Types of Processors and RAM’s

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Transcript of Types of Processors and RAM’s

  • 7/29/2019 Types of Processors and RAMs



    Kunal -

    Sneha Nair -

    Rhea -

    Parag Phad - 41

  • 7/29/2019 Types of Processors and RAMs


    CPUAbbreviation ofcentral processingunit, and pronounced as separate letters. TheCPU is the brains of the computer. Sometimes referred to simply as the processor

    orcentral processor, the CPU is where most calculations take place. In terms of

    computing power, the CPU is the most important element of a computer system.On large machines, CPUs require one or more printed circuit boards. On personal

    computers and small workstations, the CPU is housed in a single chip called a



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    Basic CPU ComponentsThe CPU consists of

    The control unit which controls all operations of the computer system.

    The arithmetic and logic unit which performs arithmetic and logical operations. Arithmetic

    operations involve the general mathematical calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication

    and division. Logical operations involve comparisions like > < = etc.

    Registers which hold temporary data for a specific purpose or function.

    Interface which communicate with external memory, I/O units, and possibly other CPUs.


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    The rate of speed that the processor executes commands is measured by clock speed, or often

    called MHz (megahertz). The processor requires a fixed number of clock cycles to perform each

    instruction. The faster the clock speed, the more instructions it can execute. Thus resulting in a

    faster running computer system.


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    Name of CPU

    Intel Celeron

    Intel Pentium II

    Intel Pentium III

    Intel Pentium III Xeon

    Intel Pentium 4

    AMD K6-II

    AMD K6-III

    AMD Duron

    AMD Athlon K-7

    AMD Athlon XP

    Macintosh G3

    Macintosh G4

    CPU Speed

    500 MHz - 800 MHz

    233 MHz - 450 MHz

    450 MHz - 1 GHz

    600 MHz - 1 GHz

    1.4 GHz - 2 GHz

    550 MHz

    450 MHz

    750 MHz -850 MHz

    1 GHz - 1.33 GHz

    1.4 GHz - 1.8 GHz

    466 MHz - 733 MHz

    733 MHz

    Listed below are some of the more common processors and clock speed on the market today.


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    Obsolete CPUs1. Intel Celeron 266 - 533 MHz.2. Intel Pentium II 233 - 450 MHz

    3. AMD K6-2 266 - 550 MHz

    4. VIA Cyrix III 553 - 667 MHz5. AMD K6-3 400 and 450 MHz

    6. Cyrix MII

    7. Pentium

    8. AMD K6

    9. Cyrix 686


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    ARITHMETIC-LOGIC UNITThe arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) performs all

    arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction,

    multiplication, and division) and logic operations.

    Logic operations test various conditions encountered during

    processing and allow for different actions to be taken based on the


    The data required to perform the arithmetic and logical functions are

    inputs from the designated CPU registers and operands.

    The ALU relies on basic items to perform its

    operations. These include number systems, data routing

    circuits (adders/subtracters), timing, instructions,

    operands, and registers.


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    Typically, the ALU has direct input and output access to the

    processor controller, main memory (random access memory or

    RAM in a personal computer), and input/output devices.

    Inputs and outputs flow along an electronic path that is called abus.

    The input consists of an instruction word (sometimes called a

    machine instruction word) that contains an operation code

    (sometimes called an "op code"), one or more operands, andsometimes a format code.

    The operation code tells the ALU what operation to perform and the

    operands are used in the operation. (For example, two operands might be

    added together or compared logically.) The format may be combined with the

    op code and tells, for example, whether this is a fixed-point or a floating-pointinstruction. The output consists of a result that is placed in a storage registerand settings that indicate whether the operation was performed successfully.

    (If it isn't, some sort of status will be stored in a permanent place that is

    sometimes called the machine status word.)


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    Control Unit

    The control unit directs the entire computer system to carry out

    stored program instructions.The control unit must communicate with both the arithmetic logic

    unit and main memory.The control unit uses the instruction contained in the InstructionRegister to decide which circuits need to be activated.The control unit co-ordinates the activities of the other two units aswell as all peripheral and auxiliary storage devices linked to the

    computer.The control unit instructs the arithmetic logic unit which arithmetic

    operations or logical operation is to be performed.The control unit is literally in control.

    The control unit maintains order within the

    computer system and directs the flow of traffic (operations) and data.


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    How the CPU works

    The CPU is centrally located on the motherboard.

    Since the CPU carries out a large share of the workin the computer, data pass continually through it.The data come from the RAM and the units(keyboard, drives, etc.). After processing, the data issent back to the RAM and the units.

    The CPU continually receives instructions to beexecuted. Each instruction is a data processingorder. The work itself consists mostly of calculations

    and data transport.


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    The Instruction-Execution Cycle

    Many types of personal computers can execute instructions in

    less than one-millionth of a second; supercomputers can execute

    instructions in less than one-billionth of a second.

