _._I9.~.~8...,Et.._


    Going right oH the planet ~~:ts~o::;..: f~':,~~h:'h~~:n:~~~~~~usJ~"! opentd a UFO helpllne for mtmbtn of tho pub lie to report extra terrestrial slghtlngs. Tale phones will bt mannM 1 Z hours a day by the Attherlus Society, ren-ned for Its ecetntrlclty,

    They dr- tMir conctuslon about Christ from a passage In tM albia whore It aays ht

    cama from the bright morning star In the house of David, which, using latitudes, they calculatM to be Venus. Tho society was founded by former taxi driver George King who also devtlopM a theory that men from Mars saved Eart h from two attacks by the 11tlshmen."


    P..&IL. 19B1_

    appearunN' or cadet pilot, Fr'cddie Vlllenllch. 20

    On tt: ntaht of Octobe 21 1971. Valentich vanished hilr flytng o~f"r nasa Strall, long N'l:"nll"d by UFO v.. atcht.-1"3 lL'i a 1011 of BermUda Trt-ank of th~ south" where all sona of atra.ngflnrldcnt.s can takt' plat"t"'

    Just httOrf" ht- \\'l"lll roJssing \'al~nlleh radioed that an obJrCus. tJF'O;; and the chance of lnteTitgrnt Ute from spoee

    One of lhrm. Dr Mlchatl lhlrt a former prof"""" or pi\)'Slal at Trtn. ILy UnJvrslty, TML

    tarthf'r away. Lh1' plnnrt would hat:e had runaway glaciation ,

    Odds vohrre all t-ondJtloru. are au atablr t"an be very much higher than 100 billion to onr.

    Th:lt V.'OUfd mran liUit only on(" galax)' In a trillion ljas a lnflle hab-Itable planet."

    Th~ sclent.bU admlLI.IU!Il"d his Japall Air Lines oprclal =110 lllght 1628 from Parts to l'Ok)o for cbout 60 minutes or a d~tancf' or 'l60km

    In Tokyo, a JAL OIOOkrs man quoted TrmuchJ's flight engtnl"t'r. Yooh1o Tsukuda, aa saytng he w unusual llghU durlnj; tbe flight tneludln~ "two lines of UghU "htc:h lookl"d llkr olrplano cabin Windows"

    Tf'raucbi \1.'3.5 una.vaU able for

  • 4 It has happened to other people but you' ean get past the fear and eome ut sane

    0 Author Whitley Stneber - seeking un derstandmg of his night

    of terror


    IN Til g early hours of December 27, 1985, something happened to Whitley Stricher thal shattered his very soul.

    Suddenly woken from a sound sleep brought. on by a day of cross-country skiing U1roug.h the woods or upstate New York with his wife and young son, Strieber heard his bedroom door slowly creak open.

    He sat bolt upright.. turned hJs eyes towards U1e door and waited. The next thing he saw, he recnlls, was so "completely, impossibly astonishing" that "I simply sat. there, too st-unned to move."

    Whnt he 5aw, sayS the award-tr1nning author, were non-human llfe-!onns, beings he now refers to as The Visitors.

    Sometime after blacking out, he realised he had been taken from his bed to n small, grey room high nbove the forest. outside his Isolated logcabtn.

    Naked and paralysed, Strleber felt a terror that eve11 today he cannot fully articulate.

    The Visitors, small greyish beings with huge bends and almond-shaped eyes, conducted a series of strange mcdiC81 examinations on their terrified captive. before finally transporting him back to his bedroom where his wtfe, Anne, was sleeping peacefully.

    For Whitley Btrtebcr, however, the ordeal had just begun.

    Unlike some who claim to have had bizarre experiences with beings not of our world or

    und~rstandlng, 8trleber ls hardly In need or

    From MICHAL O'REGAN In New York

    publicity and Is not. the tYJle 1.0 risk his reputation for mere Sl'.nsatlonallsm. For him Lhert' n.re caster ways to make money.

    He Is the author of many books, one of whlrJ1, The Rung r, v.as ml\dc Into a film s tarring David Dowtc.

    Nor did he Immediately believe the strange events had actually ha&lpcned. At. first, they were simply a confusion of images.

    During the next. lew days, however, he underwent pcrsona.lit.y changes, becoming moody, confused nnd demanding. Even his relnUonshlp with Anne Wld their six-year-old son, Andrew, became Increasingly strained.

    His blf.arrc true and the ensuing struggle to come to grips with those extraordinary incidents arc now the subject of a new book. Oommunlon, cummtly on Ule New York Times bcst-c>ellers list.

    At. tlrst, he says "J thought quietly and calmly "you're going mad, or you may have a brain tumor',"

    Then he began to notice physical evidence that somehow suggested what happened was not a nightmare or some demented hallucination.

    During hla encounter with The Visitors he renlt'mbtored having a ha.ir-l.hin needle Inserted into the back of his head.

    A few dayslatcr.anercomplalnlng about the

    l pain, his Wife found wllat. appearea to be n small puncture wound. Then, hla finger, which The Visi-tors had cut for rea.'lons unknown. began to fester.

    The Intense uneasiness Increas-ed, untll eventually "I wanted to kill myself," he says.

    DespltR. t.he vtvld bnaglnBtion he displays in his science !lct.ion books, the 41-yen.r-old writer 6aYS he was a sceptic when It came to UFOs or little men from Mars.

    Even now, he still does not know what really happened t.o him, and does not claim that The VIsitors "'ere neoossnrily extra-terrestrials.

    But he adds: ''if mine 1s a real ex-perience of visitors. It is among the deepest I.Uld most. extensive yet. re-corded, and I hope it will be of value it they emerge. H It Is an ex-

    ~rience of 60methlng else, then I wam you: this something else' Is a power within us - maybe some central power or the soul, nnd we had best try to understand it. be-fore it. overcomes objective efforts to control it."

    Search for answer At. the time of11UI shntterlng ex-

    pcrlcnce he adtnts he "would have IBughed ln tht lace of anybody who cJnlmed (such) contact."

    nut the lJaWlLing lmnges nnd feelings he ~'as belng constant.ly watched ctltltinucd, just as his son's terri:'Ying nightmares of "llt.-tle doctorS" continued.

    By thlF'Ime. says Strteber. "I just nbout :xploded with terror and utter ~sbelief ''

    _;.rJ1~s begnn his Sf'nrch for an nn-,.,. Was this experience real or

    hau'ho 6lmply imagined the entire evening, or worse?

    Wlth the help of UFO invcst.ign-tor, Budd H pklns. an artist 'll'bose work has a pcared ln 50lJlC of the most p m in ew York, Strlcbcr found tha t. he was not alone: others had Cll."lJCrlenced the srunc tcrrt1ying visitations.

    Under Hopkins' senti~ urging, Strleber agreed to undergo a bat-tery of neurological psychological and hypnntl cxnnunatio

    Physically and mt'nt.ally there wns nothing wrong.

    Buoyed by these results, ht con-sented Lo undergo hypnosis. but. only lf l.hc ,doctor was of U1e high (' t ethic:tl an lllt'd!Ca.l "tand ros..

    "I was still dubious about hyp-nosis at. the time," he explains.

    He contacted Dr Donald Klein, Dlrector of Research at the New York State Psychiatric Institute and Professor of Psychlntry nt COlumbia Untverslty.

    Under his expert hypnosis, St.rieber not only recalled In detail the events of December~. but also numerous previous encounters which had been buried derp in his subconscious since chUdllood. In one session the author de-

    scribed in great detall one of t.he visitors, which he believed to be a female.

    Dr Kleln : "You say she looks like a bug?"

