U8 Interchange 3

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Transcript of U8 Interchange 3

Use of Would rather and Would prefer and the use of By + gerund to describe

how to do things

Use of Would rather and Would prefer and the use of By + gerund to describe

how to do things

Unit 8 Lifelong learningUnit 8 Lifelong learning

Lic. Selene Rodríguez 29 enero 2008

Lic. Norma Dzib

Would rather and would prefer

Would rather takes the base form of the verb. Would prefer usually takes an infinitive. Both are followed by not in the negative

Would you rather take a media class or a health class?

I’d rather take a media class

I’d rather not take either

I’d rather take another course than study media or health

Would you prefer to study film studies or broadcasting?

I’d prefer to study film. I’d prefer not to study either

Let’s join a choir

I’d rather not join a choir

I’d rather not

I’d prefer not to join a choir

I’d prefer not to


Complete the conversations with would and the appropriate form of the verbs in parentheses.

1. A: ………. you prefer ………. a course in exercise science or nutritional science? (take)

B: I'd prefer ………. for a nutritional science course because it’s more useful for me in nursing. (register)

2. A: ………. you rather ………. English in Australia or Canada? (learn)

B: I think I’d prefer ………. In Australia because it’s warmer there. (study)

3. A: If you needed to learn a new skill, ………. you prefer ………. a class or ………. a private tutor? (attend / have)

B: I’d rather ………. for a class than ………. a tutor. Private tutors are too expensive! (sign up / have)

4. A: ………. you rather ………. a choir or an orchestra? (join)

B: I’d rather ……….. in a choir than ………. In an orchestra. (sing / play)

5. A: ………. You prefer ……….. Broadcasting or film studies? (major in)

B: To tell you the truth, I’d prefer not ………. Either. I’d rather ………. For a newspaper. (do / work)

By + gerund to describe how to do things

A. Complete the sentences. Use by + gerund and the phrases in the box.

1. A good way to become fluent in a language is_____________________2. You can find out the meaning of new

words_______________________3. You can check your grammar__________________________________4. You can improve your listening________________________________5. You can become a better reader________________________________6. A good way to expand your vocabulary is________________________

B. Choose three phrases from part A. Complete them with your own ideas.1._______________________________2._______________________________3._______________________________

Check these examples:

You could improve your accent by listening to language CDs.

I learn new words best by writing them of pieces of paper and sticking them on things.

The best way to learn slang is not by reading newspapers but by watching movies.

By + gerund to describe how to do things





Ask this question to yourself:

What is a gerund?I presume you know the

answer by now.

Ask this question to yourself:

What is a gerund?I presume you know the

answer by now.

Complete the phrases in column A with information in column B. (More than one answer is possible)


1. You can improve your accent …

2. A good way to learn idioms is …

3. Students can become better writers …

4. A good way to learn vocabulary is …

5. People can become faster readers …

6. One way of practicing conversation is …

7. You can learn to use grammar correctly …

8. The best way to develop self – confidence

in speaking English is …


a. by doing translation exercises

b. by talking to native English speakers

c. by reading magazines in English

d. by studying a “learner’s dictionary”

e. by role playing with a partner

f. by watching American movies

g. by having a private tutor

h. by talking to yourself in the shower

i. by writing to English speaking pen pals

j. by joining a café conversation group


Your VocabularyThink in using expressions with things you would rather / would prefer .To Watch: TV, telly / box(the tube), show, programme (program), broadcast, film (movie), serial, series, play, chat show (talk show), soap opera, documentary, commercial/advertisement. To Listen: Music: pop, rock, classical, chamber, choral, operatic, jazz, folk, dance, orchestra, band , group, quartet.To play: banjo, organ, saxophone, French horn, clarinet, flute, violin, cello, baton, record player, hi-fi, cassette player, radio, music, centre, single, LP (album), cassette, DVD player, stereo, CD(compact disc). To do: Leisure and hobbies(you can also say: spare time or pastime,)Reading, photography, stamp collecting, model-building, palying cards, bridge, poker, etc., keeping pets: mice guiena pigs, gerbils etc. entertaining, amusing, fascinating, intersting, absorbing.Example: I would rather go to a trip than stay home.


Richards, Jack C.

Interchange Third Edition

Cambridge University Press


Jones, LeoIdeas Teacher´s bookCambridge University Press1994