U RIE B RONFENBRENNER EDUC – 605 Developmental Theorist Emma Spoon, Matt Jorgensen, Will Aguero.

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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Transcript of U RIE B RONFENBRENNER EDUC – 605 Developmental Theorist Emma Spoon, Matt Jorgensen, Will Aguero.


EDUC – 605 Developmental TheoristEmma Spoon, Matt Jorgensen, Will Aguero

B I O G R A P H Y• Urie Bronfenbrenner • Born: Soviet Union (Moscow) 1917• Moved to U.S. age 6

– Cornell – B.S. Psychology & Music – Harvard – Master’s Education – University of Michigan – Doctorate Developmental

Psychology– Military Psychologist WWII– Professor University of Michigan– Professor Cornell

• Developed Ecological Systems Theory• Helped create Head Start Program (1964-65)

– Counteract the effects of poverty on student learning

• Died: 2005, age 88


L E G A C Y• How we view a child who has difficulties in school has changed

• Appreciation for the effect that support systems have on helping children reach their full potential

• Acknowledgement of the shared responsibility that many have regarding the development of children and the creation of supportive systems

• Helped establish the "Head Start" program

• Taught a generation of social science researchers to look more broadly and inclusively at forces acting on children

Ecological Systems Theory

This EST identifies five environmental systems within which an individual interacts. It provides the framework that EST psychologists use to study the impacts of a range of relationships and institutions on individuals.


• the direct environment, relationships, and interactions in a child’s life

Mesosystem• interactions between the microsystems in

child’s life• connections between influences closest to the



• the larger social context surrounding community

• indirectly impacts child through their parents (work, social)


• actual culture of an individual• -cultural values, economic conditions, political

systems, lawsflow back through inner levels to influence the child


• unique influences on a child’s personal history • transitions and shifts in one’s lifespan• environmental events, social shifts

BioEcological Systems Theory• Recently renamed to emphasize

that a child's own biology is a primary environment fueling his/her development• Genetics

Bio-psychological System (You)

Create Your Cosmos

What You’ll Need• Marker• White Board• Childhood memories

Our Thoughts

Educational Implications

• Holistic or systems approach to teaching• Try to meet the needs of the child• The blame isn’t put on the child• Teaching the child a moral framework• A better understanding of the forces that

motivate student behavior

A Little Humor