    Strieoor: veah. Great big blnck eyes. She has :\ lltu

  • US 'examined bodies of UFO crew in 194 7'

    LONDON : The bodies of four aliens from a UFO which crashed In the United States 40 years aro were recovered and examined by a special government team, aordlni to top-secret documenta obtained by a Brit.-lsh researcher.

    A report In a national Sunday news-paper In Britain said a commJttee code-named Majestic 12 was Involved ln the recovery operation and the subsequent cover-up.

    The Observer newspaper satd It had seen the documenta ,.hlch claim the then head of the CIA. Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter. reported that "'al-though these creatures are human-like In appearance, the biolorJcal and evolutionary processes responsible Cor their development have apparently been quite dtrferent from those obser-ved or postulated In homo sapiens".

    Hoax The document purports to be a

    briefing paper for President Eisen-hower on Operation MaJestic 12. or MJ-12.

    A leading Britbh UFO researcher, Mr Timothy Oood, claims ln h b book Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-up, that Majestic 12 was a commJttee of senior US of!lclals which Investigated and then covered up flying saucer crashes.

    Some UFO experts believe the story could be a hoax lnvolvlnr the planting ln the tues of Air Force Intelligence of a separate White House memo that supports the briefing paper.

    The Observer said Inquiries had been unable to authenticate the docu-ment but evidence had been found to support the existence of the mysteri-ous MJ-12 commJttee.

    In the briefing paper detalllni the discovery of the allen bodies. It was reported that on June 24 1947 dbc shaped aircraft were alrhted In the us.

    "Little was learned untU a local rancher reported that one had crashed ln New MexJco," the brleflnr paper said.

    "On July 7 1947. a secret operation was begun to assure recovery of the wreckage for scientific s tudy.

    "During the course of thls opera-tion, aerial reconnaissance discovered that four small human-like betnrs had apparently ejected from the craft before It exploded."

    Exten'llve searches or the archives of US presldenta Truman and Eisen-hower and the National Archives have falled to tum up a copy.

    But a White House memorandum referring to a meetlnr of MJ-12 was found in the flies of the Alr Force's Director of Intelllgence.

    An American UFO writer said In The Observer that the memo and the briefing paper could be part of a so-phisticated fraud.

    "There are some thtnp that look wrong with the White House memo," the UFO writer, Mr Barry Green-wood. said.

    "For example It Is unslrned. It Is just possible that It was manufac-tured by someone wanttnr to prove the ex.ls~nce of MJ-12 and then Inserted Into Air Force In~lll&ence records which had recently ~n opened to the public.

    "The hoaxer could then have or~ dered a copy from the National Ar-chives which would carry the official declasslflcatlon a tamp."


    Secret report tells 2. LONDON: The bodies

    ol four "aliens" were found 40 years ago in a crashed UFO, ccordlog to a top-secret US gov ernment document.

    The hiJhly dusifled briefing paper reported that "althoQ~:"h thllSe Of'f'.a tures are human-like In appearance. the bloloKfcal and evolutionary procr.'l ses respon.odble for their development havl' appar-enU, been qulle different from those observed In homo sapiens".

    The documtnt.. prepared by a special American rovemment tr.am, hi now In the hands of Brl&aln'a leadlnr UJI'O n-scarcher Timothy Good, accordlnr &o The Ob erver news paper.

    The dot'11m4lnt Is under-l &oocl to be a briclln.tt paper for pre.sldent.-clect

    MONDAl: 7

    of dead 'aliens'

    Eisenhower on OperaUon Majestic 12, lso known as MJIZ.

    Mr Good cl lms in his sUII-anpubllshed book Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UJo'O Cover-up &hat MJIZ was a commlt-&ee of senior t iS ofllclab which lnvelltlra~d and then covered up news of flylnr&auctr crafthes.

    Other uper&s belll've the story could bt a hoax.

    The document repnrt.'i that on Jane %4, 1941, disc shaped aircraft were alrhted In the US. One ap-parenUJ crashed In New Mexlr.o and all lour oc-cupants were found dead.

    ~ SAUCERS SKIPPING THROUGH THE SKY If you have any Inter-

    est at. all In flyin g sauc-ers you will re member Ken neth Arn old.

    Forty years ago this month - on J une 24 1947 - Arnold, piloting his own plane, saw o. group of strange objects mov-Ing "like saucers sklp-pmg ncross the o,vater"

    Hi! d criptton fn plred the phrase " flying

    saucers " later adapted by a USA!' Intelligence otflc ' r as "Un1dentif1ed Flyin g O bjects."

    Ar nold, an experten ct'd pilot. who died m 1984, cs-tmmt.ed the UFOs were 30 metres across and movmg nt. 1600 kph , an un hcnrd of speed 1n those dtws.

    S ince then m~o stght-ings have gone throu gh scvr.rnl phases The 50s saw a wave near a torruc and rocket test- sites, In -cluding the stghtmg of a large UFO v.1th a dome at Maralmga in 1957.

    In t he lat e 60 nnd 70s therr \\ere report& of UFO landmg- includ-Ing the one sighted a t the Horse hoe Lagoon nt Tully Queensland , in J anuary 1966 - and of contacts with allen and abductions

    JUNijh. 19B1.

    O llt' of lhe mo t recent slghttngs 1 cv nled only this \\ f'f'k - oc urrcd last NovOrts from repu table people pollee men, rurllne pllots, doc tors - whose r.e t.hnony on any other su bject would be accepted w1th out question," h e says

    Lord HlllNorton Is quotrd m another but shntlar context ln n n ew book shortly to be pub llshed In Australia, The Uf'O Ccmsplracy, by J enny Ra ndles (Bland ford Press ha rdback $9.95).

    AccorsJing to Ms Rand les one researcher to get rare official co-operation

    'ls Sydn ey lghtlngs co ' ordinator B1ll Chalker

    The RAAF has sup-plied him with a number of files shO\\ mg It logged 1258 cases betwe n 1000 1980, of which 102 w. re class1hed "uncxpllllncd "

    S he concedes that there is no eVIdence that the RAAl~ has crashed UFOs locked away, un-like the U S Oo\ ern-mcnt wh ich recent re-ports claim had access not only to n downed Oy-mg saucer but to the bodlrs Ol Its occupant


    I N THE middle of a cold December night, author Whitley Strieber suddenly awoke, filled with the instinc-tive fear that something was horribly wrong.

    Ills de~!p slurnh~r h.td hcc:n tli,turh~d hy .1 strange Ol)i~e downstairs in hi~ houc;c,

    "It wus n whomhing, swirling sou nd," he r~calls.

    lie ~at holt upright in bed, ~huckcd, rurious - and ttr rilicd.

    HI wife, Anne, 11/ept on beid him, uniiWIIN of th. terrifying tory tlult w bout to unfold.

    It is .t story so bizarre and so incrcdihle that many people have dismis~cd it as the fantasy of an unstable mind.

    Others have suggested thnt 41 -ycar-old Strieher ha!i cyniCHIIy in\ en ted the story to make a qurck fonune for hrmself.

    For Strleber cllllm flult on the nlflht of December 26, 1115, he wltldnllpped from hi log cabin In 11 lonely wood out11lde New Yorlr by group of ET-1/Ire lien ln1111den.


    lfe says they whisked him into a spacecruft, c.trncd out u mediC'al "opera lion" .rnd subjeC1ed him to other indigni Ires.

    'llren they let him go -although he says they h,t\'e kept in contaC'tl

    e SPACE GUINEA PIG7 Striber with wife Anne end aon Andrew

    A lie'! A dream'/ Or the unhclrevnble truth'!

