UFDC Image Array 2 - University of Florida

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Transcript of UFDC Image Array 2 - University of Florida

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S ITTIN G: Karen VVaszak

. 'aomi Kun tz. Bell Y Lewis. Rosemary Rea rdon. Nancy Hopkins. J anel Hoverson . ST A '0 1 'G: V ickie C lark. Connie Lasher. D onna W ong. T ommy H eppenhe imer. A lex H eppc nlw imer.


Page 2



Dedication ....

In Memoriam .




Hall of Fame.

Class Prophesy

Last Will and T es tament .



Activities ....








......... 11

. ...... 35

..... .48

. .... 49

... 51

...... 57

. .... 63

...... 77

............ 89

....... 101

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Page 4


Mrs. Veva Folsom

B eca use y Oll ha ve b ee n a n inspi ra t io n

a nd a he lp a nd b eca use you have devoled

you r time a nd ta lent s to helpin g the

S tudent A ssociation. we dedi ca te th e

1964 C oribiJeon to yo u, i' Irs. Folsom.

Page 6


Kenny Sanders was a member of the cl ass of '63. His

memory is cherish ed by his cl assmates and numerous

fri ends in C hristoba l High S choo l.

EVELYN JEAN BREWER A ssis tant Secre tary


PAUL L. BECK. M.A. U niversity of ~1 ichi gan P rinci pa l

CARL F. MAEDL, M.A. Columbia University A SSistant Principal

~'IAR ION B. TAYLOR. B,S, Symcuse Univcnity Secretary

CLAUDIA M. LAWTON Assistant Secreta ry

Page 7

ADAMARY ANDERSON. M.A. Un iversity of Michigan Gi rls' Counselor

EDWARD A. KELLY. M.Ed. Un iversity of M iam i Boys' Counselor

G. L. ARMSTRONG. M.A. New Mexico H ighlands U niversity World History. English

JO ANN CARR. M.A. University of A labama Junior High Math


VIRGINIA M. CONDINA. B.A. Hunter Coll ege of the City of New York Physic .. I Education, Hea lt h

VEVA FOLSOM. M.A. Colorado Slate College Typing, S hort hand. Genera l Business

ROBERT BERGER. B.A. M ichigan S iale U niversity Socia l Studies

RICHARD W . BOCK. M.Ed. Un iversity of Houston High School Math


JUNE FATTOROSI. MA U ni versity of Southern Mississippi Physical Education

W ILLIAM J. GANSEN. MA University o f M ichiga n History. Ma th

ANNE D. GEGG. M.S. ;n Ed Corn ell University F rench. Lotin. S panish

EDWIN KOZIOL. B.A. ivlichisnn S iale University Socia l Studies . Art

ETHEL LAURIE. ~'l.A . N ew York S iale U niversity j\1a th

DOUGLAS LllTON. M.S. l'vli ss issippi Slate U niversity Ph ysico I Educfl lion. Hea lth

PHIL ~'''ELROY. ~1 .A . Fresno S inle College H islor),. English

CAIYI'AIN CARL MERLI NO. B.S. University of Penn sylva nia R OT C.

ROBERT ~·IOWERY. ~1.s . Indian .. S tOiC U niversity Industria l A rts

.... -~ -EUGENE T. GREGG. M.t\. U ni\'crsil y of Colorndo U. S. H istory

REX C. I-IOPSON. ~ I.A. Peabody Teachers College Eng lish, Joumnlisrn

IlOBEf{TO .IAEN .I. I ) L. U ni vcu ily o f jvlndrid Spmlish

ALFHILD ~ IAEDL. BA GUSl<lVUS Adolphus Coll ege Engl ish

BERNARD ~1AZZON I . ~1.Ed . Pe nnsylvan ia Siale U ni ve rsit y j\'lo. th

ROBERT iVi<CULLOUGH. ~1 .A Colorndo Slate U ni versity Socia l Studies

JAiVlES NOR~'IAN. M.S. O regon S tole Un ive rsity Biology

LUKE PALU~'IBO. B.S. N o rth west rVlissouri S lu te College Science

GRACE PFAU. ~·I.A . U ni versity o f 1\ 'linncsola Reading


Page 9

Page JO

JAMES H. PFAU. M.A. U niversity of ~1innesol a C hemi stry

CHARLES T. REEVES. M.A. A ri zona S tote U niversity Science. M ath

STEI.LA RIEFKOliL. M.A. Columbia U niversity Spani sh

FRANK B. SPITZER. B.S. East Carolina College Science. M ath

JAMES E. STEARNS. M .A. University of F lorida S panish

FREDA L. STOHRER. MA U niversity of T cnncsse English

HARRIEIT YOUNG. PhD. Louisinnn Stoi c Universi ty English

E. C. SHARICK. M .A. lIIinios Sta le U nive rsity Specia l Education. Social Studies

ROBERT F. SHIPMEN. M .S.I.E. Purdue University lnduslrio l Arts

DOROTliY SM ITH. M.A. U nivcris ly o f D enver En~lish





I remember


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"Alice" D ecember 26. 1945

H ong Kong "A timeless worker the whole day long. Her life 's in tune like a joyful song."

Na tiona l Honor Sociely 4 : N ationa l Thespia n Society 3 : N urses ' Aide Secreta ry 2 . T rea surer 3: Drama tics C lub 1.2.3 .4 : T orrid Zone Wizards 2 .3 .4. Secretary 3 : C a ri6e C lub 1.2 .3.4 : G irls' S ta le 3: C lass Vice-President 3 : C lass President 4 : Prom D ecoration Committee C hairman 3: Pink Gi rls Program 2 .3 : T ennis 3: C lass A ssemblies 3.4 .


"Frank" A ugesl 3. 1946

Ancon. C a na l Zone "Quiet a nd shy. but q uite a guy."

Homeroom Alternate I : Drill T eam 2,3 : Best Drill T ea m (Field Night ) 3: Ca ribe C lub 1.2.3 .4 : "2 1" C lub 3.4 : C lass Vice-President 4.


"Do· nut " A pril 2. 1946

Colon. Republic of Pa na ma Quick. studious. depcndable--a rea l credit to

the senior dass. "

NEDT C ert ifica te 1,2: Band 1.2.3 : O rchestra 1.2.3 : T orrid .zone Wiza rds 1,2 .3.4 : C a ribe C lub 1.2.3 .4 . Secretary.Trea surer } , V ice- P resident 4 : A th lelic Council P resident 3: Ring Comillitt ee J: P rom T able D ecora tions 3 : SA V ice· President 3; Dramatics C lub 1,2 .3.4 : Secreta ry '2: N urses A ide 1.2.3 : Historian 2: C lass President 2 : C lass Secrt'lury 4 : N ationa l Honor Soci~ty J .tI. T rea surer 3,4 : C IHss A ssembli es 3.4 .


" Peggy" September 16. 19'16 San Angelo. T exas

"S uccess is the key to ha ppiness"

Bolboo Hi gh. Ba lboa H eights. C.Z.: Inlwllltlffi ls: Volleyba ll 2: Ballkctball 1.2 : S A Representa ti\le t .2 : C a ribe C lub I : Frosh-Soph Frolic Committee 1: (l.1ytiwlog y C lub 1: Sad ie Hawkins D a nce Commill ee 2, Queen " D a isy Mac" 2: S howcase Committ ee 2: A -V Award 2 : Honor S tudent Award 1,2 . C ristoba l H igh : B,Ulquel Corn · millee 3: GAA 3.,j : Nationa l H onor Society l A. Secrela ry 4 : G irl s' S tale 3. Sccrela ry of S tate 4 : C lass Treasurer 4 : Ca rds & Announce­" lents 'I.

~'IAGALY ALAYON "fYlag£l iy"

M ay 4, 19 46 Caguns. P uerto Rico

" The more you know her. tlte more you like he r."

Indiana High Schoo l. Indiam! Penn: AII -Stnr Basketball. Volleyball. Softball 3. Cri ~ lobnl High : Basketba Jl "A" Leag ue <1: Co ribbc{l fl Staff 4: Troderuind Siaff 4 .


September 8 , 19'16 tvlm ga rit a . Canol Zone

"A fri end 10 a ll who know him ,"

Soccer C ha mps I : Boys ' S ta le 3 .


rvl £lY 'I. 1946 Cagu £l s. Pue rto Rico

"Always happy olw£I)'s gay, J ust as nice from da y 10 da y. "

Indiana High School. Ind iana. Penn : GAA 3: AII ,Slar Pin and Badge 3. C ristoba l High: GAA 4 ; Basketha ll "A" League 4 : Caribbean Staff 4: Trodewind Staff 4 .


June 20. 1946 M aryvi lle, T ennessee

" F riend liness is her pa ssion "

Benlon H ig h School. Benton. T enn : FHA I · Ba nd I : Orches tra I ; F lu te Trio I . Boones High Schoo l. Jonesboro. T enn : FHA 2 .3 ; Ba nd 2 ; French C lub Presidenl 2 ; French AW(l rd '2: F rench C lub Reporler 3; Bor Trocks S ia ff '2 : Free America Club 3 : Bela C lub ) ; T ypi ng Awa rd 3 NAlionnl I-Iollor Socidy 4 .


Novcmber 1'2. 1946 Colon. Republic of Pnnama

·· He goes a round wHit both fcct pla nted firmly in th e air."

Page 13


D ecember 23. 1946 Hunmcoo. P uerto Rico

"Politeness is 10 do lind say the nicest thin gs in the nicest way:'

Caribe C lub 1.2.3 .4 : Torrid Zone Wiza rds 2,},4: Dramatics C lub 2.3,4: Thespian Play 4 : C la ss A ssembly 4 . Nationa l Honor Society 4.


J une 13, 1939 Holbrook. Long Island. New York

"She lives a l peace wilh a ll mankind : '


O ctober 3, 1946 Aneon. Canal Zone

"The fema le of the species is morc deadly tha n the ma le,"

Intramura ls: Volleyba ll BAsketba ll 1.2.3 ; Swimming T eam 3: Girls' Drill T ea m I : Chri st­mas Forma l and A wa rds Ba ll D ecoratin g Com­mittees 1.3.4 .


October 20. 1946 Marga rita. Cana l Zone

"A success in all he does."

"2 ' " Club 1,2.3,4 : O utstandi ng 1'1-1 Medal I ; Hi ghest Average M -1. lrd on Final Exam , ; Usher Guo rd 2; 2nd Prize "2 ' " Club Essay 2.


March 14. 1946 Colon, Republic or Panama

"A quiet, likeable lad ."

O utstanding French Student 2; F rench C lub 3.4; "2 ' " C lub 3,4; Homeroom Altenmte 3.

Pagp 14


l\'lay 19. 10-16 ChiOl!!O. Illinois

"Bubbling over wi lh lo\·e. life. and laughter "

l3ail)Oo Higk Bnlbon HeiJ:: hts. c.z,: GAA 2 : Basket ba ll 1.2.4 '1: Volleybnll 1.'2 .3 : Ping Pong 1.2: Pa n. t\mc riCftrl Club 1.2: Pcp C lub 1.2: Ca rnival D a nce COlllmittec 1: Fnshion Sllow I : G et.A cq ua int ed Dance COlllllliltee ·1; T omorrow's Secr('In rics ., : Sccrcla ry of Cell ie r L"lb for T eachers 4.


Ocloher 20. 1046 i'larga rila . Cnna l Zone

"SI .. :"'5 5pa rklc a nd spief' and everythin g nice.

Intramu ra ls: \ 'ollcy6a ll 1,2.3 ,.1 ; Basketbnll 1.3: Softball 1.2: Tennis 3. ROTC Company Sponsor -I : H om ccoming Courl ' I.


April 15. 19·16 l\ largaril[t. Cn nal Zone

" You gc l Qui o f l ife whnt YOli put into il :'

Footl:w ll I : Basketba ll I : Tr:-tck I : Prom D eco· rating COlJl mittee 3 : H omeroom A ltenmle 4.


November '23 . 19'16 D tl),Iona Beach. F lorida

"Silence is deep ond eterna L"


i'o larch II, 1946 Lot C ross. VVisconsin

'" a m myself. my own comma nde r."

"C' Club 3.4 : "'2 , " Club 3.·1: Na tiona l H onor Societ y -I : Footba ll -I : T enni s 1.'2,3,4: Basketba ll 3,'1.

Page 15


November 17. 19,15 Wobonl . M assachu sett s

"T ime is but the l> lream 1 go fishing in : '

Track 1 : Basketba ll I : Footbn!l 3.4: Homeroom A llc rn a tc 2.


November 22. 19,16 Ruperl. Idaho

" Th ings tha i nrc sllla ll lunre great va lue,"

Leavenwo rth H igh. Leavenworth Ka n.: H ome­room Representa tive I : Pcp C lub 1. C ristobal High: N urses' A ide 2.3: Softba ll 2: Volleyball 3 ,4: Prom Co rurnitl cc 3 : C oribb-eon Sta ff 4 .


September 9, 1946 Colon. Repuh lic of Pa na ma

" A modest proof of tha i ha ppy blend-a scholar nnd a friend ,"

N urses ' A ide D ra matics 1,2,3 ,4 : Cmibe C lub 1.2.3.'1: Torid Zone ' ;Vi7.ards 2.3 .4 : Pink G irls 1.2 .3 : Na tiona l Honor Society 3,4: Na­tiona l Thes p i<tn Society 3.'1 : Lc Cerd e Fram:n is 3.4: Pcp C lub 2.


September 19, 1946 Kin gston, North Caro lina

"The fairest of th e tall , and the ta ll est of the fa it,"

Rockland High. Rockland. r-.1ainc: Future Nurses of A merica 1: FH A 1; C horus 1.2; Kippy Ka r­nov,,1 Commitlee 1.2 : Commercia l Service C hili 1.3; Softball :>: Assembly 4 .


September 2 1, 19 '16 Eustis . n orido

"She a lwo)'s sco res . b oth in sports a nd person­ality,"

GAA 2 .3 .4. Prc~ i denl 'I ; Intramura ls 1,2.3,4 ; T enn is Le iter 2.3; T orri d Zo ne Wi"l.<'1 rds 2,3 .4 : Ca ribc C lu b 2,<1: Prom Committee 3.

Page 16


November 10. 1945 Ancon. Canal Zone

" Happiness a nd sUIl"hine a re her mottos,"

Dra m!ltics C lub 1,2.3.4 : Nu rses' Aide : Pink Girls 2.4: Pep C lub 2: Thespia ns 3.'1: Gi rls' S ia le 3: Le Cerde Fra ncais 3 .'8 .


September 7. 1946 Ma rga rita, Cana l Zone

"The beauty of heaven is the slars- Priscilla's is her eyes,"

Balboa High. Balboa Hei ghts. C.Z.: Pep Club 1.2 : Pan.America n Club 1.2.3 : Trible "C' Club 1.2.3. InlrnmUJ'sls. Basketball and Volleyball 1.2.


Ja nuary 17. 1947 Brookl yn. New Yor\r

"FuJI of vim. vigo r. and vitality:'

Pink Girls 1.2 .3,4: N urses' A ide D ra­ma tics C lub 3: Inlrarnura ls 1,2.3. '1: C lass A &sclII ' blies 3.4: Prom Comm iU ce :; : C horus 1,2: P ep Club 2.


