UbD Land of Hope Project

Post on 15-Nov-2014

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Transcript of UbD Land of Hope Project

Title: Land of Hope Project Subject/Course: AP Social Studies (World, Euro, US)

Topic: Immigration Grades: 9-12

Designers: Thomas Cooper, George Henry, Dr. Lenore Schneider

Stage 1 - Desired Results

Established Goals:

This project meets the following National Social Studies standards.

People, Places and Environment

analyze the processes, patterns and functions of human migration and settlement

Individuals, Groups, and Institutions

identify and describe examples of tensions between and among individuals, groups, and institutions

discuss real world problems and the implications for individuals, groups and institutions


Students will understand that...

Culture consists of beliefs, values, institutions,

norms, and traditions.

Cultures can change over time through trade

and migration.

People migrate on their own or because they are

forced to.

Migrations have occurred for various reasons

around the world and throughout time.

Migrations consist of push and pull factors,

such as poverty, food, trade, religious or sexual

persecution, human trafficking, poverty, labor

or other factors.

Physical geography such as topography and

climate, can affect migrations.

Essential Questions:

What were the causes of the migration?

Was the migration forced? If so, by whom?

What were the key features of the process of the


What were the results of the migration for the

individual, for the region, or internationally?

What problems did the migrant have integrating

themselves into their new culture?

Are migrations generally positive?

Should we allow immigrants into our country?

How do geographical databases help us

visualize migrations and gain insight?

Students will know/be able to...

Use a threaded discussion to talk with other students about immigration.

Use a wiki to share information about a particular immigration issue you researched.

Use a geographical database to map our different immigrations and show the effects of various push/pull


Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks:

Summary of GRASPS form (Goal, Role, Audience, Situation, Performance, Standards)

The board members of a small museum in the southwest of the United States invites you, as one of their new

junior curators, to prepare an exhibit on immigration. The museum hopes that highlighting some of the benefits

immigrants have brought to various cultures through time will ease tensions between citizens and immigrants in

this town. Your tasks is to assemble various visual artifacts that represent current and historical migrations, such

as documents, photographs, and posters. To help people better visualize the push and pull factors that have

similarly affected migrations, you have been asked to develop an interactive geographic data base that can be

explored by visitors to the museum or explored when visiting the museum's website. You are to collaborate

with others from your class and those from other schools to produce an online exhibit.

Key Criteria:

Identifies common push/pull factors that affected a migration.

Relates the effects of physical geography on a migration.

Understands the positive and negative affects immigration can have on a culture.

Employs technology to visualize and analyze migrations.

Other Evidence:

Review of student notes on primary text

Photos, maps and other cultural artifacts collected and displayed in a VoiceThread on the particular


Unit test on immigration

Project self-assessment

Stage 3 - Learning Plan

Learning Activities: Consider the WHERETO elements

Review various news articles on problems with immigrants today. Identify the various facts of the

situation and discuss possible reasons behind the conflict. Create an RSS Feed on immigration and post

it to the project wiki so that students can keep follow the situation.

Periodically have students post a response about how these events are affecting their lives on the

discussion tab of the project wiki.

Identify various immigrants in your school and interview them about their immigration experience.

Create a questionnaire and post it. Create an informed consent for students and parents to sign. Create a

VoiceThread of their experience which can be posted on the project site.

Provide students with information on immigration through lecture notes.

Provide primary texts on different immigration. Allow students to chose one of these texts based on

their interests. As students read the texts, have them post a summary for each chapter to the project

wiki. Have them end in a question to stimulate discussion between student groups on different

immigration issues.

Teach students how to use Google Earth software. As they read through the book have them create

basic placemarks in order to store information collected.

Show a film on an immigration and have students use a chat room to discuss key ideas and

understandings. Students responses to film will help to identify misunderstandings on the issue.

Conduct a peer review of student's layers in progress and allow them time to revise their work. Post

reviews on the discussion tab of the wiki.

Combine students layers into a composite layer. Have students write an exposition paper, using one of

the "understandings" as a thesis. Post papers to the project wiki and allow peers to make comments

before final grades are due.