    Stridwr smiles sadly . .. Yo, It hllppened, ..

    he YI "/ wih I could lillY it'dldn't. Or even thst I Jut thlnlt It hiiP penod.

    "I've hecn through menlnl ~rgonieo;, wonder ing tf I'm gomg m.ul."

    I hi~ is Striehcr's account of the nrght the intruders came into his life.

    'They operated on my brain'

    mo\ cd closer to the bed I !law the face beltt'r. By MICHAEL HEUCAR

    "As I sat up, I saw the hghts on the bedside muster C'Ontrol panel of my burglar uhtrm glow-ing.

    "1'hdt mcnnt every door and \1. rndow wac; sti ll clo cd. No one could have got 111 without the ai.Jrm gorng orr.

    -sur slowly the bod room door opened. My hert ws be11tlng wildly, my mind w hrp nd I KNEW I w wlte.

    "t\ liule ligure hegun to edge uround the door. It w,tc; too smull to be a person.

    "I t h.td u smooth, rounded hat on, wuh an odd nm. As the figure

    "l11crc were two dark holes for eyes and a black down-turning line of a mouth.

    t vguely f'flmember bfling carried IIWY by uneen hsnd 11nd the next thing lltnew I w 11itting In mll dip In the wood ne11r my hou

    ~'There y. a . a small being sttting to my ten. It WitS wearing u grey and tun budv suit and seemed to h,t\e on u face mask.

    "I o my right wao; unotlu:r figure wearing dark hlu~ overalls. It seemed to he doing some rhing to the ~ide of my hc.td.

    At th11t point, wfl II soemod to rlso 11bove

    the tNetop .nd then I w lttlng in round room.

    "I was so scared that all control had left me.

    "Tiny people were now movrng uround me at great speed. It was u truly awful sensation of bcrng tntppcd . Absolutely help less.

    "I was shown a tiny grey box with a sliding lid. When it wus opened, I s

  • _Terrifying look at an alien world AlM~RICAN author Whitley Stnebcr's ac-count or hiS contacts

    ~th allen creatures ~ both appealing and terrify in~.

    Strtebcr s nhttlS come by stealth nt mght, re-peatedly kidnapJling their victims, trunpenng with their bodies and minds beJore returning tHem home. &cemJngly Intact. More like The In-vasion or The Body Snatchcra limn Close Encount

  • Even NASA experts are baffled

    THIS Ia the colour pho-tograph that has baf-fled leading UFO invaa-tigatora and NASA apace scientists.

    They have takn the nega lives apart w1th the laiA.ost stateoHhe art computer technology t.rying to prove It's a fake.

    They were con vi need they rould show It wos one of the

    'nost spectaC'\Jiur flying SllU ccr hoaxes or all time.

    They foiled Tho photograph was taken

    by a one-nrmt'll night watch man in Switzp,land - a man who is now at the centre of what is being dtscrilx'd as tho "most rcmark~.uo ~lory in h"tory".

    fginning to turn into large wet flakes of snow. It was no night to be out. In the front passenger scat of the leading car sat a

    one-armed mnn. Dcspitt tl10 blinding snow clogging the windshield,

    he knl'w exactly whtre he was and where he was going. It was as if he was in a trance.

    He issued clipped directions ... across a swamped meadow, down a prominent rise, and up to the edge of another forest.

    There, he told the drivt!r to stop. The car engines died quckly. The only sound

    They swltch~d on head lights and looked around. Nothing. The sound moved slowly Ovt!r their head, getting louder and louder. They still couldn't see a thing ...

    wos the rain battering the two cars ...

    Both drivers switched off their headlights.

    The man with one ann told his drlvrr to walt. He .. lght be an hour, or Joncer. He could """" be


    lscd they would have to fit chains to the car wheels. Suddenly, standing just

    a metre away, was the man with one arm. suwilli'o~e.:n~~t:'r -rd.

    he climbed out of the car and disappcorcd into the loresl

    The snow thickened and the wn1ting four real

    It took them over an hour and, by that time, they were 1011ked to the skin and frozen stiff.

    "-> they heard it The IIOUnd. It was a slng:1ng noise,"

    recalled one of tho men.

    "We didn't see him or hear him walk towards us," recalled th driver. "Just all of a sudden he

    wasthe~t" The one-armed man

    stared at them through the ra1n and hoadlights.

    Hlshairwasdry. When they shook his

    hand, his skin was warm. Wl't snow flakes were

    just beginning to form dark blotches on the bonedry leather of his coat

    F.duanl (''DUly") Meier had jWit had another ct._ eneount~r of the welrdut kind with the amber haired pace clrl lrom

    Pl~ladu ..

    THE vllloera knew that Billy Meier wa out of work, There weren't many jobs around for a man who had lost his left rm In bus accident.

    They knew that to hclp support his wife Kaliopc -everyone called her Popl -and h1a three small chllc!ra he kept chickens and eggs to the neighbours.

    But the solid citizens of C:ontl......, on - 1t

  • '

    out Continued from pogo 13

    the tiny village of Hin wil,jusl south east of Zurich - not normally uncarlng people -avoided talking to him.

    Thcr, considered he was "different".

    Time and a bundle of bright colour photo graphs were to prove them right ..

    Meier, bearded, short, thick-chested and strong, had had only a sixth-grade education.

    According to village records, his professions were "bird breeder, iron layer, night wntchmun".

    To his neighbours in the small village sur rounded by forests and looking out towards the Alps, Meier always seemed to be at home.

    They dismissed him as lazy.

    Then came the after-noon of January 28, 1975, and life was never to be the same again ..

    Dilly Meier left his farmhouse home on his tiny motoriscd cycle and, steering with his one hand, puttered out of the village and disappeared into n nearby foresl

    A few hours later he returned, without tellln~ anyone - not even Pop1 - where he had been.

    A few afternoons later he disappeared again and, withm weeks, these mystererious trips became more regular.

    Soon he would disap pear in the early after noon and not be seen until suppPr Ume. Often he would sneak out of the house at one or two in the morning and not return until dawn.

    ''It was bad at night" remembers Popi. "All of n sudden he would act up, dress and be gone."

    I:he villagers became CUrtOUS.

    Two months later Billy handed his wife a bundle of photographs.

    "1 was shocked" she recalled, ''because '1 saw something completely new and I did not want to believe this existed."

    They were colour pho-tographs of a space ship.

    Hinwil was about to find out what Meier did in those hours in the forest ...


    0 spac

    a Adapted rrom Uaht Yurs. ~:.:t~n ~::J:'.:'-, r:; Vlkmg. l'eadow where a few nights earlier, he claimed, he and Semjase had sat in the grass and talked for an hour.

    He showed them three large circles in the grass - peculiarly flattened swirls two metres across and perfectly etched out in the tall grass- where tho spaceship landed.

    And he told them how Sem;ase summoned him . . . It happens like a shot," he explained. "On the one hand it is like pictures and on the other hand it is like a voice.

    "There are no words for it . ,"


    NEWS travels fast in the UFO world.

    lise von Jacobi, a jour nallst in Munich, heard about Meier and his photographs.

    It seemed incredible. It was incredible.

    She went to see him and llstened to his amaz ing story of a spaceship that was regularly visit-ing the village from Ple-iades, 500 light years away.

    And about the amber haired spaccgirl Semjasc who lured him into the forest day and night to warn the world - throu~h him - about impcndmg disaster if the Superpowers stayed hell bent on destruction.