June 16, 1944 Pa nama. Republic of Panama

"Education is the brea th of li fe. but I' m short ­winded:'

DOrvl~8~EdJAR~~~{;OND " Dominique"

August 29. 1945 Paris XVIII. Seine. France

"The sort of friend everyone wants to have ."

Eco lc 01 ..... ma m : French Lit cwtu re Awa rd I : National Science Award '2: Soccer 1.2: Basket­ba ll 1.2: Equita tion 1.2 : T rack 1.2: H and ba ll 1.2: Rifle T ea m 1. C ristoba l H igh : Soccer J: Basketba ll J: Truck J .

Page '7

WIU.IAM p, DE SALVO " W apo"

November 22 . 1945 O yster Bay, New York

" D on ', le i study interfe re with educa tion."

Drill Team 1.2: Rifle Team 1.2: Drill and Rifle T eam Ribbon 1.2 : Service M eril Ribbon 1.'2; Efficiency Ribbon 1,2 : CHS "AMA" Club 4 .


N ovember 2, 1946 M llrgarilo.. Canal Zone

"Whoever invented work should have fini shed it"

Football 2.


Ma rch 6 , 1946 G ranite. O kla homa

" Honor a nd knowledge a lone ca n Illcril-alonc can produce,"

laGrange Senior Hig/" Lake Charles. La.: C irls' Interscholastic Ba sketba ll T ea m 1,3; a lional Junior Honor Society I . Vice· President 1: S pa nish C lub J: Interscholastic Ra lly 1,2 ; Ba nd 1,2 .3. C ristoba l Hi gh : Na tiona l H onor Society 4; Na. liona l j\'le rit Semi ·Fina list 4 : D ra n18 Club 'I: C lass Assembly 4.

GEO RGE W. EVANS " G eorge"

N ovember 14. 19·16 Ma rgnrita. Cana l Zone

"Very quiet and u nassuming­W eighty plnns hi s mind if> brewing."


Ja nua ry 11. 1945 M a rgnrita. Cn nal Zone

"He enjoys Ijfe. with no jf's. nnd·s . or bllt 's about it. "

T rack 2.3 .4; Footba ll 4 ; "C" C lub 2 ; Rifl e T ea m 2.3,4: M ost Improved S hooter 2 .3: Rifl e T eam Ivlcd.1 2.l,

Page 18


No\'embc r 20. 19·16 Granville. New York

" H a ppy am I. from Cll rc I'm free: \ ;Vhy cu n ' , they a ll be contented like meT

Horl'c heacls Ccntro l High. Horseheads. N.Y.: T en nis 1. A.C. Flora Hish School. Columbia. S.c.: Coin Chili 2: Bridge Club '2: nlor C horus 1,2 . C ristobol High : C lass Assembly ' I .


f\'larch 2} . 1946 fVlorgarilo. Cana l Zone

"Always there 10 lend a ha nd When tl,e s il u a tion may d emand ."

Nurses' Aide f-li storia n 3, V ice- President 4 : Pink Girls Progra m 1.2,}: Ca ribe Club 1.2 .3,.t. Secretary-Treasurer -I : Drama tics C lub 1.3.'1 : Gi rls' S la te 3: Prom D cco mtin g Commill ce 3 : Cl as.!. A ssemblies 3.4 .


Se ptember 23. 1945 f\'lnrgo rH £l , Co na l Zone

; ;;~.:. li ves. loves, fi nd la ughs his W,ty throll ~ l ,

Baseba ll 2,3.'1. [\'Ios t Va lua ble Pl ayer 3 : Footba ll 1.2 : Trnck I : C lass A ssembly :i : Dra matics C lub ' I : Tllespian Play'!.


D crcmber 2 4. 1946 Pittsburgh. Pennsyl vania

" It is beller to be sma ll fi nd cast 0. .. s reat li ght than 10 be la rge and not shine a l a ll

Upper S t. Clai r f-Ij gh. Pillsburgh, Penn .: ITA I ; Homeroom Trea surer I : D rama C lub 2: Rehoboth . tvla ssachusells. Sta te ond Reg iona l Speech Festiva l 2. C ristoba l Hi gh : N urses' Ai de 'I : C lau A ssembly 4.


February 5. 1946 "Shc lives (I I pe(lce with (I II ma nk ind."

C hess Club 2 : N urses' Aidc 2 .3.4 : Baskc tb."l ll 2.3 .

Page 19

J .I


January t. 1947 New York. New York

'The hi ghest of distinctions is service to othe rs."

Na tiomll Honor Society 3.4. Vice-P resident 4 : FTA Presiden t 4: "2 1" C lub 3.4. Secre­tary 4: Dramatics C lub 1.2,3.4; Thespians 3.4. Plays 2 .lA ; T orrid Zone Wi:zards 3.4 ; H omeroom Alternate 2.J : Inau~ral Assembly 2.3,4; NEDT Certificates 1.2 : Boys' State 3 ; NSF Scholar­ship J: ROTC Batlalion XO. Major 4 : Drill Team 2 : U sher Guard 1.2,3,4 , Comdr 4: Rifle T eam 2 ,lA. Mngr <1 : D .A. Superior Cadet 2 .3: Governor's Cup 3 ; Highest Avera~e 2 ,3; Ring Commillee :>: Executive Commitlee 3.4 : C lass Assembli es 3 .4 : T raclewincl Staff 4: Caribbeoll Llerary Editor 4 : QUill and Scroll <1 : T.F. Bridge Dedication 3 : NCfE Nom­inee :5: Ldrsh p School Dis!. Grad. },4 .


June 2. 1946 Anean. Cana l Zone

" Your big trouble is that you have too many inhibitions. "

ROTC Outstanding Cadet 1: Rifle T eam T op Third S hooter 3.


January 1. 1947 N ew York. New York

"The loyalest Tiger of them a ll ,"

H omeroom Representa tive 1 : SA Ways a nd Means Committee 2; SA Publicity Comm iUf'e 4: Campa ign Manager 1.2.3: H omeroom A lternate 4 ; Nationa l Honor Society 4: NMS Semifina list 4: Michigan State Un iversity Scholarship C ompe­tition 4 ; NEDT C ertificate 1.2 : Thespia ns 3.4: Thespian P lays 2.3.4 : F ootball 3.4. M a na ger 3. Lettered 3: T rac~ 2 : Torrid Zone W iza rds 2.3.4 ; Caribe Club 1.2 .3 .4 ; NSF Scholarshi p 2 : Class A ssembly 3: Caribbean Sports Editor 4 : T radewind S taff 4: Boys' State 3: T om a nd louie S how 3.4.


July 3. 1946 H ya nnis. Massadlusetts

" Enthusiasm and friend liness a re the dynamics of her personality."

NEDT Certificate 1,2: Swimming 1.2.3 .4 . Lettered 2.3.4: Nwses' Aide Pin~ Girl s 2.3. P rel>ident 3: Caribe C lub 2 ,3.4; Dramatics C lub I. Secretary I : Com mencement Commillee 3: Ring Committee 3 : Executive Committee }; Homeroom Representa tive 3,4 ; French C lub 3.4 : Class A ssemblies 3.4 : T rodewind Staff 4 : Caribbean Photographer 4.


May 21, 1944 Colon. Republic of Pa nama

"Not too studious. not too gay. H e trods th e even. middle way."

Page 20


Apri l 15, 194<' Colon. Republic of Panama

"One th in~ is bcller ,hnn he who gets bcl,ind <lnd pushes-he w ho gels in front a nd pull s,"

Footba ll 1.'2.3.4. Lcll ercd 2.3 .4. Coptai n 'I : Fool­ba ll A II -Sla rs 2.4 : Class Vice-President '2; "C' C lub 2.3.'1. Vice· President 4': Track 1,2.3 : C!rus Assemblies 3.4 : RO TC' Sen.' ice J'vlerit Ribbon :;: Ba lla lion S toff 3.4 : Homecoming Court 4.


October :; I. 19 '16 fvlMga riln. Canol Zone

"A hard worker. n good fri end-success wi ll foll ow her w herever she goes. "

Dramatics Club 1.2 ,3.4. President 4: nlcspinns 3.4. Vice· President 4 : Nurses' Aide 2.3 : H ome­room Re presenta ti ve 2 .3.4 : Gi rls ' Stole 3 : H o me­comin g Court 4 : T orrid Zone Wi 7,u rd s 3.4 : C lass A ssem blies 3.4 : COribl:)I>an Edi lor-in -C hief 4 ; QUill and Scroll 4,


June 23, 1946 Guanta namo Bay, C uba

"A leader or men. a follower of women ,"

Footba ll 1.2.3 ,4, Lette red 2.3.4. A ll -S ta rs 'I : l3a seb.."l. 1I 1.2,3,4. Lcllercd '. 3. '1: " 2 1" C lub 1,2 . 3.4, President 4 : "C" C lub 2.3.4. President 4 : "2' " C lub A ssemblies 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 : C la ss P resident 3 : Torrid Zone \-Vizo rds 2: NSF Schola rship 3: NEDT Certiricate 1; RO T C Battalion Com­ma nder 'I : D A S uperior Cadet Ribbon 1 ; Service M erit Ribbon 3 : Rifl e T Cd ll' 2 .3 .4 : C lass A sscm­bl ies 3.4 : Homecoming C ourt 4.


Ma rch 23. 194 7 San Juan, P uerto Rico

" vVorr)' is not for lads like me."


O ctober 20, 1946 rvlarga ril a , Cana l Zone

" I-Ic's nol lazy, he just conserves hi s strenSlh ,"

Torrid Zone \-Vi7..a rds 3.4: Boys ' Sta te 3,

Page 21




Ju ly 1 0, 1946 Pa na ma. Republic of Panama

" Quiet a nd sweet, mosl pleasing to meet."

Caribe Club 2 ,3.4: Dramatics Club 3.'1. Secre­ta ry 4; Thespia n P lay 3: G irl s' S la te 3: Inlro­mura ls: Basketba ll 1.2: Voll eyba ll 1.2: Softball 1,2 . Glee Club :>: P rom-Banquet Commillee :> : C lass A ssembly 3 . N nlionn l Honor Soci!"ly ' I.


M a rga rita . Canal Zone " Act well your pa rt-there a ll the honor lies,"

G lee Club 1 ; D ra matics Club 1.2.3 ,4 , Vice·Presi· dent J: Thespia ns 2 .3.4 . President 4 : Outsta nd ing Act ress 3; Thespian P la ys 1.2.3: S tudent Di rec­lor 4: T orrid Zone Wiza rds 1.2 .3,4. Vice-Presi. dent 'I ; Girl s' S ia le 3: C lass Assembl y 3.4 : Caribbeon Ass' , Senior Ed itor 4; Trade-wind .:ltaH 4.


N ovember 2 4. 19 46 Pittsburgh, Penn sylva nia

"She li ves in pcacclul ha rmony wit h the world ,"

In trnm umls: Basketba ll 1.2.3 .4 : Volleyball 2,3 .4 . G irls' Sta te 3 : Dramatics C lub 1 : Prom-Banquet C ommittee 3 : C lass A ssembly 3: Caribbean Junior-Underclassmen Editor 4.


D ecember 10. 1945 Ancon, Cana l Zone

" ( make the most of a ll that comes a nd the least of a ll tha t goes."

Footba ll M a nager 4.


Janua ry 22, J 946 Ancon. Canal Zone

" Pep. punch, a nd persona lity-that's our Caral. "

GAA 2 .3 •• , Inlromu .. l, , Capla ;n " B" Lea gue Volleyba ll 4 : C heerleader 3.4: C la ss A s­sembly 3; Carihe C lub 4.

Page 22


April 14, 19'14 Colon . Hepublio of Panama

" A s light on his feel as lIe is in hi & hCil rt :'

Outstanding NCO j\'Jedal and TropllY 4 ; Drill T ca rn Collllnnnder 3: Drill T ea rn Compelil ion Cup 4: Basketball 'I.


September 12. 19'15 Colon. Republic of Panama

"She d eserves a ll tha t's best in life,"

GAA 3.4: VOLLEYBALL "S" Leoltue 2.3 : Volleyba ll 1.2 .3..1: Basketba ll 1.4: Ccrrib()(wrI Staff: P rom Committee.


April 26, 1946 Ancon, Cn nni Zone

"Friendship in her smile. a nd la lent in her hands, "

C lass A ssembl ies 3.4; Frendl C lub 3.4. Sccrela ry 3, P resident 4 : Homeroom Reprcsentath'c I : HOlllcroom A lterna te 2: C horus 1.2 .


July 2 1. 1944 Colon. Republic of Panama

"Never do today wha t you ca n ge l someone else 10 do tomorrow."


January 4. 1946 Panama. Repub lic of Panama

"A terrific combination of a thl etic ability a nd fri end, h.ip."

"C" C lub 2.3.4: Baseba ll Football 1.2.3. 4 ; H omeroom Alternate 3: Homecoming Court 4 .

Page 23


August 22. 1946 Margarita. Canal Zone

"A s merry as the day is loni_"

Glee Club 1.2.3 : G irls' Sla te 3; Nurses' Aide 3.4 ; Pink Gi rls 3; Intmmurals 1.2.3 ,4: Pep Cluh 1.2.


July 29, 1946 Glenda le. California

"She adds a spice to life that"s nice,"

C lass A Sl>cmbly ,, ; Thespia ns 3.4.


June 6, 1946 Crisloba l. Canal Zone

" Let me say-al this lime. we must fo6wa hd with great viga h ."

Torrid Zone Wizards 1,2 ; Track 1 :~ : Bil ~kd l.)8 11 1,2,4; Prom D ecom ling Committee ) ; Class A i!;­sembly 3. Torn s nd Louis S how 3.4.


September 20. 1946 Ancon. Canal Zone

"Patience and 2entleness 6 rc the greatest forms of power."

Nurses' Aide 1.2,3,4: Caribe C lub 2 .3,4: Torrid Zone Wizards P resident -4 : Drama tics C lub 1.2,3.4. Vice·Presiden l 4: 111espians 2.3.4: Pink Girl s' 3: G irls' Sia le 3: nll~~pian Plays 2.3: C lass A ssemblies 3.4.


October 11 . 1946 Panama. Republic of Panama

'T rue ,:~Iue lies in the mind. th~ n~ver-yielding purpose.

Na tional Honor Society 4: Nurses' Aide Caribe C lub 2 .3.4 : Pep Club 2 . Inlramura ls; Volleyb.1I 1.3.4 , B.,ketb.1I ' .4, Softba ll 2.3.4 .

Page 24


November I I , 1946 M oun t Vernon. Ill inois

'" ca n resist anythin g excep t temptation, "


Septem ber 19. 1946 S hreveport. loui sia na.

" A happy hea rt makes a happy guy:'

Footba ll : Class Assembly 4 .


D ecember 16, 1945 A nco n. Ca lla l Zone

"If worry is the cause of dea th . I'll live forever:'


Odober 17. 1946 New Port. Rhode Island

" Sentences fa il when one word is complele-sweet.

Nurses' Aide 2 .

W lll..IAM JOHN NELSON "Bu2.z· ·

O ctober 17. 19 45 London. England

"Chances for good luck should keep you en· thusiastic."

Page 25



October 9, 1945 Ama rillo, T exas

" It is the mind Ihal ma kes the mon,"

Hominy H igh. Hominy. O kla .: Ke y C lub 2; Okla homa S ta lc Honor Society 2. C ristobal High : "2' " C lub }: Torrid Zone Wizards 3; NSF Schol arship :> ; N a tiona l H onor Society 4 ; Band 2,3.4: Class A ssembly 4.