    NEWS FOCUS on the most remarkable UFO story in histo UFO investigators and scientists work-

    ing with NASA have tried for years to provo that tho photographs taken by Eduard ( .. BillyH) Meier of a flying saucer hovering over tho hills of his village in Switzorlnnd are fakes. 0 Using the latest state-of-the-art com-puter and electron microscopic equipment they hove taken his negatives apart. 0 But all their tests have failed. The photographs by this nightwatchman from Hinwil, just south cast of Zurich. have left tho exports baffled .

    HE si lver-haired man in the light windchoater strode into the village and headed for the farmhouse that was rapidly becoming the setting for

    the most incredible flying saucer story of the century.

    II p1crctng, ch:tp blLH' l'Jl'S w.1tt'hcd everything d \er\Olll'.


    d to "look the JX'Oplc

    THE SPACE VISITOR Eduard Meier's description of Semjaae, his "contact" from Pleindos and his photograph showing a Swiss military jet (loft) trying to Intercept tho mystery spncoshlp

    n t}C' to sec 1 they rt: 1ng 8\ I 976, Stev

  • AtrrHOR nnd laW)er Gary Kinder held more than 120 intcrvitws over thn:e years for the book, IJght Yenrs.

    And he spent 13 \\ecks in Switzerland putting together the story of t:dunnl Meier, The Mnn Who S&mkc To The Girl Fmm Space.

    At the beginning of his resenrch, he ndmits he wns 6CCfllicnl.

    I nclecd, his &mbli!.hcrs gave him the 011tion uf quitting the trojl.-ct at any time if he clisco\'crecl Mt'iu WAS a fn!d the trump card. Meier gave them a piece of metal which he claimed came from the flying saucer!

    Semjase, his contact from Pleiades, had assured him the mukc-up of the metal could not be matched on earth. Proof, surely, that his story wns true ...

    * * * THE PHOTOGRAPHS, now "digitised" on mag netiC tape, were taken to Eric Ehnson nt the U.S. Geologlcal Survey an Flagstaff, Arizona.

    e Eduard Meier mazing photographs of flying .. ucer

    Ehason had spent eight years as a rcscarc)l com

    pute~ scientist, devcl_op ang 1mnge processmg software so thnt astro geologists could analyse photos of planets. He had spent two years producing the intricate radar map of cloudcov ered Venus taken by Pioneer 10, and later applied his software in the processing of space photography beamed back by both Viking und Voyager. Eliason took the Meier tape to the computer room, fitted it to a tape drive, typed in the appro prfate commnni:ls, then went to n library of programs that allowed

    him to tum the image, filter 1t, stretch the con trast and perform other image enhancement techniques. His first reaction: "One conclusion I made was that it cerwinly hadn't been dubbed in. "There was just a natu rnl transition. If you had a sharp contrnst bound ary, you might think -wdl, that looks pretty hokey. "But right along these boundaries there were no sharp breaks where you could see it had been somdiow artificially dubbed. And if that dub bing was registered in the film, the computer would haVQ seen it.

    "We didn't see anything." Round One for Meier?

    * * * THE TAPE recording of the flying saucer wus delivered to the studios of Steve Ambrose, who built custom micro phones for rock stars and was sound cngincar for Stevie Wonder. A friend had already warned him that "I was being very sceptical from a scientific view point, but the sounds were unusual." Ambrose later had to agree. "lf someone is ~rpetrat ing a hoax," he said, "tney went to some

    He spent hours testing it under IBM's $250,000 electron microscope. His opin on: "l cnnnot explain the type or mate-rial. By nny known com binaUon of materials I could not put it together myself as a scientist. "With any technology that 1 know of, we could not achieve this on this planetf' Round Three for Meier? Lastly, they called in Wally Gentleman. a pho tographer famous for faking pictures in his 35 years as a movie special effects expert. "They are notchents," he said of Meier's prints. Fourth und final round for Meier? It Is still a mystery .

    0 Ad11pttd (rom Ll~eht Ye11rs, by Cnry mnder, tn be published nn Scp tember U by \'lklng. fterommended retail plirc: $29.95. (c) Gury Kinder and lntcrccp, 1987.


    A SWISS air force jet fighter streaka Into the picture os a space ship hovers over a remote mountain valley and another photograph ia odded to the do11ier of "the moat remarkable UFO story in hiatory.

    Is it fnct or u fnkc? The photo, taken on April 14 1976, hzts bnrncd the expcrL'I.'

    UFO investigators and sci cntists working with NASA have been trymg to prove that Eduard ~Icier, a 49 year-old night watchman liv ng in a small village neor Zurich, has faked the pic tures of whnt he claims is a flying saucc1 visiting earth from u plunct 500 light years away.

    But, even with the latest stnteof thcUJ't compuh!l'

    technology and electron rmcrosropes, thty cnn't prove he's lying.

    Witnesses have sworn thty suw the space ship. Others daim they have hcurd the sound of the Ul-'0 hovering, lunding und taking off.

    Mtitr even told invesliga tors he hus spoken with a girl from the sput:e ship and has flown in it.

    He dcscnlxd the.> girl. Now

    I~ou con sec what she looks 1kc! 0 The Woman from

    Outer Space: Page10


    - 'Four small human~e beings ha

    c of d i~'II'L...WI! c

    r-u liens


    study. Th" wreckage of u~e croft wns also removed.

    "A covert analytical effort . . . on d1rect orders of the President (Truman) resulted In a

    p~llminary conoensus (ale} (lD september 1947) that the diSc was most likely a short-range reoorUlai.!lsancc em ft.


    TUESDB'i 7 8TH , SEPTEMBER. 19 81.

  • re flying saucers real? Yes, say experts, but we're not told about them

    I N late October 19S7, a Royal AJr Force corporal on duty at the British nuclear test Site In Marabnga, South Australia, saw an alien object hovenng over the airfield. It was alSo seen by an air tratric control offlcer who tmmedllltely checked Atice Sprrngs and F..dinburgh airfit'lds. They revealed that there were no atrcrart tn the vtctruty at the time.

    lxcerpt from A.BOVI TOP SICRET, by Tl~y Good; publlfhe.d by Sldgwldt & Jodtson ond diltribut_., In Acntrolio by Macmlllon, $39. 9S.

    The corpornl later described the Ob.J- Reopol'lllbUity for conm than that of aura. monttorlnr Unidentified Frederick Valentlch. a :Do

    The paptr conclude$: "A covert or un,.ual Aertal 8111>&- ,.....,.-old flying lnotructor analytical effort resulted In a pre- Jnp tn Auat.ralla rests "bo Cll!lapfli'&l'ed In Ilia llmlnary consensus (19th Septem With the RAAP but fol Ocssna 182 aoon alter re-brr. 1M'11 that the dille waa most lowing the Maralina:& porting a UFO lll&'htlna: likely a ahort-rance reconal-.lco.' c:a.se. a at.range ~riel of over Blllla Strait while on craft. events ov~rtoot the a fltght from Moorabbtn

    "The Majesllc-12 eroup remalna Queensland Plying In VIctoria to Klnc !&-of the unanlmous opmton that im Saucer Rcaearch Bureau land. Tt.~~nwlla, on Oo-poeltlon of the at.rleteat security In 11158. ~r. 21. 1878. precautioN should continue with Mr Sian Seera. then Just 47 minutes alter out Interruption Into the new ad president. rectlved a call Lakln1 off from Yoorab-mtnlstraUon". from a man requesting a bin at 8.19pm, Valentlch If authentic. the briefing provl meeting In Brisbane. The reported -tng an unl

    deo the m011t damntroa: evidence atrangor Introduced him dtnU!ttd aircraft to the for Good's theory that thtre 13 a Mil u D.O .. of the Auatr Melbourne Plight Service world-Wide UFO cover-up. In any ra11an Security and Intel- umt controller. Ste'e evtnt. new evidence from the rues llgence Organlaatlon and Rob

  • '

  • ' Is it a cover~up? UFOs do exist - and aliens hawe bean llwlng and working among us.