July 13, 1946 Trenton, Missouri

" vVe o rc a ll beller people for having known her."

Torrid Zone Wizards 3: C a ribe Club . Historian 3; GAA 2 .3.4. V ice- P resident 4 : Na. lionn l Honor Socie ty 3,4 , P res ident 4 ; C heerlead er 3.4 ; H ome room R eprescnla live 4 ; Dramatics Club 1.2.3 .4 : Thespians 2.3,4 ; Thespia n P lays '.2 : C horus 2 .3: C lass Secreta ry.Treasurer 2 ; Execu­live CornmiH ee 3 : Basketha ll " B" league" 2 .3, "A" League 4: Vo lleyball "B" League 2.3. "A" League <I ; C lass A ssemblies 3.4.


June 6 . 1941 Boston. fvlas9a chuselts

"Quiet manners. amiable ways. a lways sincere.


Novemher 3. 1946 Margarita . C a na l Zone

"She has a futu re fu ll of treasures. "

C aribe C lub 2.3.4 ; F rench C lub 3.4; Drama tics C lub 3.4 ; N urses' A ide 1; In,ramura ls: Volley­ba ll 1.2.3; Basketba ll 2: Prom Commiltee :>: C loss A!sembly.


Februa ry 7. 1946 Manchester. G eorgia

"Cood hUlllor is wisdom and goodness combined. "

Softha ll : Voll eyba ll Basketba ll 2.3 : Ca ribe C lub 3.4 ; Torrid Zone Wizards 3.4; Drama tics C lub 3,4; Junior-Senior Prom Com­mittee 3 ; C lass A u cmblies 3.4; H omeroom Repre­sentative 4 : Ja mboree Commi ttee 4 .

Page 26


August 'I. 194i Pori Read. Trinldnd. British. \V.1.

An till es Consolidntcd Scllool. San J unn. P .n. : C llccr[cadcr 3 ; Jo ll y R oger Pep Club '2.3: J unior. Senior Pin y 3.

AIDA PEREZ "Shori y"

October 3, 19-14 Rio P iedra s. Puer1 0 Rico

"Good thin g" COI I.e in sma ll packa ges."

C lover Pa rk I-ligll. T acoma . \ Vash.: S tudent Body Secre ta ry I : S tudent Cou nci l Secre tary 1.2.3. P resident 1.2 .3 : ProlH Queen 2; Drill T ea m Sponsor 1.2: C heerleader 3.


December 12 . 1946 Alexandria, Louisia na

" A na lme ,weel. 0 d', po" lion plea,o nl. "


J ul y 25. 1945 New York. New York

" If you ca n sleep nnd pass. why stay uwo.keT

ROTC Erricicncy Ribbon 2: Firs t Pinel' Platoon 3.


October 29 . 19·16 Sa n J uan. Puerto Rico

" He will ~ uccee<L ror he believes [t Il he says."

Soulll Hill s Cadlolic His lt. PiII sburgh. Penn .: Ri blc T ea lll I ; C ross-Coun lry. and School Track T eam 1. C ristobal Hi gh : Footba ll 3.4. Lette red 3.-1 : Basketba ll 2.3.4 : O lympics of Panamtl A ll ­Sta r T rack T ea m 2.3.'1 : "C" C lub 2,3,·1; C lass Assembly 4,

Page 27


October 9. 1946 Margarita. Canal Zone

"A sma ll man wit h a big hea rt."

Best Ph. Ur. 3; ROA Medal 3: E . Company C md r. 4.


June 29. 1946 T erre Haute. lndia na

"A helping ha nd he' II always lend ; A carefree lad. but a true friend. "

··2 1"' C lub 2.3.4. Secretary. Assembly 3 : Caribe C lub 1.2.3,4: ROTC Adjutant 4: Footba ll Man· ager 1; C lass Assembly 3 : Usher Guard 2.3.4. Ass· t Commander 4 .


April 29. 1945 Ma rgarita. Cana l Zone

"He says things his bmin hasn 't even thought of yet."

C lass Assembly 4.


November 8. 1946 Ancon. Cana l Zone

··I\'lild·mannered. without a worry in the world ."'

GM 3.4; G irl s· S ta te 3; N urses' Aide C."be Club 1 , Pep Club I.


F ebruary 12, 1946 W ash.ington. D .C.

"A jet·paced girl with a n extra dash of per· sona lity."

C heerleader 3.4. Capta in <1 : ROTC Ba tta lion Sponsor 4; GAA 2.3.4. Secretary 4: Canbe C lub 3.4: Pep C lub 1.2 : Homeroom Alternate 1 : Girls' Sta le 3. Inlrnmurnls: Basketba ll 3.4 : Volleyba ll 2 .3.4. AII·Stars 2; Softba ll 2 . Prom C ha innan 3: Class Assembly .3: Corihbeon Activities Editor 4.

Page 28


J a nua ry I, 1946 M a rga rita. Crului Zone

· · \Vh.~ 1 is ma n bu l a happy mixture of d e"il nnd sa ml.

FOOlbn11 3 : "C'. Club 3.4 : Prom D cco rn lin g Com­mittee 3.

BER'rnM l RONALD RIGBY " Bert" '

D ecember 14 . 1944 A neon. Cana l Z me

" Si lence is the virtue of the wise:'


Ja nuary 12 , 1946 Aneon. C a na l Zone.

" F riend ly. smiling: a nicc guy to have a round ."

Truck 3.4 : Foothall 4 : Baskethall 3.4 ' Basketba ll Intra mura ls 3.4; Soccer Intrnrnu m ls },4 : "C" Club 3.4 .


A uetas] 19 , 1945 1\1a rga rila. Canal Zone

" " 's nice 10 be na tura l w hen you' re nntum ll y nice.

D ramatics C lub 1,2,3,4 : TJlcspians 3.4 : Pep C luh 1,2: Girls' S ia le 3,


November 17. 1946 Ma rlla rita , C a nal Zone

" A Irul e work a nd mostl y play Blend togclher for a perfect d ay,"

Baseball 3.4 . Leltered l .4 : Foolba ll l A . LeUcred l .1.

Page 29



SANDRA E. SHO RE " Srm dy"

October 22 . 19,16 Aneon. Co na l Zone

" S he weaves sil ver threads into the fabric of memory.

N urses' A ide 3,4: P ink G irls 3; Pcp C lub 1 ; Glee Club 2.3.


Oclober 3 1, 19 46 Philodelpllia . Pennsylvania

" His hopes arc as hish as his legs are long, "

GRANT W OODROW SMIll-1. JR. " W oody"

Scp lcm!:,c r 19, 19,16 So n A ntonio. T cxn s

"Of every noble work. Ihe silent pori is best. "

Footba ll ! .2 .lA. Lettered 3A : Trnck 1,2.3 .4: Base­ball 3.'1: Bo)'s ' S ta le 3: Homeroom A licrnole 4: Ba nd I : " (::" C lu b 2,3.4.


September 15, 1946 M a rga rita. Cn na l Zone

" TIle " mildest of monner a nd the genlles! of ileo rl.

Boskcthnll 4 ; Volleyball 4; Softball 4 : Band, .2. 3.4 : O rches lm 2 .3,4 : N urses' A ide 3.4 .


Novcmbf' r 18. 1946 Schofiel d Barracks. Hawaii

" ufe may be rea ll y cn rncsl. but it sure is fun ."

Page 30


Jun e I , 19 ·16 fvla rgaril a, Co nnl Zone

"She wn s o ll r qu een. our rose. OU f sl ar ,"

Intramum ls 1.2: T orrid Zone \ 'Vizn rds 1,'1.3 : Class Secretnry 3: Girls' S late 3: P rom D ecor­ti ling COlilm illec 3: Class A ssembly 3: Ja mboree Q ueen 4 .

MARY JEAN STOur "Jeannie "

October 28. 1946 Martinez. Ca li forn ia

"A fri end ly compan ion throug hout the dflY ."

L,lin Club 1.2: FHA , : Pep Club I : GAA I : Sof,b. ll 4.


November 14 . 19·16 Ancon. Cnna l Zone

"Brimllling ove r with jes ts nnd quips: Never fl sad word on he r lips. "


D ecember I, 1945 Los A ngeles. Ca lifornia

"She wa lk s in fashion wherever she goes,"

Bay Side High. New York. N.Y. : Journalism Copy Editor 1. Cristobal High : French Club 3,·1: D ri vers' Tmining Awa rd 3: ROTC Co mpany Sponsor 4,

YVONNE G. WARD " Bonnie"

O ctober 4. 1946 Boston, j\'lassachusel ts

'The d e"il wH hin. the de"i l w ilhout­Tha i's our Bonnie without a doubt."

Volleyba ll 1.2 ,3.4 . A ll -S ta rs I ; Basketba ll 1.3...1, A ll -Sta rs I ; Softha ll 1.'1: G irl s' S tate 3: Banquet Committee :;, ; T enn is 4 ,

Page 31


J anuary 5. 1946 M a rgarita. C a nal Zone

" If she were a finer person, she wouldn't be huomn:'

N unes' Aide 1,2.3.4, Vice-President 3, President 4.


November 13, 1946 Portland. Maine

"There is morc to me tha n you understand ."

Dramatics C lub 2.3.4 ; Thespians 3.4; Band leiter 3: Co E Executive O fficer 4; Drill T eam I; Thespia n Plays 2 .3,4.


D ecember 29. 1946 Sa lzburg. Austria

"Forward and froli c, glee was there T he will to do. the soul to da re."

Junipero M emoria l High, Monterey. Ca lif : NEDT Certifica te 1 ; School Honor Society 1.2: CARD ­INAL Staff 1.2; Glee Club 1,2: Int rnmurn ls: Basketball 2: Voll eyba ll 1.2 . C ristobal High : Homeroom Representa tive 3: G irl s' S iale 3: C lass Assemblies 3.4: Ca ribe C lub 4: Intmmuro ls: Basketba ll 4; Volleyba ll 3.4 : Soft ba ll 3,4 : Ten~ nis 3; Caribbea n Senior Editor 4; Trodewind Edi tor "; QUi ll a nd Scroll 4; No tional Honor Society.


Augus t 6. 1945 Brooklyn, New York

"A thing of beauty is a great joy."

C lass Secretary-Treasurer 1; Prom D ecorating CommiHee 3; French C luh 4; "2 1" C lub Ca rni­va l Court 1.2 ,3: Homeco ming Queen 4 . Int ra· murals: Baskethall 2.4; Volleyball 1.2,3 ,4; Soft ­ball 3,4.


D ecember 20, 1945 Ancon. Canal Zone

"A deli ghtful mixture of most everything that's terrific."

C lass President t; SA A ss'! Treasu rer }; SA Presiden t 4; C heerleader },4; Drill Team Spon­sor }; Girls' S tll te 3; C lass Assembly}; "2 ' " C lub Court I.} ; H omecoming Court 4; GAA 2,3,4; Basketba ll 1,2,},4; Voll eyba ll 1.2 .3,4 ; Softball 1.2,3.4.

Page 32


March 11. 1945 Sea ttl e. 'vVas hinglon

" Ha ppiness is the ha rvest of a quiet eye."

Girl s' S ia le 3: Dramatics Club 4; Rifle Team 2.3; Softba ll "A' League 2.3.


F ebruary 2 \. 1946 b oslon, Ma s:mchusells

'The dced I intend is grea l. but what. as )'c l. 1 know not.'·

Baseball 2.3.4 . A ll -Zone Baseba ll 3: Football 2.4. All -Sta rs 4; Baske ~)a l l 1.3 : "C" C lub 2.3,4: "2 1" Club 1 ,2.3.'1: Homecomi ng Court 4.


M arch ' I. 1945 Sea ttle. Washington

'True and full of life-indispensable 10 her tea m."

SW imming Lette r 3; GM 2.3,4. T reasure r 4.

M ichael Baranick

P ierre Leign adier

M ichael W a lsh

Page 33


Page 34

Those Senior



Page 35


George Kandrin Judy Palumbo

Page 36


~====----_L' =;,'

Roger Noble Peggy MacConn ell

Page 37


Emily D ia l Alex H eppenheimer

Page 38


Sue Mathieson Kenn y K a rpin ski

Page 39


Ray Ramirez Nina Chappell

Pag e 40


N a ncy Hopkin s Robert M a rtin

Page 41


Alberta Wilder A lex Ramirez Betty Lewis

Page 42


Rosemary Reardon Pierre Leignadier

Page 43


~.. '. ",.-: ~ ~~" f. ..... \

- " - -~ ...... , ,. . ~ ,,,,. ..

Charlotte Bialkowski John Sanders

Page 44


Karen W aszak Gregg Hakanson

Page 45

Page 46


Sandy Weigle Kenny Karpinski


Roger Noble Donna Wong



Greg Hakanson Donna Wong


!Vlickey McElhone Judy Palumbo


Frank Borse llino Don na Wong



Robert Martin Rosemary Reardo n


Jan et Hoverson Dave W ilder


G reg Hakanson Janet Hoverson


Richard Roscoe Richard Rank in Nancy Hopkins


Bill Acheson Judy Palumbo George Kandrin Mike Ryan

Page 47

THE SWAMI SPEAKS As I look into my crys tal ball. die smoke and mist clear, and 1

see IIUlI whicll should not be known by mortal man. II is the fu ture. in all iii glory an.d hardship,

I see a woman sittin g in a la rge house . It is a while house. H ail President SANDY vVEIGLE! Due to. the efforts of Con­servative Senator from Ari zona. TOM HEPPENHEIMER. and ace ballot sluffer GREG HAKANSON. Sandy was unanimously elected in the 1984 ca mpaign . In her newly created cabinet posts Af C ROGER NOBLE. Secretary of Dodo Control; ROBERT

BURGENER. Secretary of Non·Alcoholic Beverages: JUDY PALUiVltlO. Cashbox Secretary ; and PEGGY MacCONNELL. Secre ta ry of D efense Agflinst "The Birds: ' When the opposition leader. TAD CA!\1PBELL. asked, "Vvhy do. so Inony of the President's co.binel members come from CHS?" Sandy's Press Secretary PIERRE LEIGNADIER replied, "Didn't Kennedy's come from Harva rd ?" No more questions were asked a fter that.

Recentl y, BILL DOCKERY displayed his fi rst-place gold O lym­pic pole vault meda l a t the Pa ris World' s Fa ir. The US Exhibi­lion a l this fa ir was designed by Ihe world famous a rchitect ROBERT J'vIARTIN. Also on display was the Nobel Prize in Botany won by KENNY KARPINSKI for his development of a money tree.

CHARLES BIALKOWSKI and LOUIS M,GOFF havo gone into the realm of the supernatura l. They a re investi gating the various fonns of spirits.

VIRG IN IA FARIS and ALICE LAY are in charge of the Ben Casey Hospital.

CHARLOTTE BIALKOWSKI has just received n gold rup for her winning entry in the C hampion9hip Cough-Drop Spilting Con­lest sponso red by the Twistin' T orso Music Compan y owned by VALERIE MEANS. T he judges of this contest were WARD REDMAN and ALEX RAMIREZ.

C HRISfINE BATH. Saska tchewan shoe saleswomon, is cur­rently advertising her wares in the New York Times. run by JANET HOVERSON. New York Times ace reporter NANCY HOPKINS has just completed her greatest news-story: BILL ACHESON Overthrows Castro.