    People have even been kidnapped by extra-terrestrials for cruel and painful examinations. according to Investigators Into an alleged US Gov-ernment cover-up of UFOs. Forty years after the first

    wave of flying saucer slghtlngs, the subject of ETs is heating up again.

    A number of prominent Americans claim there Is "solid evidence" to support the existence of UFOs and are calling on the US Gov-ernment to tell all.

    "We know now that Uncle Sam has been sit-ting on evidence that UFOs do exist and that very substantial people have seen them," says Judge Howard Goldfluss.

    e Continued~ 2

    e Aliens live and work among us

    e Kidnappings, examinations


    HUMANOID: Drawing of a-UFO alien oy Kathie Davis

    who says she observed it

    on a number of occasions

    SEPTEMStB 1981

    8 /

    Aliens are living with. us: experts

    e From~l acting Supreme Court

    Justice In New York "My legal tralnlna re-

    quired evidence to prove the el

  • The evidence mounts: sometim

    D Japan Air Unes fllcht 1678 from ReykJavik to Anc:horace on the evenln& of November 17 laat year waa Juat a routine milk run.

    The jumbo jet Wll.ll carrying a. full hold of cargo.

    But around llpm Captain Kenju Ter-auchl reported "two columna of light" piercing the winter darkness.

    "Suddenly the lighta came to within 500 to 1000 feet of the plane."

    Veteran Capt Terauchl, a veteran Japan AJr

    Linea pilot, !mows what he saw - an unldenWied flying object that was big. blgcer than anything known to fly.

    And It wu rut, faat enough to keep pace with the jumbo jet for half an hour u It new over the emply Alaal

  • Twe '-a ., n tlln ~- 11r lftlm k..,. .,. 4etab ctnn untltr h1,.,111t by ,..,.. wflo hart 11M IIIC.Unlen ol I .,.CIII Ind. ~ld ono lit wtll'inc cftu.s?

    r HEAR 7lll/ 114m'- It m.a 'KA~/' S~tlung touched 71U!! It reached and touchl!d '"" On m11 MCk. l t made me~ 1 ccn ~ -! I /1 like It 'I going Gll t~117llll bodJI."

    D With this eerie ac-count of an en counter of the cfOM kind, Kathie Davis, an Indianapolis mother of two, bepn to fac:e her nlpbmlre.

    A nightmare of repeated allen abduction and abuse that has enveloped her en-tire family.

    The night or June 30, 1983, began like many others. KaUlle arrlvt'CI home about 7.1Spm, ate dinner and put her boys to bed.

    But before the night was over, Kathie Davis would UJll'rlenee ~thing so terrtrylnr. so ex: traordinary that it would be months before she remembered -and then only under hypnO&ia -what had actually happened.

    What ahe discovered chanred her life lorever


    They're here - the evide

    .M..O .. , ...... W.QID..O ....... ~.~.Q .. D .. .~;J;?.~d .Q'f. ..... f.~.'i..i.I1g.,, ... .. g .. Y..g. .. r. ..... 9 .. l.J..0 .f.Q.r. ...... tO.!..r.J;,?...~.~~~~J .. E..g .. "'!ri~ Is the put 12 years. mal

  • THE rue on Frederick Vo.lenUch rcmaina open, nine years after he ut--tered his last words to startled air traffic con-trollers: "Unlcnown alr-craft now hovering on topotme."

    Nothing was heard from the :10-year-old Air Train lng Corps lnat.ructor again and nothing has been found of his $t3,000 aircraft - but his father believes he wa11 taken by a UFO.

    When he was a small boy his father, Ouldo. took him along to Melbourne's Moorabbln airport far a joy-flight - and ever alnco then Frederick Valentlch had always wanted to flY. At 17 he joined the Air

    Tralnlnc Corps and gained an unre~~trlcted pilot's li-cence u he sought to fulfUI hls ambition to become a commercial aviator nying the big jeta.

    He was also an Instructor of the younger cadets and held an lnat.rument rating.

    Por him. the ntght over the Baas Strait from Mel-bourne to King Island on &etul"'lay ~r lll, 1878, should have been routine.

    He knew the plane - a slngle-englned Cessna 182 - well and he'd flown the route at least lour times previously.

    ~RiAN~PHitLIPS He lltted the Cessna off

    the Moorabbln tarmac Into clear, blue sldea but less than an hour later, In pez-. feet flying conditions, he vanlahed over Bass Strait.

    The laat man Frederick Paul Valentlch talked to wall air traffic controller, Steve Robey, In the Flight Service Unit. Mr Robey Is stU! haunted

    by the conversation. At 7.06 pm, Valentlch

    made contact with the FSU and asked whether there waa any known traffic In the ~a below 5000 feet.


    the 8J)eed lt'l travelling, are tMl"ll an11 RAAF aircraft in tM vlcfrtlt11?

    PSU: Negative. 708 pm. Valentlch: Jle1-

    boum8, lt'l approaching from clue ea~t toward ~- It

    ~ ta be pfalf(ng .rome 10rt ot ga~. FlJ!Ing at #peed I cannot utflll4te.

    ~FJ'U: What u J!Our altltu-Valentlch: 4500 teet. PSU: Can JIOU confirm

    JIOU can't ~tlflfaircratt? Valentlch: At/frlll4tfve. 708 prn. Valentlch: It'l not

    an alrcraft.It'l .. (Break In transrnlsslon).

    PSU Cart J10U ducrlbe aircraft?

    The Department of ValcnUch: lt 18 fllf(ng Transport later releed a pad. It u a long lhape.

    - Cmmot llkntlfll more than tape recording of the that. Coming tor ~ right ground-

  • YOU'RE travelling through another dimension. a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead - your next stop, the Twilight Zone!

    Thus bt'gan one of the la ndmark te levision series 6 the {1Ct1es and sixt1es, a senes that caused us to $!retch our Imaginations and believe in the 1Jnbelit'vnble.

    Jt 1s p1'0bably no coincidence that The Twilight Zone cnrne mto bemg during the last of the

    t Eisenhower years, when John Poster Dulles ruled the US State Department and the Cold War was at fts most fril':td.

    The Unidentified Flymr. Objects and UtUe Green .1cn who populated The Twthght Zone were synonyms for th 1n1

    our wny of hfc.

    UFOs .. one stopped for a chat with the P1ealdentl

    }~~rt~~~~~dt~~hcr~ Hell I ntTr~~ ~t~c~h~~~~n;. I wtth the McCarthy com

    are you there? n1\misl wttch hunt only

    few years in the past Rod SerhnK, who crc-

    n ted the series , was mnkmg a s tntemcnt about the hysterical ltmcs m which we lived, when all of America was

    nervously awaiting the Big Bang, when many beliewd we were being infiltrated by aliens of a different ideology.

    Oddty enough, it was ahorUy after the end of World War II when UFO

    spottin~ became a popu Jar pastime.

    Whole convO)'S of them were spotted flying all over America.

    That notewo~ jour-nal of record The National Enqu1rer, n

    nc;wspapcr which speci ahsed m st0r1es about unexplamed phenomena and mterviews with a longdead Rudolf Valen Uno, told its readers that n UFO h d actually landed on the White I ous" lnwn nnd its occu-J)(Ults had s topped for a chat with the President.

    The President kept qu1et about il because he did not want to alarm the populace. Very thoughtful or him.