The tobacco industry is thriving with JOHN SOWARDS as head of Phili p Morris Inc. IVAN KLOSOVSKY owns a tobacco faml on which BERTRA!\'I RIGBY is C hief T obacco Picker,

Transporta tion has interested many of our classma tes. GEORGE EVi\ NS, car sa lesman, has just sold his 35th Put-Putmobile to RAY RAM IREZ, internationa l drh'ing champion . A week ago, ALBERT ARCtA finished his trip from Panama to Honolul u by car. His only trouble was a slightly nooded engine. MICHAEL BELANGER has in\'ented automatic steering for cars. SOLO­!'10N HERES is in cha rge of helicopter service between Maria C hiquita and Coco Solo. CARL IZQUIERDO is the engineer of the Coca PuH Specia l which trovels between the two sla tes of Hysteria and Confusion. REGIE LUM is in cha rge of the caboose.

The Peace Corps has cla imed three of our friends. NIC KY BROOKS is teachi ng the primitive people of Marga rita how to boil water. GEORGE KAf\roRI N has begun to show the sovnges of Coco Solo how to chew gum; and JOHN SANDERS is striving to bring peace to violent Gotun by introdUcing th e tow n to ai r-conditionin g.

In the field of a rt , JIM MOORE is designing platinum tooth­picks fo r the wea lthy people of Balboa. LESLI E RICHMOND is exhibiting her pain tings to ROSEMARY REARDON. Holly­wood junk dealer : and NANCY MIT C HELL is displaying her sculpturin gs at the N .Y. Museum of Modem Trash at which LA URIE MORALES is the d irector. EDITI-J STIEBRITZ is making a fortune by throWing pa int on a canvas and calling it art. BILL BRANDT is doing marvels with yellow and white pai nt. His work ca n be seen in tlte center of all Canal Zone roads.

Holl ywood has bec.ome the home of fourteen members of our class. CONNIE LASHER has just compl eted her 251h film con­cerni ng insanity. She's just mad about tha t subject. REINALDO BARRERAS is the head of 'l1st Century Fox and DONNA WONG is now under contract at his studios. BARBARA D el VECCHIO is sta rring in a new production of C leopa tra . STEVE MORRISON plays Julius Caesa r. !\'II KE RYAN plays Ma rk Ant hony. HARRY M URRAY pia )'!' Augustus Caesar. and DINGER RANKIN play, the . ' p. TONI·JO FOURNIER ;,

starring in "The Incredible Shrinking Girl. " MARSHA COLLI NS sta rs in "The Attack of the 50 Foot W oman." In Alfred Hi tch­cock's new production "The Sandfleas," JOAN McG LO IN is bitten by a large sa ndflea , beautifull y port rayed by DON PERRY. As the show progresses, Biology teacher JOH N LASHER saves CHS from a sa ndflea auack by haVing the principal. played by EMILY D IAL, install air-conditioning th roughout the school.

I See that CAROL laCRO IX is a trapeze a rtist for Ba rnum and Bailey Circus. PR ISCII~~ COW NS is a famous tree surgeon in Ohio, and ha.s many wealthy patients. KAREN WASZAK is a ma ttress tester at Ma.cy's. N INA CHA PPELL is a land lady a t the Spas tic A rms Apartments. BARBARA BELCHER is teaching America n Institutions a t CHS.

JUDY W ILLIAMS has just received Coney Island in ell:change for three billion books of G reen Stamps. FRANK BORSELLINO runs the Coney Island Roller Coaster. FRANK. ENDER runs the Pa rachute Jump; and VAUDIE ROBINSON coll ects the tickets at the W ax Museum.

RENA and MAGALY ALA YON are advertising pep pills. Rena is the "before'" and Magaly is the "after." JANIS BROGIE is their booking agent.

In the field of medici ne. many are aelive in research. NAOMI KUNTZ has discove red a cure for hangovers. STEu,.A KUCI­KAS has rured SUE MA THEISON of her dreaded disease known as Cana l Zone Creepitis. SANDY SHORE has set the medical profession back twenty years by discovering a cure for which there is no disease.

BETTY LEWIS and VICKI Cl.ARK have just completed their reenactmen t of that 1805 exploration of the Northwest U.S. by wha t's their names. Their guide was JIM Sf EVENSON.

TOM HIC KEY has been lecturing on his famous Reduelion Rule a t Harva rd where DENNIS IZQUIERDO is teaching an ad­vance foml of Wilderite Mathematics. introduced by DAVE WIlDER.

BILL WHITE has just duped BUZZY NELSON into buying the Thatc~er Ferry Bridge. BILL DeSALVO OK'd the sa le because one half of the profit s went to ltimself since he's Governor of the Canal Zone. The other ha lf went to LORRAINE CHAN, Presi­dent of Panama.

D ONNA WILLlAMS and MARY Sf our are mountain climbers in th e Hima layas. T heir oxygen masks are manufactured by the RICHARD ROSCOE Go. Mo.k Company.

Four of our girls have gone into the modeling profession.. AL­BERTA W ILDER is modeling eleva tor shoes. NELLY PATION models bobbysox. iVlustache wax is the big thing on Broadway, and that's what "VANDA RACHAL is modeling. JEA N HARD­W ICK is gelling model airplanes.

LORRAI NE U REY, now in the WACS. is stationed in France where DO!\1IN IQUE DeREILHAC has completed his second tenn of office as Prime M inister.

BARBARA ONEIL and VERON ICA NYE have a rrived in Los Angeles a fter fl ying around the world in seven hours using a fuel developed by the two millionaire chemists, AIDA PEREZ and CHARLENE ACUFF. This speedy plane was designed and bUilt by those two lady engineers. BONNIE W ARD and MACEL WASHABAUGH. BOB CORRIGAN'S gum held the pI.ne together.

ED J'l.1ARSHA.LL and LANCE CHESH IRE are deep sea divers. They discovered $3.000.000,000 in Davy Jones· Locker. but they had to give it 10 the Interna l Revenue Service where T ERRY BRENNER is working as chief water-cooler inspector.

MIKE \ VALSH is cleaning used DDT ca ns a t DEBBY MEEKER·s Insecticide Company. MIKE BARAN ICK is breed-ing insects.

ILIA QUINONES. Canal Zone lady lawyer, was hired to de­fend W ILSON YOUNG who was accused of stealing l\llKE RJRLO's solid gold roll er ska tes. After a three month tria l. Wilson was sentenced to 15 yea rs at Gamboa Penitentiary where KATJ-II SUllIVAN is the warden.

Finally, ALEX HEPPENHEIMER is sell ing used crystal balls to future Lternr), Editors of the Cll riLheon.

CLASS WILL AND TESTAMENT BILL ACHESON leaves his rabbil to £l nyonc with e noll gh ca rrols

10 feed it.

RINA AU\ YO N ICilVCS ,, 11 IleT bobhy sox to ti ,e ·lt l, period ~ym cla ss.

ALBEI~T ARC1A Icavcs his gy lll shoes to Fr<lnk Vnsquc1.

REINALDO BARRERAS lea ves. I'''IICI-I AEL BEl!-\ I'ICER leaves e /llpl y scn ls c \'N yw hcre fo r

~'Ionla~ uc to fill them up.

CHARLES Bl ALKO 'vVSKI lco ves all his empty boules to who­ever dlink s he W Il d rink the ir conlent s.

CHARLO"ITE BIALKO\.vSKI I<,<wes Ih(' sponsorship of E Com­pan)' to Na ncy D cLnpp.

\V IlJ...JA{\ 1 BRANDT Icaves his scn l in typin g do ss to a nyone w ho ca n type a s ma n y words per min ute ItS he Cil ll .

ROBERT BURGENER leaves -his <l bilit ies and memo ries to ony­one who wa nls ,hclIl ,

LO RRAINE CHAN IN\\'es her intellectual runk from her locker to C ola line Ltu.

N INA C HAPPEU _ leaves a ll her problems in G .A.A. to a nyone who con sol,·e Ihem.

VIC KI C LARK le(w es her abi li ty 10 look al COf"\'a irs to Skipper Berge r.

MA RSH A C OLLINS leflves her heig ht to Orrin C lement. he r levis fi nd swea lshirt to V irginia A usti n, [l nd he r sin l:i n [.! a bilit y to A Ill Y Ga rcia .

ESTll..E DAVISON lea ,·es he r fabulous French accent to Luigi ~" 8 "'Jo\'a ni .

BARBA RA D E L VECCH IO lea ,·es he r at hle tic ability to only coo rdina ted juniors.

LA U RIE ( JONES ) D E rvlORALES l elwe~ her a bi lit y to get a long wit h tvlr. Beck to he r brothe r Dougla s.

BILL D E SALVO lea ves his mechanica l abilit y a nd hi s Arie l 500 T win to Paul \ Vas lmba us h.

Ei\ Il LY DIA L le[wes her .. , feel good " days a nd her one-track mind to a n)' junior w ho feels gre[l tfy in need of 11 hea lth y di version from norma lity.

\ ,V IIJ..IA 1\" DOC KERY leuves his pole vau lt posilion to R and y ilroed er.

GEO RGE EVANS lea \'es his ··Caddy" to Ed Pugh .

VIR G IN IA FAR IS lea ves her place in Adva nce Ph ysics to he r sister Jun e. [lnd he r place on a ll the dance co mmittees to anyone w ho will work ha rd .

T ONI FOURN IE R lea ves a ll the un ts in locker No . ') w ho ca l her lunch to the nexl senior who gels it.

A LEX HEPPENH E Ii\'IER lea ves his C lassics to next year's Senior English classes. his empty cigarette packs to a ll the undercla ss· men w ho ··bo rrowed" from him. and hi s class mnk to C hri s \-Vren n or T on. Jorda n.

T Oj\'f HEPPENH E Ii"IER leilves the P residency of the U nited S ta tes 10 Barry Goldwu ter. and the honor of be in g i\1rs. Heppcnh eimer to Koren .

TOi' l HI C KEY leaves Senior En ~ li s h delention 10 Jon Jorstad .

NANCY HOPKINS leaves her honesty in Iri g class 10 Diogenes.

JANEl' H O VERSON leaves the mops in gylll cl ass 10 Janet C lute.

D ENN IS IZQUIERDO leaves Ili s sca t in trig to anyone who is confused as he is.

GEO RGE KA N DR IN lea ves his d in )' footba ll uniform 10 CO lh y Fitzsimmons.

KENf\,ry KARPINSKI leoves his obi lity 10 do 110thin~ be tt er than anyone else to ·T oothy" ~·lcCullough .

SfELlJ \ KUC1KA S lerwes a ll Ilie ··sa pos ·· of good old C I-IS 10 he r sislf:r IVla ria llenca .

NAOi' 1I KU1\rr Z leaves Mrs. Fa llorosi a nd he r a nkle ts to Bernie Babincc"l. if she· " ta ke them. and her a bilit y 10 gel a lonl! wit h i" lrs. Young to her brothe r Billy.

CARO L LA C RO IX lea ves her cheerleudi ng position to D iane Asbury a nd a ll the good times she·, had to Bernie Babincrl.. knOW ing shc wi ll have just as many il lIo t more.

C O NN IE LASHEI~ Icn\'es rooll1 3<19 10 Bill Sachse.

ELi ZABET1-1 L£\·VIS leaves her place in til e lundl Imngollt to Suzanne Lder and C HS to her sisters E leonor nl1d G lenda .

PEGGY i'1ACC 01\'NELL leaves a ll Iha l's behind he r 10 fl ny junior girl in need of it.

RO BE R"' f\'IA RT IN lea ves his ROTC profession a nd F Co m. pa ny to II is brother Fr£l nkl in.

SUE j\ IAT t-II ESON 1(.'11\'(-s he r giganhc dflndruff fl nkcs to P.,dro L '"lSfu h.: ond the ·· 'nlegm ti ng Twins ·' to I...,o u j\ I"nto\'"ni

JOAN f\ ICGLO IN Icav('.!> her old shoe strings to Ka tl .y 0"1)0 110('11.

VALEI~ ' E 1\ lEANS Ic,,\(:s he r senior ~Uhlcc l ~ 10 N" ncy Lrlf~('n t . if sll(, is willin g or r roz)' enough 10 acn'pt tI'CIlI

DEBO RA II !'- IEEKER le,wes her s"irumillt! abiliti ('~ 10 fl U th .. underd fl sslI. (·n.

NANCY j\ IIT C H E LL leaves he r place ill the Thespiflll Sodcl y 10 £II1)'On e w ho can fill it without haVing 0 nervous br('a kdown.

J If\ 1 {'vIOORE lem·c.!> I. is place Oil the- Blue T N. 1Il to any .!> lIck.·r w l,o ti l inks I. e hns wlmt it ta kes to pluy footha ll.

HAR RY MURRAY ICflves two six-weeks' supply of pa ~~e~ 10 Ihe .. ,etnl sllOp to \ Va lt er TllO lIll)SOn and I. is .. bil it )' to fid e- [I I1lOtor­bike to a ny idiot who want s it.

BA RBARA ONEAL l eavc~ her excellent 111 £1 11. grades to ~ la rJ!"n re t O·Nea l. he r musica l ta lent to Pam MIt{·d l. •• nd h.'r ntl. letic a bil it y to Sara Pa lumbo.

J UDY PALUf\1BO Ie-a ves her la ugh to th e lender ears of C I-I S sluden ts.

NELl_IE PATTON Icoves her abilit y to tnlk for Io our~ 10 Ioc r brotl li: r ""Va n en.

A ID A PE REZ leaves a ll IleT ca llolls Iypi ng finge r ~ tn tI .... 11('xl I~OTC O ffi ce A ssistant.

\ ·VANDA R ACH A L Icoves her mess)' locker to Blanca Dde~u~ 8nd Sha ron Han'c r. rtnd Ihe conccit she cn n·t dig up to Lynn Burl('son.

RA Y RA j\'IIR EZ Icaves Ili s footbil ll shoes 10 Ja ck Bla ir if he Cfl n get in to them a nd h. s stil rting block to <"l )'One w ho "' rtlll ~ it becll use Coach M oser won·t let him toke il w ith hilll .

S IXT O RAi" IIR EZ lea \"t:s hi s abilit y to pin)' biJ $ket hnll to La ura Ru ssoll.

RI C HARD RAN KIN le[I\'es his hearse to Mnrshn Co lJ in ~ witl. love ond kisses.

ROSEi\ IARY R EARD ON lea \'es he r apctite to Na llcy DdJl PP a nd her cheerlefldin g shoes to Jud y Pa ulson

\ ·VARD RE DMAN lea ves I.i s office rs hot to Dra yton nnd nil Il i ~ knowledge to Fred Rya n.

LES LI E R IC H tvlOND leaves he r sca t in Ihe orchestm 10 Dorothy H url>er nnd her violin to her sister.

VAUD IE ROB INSON lea,'es he r abi lit y to do nothing w hil e work­in g os doorman to M a ry O·Donne ll and allyone el se w ho is intercs ted in la king it cusy.

SANDY SHO R E lefl \'es her troubles to Ad ele Burn s. sixth pe riod stud y ha ll to l~ich8rd Coo per. and the beach regretfull y.

JO H N SO\-VARDS leave-s his seat in Mrs. S mi th's E n\.! lish class 10 Ha rry Simons.

JII\ 1 Sf EVENSON leaves his fl aming red ha ir to a ll the girls in C HS.

i\'IA RY S r OLJr le[l\'es C ristobal Hi gh School to a ll the un · fortuna te underclassmen who hil\'e one or two )'eiJ rs more to go.

KATHI SULLI VA N lefl\'es her marching a bility to nex t YeA r S F Company sponsor.

SANDY TORTOR IC I leaves he r posilion as la lnhoree Queen 10 Judy Pnulson.

LO RRA INE UREY lea\'es Mr. Bock a nd his homeroom to C :OIII )· Pu rker a long with short ha nd.

BONNIE "VARD le[l\'es her bo6by sox to Diane A rington if she happens to hnve Mrs . Fn ltorosi for gym nex t yea r a nd he r place a t the picn ic ta ble to Millie Payne .

MACEL W ASHABAUGH leaves her so·ce lled la us l! to Na ncy Delapp a nd he r seul in study ha ll to T ina D eSa I,·o.

KAREN WASZA. K leCtves her ·· fl a tte ring ·· nickna llles 10 Bernie Bubi necz a nd he r " PTA" meetin gs with u ma ll. teacher 10 Pe te Young .

SA N DY \OVEIGL£ leaves he r cheerleading position 10 f\1a rinnne Fie lds a nd nil the fun during football season to Bern ie. Suc. a nd Diane to kee p up nellt scason.

ALBERTA \ o\I II-DE R Icaves e\"erylhi nl: she ca n th ink or to Sue Roscoe a nd Joanne W ilder.

D ONNA W ILLIAMS leaves a qUicker and cosie r senior ycn r tha n she !.od 10 Jud y R edmond .

J UDY \-VIU _IA r-.'IS leaves 10 Ihe G .A .A . a mascot flS fai thful a s Roben .

D ONNA \-VONG Icaves her writer s cramp to nex t yea r·s scniors.

Page 49


Page so

Lil ia n Thomas P resident

D ia na Arington

D ia ne A sbury

Louis Austin

Virginia Austin

Page 52


Amelia Ga rcia Vice-President

Bernadett e Babinec7.

James Bedsworth

J ill Beech

Lndo Benton

Wallace Brians

Gayle Bruce

Susan Buss

Pamela Robertson Secretary

Ca rl a C ha mbers

Maureen C harron

Ja nice C heshire

Rica rdo Fong Treasurer

O rrin C lement

George Coleman

Ronald C oll ins Gayle Feltle r Hilda I-Iolsko

S ha ron D obbs 1'-1idlCll e Goguen

Yvonne Colon Ca thy Fitzs immons John I-I olsko

Beverly D reyer Richa rd Ha kollSon

Neo l Complon Ed no F orsyt he Ca rl 17.quierdo

Lynn Egger A rlene H an n6erg

Jomes Cook James Frosl Blanche Jones

Prisci lla E nston S haron Ha rvey

Richard Cooper Violeta Fuentes D a n Jones

Jane Fa ris Pa tricia Hoga n

I Na ncy D elapp Gory Geddes T homas Jord(l n.

Page 53

Jon Jorstad

ancy Largent

Con nie L."lIo

Pa ula leBreton

Carolina Lee

S U1 •• 1nne lidcr

Page 54

Frederick Linck

Alice Link

Richard Livingston

Bonnie Marqua rd

aom i l\1ason

Dona ld McCullough Suzan ne Roscoe

Cathy Parker

Karen McEI roy Mari lyn Roth

Mildred Payne

Lui2i Montovani Fred Ryan

Judith Paulson

Pancho Molta William Sachse

Ca therine Redman

Mary O'Donnell

Judith Redmond

Ramon Otero Ana Sanlos

Bi ll S mith Robert Va lentine


Lita Ti gert W orren G regory

S usa n Soyster Franklin Va squez Cllri stopher \\/renn

D onna Vache Donna Wertz

/I.'largo Sto nl ey Leda \\/a lbridge Howa rd Youn g

\ ·Vhal happened 10 my G UiVl !

Reo ll y. George. two da les for one ni ght ?

Why so glum, Kalhy?

Don 't you d li nk one is enough, Aiel!: 7 Page S6

It 's nol Ihnl bad, Nancy

Billy's second childhood

You're nol C leo, Jock! G ive him a break. Vickie,

WhatdlO hidin ' for. Dinger?

J got tha t stra ight from the horse's mouth,


Really, Mr, S hipma n, a Lttl e Boy Blue you're nol!

Page 57

Page 58

BACK ROW. IeI'! 10 right : Lou Hi h in ger. James Jones. Ha rry Dockery. C rispin Cla rk. Berna rd Ma ns. Ma tthew Baas. Joe Stephenson. CENTER ROW : G isela Kalil. P risd lla ~l orga n . Betty June Riel. Mark T roselh. Linda Burza. Shirley S hipma n. linda Francis. john Biescll ke. FRO!\'f ROW: Ja mes C rona n. ~1ary T orstenson. V irginia Green. S hirley Davis. Audre y Du ncan . Rosil ie H ew ill, Jayne Yocum. D ia na DeFrees. Rena ldo Ng.


BAC K ROW. left to right : TOlllas BenNo. C ha rles Ama to. T om Co rrin. John Blai r. Carl Ender. Holl is GriH'on. A U'redo Lee .CENT ER ROW : M ike Davi la, Veron ica Walker. Bill l'1ont gomery. Teri H and. Jose Batista. George Bedsworll.. Janinc Bedswort h. Mmc Page, FROf\IT ROW : Eli7.nbeth DcSaI\,o. Beve rl y Schleilfer. Ca rla Ma rtinez. C hristin e C hristian sen. Nuncy Huld lquisl. Lynn Perry. Patricia. Fuc. Jose Vasq ue<t.

BACK ROW. left to righ t: Cind y T erwilliger. Paul \-Vi ll iams. Joe Fernandez. CENT ER RO\N : Dan Austin. u."!ll ie Highl y. Louise Russon. La urie \-Vi ll. Da\'c Hutchinson. i'-1a rio ]\1affci. Ken Berstei n. FRONT ROW : Anna bella Pa rsons. i'-1arsha Hell mund . Caro le Conn . Shcri(lll i'-'Ieckcr. Joa nne \Vilder. Pa t Sims. Leslie Dugas.

OF 1966

BACK ROW. left to ' ri ght : T erry Tobin. Joseph Berger. Ellner Hamor. Richard Hull. Kenny DeIVcccl, io. Peter Butz. CENTER ROW : Reilllundo Pacheco. C laud;" C la rk. ivla ry Pope. Mary Clemen!. ]\'Ia rga ret !vla rtin. Kathy Stevenson. \..\Iayne Smitll. FR01\T RO\-V: Linda Hell mund. Ca rl Compton. Cand y Husband. Kerne Schroeder. Rosy Donohue. l"la ri t Gee r. Robert Will. Junnita ]\'105011 .

Page 59

Page 60

BACK RO W. left to right : Skipper Currier. Sue Brennen. Georgc Kredcll. Ramon Bnez. Doug Bi ll ison, John Sull iva n. Fred Ghent. f\1areel Matamores. Pete l'vlcBride. CENTER ROW : RieL: Brogie. Les lie Van Dyke. Lynn Sawyer. Kathy Pennington. Sandy Edmundson. E~ther Zimmenuan. David Coffey, Marl. Paden. FROM " ROW : Koren Hnmmond. Rocio Ca bezas. Blanca Dejesus. Rosa TschulII)'. Barbara W agner. Shoron Boiley. Kath leen ODonnell. Sandra Johnson.


BACK RO vy. left to right : vVi lli,l/1l Hnnly. lJ'onmd Huff. Jim Ni les. Piiwl ;vlengcs. Juan Bernard . Anita Yias. CENf ER RO vY : Roxie Tompkins. Dorothy Harper. rvla rgn ret O'Neil. SU1.a nne Smith. Johnnie Kell y. "'l{ONT RO W : Pam Mnedl. A lexis Enda ra. Hildfl Garcia. Rosa lind Knight. Jea n VVilliamson. Na ncy DeTore.

BACK RO'VV. left to righ t : Billy Kuntz. Doug Smilh. Kell y C lark. Brf' nt 1\1ilf'hell . Eric F:rne~ t . Louis Valencia. Bi ll Redmond . CENTER RO\V : Sand y \-V.m.il k. Herve Tr io lct. Phi lli p Owen. No reen rvlctzga r. Susa n Phi ll ips. Gibby Hixon. Ada Fucntt>s . On\'e Goguen. FRO NT RO \ ·V : Andre lilies. Ka th y Scheibe. 1\1aria Elena Kuci kas. C herry DeRaps. Pam Vache. Sharon Hi Ahl cy. C ha rl otte \ Vinega r!. Linda Auban. Norma Stanley.


BACK RO\-V. left 10 right : Jack Sunders. pudy Kocib. Lui ~ Antonopli s. Tim Herring. James Ca rl son. William Yorman. rvla rty Pope. CENTER RO\<\': Donna ' ·Volfe. Lorine Sims. i'-'Iyron Sanrlo\'n l. Scol Nordlund .James Borselli no. 1\'lerda Vasquez. Mary Kermon!. FRONT RO \ ,V: ivlarianne f-if' ld. Joan OeLtpp. Pa t Meeker. Ann Sahl"I::lf. Rcxene \-Vard. s... rah Palumbo. Eli wbclh Hernandez.

Page 61

Page 62

BACK ROW. left to right : Leo Paulson. Robert G riffon. John Felli er. Juan Santos. Hank DeVoll. Kath y Gegg. Del bert Clark. CENTER ROW: Eleonor Lewis. Eric Nicolaisen. Darnell Wi ll. Tom Rya n. Tom Cook. FRONT RO W : linda Johnson. Irene Corri ga n. Beverly Egger, Lois Sims. Catalina u u. Michiyo Murga.

OF 1967

BAC K ROW. left to right : Edga rdo QUinones. Julio Smith. Kenneth Bosely. Jon Coffin . Annihal Dej esus. W all y W addell. D ea n G reer. CENTER RO W : Ralph Mora les. Peggy Colli ns. Alice Zimmerma n. Joyce Va n D yke. Sharon Fusselman. G loria Lelaidjer. Harrell Parsons. FRONT RO W : G loria Stout . Eli7.a helh Q uinones. Joyce Seeley. Dulce Bernard. Karen White. Chris Jackson. Donnll Moore.

Page 63


Pag e 64 Queen Sandy I

Queen Sandy escorted hy M icky McElhone IIml George Kn nc/rin.

T iger Spi rit? D ow n in my il carl.




Go get em. Ti~ers . O ur football q ueen.

F-I-G-H-T !


Page 65



Page 66



Princess Judy Pa lum bo. Murquisc of til e Ga rdenias. Keeper of d.e Pea rl s. Dau~hler of the Evening. was wea ring n ~wceping gown of French Roya l Blue brocade. S he was escorted by 1\1icky McElhone. Kni ll' l" of the Golden Armor. Cllier cleaner of the uniforms. and Receiver of the Passes.

Princess Janel H overson. G overness of the Orchids. Keeper of II.e Opa l. Da ughter of the S unrise. wore a lovely gown of prilll rose yellow, wit h a loct' bodice and chjffon skirt. S he was escorted by Kenny Ka rpinski. Master of the Fullback Slr-nl . Chief of the Spmined Ankles. nnd Defender of the Line.



Princt.'ss Sa nd y \Ndgle. Oulcl,css of the l'''fngnolios. Ker per 01 dIe Aqmllua rine. D aughter of tile S unset. was dressed in a floo r-length gown of lucla llic gold brocade. S he was escorted by .I olul S nnders. r'-1" sl{'r of dIe S t.cks. C hief of Ihc W alcr Boys . nnd M .. slcr of Ihe Buckelheads.

P rine.·ss C harlolh.: Bia lkowski. La d y of the \,ya ter Lillie!'. Keeper of ti,e E ,Hcr;:. lds. D aughler of Ihe Noon.day S un. wore a stunni ng floor-length II )· /on lind Ince gown of deep midnighl Illue. S I.(· WAS c;;cI>r1t'd by D avid Wi lder. r'-1asler IIf dIe ,.. ... m . If~ 1 PMS. C llief ... 1 tI.e Ben .. !" (l nd Kill t' f (I f D ,·f' ·IlH'.

Page 67


LEFT' TO RIGHT: Judy Palumbo. 1\1icky McElhone. JAnel Hoverson. Kenny Karpinski. TOIl1 Wilder. G eorge Kandrin. Queen. Alberta W ildt>f, C heryl E\'a ns, Dnvid Wi lder, Charlotte Bia lkowski. John Sanders, Sundy W eigle.

l...i,d y C hery l Evr,ns. Ki'cpcr of the Dewdrops. Doughier of die M oon. wea ring it d ress of while embroidered COtiO Il .

(...{Id )" e l,cryl WAS esco rled by Squire Tom Wilder. Prince of tl,e Footh .. 11 T eu m. find Keeper of the Queen's crow n. Page 68


LEfT TO RIG HT: Roger Noble. Peggy !'1acConnell. Kenn y Ka rpins~ i. Sue M" t h ic~on , Robert MiHl i n .

A lberta ,"Vi/der, A lex Ramirez. Bell )' Lew is. Judy Pa lumbo. l'1r. Puul Beck. G eorge Kund rin. Rosemrlry Reardon. P ierre Leignadier. Cll£lrlollc Bia lkowski. K 1H f' n \ V.m:n k. C regl! H il konson. Na ncy Hopkins. Ni na C ha ppel l. Rn}1 Romi rez. Emily Dia l. A lex H eppcn heimer.

Page 69

? .... c



... 7

BAC K ROW. Iei'I to ri shl : K. S£llroeril'r. R. Moson. C. Herron. L. Perry. S. Bailey. S. Robertson.

C. HusLon. L. Fronce. S. Shipma n. K. Gegg. M. Podell. J. Borsellino. M. Dolley. D. Forsgren. A.

lil ies . B. Floro. F. Nicolaisen. C. Lclnidier. L. Benton. SECO ND ROW: K. Sd liebc. A. Fuentes.

J. Acuff. S. Thomns. M. Suwyer. A. Parsons. E. Endo ro. P. Sims. M. Vosque .... S. Palumbo. E. r or-

6)'llle. S. Edmondson. J. DeI....fIpp. E. Lewis. A. Corcio. M. Kennonl, L. Sims. A. Snhmtr. FRONT

RO W : R. W ard . L. Hell mund. IVI. Hcllmund. J. Sccl('y. B. Egger. P. Coll ins. M. Kucikns. S.

W uszak. L. A bin. M. Field.

~ ~


1( ,1-BACK ROW, Icft to right : ivl . Word. D. Comer. J. Meeker. L. Bur-Ln, C. Swicegood. (\1. Paden. F. Mcin ty re, B. Wh ile. M . C horron. P . Vnclle. A. Kill ~cry. H. Jones. R. Robinson. C . Ponler. J. Ha rdison. R. Noble. P. Butz. 1-1 . Spill ing. E. Hamor. K. ClMke. S. Trosclk J. Bicschke. G . Pickcnp., ugh. J. \ Vcbstcr. rvl. Troselh , K. Bernstei n . SECOND ROW ; F. Nicolaisen, T. Bo iley, P. Maedl. M. T o rslenson. D . Collc)'. E. Harris. S. Roydell. L. Solowo)', T. Co in. G . Snow. tv .. Sulliva n. D . McClain. C. Nic\'cs. P . Hale. J. Faris. N. Mel1.uar. C. Acuff. B. Lasllcr. E. Sliebri l 1.. FIRST RO W : B. Grnhom. S. Robertson. N. Izqu ierdo. B. Foster, E. Lee. K. Field. J. Morin. E. Nicol"iscn. C. Clnrk. B. Flora .