    Naturally the Presi dent. in question was also long dead, so there was no way of checkmg the story, with him, apart from utlltsing the news pnl)('r's starr spiritualist,

    who was probably too busy talking to Elvis at the time.

    But the fascination with UFOs and the strange species of beings who p1loted them has long held us in thrall.

    Now I have nothing against uros. 1 think they are good clean fun.

    I have read a lot of Ray Bradbury and Isaac Asimov and Fredelipk PohJ and really adm1re. the way they tell a. story.

    But if UFOs have really bt.>en violatin~ our airspace for nigh on 40 years, one would think it about time they stopl)('d to say hello.

    It Son of the US Air Force once told me, that still left more than 7,000 unexplamed UFO .Sight ings.

    Maybe the1e arc~ pie out there watchmg us.

    But if there are, J wish they would hurry up and let us know about 1l.

  • ------------.-~-n._ ...... ,,"''~nwnn....-..... , .......... , ....... ,n,,,,~.nnttnnTtntntnnnYnft!ft..-n,.,......-........-. ... -. ........... ,.,..... .. ,, .. , .... ,,,.,,.nnttlltllttliltitlilillllllllllltllm~

    MANY Australians have met aliens and some Nlve had extra-terrestJal sexual encounters, e Sydney researcher says.

    John Sword has been studying allen llfe and UFOs for 15 years and has carried out extensive investigations into Claims of slghtinga and meetings that have occurred both in Austral.l& and overseas.

    He has interviewed several Australians who said they had been in contact with aliens but says they U"e too afraid to give their namea for fear of publlc ridicule.

    UFO.: Part IV - The Australian experience

    Mr Sword cites these e&.';CS:

    1976: A 25-year-old Sydne1 nune was work-ing at a city hQepital when she "found myself in a garden lying next to a 366cm-tall humanoid and I knew I'd had sex with him."

    She described the creature u ''m.an-Uke but more ethereal- less aubatantlal than most men".

    1978: A D.)'eU'oOid Sydney student found him.c;el.f "in a sort of au-ditorium with black flg ures approaching b1m carrying what looked like medical lnstru-mf'nts".

    The student said he tried to fight the crea-tures but was overpow-ered, put back on a table and studied.

    1979: A private in-vestigator in Adelaide received a phone call telling him to take cam-

    era equipment to a quarry and meet aUena.

    He went with a group of friends and vldeoed a space ship about two storeys high with huma-noid figures waving from the windows.

    According to Mr Sword the video was printed and studied by tbe RAAF who publicly stated that as far as they knew it wu authentic. Mr Sword says most

    people who have had alien contact have no reeoUectlon of how con-

    EVIDENCE: A sb'ange impression in a paddock near Forbes in NSN, in 1974 .............................................................................................

    tact was established or how they escaped.

    But hlS claims of extra-terrestrial lnteUI-gcnce are based, not. Just on encounters. but. upon footprlnta left by a spaceman in the famous 1952 Nevada incident ln which an alien vessel is claimed to have landed.

    Researcher Yul Ver-ner, also of Sydney, doc-umented the "lan-guage" left on the foot-prints, which were later found to match sketch ings in an ancient Incan cave in South America.

    Mr Sword says both contain a map of the heavens which predicted this year's Supernova (exploding star).

    Tbe map had the cor-rect event, time and Jcr cation of the explosion.

    Definitive "To me that's the most

    defln.lttve proof - It's more real than stght-ings and meetings," he says.

    "The star which ex-ploded is 170,000 light years away, which means the information wu eent falter than the speed of Uaht.

    "The only way that could happen is through a vastly suJ)E'rior lntelll gence.


    ... \GI


    "As yet people have little knowledge or con-cept. of just how supe- ALIENS: John Sword - a researcher for 15 years rtor that could be."

    U t' "!. t 11 ''' t t If tiiU. Uflllttltllllt.._.ltttttttltu u ttttt - -- ..... " ''


  • '

    0 Mrs Soma Hellings and daughter Sharon Haslam at the window of their North Narrabeen home where they saw the UFO

    Tll 1': Royal Australian Air Force was swamped with calls from people claiming to have seen a UFO on Friday night.

    An RAAF source 88.id ---------the slghtln&'s were in the By FIONA SMITH ParramattatFalrfleld areas around 6.15pm. the window glass but then

    All the reports described Sharon opened the win-the UFO as a sting-ray dow and the UFO was "as shape, he said. clear as day".

    Pcoplo who saw the Mrs Helllngs described UFO said It was travelling. the UFO as a flatJsh. tn a northeast direction saucer shaped object wtLh from Pairfleld. about half a dozen beams

    The Sunday Telegraph shining downwardS". was contacted by two She said the lights were people who said they saw flickering on and off 1n a the UFO, one from North series and then each light Narrnbeen o.nd one from tumed off one at a time. Castle Hill. When the last one went

    Sonia nellmgs and her out, It wasn't there any-daughter Sharon Haslam nwre," she said. said they saw the UFO Th~ UFO hovered just from their v.indow at above the skyline for 6.45pm, hovering over about 30 seconds before it Nnrrabetn High School. disappeared. she said.

    1 thought I was going ShBrOn, 20. said there mad but then l mlled appeared to be two aero-Sharon over and she saw planes wtt.h the UFO one it too." said Mrs Hellings. above and one beloW but

    At first she thought she she could not tell how was seeing a reflection on close they were.

    \I 0 Mrs Hellings drawing of the UFO

    At 7.30pm Luis Gonzalez but they had their lights and his wife Alicia were tumed off. working on their milk run "' know they are not in CaaUe Hlll when they supposed to do that." o:Ud saw the UFO. Mr Gonzalez.

    Mr Oonmlez said he "I could only see them thought tt was street because l.he moon was out Ughts at first then real- and I could see Ute light lsed the lights were flick- from the moon rt:flecting ering on and off in the off the planes." he said. same manner described "l didn't. believe tn UFOs by Mrs Helling&. before thiS." "It turned the lights off th

    and then it went.'' he said. A &JXlkeswoman for e Mr Gonzalez said there RAAF said there were no

    was a semi.elrcular set of airforce planes in the yellowish white lights. areas of the &ightings on

    "It. was really big be- Friday night. cause whtn it was far She suggested people away, you could still see might have seen an ad-the lights," he said. vcrtlstng alrcral t. hke a.

    He said atrforce a.eropla- small Cessna. wfl.h flash-nee and helJcopters "ap- ing lights and tralllng a. peared from everywhere". banner.


    TtiE mystery surrounding the UFO sighting over Syd ney on Friday evening, as I reported In The Sunday Tel egraph, deepened yesterday : when the Department of 3 Aviation was unable to con- j' firm what a number of people suspected - that the : object sighted wu actually a ' light plane trailing an electrl cally lit advertising banner.

    1 fv4'tn NlghtHights of Aus-tralia, the company suuges ted as having made Ute flight, was unable to confirm

    1 or deny It had.

  • D P1lot Sandy Bremner with his P1per Cherokee 'flymg saucer

    The UFO pilot comes down from the clouds MEET the pilot of the UFO re-

    sponsible for the flying saucer sight-logs over Sydney last weekend.

    The very U'rrcstrinl pUot Is 28-year-old Sandy Bremner. of Cremon1e. and his !lying saucer Is a common light plane w!th a unique lighting system attaChed to the underside or tile wtngs !or Bdver t.Jalng purposes.

    Flights by Sandy last Friday and Sat--urday night sparked dozens of UFO slghtlngs which \\ere reported to The Sunday Telegraph and the RAA.F by people ant.lcipat.lng a close encounter.