~ .... ...


BACK ROW, left to right : fl.1. Cha rron. B. While, B. Lasher. E. Stiebrit z, K. Bernstein . tv1. Troscl h. D. Colley. P. rvlaed l. R. Noble. P. But .... K. Clarke. B. Foster. C. C lark. B. Floro. SECOND ROW : M . W ashabaugh, C. Seck. L. Richmond. D . H<lrper. A. Benero, J. Spill ing. A. W ciselollcl. J. l\1orgo n. S. tvleeker. C. De Raps. C. \o\Iolson. R. Fong. FIRST ROW : B. 1'1ont golllc ry. F . Mcint yre. R. Hewitt . .J. Hellmund. M. Torslenson. C. Swicegood. M. O'Nea l. F. N icoloisen, H. Dunco n. M. C lement.


~hj . \ -\lord Redman. Ca.pt. G reg I-Inbnson. Lt. Co l Kenn y I\.hrpi nski , LL Col. Ros..-,,,;,ry I(,'flfllon. (vln;. frank Bors.,lI ino. Lt. Col. Alc1l I-icppcn l,c illlcr. Cn lllcm shy. 1st LI. Randy SclHOcdf'L


Dinnc J\sl lury. HO;:('nmry Renrxlon. C lmrloll c Binlkowski. Kall. )' S ull iva n.




. '. ::~itw~l- ~~~'

---,-- - -" ,,~. 4 :

. j ' ::, .

Page 74


FOREGROUND : Drill Team Spomor. Honomry CAdet I ~I Lt. Dillne Ashury : Drill Team COlllUmnder .

Cndf>1 1 ~ I 1...1 . Louis Austin .

BACK ROW : Angel Rodriguez. Lou t-lilzi nger. Chuck Amato. FRONT ROW : Alex J-Icppenileimer (Manager). LlITY C hristoph (Co-Cn pla in) . 1.JI llcf" ClJ('~ hirf' (Co·Captain) . Rudy Kodb.

Where is your left shoe. kid? BURP! UGHI Page 75

Those dn7.7.ling Juniors.

Is thll t /I MII !";k tnlde on our front f.·nd.·r?

W onder what hr' ;; drelllHing of!

Co-rdu, ·n tinll ! I goth' gol

Page 77



The S . A. O ffi cers are fi ve students e lected b y the student bod y to en courage pa rtici pa t io n in schoo l activities a nd a rriend ­lie r re la tio nship a mo ng s tud ents.

LEFf TO RIG HT : Ra ndy Schroeder (Vice-President ). O rin Clement (Asst. T reas' urer). Sandy \ Veiglc (Prcsidcnt). D iane Asbury (Secretary). Don McCullough (Treasurer) .


The S tudent Cabinet co nsists o r representa t-i ves rrom each homeroom w ho keep the ir home­rooms inro rmed on the act ivities ta kin g p lace a t schoo l. The ir sponsor-Mr. Bock.

Page 78

SITJ'lNG. If·ft 10 ril!l,t : Elf'n nur l...cw i~ . .J uJ y Pu lu mLo. Bonnil' Mo rqUftrll. Nanc)' HlIldqu isl. Rosn li(' H ewitt . Sl'AND1NG : W ill iam Han ley. Phillip OWf"Il. Judy Pll lll ~on. Rolll' rt 7.uck. Bttrhnm O'N.·a l. Nn llcy Hor kins.


The Alh letic C ouncil is made up of Student' A ssociation 's A lterna tes. Their job is to la ke ca re of Ihe gates a l a ll Ihe C. H .s. a thletic conlests.

S IlTING. left to ri ght : D ,w id Coire),. S herian i"Ieekcr. Jill Beech. i"lary C lemcn!. Dorothy Ha rper. SI"AN D ING : Thomas Heppenheirncr. Petc Youn g. (vIr. G regg-spouso r. Rick" livin gston. Gran t S mith. Mntl.ew Baas. JOIl Jorstad . \-Vordy Red ma n. Jon C offi n.


The highest honor that C ristobal High School can beslow upon a student is e lection to membership in Ihe Caribbean C hapter of the N a­tiona l Honor SOciety. Quali fications for membership a re character, lead ­e rship, and service. Their sponsor is lVli ss Anderson.

S ITTI NG: left 10 rigl,l ' A I,,:.: l-\eppcnl.eiJllcr (Vice· Presidellt) . Peggy r-. 1[lcCon ncll ( Secreta ry). Jud)' P .. lulI.lro (Pn·sident ). Donna \ Vong (T reasurer). Lorl"ine C h" n. Sl"A N D IN G : Emil )' Di" l. TI,o" ... ~ 1-1 ,~ppen l, eiUl"' r. Rohert Bu rgener. Ali,., L ... I\'. V ... ,I ... , i(· fVlefl ns.

Page 79

F IRSf RO \ ;V, left 10 ri ght : Na ncy Huldlq uisl. Rosa lie Hew itt. Ja ne Foris (H isto ria n). Ma rilyn Roth. Pam Robertson. Judy Palu mbo, linda Bural.. N ina Chappell. Karcn Hamlliond , Nell ie Patlon . SECOND ROW : Peggy fVlocConndl. Bernie Babinecz. Diunc A sbury, Vi r~i n ia Austin. G inger Thomas. Rosemary Rea rdon. Rut h Moson. Suson Wilfc rd. Na ncy Hopkins. l3arbal7\ O'NeN. Karen W aszak. Nanc)' Lt rgenl . Margaret ~'I arlin, Bonnie Ma rquard. Al ice La y. Virginia Furis (Scc.-Tren s. ). C, rol LaC roix. Lorrai ne C hon. TH IRD ROW : Na ncy jvli ldldl. Stell., Kud kas. Alex H CIlPc nhci mcr (Pres ident) . Ricardo Fons. John Cintron . Mr.rio MoHeL ToOl Coffin . Robert I .. 'll" k. Rdnaldo BorrerOls. Elmer Hamor. r-.1ike Davil n. Dav id CoHey, Frank Borsellino. Reinn ldo NI;. Don n" \ -\!onl; (Vice- President) . Valerie Mea ns.

"21" CLUB

The "2 1" C lub is composed of twenl'y-one boys, each of whom rep resen ts one of the Pan-American Republi cs. Each member wri tes a n essay a bout the country he repre­sents and the Cristoba l-Colon Rot a ry C lub awa rds prizes for the best essays. Their sponsor - Mr. S tearns.


The purpose of the Ca ribe C lub. or the Future T eachers of America. is to promote a better under­sta nding of the teaching profession. Members a re in­v ited to join. dependi ng on their scholastic a bility. Thei r sponsor-Mrs. Gegg.

FIRSf RO\-\!. left to ri~ l lI) : Leo Paul so n. Don f\'l cCullou~h. Kenn )' Karpin ski (President). W ord Redmun (Recording Secretor),)' I),l\'id \-\!i lder. SECOND RO\V: Frank Borselli no. Pa ul ~'l cnses. Mario l\'lofrei. Jon Coffin. Peter tvlcBride. THIRD ROvV : T om CoHin. Michele Bela n ~cr. Jon Jorstad. Pancho tvlott (l. . A lex Heppenhei rner (Co rresponding Se<Teta ry ) .

Page 80

F IRST RO \\!. left to righ t: j\1irley 1"lcEll lOnc. Orrin C lement (Sec reta ry). Pa nco 1"lott ... Fred Rya n. Jon Jorstad . SECO i\'D RO\\! : D,tvid \ ,Vilder. Dick Roscoe. Kenn y Kfl rpi m ki (Prcsident),Don l\'lcC lilloll gl. ,Rol)erl Burgener. Rny Rfl lllire7., \ 'Vood)' Smith. THI RD RO \ \! : Dan Jones , Jack Blair. C hris \ ,\lrenn, . Doli fl Billison. Gregg Hakan so n. Fred Li nck. George Ka ndrin (Vice- Pres id ent) .


The Girls' Athletic A ssociation is a n exclusive sports club, com­posed of only the girls who are outsta nding in sports, To become a member, a girl must pa rticipate in a t least two a ll-s tar teams and be among the top ten in the point sys tem. Its sponsor is Mrs. Fattorosi.


C hi Theta S igma. th e "C" C lub . is composed of boys w ho have made the ir lette r in a ny on e of th e three sports played in C H S: Footba ll . Baseba ll . and Track. Its sponsor is Coach Moser.

SITTI NG . Icft to ri ght : Rosemary Rcrt rdon (Secn·t<l TyL Juri" Polum bo (Vice- Pre~ ide ntL Nina CllfIppell (President) . Jud y vVi ll irtllls (Tr(,<I ~ ~lrer). Caro l LaCroix. ST AI\'OING : Peggy l\1acConnell. Diane Ashury. j\1i1 T !:!tl r~t 1"brtin. Nancy D~IJ1pp . Gayle FPltfcr. S<l nd y v\leiglc. L.cslie Richmond. J .. nine Bcd,worth . AIllY Gil Tcifl. Gi nge r Thonlfls. Belt \' L.cwis. Bernie Babin ecz.

Page 81


An honor club for students who have excelled in the field of dra­matics. Ten points is the require­ments for membership. Their spon · sor-Mr. M cElroy.

S ITTING. left to ri~ht : Nancy rVl ilchell. Conn ie Lasher (President ). Jud y Palumbo. Estlle Da vison. Lorraine Cha n (Secrelary) . 51'A N D ING : D a\' id Coffey. Fredd y N icola isen. Gregory Ha kan son. Va udie Robinson. SU7A'l nne Lider. Reiml ldo Ba rreras. Thomas H eppen' heimer. Alex H eppenheimer.


The Dramatics C lub is open to a ll high school stu­d ents interes ted in dramat. ics. This club produces the p lays tha t a re presented to the public. and in this way the members learn the dif­ferent a spects of drama.

Page 82

F IRST RO\.v. left to right : Ca ta lina Ut u. Nancy fI.'litchell (Vice, President ). Connie Lasher. D on na W illiams. Estll e D rl\' ison. Lorraine C ha n. SECOND ROvV : A lex Heppenheimer. D avid Coffey. Reinaldo Ba rreras. S U7.anne tider. Ba rbara O'Nen l. Va udie Robi n ... on. S tella Kucikas (Scc.,Treas.). Virginia Fa ris. S U7.anne S mit h. JVlnrgarel O' ea l. .Iud y Pa lumbo. Ado Fuentes. i\'laria Kucikas. Ricardo Fong. ~'I rs. S tolner-sponsor. T HI RD ROW : Fredd), N icola isen. G regory Hakanson. Bruce Flom. Rosa lind Kni ght . S heria n i\1eeker. SU7.a nne Thomas. Jama A cuff. C heryl D eRap. Esther Zimmennon. Thoma s Hcppc nhci rner. Sa nd y \ ,V:l szn k. Frfln k Bor~('lIino. Luigi ~1<lIl1o\'a ni . Ken ny Bern stei n. Co rl Ender.



SCROLL Q uill a nd S croll is Ih,· Inler­

n a ti ona l H onorary Socie ty for Hi gh Schoo l journa l isIs . Those l,ha se n fo r membersh ip ha ve d elll o ns tra ted full y th a t the y merit the a wa rd throug h hi gh schola rship, jo urna lis ti c a c hieve­Ill f' nt and service. Their s po n so r - IVlr. Hopson .

S 'l' I It ' fro tl , "Our T OW II . "

'-~1 " .... .. ~,"-

, -. -~ --"'"


LEFr TO RIGHT: Janel HO\'('rson. Knren \ ,Vlisw k. Donnu W ong. NU llcy Il uJI · kins . NOT PICfURED: A le ll; f-f eppcn heimer.

Page 83


S ilTING . Jefl to ri ~ h l : I\'br~il rcl MHltin. Connie L.n shcr (Vice· Presidenl ), Na ncy r.,·lilchell (President). Nina Chappell . Lorraine Ch~n. STANDING : Alice Lay. ;Vlaril yn Roth . Pnm Robertson. A le:.: Heppenh eililN. Rcirmldo Barrerns. E lmer Hamor. Tom Coffi n. Bi ll rv!onl ­gome')'. T orn Hcppenheil1ler. j\ l o r~:l r "' l O'Nea l. :"-huy C lement. Janet Hoverson.


The French C lub organ ized re­cently is one of the first language cI ubs to be sta rted in our school. At the meetin gs mem bers a rc asked 10 (! ive lectures in French about French culture. French is spoken a t nil meeti ngs. To b e a member you must have takcn two semesters of F rench w ith a " B" a verage.


The T orrid Zone Wiza rds club is a club for students who a re inter­es ted in science. To be in this club a "B" average is required in science.

SIT1·ING. left 10 riglll : Pnlsy H o!:!u ll . Knlh i Sull h.nn. Alber1 <\ \ ,Vildcr. Estll c Da\'ison ( Secr ... · Inry). Lorra in e C h .. n. STA.\lD ING : Dorr,inquc DcReilhCl C. Pa l rue. Michel ... Belnnger. (J-listorinn). Sue rvlnlhieson (Pwsillcnl ). Lui gi i\ lnnlo\'nni (Vicr. President) . Nell ie Pa ll on.

Page 84

FIRS r RO\V. left to right : Jon nne \V" lker. Be\'erl y Dreyer. i' liss i' leli rnan s (Sponso r) . Amelia G .. rci."} (Treasurer). C il ris tin c C hristianscn (Sec rf' t[u y). i' lacel \\'. 1 ~ 1 1(I b;H1~ 11 ( Presiden t)' Vir!-tinia Fair~ (Vic ... · Presiden t). Jane Fa ris (Histori;:II1) . Estlle Davison. A lice 1.. .... ,) •• P •• I SlIlls. SEC001D RO\V : Lynn Pelry. Sand y. Edmons.on. Cand y Husband. ,\n it" Vial.. Ca rmen Vnlenei ... ;\lary C lement. Rosn lie He\\it!. C heryl DeRap. C harlene Acurr. Unda Burz.t. Sue Brennen. i'- 1.,urccn CIKHron. Ruth ;\l1 .. 50n. \ 'ioleln Fliente~. i" lnry T ortenson. Pat Feu. Gloria Snow. Lorr.li ne Cklll . TH IRD RO\V: T oni Fou rn ier. Sand y John so n. Edith Sliebrit z. Ba rba ra \ Vagner. Lita T iger1. Dinn" DeFr.:ez. Rocio Cnbews. l....edn \ \'nlb ridl:e. Knd, y C hristi ansen. Eli:r..a beth DeSa lvo. I\nlh )' O'Donnell. Bever l)' $chleiffer. Li ndn Sluhrer. C .th y Fi l :r.si llllllon ~. ~1nrso Stan ley. A nnnbelle Pnrsons. V .. lcric i" le .. ns. Alice Link . Na ncy Lnrg-e n!. Prisci ll n i' lor<l!:,! 11 FO URTH ROvV : i''lar)' O'Donnell. Knth y G egg. i' l ft r ~;'re l i-o l .. rlin. Sheri .-.n i' lcekcr. Kldh )' Pen nin gton. Sharon Ha rvey, i' la r)' Pope. Cndl )' Pnrker. Veron ica \ Vn lker. Sand y SI,orf'. Jonn ~ lcG loin. Leslie Richmond . Shirle)· Shi pman.


The Pink G irls is a group of gir ls from the Nurses' Aides that work at Coco Solo H ospi ta l du ri ng the summ er. They a re placed in different wards throughout the hospit a l a nd a re rotated through these wards as the summ e r p rog resses, The work is comple tely volun ­tary a nd much knowledge is ga ined o f th e nursing profess ion ,


T he N urses' A ide C lub is a club which is open to hi gh schoo l girls who a re inte res ted in future caree rs in nurs ing, Sponsors-fVli ss fVlcLim a ns a nd Irs. Youn g

F IRs r RO\V, lef, to rigl,t : Lorr.lllle C I'n", AII1('I", G"" h' (TrC"' Ufcr). B .... , .. r" Dr('~ {' r, C I,n_It,,#' C hristiansen (Secretary). r-. lncel \ Va ~ h~, bll ud, (Presiden t). \ '1f~l n'" F" ' I~ (\ ·ice- Presid.' nt). lan e Fan, ( H istorian), Estlle D,wison. Alice l. .. r.r SECO.'\'D RO\\ '· Ed,tl, Slil'bril? Lynn Perry. l~o~" I ,e 11 ,>\\111 . Sundy Edmonson, ]\'Iary C lement. Cn flll en \lfllt-ud". Sue Bre nnen. RullI i' l a~on. Prisci lb i' l or~nn . K..d.\ O'Donnell . i" Inry TOT"i l l' n ~on. I '" t Pllt' . Pa l SiUl~. :--larQo S)""ley T HIR D RO\V Diana OcFree:r. I..('d .. \ ,Va lbridgc. Rocio Cabe7.M. i' lnry O·Donn..l1. i' lr. rg.Het :--brlin . K., d", C llrisli1lnscrI. ~ha ron 11.11"\'(' \ . lo" n rvtcGloin. Leslie l~ icl llllOnd, Ve roni,n \,vn lkN, A lice Link. S loirl er SloipHmn. en d, y FiI :r~i l ""I(1I1 '" 1.111(1., Stolu cr. Bl'\'crl ), S I.I£'iHcr. A nn ab.·I1 ... P'H~O I1 ". Eli?,,"., !!! De~,."'o Page 85


Page 86 The J-toolcn un ny FilmIc


··W anted. Dead or Alive"

'The P inlo! Pon~ Chumps" Page 87

Just a t J thought! Pla ylIO Y!!

T hese tiddly-wink ga mes Ort' murder!

I can lick a nyone in ,his pl nrc!!

H ey, get out of the way Mn and Pil Ketti I'"

S mock them good FRES HMANl Page BB

Page 89

Page 90


FIRS I' ROW, left to right : Tad Campbell. TOln Hcppenheimer, Bill Dockery, George Eva ns. Jim S tevenson, Dominique de Rcilhac. Mickey M cElhone. G eorge Kand rin . Dnvid Wilder, Roy Ramirez. Jim Moore. Mike Ryan. Bob Burgener. W oody Smith .

SECOND ROW: Panello Molla. Joe Stevenson, Chris Clarke. Skip Berger, C hri s Wrenn . Don McCullough. O rrin Clement. Mi ke Sullivan. Jon Jorstad . W a ll y Brians. D a n Jones. Pe te Young, Bi ll S mith. H owa rd Fo\'o rile.


LEFT TO RIG HT: Jim !Vloo re. 140 165 .. QB : Doug Billison. 17'1 165" E : ~'l i(' key McElhone. 150 Ib~ .. E: Jack Bla ir. 172 165 .. E: Bob Burgener, 155 165 .. E: G COtl!c Eva ns. 1,10 165" G: Dan Jones. 175 165 .. T : GcOtAC Kund rin. 155 Ibs .. C. T cu lII Cn plnin ; \-Voody Smith. 18,1 165 .. T : Wn ll y Brinns. 1J9 Ib5 .. HB : Skip Bcrgcr. 167 Ibs .. C: Roy Rami re .... D8 Ibs .. HB : \Voyne Hol ... ·dow. 206 11>5 .. G: Bi ll Dockery. 140 Ibs .. E.


THI RD RO \ ·V; l eo Paul son. Bi ll Ha nl y. \" 'ay ne Smith. John (\'lor;n. Elmer Halllor, John Sull ivan. Robert Thomas, Rober1 \ ,Vil1. Jim C ronan. T orn C offin. Jack Blair. Doug Sillison. D a na Hu ghes.

FOURTH RO\oV : Ken Karpinski. John S"ndcrs. Decn Gree r. DOlls S mit h. Mi l,.:: Fit zpa trick. Jack Sa nders. Lou is Va lencia. E ric E rnest. \-Vayne Holt z-claw. A nn ib,,1 J)t'.IC.~ II ". Brent !'''li tchcl l. D ennis Forsgren. \ ,VD lter Tholi lpson .

LETTERMEN The 1963 Season

LEFr TO RIGHT: D avid Wi lder. 1'15 165 .. I-I B: Orrin C ICll lcnl. 129 165 .. QB : Don I'vlcCul lough. 140 165 .• HB : C llfis \Nrenn. 160 Jbs .. C: Jon J orsl<l d . 170 16s .. T : Pancho Molta. 175 165 .• G -C : Jol", :::ia ncirrs. 1'15 Ihs .. H B : Ken Knrpinski. 165 lbs .. FB.

Jamboree. Sep t. 27, C.H.S. 33. C.Z.c. 6. BH.S. O. SDAC. 0

C ri stobal 40 ..

October 4

. ... Schoo ls D iv. A.C. 0

October 11

C ristoba l 6 .... ............... ................ C.Z. Coll ege 6

O ctober 18

C ri stobal 53 .. .. ............... .Balboa 13

October 25

C ristoba l 13 .. . .... .......... Schools Div. A.C. 0

N ovember 8

C ristoba l 6 .. .. ................ C.Z. College 2 1

November 15

Cristoba l 13 ...................... .............. ........ .Balboa 0

Palm Bow l. Nov. 27 , A ll -Stars 7. C.Z. College 6




Orrin Clement

Orrin C lement is one o f the most outsta nding men ever to p lay footba ll in the Ca na l Zone. A lthou gh he weighs only 129 pounds, ma ny times durin g thi s pa st season h e outplayed riva l q ua r­te rbacks w ho w ere much heavier.

H e is a ve ry versa tile ma n a nd ca n b oth run a nd pass. Hi s rushin g average is 6.0 ya rd s per ca rry, a record w hic h few q uarte rbacks a nywhere ca n ma tc h . a nd he is a n accura te passe r. b oth on long passes a nd sho rt passes. His completion record is 56.2%. a n a verage w hich p laces him up a mon g the best o f the na tio n's passers. Hi s ability 0 11 o ffense i); sho w n by I·he fact tha t d u ring the

Page 92

past season he persona lly accounted for ga ins totalling t 050 ya rds a nd a tota l of 73 points.

H e w as chosen as qua rterback for the All -Zone team ma d e up o f the eleven b est Zone players, a nd wa s the on ly C ristoba l pl ayer to be chosen una nimously. H e qua rterbacked the All-Sta rs in th e P a lm Bowl a nd led them to victory over Cana l Zone College for their fi rs t victory since 1958.

Bes t or a ll . . he was a Jun ior this past season a nd thus ha s a nother yea r to play for the Ti gers .



FRONT ROG : Jon Jorstad. Rt!lIlundo Pach~o. Bob lvlontt'sdmos. Ridmrd Hul l. 'vVill ia lli Hanl.:)'. Thomas Bcnero. Fr1'd Ry o:m, J"ck Sanders. CENTER RO \ ·V: Ralpl. rvlora les. Mike Rya n. Boh Burgener. 1\ 1ike Ba ra nick. RHY Ra mirez. R Cll ina ld (J LU II1 . D av id \ Vi ldcr. Bil l D ockery, Bill Acheson . .Iol.n s.."l nders. Coach Moser. BACK RO \ V : ~" ib· Sull iva n. Chris W ren. Mnrk Tm~(' lk Mnlt l,cw Rons . .1 01m F ... tl lf'r . John Hotsko. i'1nrce-1 Mn lfl i ll ort' ~ . rvl ih· DfWilr. , vVfl lIy R rjrm .~.


SEATED : Rickard Haka nson. Skipper Bert:<: r. Wol ly Bria n!!. J ock Sanders. Dovid Wilder, Mickey McElhone. Ra y Ramirez. STANDING : Bill Dockery. Gresory H aka nson. Joltn Sanders. Kenny Kur­pin~ki, Leslie Hi l1h1cy. G ril nl SII,id l .Pr,ncho ~1olla . NOT PICfURED : Doug Bill il'on.



KNEELI NG : Jim Moore. Alex RfIIllirez . O rrin ClC'ltIcnl. \ ·Voody Jolll1;;on. Fr.,d I.inck. S I'ANDING : Robert Bcrgencr. Jock Blfli r, Mike Ba rflnirk, Onn Jon('~. Mmk Troselh .


KNEELI NG : Julio SllIith. Jost.' Vnsqw·7 .. .Jim Crumlll, Eric Ernest. Ronnie Rol'e rl ~o n . STA NDING · Reirnundo Pnr lieco. u sli,> t-li el,lf' v, Tnm ( '"mil. Rnh Snnd('t ~. CI.ris \ "'renn . Page 9S


l ~os\' l1mry R cmdon

Cnpta in

r Bernie B .. hinccl.

Page 96

Caro l laC roix. S ue Soyster. Oi ,me Ashury. Sa nd y W eigle. Rosemary Rea rdon . Judy Pa lwnbo. Peggy r-.1acConnel l. Bcrnie Babinccz.

.II I, • I

_11 1

:, II, . _I

S ue Soyster Peggy MacConnell


Na ncy Hllldqu i ~ 1 Leslie Duga~

Ka th y P{'n n in~ ton Donna Vachc

Page 97

Page 98


FRONT ROW : Marga ret Martin. tvlnga ly Alayon. Sandy W eigle. Rina Aloyon. Nina C happell . BACK ROW : Nancy Huldquisl. PC~AY MacConnell . Carl" Chrllllhcrs. Judy Palumbo. Gayle F elllf't. Bem ie Babi nt'C7 .. Jun ine Bed swort h.


FRON]' ROW: KalllY Sdliebc. Ca rol L'ICmix. Darnell Will. BACK ROW : Jean Wo.lker. Diane A sbury, Su(' Soyslc r. Ell'onor Lewi s. Lindn .loIHlson . G lorin L.,InidiN, Morinone Fields.

FRONT ROvY : Pcggy l'vlocC.:mnei l. B,>mi"" Bnhi,wC1 .. .Ju ~l y PulUilibo. Nino CI'"ppd l. Audrey Duncan. BACK RO\~ : Roscmory ReiHdon. Janin.> Btxlswortk Viol .... ln Fuentt's. Gnyl .... F .... tll .... r. f-1ildn Hotsko. Ca rl a C ha mbers. Sil Jld y \~cig l \·. f\ '1:.rga l"t' t rvlll rtin .


FRONT RO\·V : I ..... ·sl ip lJu gft ~ . J .it., Tig,-rl. C ,ru l L,Croix. DnrM·1I Wi ll. f\'lnry Ann ric l d ~ . BACK ROVv: Diil nf' A sbury. S ,,,-, S"y~ kr. 1.; 11,1" I" j, nson. FI('ollror 1 ..A·wi ~ . Rud. l\tb ~on . SUI' Ro..,("oe. G loria Lelilidif"r. Domtl ,y Il fl qwr

Page 99


KNEELI NG : Fred Lnck. Ji lll Castagno. John Sull ivan. Coach Vi iI. Sl'ANDING : Robert Bcr!:clIlc r. Pancho MOlin. Mike Furlo. Dom­in ique D eReilh ac.

KNEEL! IG : Nina Chappell. ST'ANDING : Ca rl o Chambers. Rilla Alayon. Jill Beech. Ga lyc Fell er. Maga ly A layon.

Page 100


SEATED : O sca r Roura. Gihh)· 11 ;)(on, S .• ra Pa lUluho. Judy Redulond. Judy \ ,Villiams. Sf Af\roING ; Skipper Burger. Na ncy Hopkins. Papo Vn lt!ncin. vVoad y Sl lIill.. Ca rmen Va lencia, Tila FU("lln tes.



Our Best Wishes to the Class of '64


When You Think of Traveling



Page 102

Best Wish.es to the

C lass of 1964


TeL 3-6232

Compliments of


With the Compliment of "FRANCE"

Le Plus Long Paquebot du Monde

Le Harve - New York


Cristobal, C. Z.


C. FERNIE & CO. Cristobat c.z. Balboa, C.Z.

Page 103

Page 104









to the Class of 1964 Bonded F.TD. Florist

Compliments of

PANAMA AGENCIES CO. Cristobal Panama Colon Balboa

3-2135 3-0024 7-1744 2-2 159

Best Wishes from the


I YOLI llropped your ice rrenru \ ·VHFJ{E?

f l ' , I

K is!' JII" , )'ou 1"001.

I-Ic),. lei gol Gel off my fOOl!

Girl pr(' ~ iJ{,IJI .~. ci rl [I ~tro"aul .'l . I,ul girl FOOTJlAI.J . PLAYERS'

Bul, CUII' 1.. 1I ,,·r. '"s wot er i ll II", 1"'ln!.

t ' "

... . :~ij

Page 105

n 2601 So. Claiborne Ave.

THE I-Ladlll ~n.te, NEW ORLEANS, LA. Name-Brand Appliances at BIG DISCOUNT PRICES. Choose from such brands as FRIGIDAIRE, GENERAL ELECTRIC, ZENITH, FEDDERS, RCA-VICTOR, WHIRLPOOL, AMANA, MOTOROLA, WELBILT, and many others. All appliances sold at tremendous discounts to you , and with Full Factory Warranty. We handle all shipping arrangements.

For information and prices, write AIR MAIL: GEORGE MARCUSE, Owner, or MEL PERMUTT, Manager. When in New Orleans, visit our complete appliance store, and SAVE!

Page J06


o f



Best W ishes to the S enior C lass



THE FRENCH BAZAAR J. J. Palomeras, S.A. ·


"The most talked-about g ift store

on the Is thmus."



Masonic Temple

Cristobal, Canal Zone

Compliments of THE FORT DAVIS



INC. Tel. 7-3353

Compliments of


Page 107

Page 108

Comp liments of


Room 111 Captain of the Port Bui lding

Balboa, Canal Zone


Office Balboa 2-2572 and 2-2998

Office Cristobal 3-3206

Comp liments of

ALHAMBRA CLUB Visit the New Typical Spanish Restaurant

Spanish Meals - The Best Service in Colon

In Front of Old Colon Railroad Station

Front and 8th Street - Colon, P.P.

Comp liments of


Tel. 7-1920

Colon Free Zone

Compliments of



Chevrolet - Buick - Opel


Tel. 7-1820 or 7-1821

See Ronnie. WI' aid put YUlir

picture in .

··The S tair-Wa rme r".··

So w ha t .. re yo u tl,rce loo king o t?

··Conle fi nd h ip it li S you go. on the ligh t fan tastic t o~

'vVlmtchr. !lot there t'-'lar y?