    But all those J)('ople who swore they saw a UFO - and not a plan(l - can take heart. Doth Sandy and the man who designt'd the NtteLtt.ea advertis-ing, Western Australian Fred Hamp-ton, concede the plnne "could look like a !lying saucer" when viewed from an angle or at long mnge. In fact, Fred unashamedly admitted

    he had destgned the lighting so as to create the llluson or n !lymg saucer.

    However, he WM emphatic that If people loOked closely they would see the UFO war; stmply a light plane with a lighting system underneath.

    The syst.em ts J"('markably simple. It Is a 2.5 metre wide. 12 metre long m~tal and wire lattice wtth 360 tiny ll~t glo-bes atta.clwd. A comrutrr tns1de the cockpit of the slnglc-('ngined Piper Cherokee ennblt' the pilot t.o !lash any message across the Jattt,e.

    0 Tho UFO s1ght1ng headlines system had been airborne for three years, mainly over Western Australia.

    "We've used It in the west. Adt>lalde. Brisbane and the Oold OoMt before, but last weekend was the first. time we operated It over Sydney," he said.

    Askt>d whether It had provoked simi-lar rashes or UFO slghtlngs when used elsewhere. Fred sa1d simply: "Always."

    The man flylng the plane lasL week end was beslrtc himself wtth laughtc over tlH! reaction his two flights caused.

    "I was on my way home (on Sat.urda night) whcu I ht'al'd nbout the sightmgs on tbe car rndio," Sandy aald.

    "I knew I had caused them, but I couldn't bellc~c people a.ctualJy thought that. ft. was a UFO."

    Last weekend the system was being The Nite-Litcs plane - the only one o! used to promote Aeroplane JcUy and its klnd in the country- has been con-radiostatlon20.B. tractRd to work over Sydney for UH:

    Fred, a 46-ycar-old who described next alx mont11s, o If you spot wlmL you himself as nn aircn1H rwvertislng mnn, believe to be a flying tii\Uoer make sure carne up "'ath tile idea tor Nlt.e-Litcs it Is not Nltc Ll . in action. seven years ago nrtrr Sf'cing a similar FOOTNOrE For those who doubt system opcmtlng in the Unlt.E'd States. this report ld'ntltylng Lhc UFO, the

    Although It took him rour years to get times n.nd Joentions or the sightlngs cor-Department or Avt~llon SJlproval to respond With Sandy'sllight routes. operate Nltc Lit.es here Fred said his -GARY DUNNF.

    u p .. com PEO L.E

    O:f. MONDA:t l~:.tOIJ) UFO HUNT

    TWO astonished shooters watched a dome-shaped craft through their rifle sights. as It hovered above dense bush.

    Later . one of the witnesses was subjected to hours of rntense quesliomng by Army In telllgence officers

    "It happened in 1984, when I was hunting north of Perth with a mate," recalls A. G of Cope! Beach, WA (lull and name and ad dress supplred). "While walking through an area we both know well, we suddenly realis ed that the bush had gone silent. Ahead we saw a $trip of bright rc4 and green lights " Immediately we stud1ed thflm through a high powered rille scope. They seemed to be selln a concave base. tilled up towards us. w1th a metallic dome above

    The lights alternated. onofl. very lasl each colour In turn. The object hovered lor some mlnules- then slowly cruised away. following the coastline to Fremanllo.

    "I don't believe any earlhly craft could hove generated such intense light, or moved so slowly wilh no noise My friend, who was In the Army at the lime. reperted the Incident.

    "He wished he'd kept quiet Intelligence officers questioned him for hours showing him sketches end photos of UFO's and generally gave him a miserable time

    "For public consumption, the mllllery makes out that uros are nonsense - but bohirrd closed doors, they're taken very seriously indeed "

    lY\0~08'1 1_ ~~~~~~~~~~O--

  • Narrowing the UFO credibility gap: Rev1ew by

    KEN ANDERSON IN 1!75 a S"1ss caretaker

    produced several clear plc-turr.s of a strange craft hover-ing above the grfen hills nrar the farmhouse where he lhed.

    Ovt:r thP. nl':rl five vears Eduard "Billv" Meier was to produ

    to accelerate to the speed or light, only seconds to traverse a distance or nearly 500 light ~ years and then another 3.5 hours to decelerate and fly to Earth.

    These and other figures he said the Pleiadians had given him were within 20 per cent of FronJng's own calculations, which he had arrived at usin~ complex formulae.

    The chances of someone of Aleier's edocaUonal bac.k-Jrround ardvln~ at the figures and havinft' them within a scientifically acceptable range, were "very improbable'' said the amazed Froning.

    As tor the small piece or metal Meier handed over to the team, it wall examined by Marcel Vogel, an IBM research scientist who concluded: ", With any technology that I know or, we could not achieve

    thi~ on this planet." He then went on to echo the

    words of serious UFO in-vestigators everywhere who have labored for years onder a cloud of scorn and mo('kery: "It is important that those of DR who are In the scientific world sit down and cJo some serious study or these things instead of puttin' it off as people's ima~:lnaUon."

    Meier In ret'ent years ha!'l se-cluded himself on his farm, r.uely seeinlf anyone. In any ca.1e, he claims the J-leiadians operate In U-year cycles and that ended last year.

    The final word on the whole

  • The signs of better things to come? By DAVID EVANS

    I BELIEVE that there are several excellent rea-sons for believing in Undidentlfied Flying Ob-jects.

    want then to mean. They could Indicate, for Instance, the world's

    share markets are about to regain some sort of &anity. TV E:,Pf\:t

    I One is thnt since they usually appear when there shouldn't be anything in thnt. pru1.1cular nrea of the sky nnd cnn never be fully explained away by covent.tonallogic. their origin should rcrna1n a mys-tery U only on the grounds that Ignorance is bliss.

    They could mean that Ronald Reagan and Mik-hnil Oorbachev will finally agree to do away with nuclear weapons and reduce their stocks of con-ventional arms. OCTOf>ER.

    Then there is the fact that the very existence of UF'Os helps sustnin the concept of Intelligent life on other planets.

    Indeed tho life-form would need to be far more intelligent. than we are, since they oan get here and we can't get there.

    And personally I find the idea we are the only form of life ln the universe far too depressing to contemplate.

    Even if we arc reasonably optlmistlc about our fu-ture, it's rea811urlng to believe that someone -something- might eventually turn up with simple answers to problems what appear at the moment to find insurmountable.

    F1nally, however strongly we believe. we are ra-t.lonal, clvUised beings, most of us, deep down, want to believe in signs and omens: a shooting star means life tnlhe same way a black cat means luck.

    So. unlike the sceptics, I wouldn't dare diSmiss out of hnnd the reports of red and white lights rocketing across New South Wo.lcs early today, or objects looldng like space ships careering sUcntly over Bnnkatown.

    AB an omen the slghtlngs can mean whatever we

    They could mean that our poliUelans will sud-denly start behaving like sensible, adults.

    Or they could stmply mean the unions at Darling Harbor will come to their senses.

    The consensus of those who saw tho lights appar-ently seems to be that they hnd round or cone-shaped bodies with a comet-like tall.

    One description gave the impression that it looked like a flying peanut - Joh's revenge, per-haps, on NSW for not taking part In Expo 88.

    Intriguing Of course the sighting& could have be-en space

    debris. There arc more pieces of junk swirling around

    the earth than there are burnt-out and abandoned car bodies in and around Sydney.

    NSW has a.lways been fertile ground for UFO slghtings - and even for the discovery of UFO "landing sites."

    No-one haa so far come forward- as have several people In South America. for Instance- to say they have actually been taken aboard an allen space-craft.