Q U(· P£lS<l ... qui ?

Page 109

Page 110

Compliments of


Steamship Agents and Brokers

Masonic Temple CristobaL Canal Zone

Compliments of THE PANAMA CANAL

TARPON CLUB Gatun, C. z.

Comp liments of AUTOAC

Quality Parts and Accessories

For All Cars

Colon, R.P. Tel. 7-3346

Compliments of MAVIS' BEAUTY SHOP Front Street Tel. 7-0480

Congratulations to the

Class of '64



TIle''' J .iu l,· R.' d Ridin l! I-Ioo, ! snid 10 1I,t' Bi[! B, .. ! w"lr .

Junior·Senior Proltl

H.· !p ~ 1 . II "fI 0 111

I" resl fires! e m,,!. ,li, 1 you know you I.nvc lillie bugs i ll your Ilui r?

H"v. "ltr lUll-! j ~ Iltf"jll L,' ill l " ft pri n f'f'! Poge '11

Comp liments of


Congratulations to the

Senior Class



Page 112

Canal Zone Program

Compliments of


Cristobal, Canal Zone

LA UNICA - Furniture Store -

Latest Styles 01 the Finest Quality

01 Mahogany Furni ture

Located on the corner of 8th and Front Streets Tel. 7-0200 Colon, R. de P. Aptdo. 427

Congratulations to the

Class of '64


MARGARITA BEAUTY SALON Margarita Service Center Tel. 3-1642



This wi ll lond, YOli Sl ,ruk ~ 10 ~ I ")' nul .,f .1 ,·1 I,orrilo ry.

f t:k! A mouse 1

- , -I (

I's.~ t ! Look w l lll's nmninu rl rflulH l wil l, Nancy·!! boyfriend .

A ll ri gl,!. who tripped ? Pog e 113

Page 114



WHITE LABORATORIES Kenilworth, New Jersey


Compliments of CONTINENTAL


Cristobal, C. Z.

Madison, Wisconsin

Compliments of ELBERT S. W AID

POST NO.2 France Field, C. Z.

.. t\k , 'Olt,,- I" ... k. 1 1 '~ nul "11 I AT hrul .. " I .ook to! dml I'rn:l,), girl 1 1f"I ~illl! on II,,· Iwli,npl<'r "

" \Voit'l l I ,.:d III )' !..,ml, "11 Dro), lon r" Poge 115

Page 116

Compliments of Congratulations

Class of 1964[



Colon Free' Zone



Compliments of


Puerto Bahia Las Minas

Colon, Rep. de Panama


Look. Ma. nn cllvili o"s.

Compliments of


W ow ! I...ouk It! Illi s scorchin g love-letter!

.Inn . huvt· n ' , ),O ll ~"t Ilml 10Uli on )'0"I ?

Ella . tie r,·.

j\'lirror. mirror on ti le wn ll

Page 117

With Best Wishes and Success to the Class of '64





GILLETTE S.A. Zona Libre de Colon

Compliments of


R. de Panama

Telefonos: Colon 1560 - 1561 Toni

Tel. No. 7-3327 Colon, Panama

Paper Mate

Page 11 8

Compliments of


Colon Free Zone

Compliments of

ALMACEN FONG With a 5c and IOc Department

9th and Bolivar Avenue

Colon. Republic of Panama

Compliments of

LA ISLA DE CUBA Front Street Colon

ATTIAS' Fourth of July Avenue Panama

Compliments to the Class of '64

CAIN BROTHERS, INC. World Wide Moving Service

Tel. 2-2973 P.O . Box 2017

Balboa, Canal Zone

Page 119

Page 120


Ma j. and Mrs. D . Q. Aguila r S/Sgt Osvaldo Alcaraz SFC and Mrs. Rafael Alicco ;VI iss Anderson Mrs. Luz De Aqui lar Robert R. Arnold Sal and Mrs. Arocho Sa ntlliis Arturo Sgl and Mrs. Aubin W illiam J. Babeaeh Mr. A. B. Saenz Sgt and Mrs. Baker l....ec Banks JVlr. Paul Beck S/Sgt W esley C. Bowers J. P. Bowman D.A.C. Elea nor R. Brandt Sgl C. M . Brewer R. S. Brogie J'vlrs. Bart C. Brown Mrs. Ula Brown Mrs. Theodore Brown 1'-1rs. C. L. Brumbelow M r. a nd Mrs . Fernando Bruno S iena Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cain M/Sgt Armand Co llo lVlr . and Mrs. Cnnnbnl Ca rey Mrs. Ella Carr JoAnn Co rr Mr~ . Pedro Chainez. JVlr. £I ud Mrs. Eddie Clm\'c7. SFC Bnd Mrs. Cintron Capt. and fl.1 rs. H. D . C layton Ronald R. Coleman Ma j. and Mrs. E. F. Condinn SP4 Harry Cook ~Sl li nd J'vlrs. Cook Mrs. M. H. Copeland S/Sgl and Mrs. Cortez Lt. and Mrs. Coryell Sgt and M rs. Courtois Mr. and Mrs. C ross Capt. and Mrs. C urrier Capt. and M rs. Dade C harles R. D ade SP4 W . R. Dauling M/Sgt lind M rs. Set::undo 1'''1.

Davi la Mi le D avi la tvlr. and Mrs. Davis

S/Sgl G eo. R. D awson S/Sit and M rs. Rono ld Den ton Sit and M rs. Denny Capt. and M rs. Dexter Sgt ond M rs. Dioz. U . and M rs. John Diehl Sgt (l nd M rs. Dobbs SP7 nnd M rs. J. M. Dockmy SFC nnd Mrs. . A. Doney 1\1rs. Dough R. L. Dulo.: Mrs. J. T . Dunn Ca pl. ond tvlrs. A. J. C. Egl,. 1st Sgt Harry V. and P. Enston SP5 I-farole Espy

SP4 Evans M r. and M rs. Fa lloro~ j LI. C. H. Fey 1\'lrs. Ester V. Flores e wo and Mrs . M. H. Fournier Mrs. G. French Mrs. J. T. French Sgt and Mrs. F rick Sst and M rs. Fue W . J. Ga nsen MIS •• W . H. Goy M r. and Mrs. R. Gegg C WO and Mrs. G hent PFe G ladstone M rs. A. Gomez Capl. W . E. Gonwlez M rs. E. P . Gon7.ale!i Leo J . C reen Gene Creig M/Sgt Hains M r. and M rs. Hal nnson Ronni(1 O . Hole S~t and 1\1r!i. Holl owa v Lt. and M rs. T. Hard y -'Irs. M . S. Harua lichcr

Joli n H. Haursley J . J . Hay nes and Pamil y erc and Mr!i. R. J. H(.lmncy

U.s.N. 1\1 r. 8nd i"lrs. Heppen heimcr M.D . Hl"rmelwAildo SISi'l l and M rs. J. E . Herron Sgt and tvlrs. Hin son SFC and 1\'lr5. Hobbs SPS and Mrs. D . Hodgl ins Mrs. E. W . Hodgkins LI. J. D. Holt Capt. and M rs. \ "1. E. Hopl.d ns Re1l C. Hopson 1\'lr. and 1\1rs. Humphery Co pl. ond M rs. Hutchinson tvlr. and M rs. Ingra m M r. and Mrs. Irvi ng R. Jaen M rs. C lmrle.'l Johnson Sgt and M rs. C. Jollll son C horl es E . Jones tvlr. and Mrs. Joni'S I'nul ine Jones Sgt and Mrs . Ka lil l\1r. Edward A. Kelly SP/4 Kramer Sgt and M rs. Latto M rs. Lauren Joseph V. Law rence Sgt ond 1\1rs. Lawson M r. and M rs. Le Denux Dr. and Mrs . Levins SFC Jaimel AI Lopez S/Sgt L.opcz 1\1r. ond M rs. C. M. L.ouis Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Maedl SFC and (Vl rs . S. S. Marrow. Jr.

U.s.N. 1'0 111 und Morilyn f\'la rsh


SFC and !'irs. F. J'vIu r lirwl',

Sgl hod Mrs. Mn rquel. 1,,1111 Masou SJ.!t and tvlrs. f\1 1l~7.ki.·\Y i c;f. J3. R . Muzzoni SP/5 and Mrs. W . H. McA l l i ~ l t'r Sfc. nnd f\'lrs . .I , /'VI cCnnts R. A. ivlcClcfl ll T llOmas McGee Mr. find l'1r5. rvlcCuff Sa il ), M cLimons Mr. R. L. lc1bcr~ Capt. and Mrs. C . S. !'vlerlino SP/5 find !\'irs. J. E. I" Jerrick . Ir. j'vlr. ond lvlrs. tvlcrrick M r. nnd 1\'lrs. 1\1ch:~nr D. C. i" lil ler S/Sgt and Mrs. N. L. 1\1i ll er S~I and tvlrs. H. 1" linN pvr. 1\1 L. !'vloon· Mr. Moore Imm rvlomle;; R. L fVlorcry Sgl and /'VI rs. rvlo r~nn Cn pt. nnd M rs. Morin l'1t. nnd Mrs. Paul f\'IOSN Sfc. Robert F. Mlllrn llv l" lr. F. C. rvl)'c r ~ . Olgt! J'l.iyC'rs Lt . find 1\1 rs. C. D . 'i. kC'r~o ll 5.';1. nnd Mrs. Nil.-s LOllis M . Niner r""r. J<HlI CS D. NOtUtfoli

SFC. nnd l'1r5. F. 1\'1. Orn'; j'l .101111 'vV. O'Donicl M/Sgl. find 1'1rs. 11 I.. Or.~ ri, · l d SPI'I Owens Mr. a nd !\'\rs. PrtlN Sg t nne! !\1rs. Pn{!e Ss t li nd M rs. Pubinl 1.lIke C. Paluruho lnpl 'VV. H. Park.·r S P / 4 Pa rker !\'I /Sgt Mrs. R. J. Pn tnc" SFC. "nd ~'h 1'. v. Peek (Vir. 111111 " 'lr ~ . I~ . I . P,· nnin .l!lnn i'1a j. Cl nd Mrs. Penrose Lt . a nd Mrs. C. A. Pl!rry

USN Sli t a nd Mr;;. R. VV. Perry. Jr.

USN. M r. und Mrs. Ja rues prau i" l r. and Mrs. Howa rd B. Phf' mister Rutl'i r' Q UNkdo RiJ;:)ts B. E. Radlllll ~kr' I. I .. R,·dll .1!1I

!\'lr. and Mrs. C horles T . R~ves M r. nnrl J'vlrs. D. B. Rice c.T.L. and Mrs. Riduwlrnnyer U.S.N. La pt. and Mrs. Cnry Riggs G iLcrlo Rivcra i' lrs. Jack J~obcr1s s rc. C uripides Rodriguez J'vIlSll' t LOllis Rod rigucl. S/Sll't. a nd J'vl rs. Virgilio Rodri~ue7. S~t a nd Mrs. Rogers S gt ROllra 1' ·lrs. Hel cn R us/,ing LI. Col. D . Sachse i" \r. a nd !\ lrs. A. B. 5..CIl7. "fi/C' i" lnmwl Snn('II r'7.

t'- I /Sgt and Ir~. Tl lO llla ~ J. 5n ncl,c;:

S ,.:l (md i'1rs. Snnd,c7. S FC . Fco Gonl.olel. ~an l " P" . Sa lcllcll Sm. Cu~ linc Sn uil/ lI ll 1.1. Col. IIml J'vlrs. SilW)'cr Mr. a nd !\'1rs. Snyoc i' lr. fmel J'vlrs. V. It So·,· I ... )' i' lr. Selfs Clm rlcs V. ~'I.cid(');); lJi, lUC Sdu: idegg i' lr. and Mrs. Fr,ulk St-Oll

1.1. l ol. IIIItI Mrs. ScOII

Sg l unci i' \ rs. S il k /cis i' 1l. S hiplilCHl I' lr. Rnd Mrs. R. E. Sims I\ Irs. A lfred F. Su,i th Jr.

Sgt a nd Mrs . R. C. Smith LI. nnd J'vtrs. R. S lIIit h !\'Ir. and i'1rs. "Smitt y" Sgt nnd Mrs. So,O C. R. Souke)'s M r. Spi tl.er [\ It. and MNl. J a mcs E. S tea rns i" 1/5gt fwd M rs. Stevenson S FC. und rvlts. Ha rry L. S tewart Ca pt. nnd i" l rs. Stohrcr LI. Col. nnd Mrs. W . M. Sullivan S P /s nnd Mr.o; . "Vil.cm. Suroivie i"ln rion T aylor S 1o:1 and !\'Irs. TI'OIutun i'·lrs. VCtfl tll1 T o/iuer S/Sgt 1'1. C. T omlin S gt und Mrs. Alc.tund cr Torres S~t nnd i'1rs. Trolsero Sc t Robert L. Tutllf'r "'Irs. i"/. B. T ylrt nl S~t nnd Mrs. Vi!!i l i'1ary K. \-Y .. lson i" lr. nnd Mrs. l\'1a rgo Val.quf'l. i'·l rs. !\'ln rll'ol VO l.QUC1. sr" . rind l"lr~ . E. B. \~/:lnn Cn pl. und i" If"!' . Jury \~/ard SFC E7 li nd M rs. R. 1-1. "Vnrrcu LI. (j .g. ) rmd I\'/r. .101111 \~/a ll

USN. 13ft. I. 'VV. 'VVcbb i''Ir. [lnd !\'lr5. 'VVCSI i" lr5. Bobbie \>\' hisrnnn

'Ir. a ud !\'Irs. Tmry P. WI,ih' 1.1. D. A. Williams

US N. i\'1r. rond [\'lr5. Wi ll s S l!'1 a nd Mr~ . M . \~ . Wi lt ~ l. ir.~ Mrs. C. L. Wog!!y Srf"". Tlul illal' A. \~nl rc C'. 13. V\/umk .Ir. I( I I. 'VVrilJl. t S FC. roml Mrs. J. A . W yn!!fIf' rl S FC. Ellldrio E. Yolle7.

"1nj. ;mrl Mr.o; . Will . 1-1 . Yorman Sg t (lIu l Mr<:. Youn!!

Page '21

Compliments of


Cristobal Branch

And you wa nt to know wh y the yca rhook is blc !

Come Oil, fella~ . The SODA PO P'S ge llin wa nn.

Congratulations to the

Class of '64


Nt·xl yef,r the hn nd gels new uniforms. I If,ink rill being followf'd . Page 112

1964 CARIBBEAN STAFF EDITOR . uuu . .... . ......u.uu. JANET HOVERSON


SENIOR EDITOR .... ................................................ ......... KAREN WASZAK

ASSISTANT SENIOR EDITOR .................................... CONNIE LASHER


SPORTS EDITOR .... . . .. ..... .................. TOM HEPPENHEIMER



ACTIVITIES EDITOR u ....................... u .......... ROSEMARY REARDON

BUSINESS MANAGER .. . .... ... ........................... NANCY HOPKINS

ART EDITOR ............... u .............................................................. DONNA WONG

ASSISTANT ART EDITOR ......................................................... VICKI CLARK


ADVISOR .. . . ... .. .... u .................... .......................................... ... ... MR. REX HOPSON

Junior and Senior Class Pictures by ........................ FINLAYSON STUDIO

Other Pictures by ........................................ ................................. uu FOTO MASDEU

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