    But there's always a first time for everything.

    'L1 A FAMILY underwent bizarre physical changes when their car was lifted from an outback highway by a UFO, pollee said today.

    While in the clutches of the bright. glowing, egg-shaped object. the terrifted mother and her three sons said their voices became slurred n.nd abnormally s low.

    "It was like we were in a time warp," the family snid after their strange encounter on the Nul-larbor Plains yesterday.

    Police who later inspected the car round it cov-ered ln a thick coating of black ash. There was also ash lnsldc the car.

    ALIEN: How the family described the attack

    They also found dents in the corners of the roof caused, the frunlly say, when the Ul''O gripped the

    Continued page 2



    WA R PLAJ"

    I I I


    A FAMILY which c1 fms to ~ave been attacked and chased ~: u, FO on the Nullabor Plain sa est night th inside c,f thhtlr car filled up with smoke w lch smelt of dead bodies.

    Faye Kllowlcs ancf ht'r sons Patrick Wnync and Sean said th!'y feart'd for t~itr Jives ns they struggled to shake ~...!'';:1 '(FO whUe drlviJig along the ... .r .. ~ g lY.ay in Western Australia They said their nightmal't' started

    when they spotted strange lights Jn front of them about snm lt . led :ru'gi atglowing object \\hlch l'cscrnb-

    nn egg in an rgg cup.

    car and lifted tt from the highway. The rear tyre blew out when the UFO dropped the vehicle bac" on the road . '}

    Faye Knowles, 48, and her sons Sean 21 Pat-rick, 24, and Wayne, 18, were driving alon'g the Eyre Highway at MundrabUJa, near the West Austro.Jian-South Australian border, when they had their amazing encounter.

    They told pollee they were travelling from their home In Perth to Melbourne across the Nullarbor Plains about 5.30am yesterday when a "hu e bf right glowing object" stopped on the road fn ront of them. M rs Knowles. who was eFrom page 1

    driving the new Ford Telstar, awerved to miss s trange sensation . it. "The hood was soft,

    Son Sean lo.ter told warm and spongy and 1 pollee "It was a weird pulled my hand back in looking thing and we the car," she said. stopped to go back and When the UFO re-hnve a look. leased the car the famUy

    lie told Senior Consta- stopped, changed the ble Oary O'Hagan, of blown out tyre and drovo Oeduna: "We became to a roadhouse at Ml u-scared and ran back to drabilla where they met the car to get away, even a truck driver who said a though we did not get a bright glowing object rtose look. had followed him west

    "It chased us and mum along the highway less was flooring it along the than one hour earlier. highway. The family then drove

    "We were doing about non-stop 600km to oe-llOkmlh when it came duna where, stlJI shaken over us and suddenly from their encounter lifted the car off the they Informed ooUce. ' road.

    "We felt the thump on Oonatable Hagan sald the roof and then tt star- today: " Reports of UFO ted lifting us. sightlngs usually don't

    "We were frightened hold much water with us and began to yeU but our but after checking their voices had changed." car and seeing them we

    Mrs Knowles told Con- think there could be stable O'Hagan that something In the thb." when she reached her They will meet setent-hand out the window, ists at the Adelalde-plo.ctng it on the hood of based Australian UFO

    _th_e __ ca_r_, _s_h_e_:r.:e.:..:lt~a:......_Re_s_ea:_r_::c:_h Oentre today

    at FamilY. tells of

    horror encounter The UFO flf'w above their car 1

    on the roof and PICked It up ' anded I Patrick .,.. told UFO ., Channel Seven the

    seemed to grab the car "The car st

    fclt like some=g ~~moktehup and It wd. ..~ on e car,. he ~~.e dogs In the car started to go ~:Ve wtaound down the ~dows and

    cars rted to smoke up Inside." Asked what tho smoke

    smelt llke, he said "like dead bodies or some-thing".

    The UFO shook the enr violently and forced ft back on the rtmd with such pressure that t.he nght. rear tyre was blown.

    "We thought we were dying," Mrs Knowles said. We didn't know . what to do. I was :-;cream- ! ing. 1 wound down the i w1I1dow rutd 1 said it's on !

    ... top on the roof'. 1 W . i Gltlng f

    "We got out or the car 1 and we hid behmd a tree nnd iL couldn't find us i

    "It was still th~rt' fi "~Ung lor us, looking 1' for us. It was up tltl" road 1 a bit further from us.. :

    Mrs Knowles Mid the I lnmily for about. 15 j' nlinutrs and then frnnti cnlly chnngcd the flat I tyre, I

    "When we hopped Into IJte car, it came o.ftcr us again," she said.

    The family said several trucks passed Utem dur-ing the ordeal, but none t would stop. r

    MeanwhUc a second I tuna boat. crew hall re-ported sighting 8 UFO In the Great Australian I Bight.

    erose encounters: p 10


    ( FARMERS, astronauts, 1 dodors, a U.S. Prefiident and i even a prostitute have seen 1 them.

    I I I

    i I

    Some arc clgar-ahaped. some appear as 61lver discs or orange glows, others have hundreds of rotating lights.

    They arc UFOs. and since their first appearance In 1947 people have been look ing to the heavens

    Unidentified J."lying Objects have been re-sponsible for thousands upon thousands of reports to polioe stations around the world in the past 30 years - experts say 99.9 per oont of the cas~s have an earthly explanation.

    Disturbed by object in the sky

    If you believe the slghtlngs, it appears that since their first humble arrival over the akles of New Mexico in the '408,

    Drawing by Know! .. family given to police

    SINCE I sighted an anu-platned objed In the daylight sky over Syd-ney, I have been rather dlatarbed.

    the space beings visiting Earth have become more daring.

    People claim to have spoken with their extra-terrest.rial crews. travelled with them. been mecll cally examined by them and even bad sex with Utem.

    Early on Wednesday, os the sun prepared to dawn over the Nulla bor Plain, an Australian family had their own experience with a UFO - or a UAS (Unusual Aerial BJghting) as the RAAF prefers to label them.

    Perth~Mclbourne travellers Faye Knowles nnd her sons Pat.-rick. Bean and Wayne, have told pollee an egg cup-5haped light picked up their speed!Jtg vehicle as they ned its attention.

    Their voices became distorted and when it finally dumped their c:nr, left o. sprny of "ash" on Its boot.

    Dependmg on which researchers you talk to, the Knowles did have unusual experlen:c in the Western Australlnn desert but It as unlikely it was the work of run-loving aliens.

    "There arc more likely explana-Uons for what happened," said na-tional secretary ot the Australian Skeptics Tim Mendham.

    Proof required "We don't know all of the details

    but from what ~e have heard the family had be

  • ~ hZ~D lftNUBBY 19.8&_

    ~~~.~~~~~~:~: ~~~!~ ~.;~~:'!'~~~~~~~~~;~g producing their own pet dents in Ule car roof all polD~ to Several farms were showered no~ eerie, seoaaUon.'' theories about the Null- sometblDC not of Ulls world. with black material from ~e Allan Bran&, former head of arbor egg cup UFO, now Research physicist. Glf'n meteorUe and people re]rorkd tbe Sou~b Au&nlian Bureau of tagged by pollee the Mun- Moore of Wolloncong Unlver-- pecnll r smell and asbock wave MeteoroiOCJ, believes &he UFO dr bllla Incident. sUy agrees. as U entered the atmosphere. cauld bave been an es:tnlmely

    Theories on wha~ r.ansed t.be Bu~ he believes all the evl L ht dlstorled view o1 ~he rising sun. Knowles fnmlly's night of terror dence and the bright object 19 n1ng He said condlliom on the by h