    The CPU performs four steps in executing an instruction:

    1. The control unit gets the instruction from memory.

    2. The control unit decides what the instruction means and directs

    the necessary data to be moved from the memory to thearithmetic logic unit.

    3. The arithmetic logic unit performs the actual operation on the


    4. The result of the operation is stored in memory or a register.

    The first two instructions make up what is called the instruction

    time. The last two instructions make up what is called the

    execution time. The combination of these two is called a machine


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    Each central processing unit has an internal clock (or system clock),

    which produces pulses at a fixed rate to synchronise all computer

    operations. A single machine cycle instruction is made up of a

    number of subinstructions, each of which must take at least one clockcycle.

    Each type of CPU is designed to understand a specific group of

    instruction called the instructionset.

    How the CPU finds Instructions and Data

    The location in memory for each instruction and each piece of data is

    identified by an address, or a number that stands for a location in thecomputer memory.

    An address may be compared to a mailbox in everyday life, except

    that the address can hold only one item - a fixed amount of data, a

    number or a word - at any one time. 12

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    The following is an example of a simple case of addingtwo numbers together and placing the result in a location

    X. The command executed is - Let X = N1 + N2.


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    The computer may contain several types of buses (all located on

    the motherboard). Some of the more common buses found are:

    CPU bus or 'system' bus.

    An address bus

    Memory bus

    I/O or Expansion Bus

    ISA Bus

    PCI BusMicro Channel Bus

    EISA Bus

    External Buses (Can have external cables connecting devices)

    SCSI BusPC Card Bus

    USB Bus


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    VARIOUS BUSES :The Processor Bus: This is the highest-level bus that the chipset uses to send

    information to and from the processor.

    The Cache Bus: Higher-level architectures, such as those used by the Pentium Pro and

    Pentium II, employ a dedicated bus for accessing the system cache. This is sometimescalled a backside bus. Conventional processors using fifth-generation motherboards and

    chipsets have the cache connected to the standard memory bus.

    The Memory Bus: This is a second-level system bus that connects the memory

    subsystem to the chipset and the processor. In some systems the processor and memory

    buses are basically the same thing.


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    The Local I/O Bus: This is a high-speed input/output bus used for connecting

    performance-critical peripherals to the memory, chipset, and processor. For example,

    video cards, disk storage devices, high-speed networks interfaces generally use a bus of

    this sort. The two most common local I/O buses are the VESA Local Bus (VLB) and the

    Peripheral Component Interconnect Bus (PCI).

    The Standard I/O Bus: Connecting to the above three buses is the "good old" standard

    I/O bus, used for slower peripherals (mice, modems, regular sound cards, low-speed

    networking) and also for compatibility with older devices. On almost all modern PCs

    this is the Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) bus.


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    All buses are located on the motherboard with the exception of the External

    buses. External buses connect to standard ISA or PCI expansion slots via a

    controller/adapter card. This card acts as an interface between the ISA/PCI bus

    architecture. The cables connected to the adapter/controller card are actually

    considered as the bus. Thus the 50 pin cable connecting SCSI devices to thecontroller is the actual bus.

    There is a new bus called the "Universal Serial Bus" that fits into this category.

    The difference is that this bus connects directly to the system bus on the



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    A th b d i th h i l t i t th t

  • 7/29/2019 Types of Processors and RAMs


    A motherboard is the physical arrangement in a computer that

    contains the computer's basic circuitry and components. On

    the typical motherboard, the circuitry is imprinted or affixed to

    the surface of a firm planar surface and usually manufactured

    in a single step.

    The computer components included in the motherboard are:

    The microprocessor

    (Optionally) coprocessorsMemory


    Expansion slots

    Interconnecting circuitry

    Additional components can be added to a motherboard

    through its expansion slots. The electronic interface between

    the motherboard and the smaller boards or cards in the

    expansion slots is called the bus.


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    A microprocessor is a computer processor on a microchip. It's sometimes called a logicchip.

    It is the "engine" that goes into motion when you turn the computer on. A microprocessor is

    designed to perform arithmetic and logic operations that make use of small number-

    holding areas called registers. Typical microprocessor operations include adding,

    subtracting, comparing two numbers, and fetching numbers from one area to another.

    These operations are the result of a set of instructions that are part of the microprocessor


    When the computer is turned on, the microprocessor is designed to get the first instruction

    from the basic input/output system (BIOS) that comes with the computer as part of itsmemory. After that, either the BIOS, or the operating system that BIOS loads into computer

    memory, or an application program is "driving" the microprocessor, giving it instructions to



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    MicrochipA microchip (sometimes just called a "chip") is a unit of packaged computer circuitry (usually called anintegrated circuit) that is manufactured from a material such as silicon at a very small scale.

    Microchips are made for program logic (logic or microprocessor chips) and for computer memory

    (memory or RAM chips).


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    CO-PROCESSORA special-purpose processing unit that assists the CPU in performing certaintypes of operations.

    For example, a math coprocessor performs mathematicalcomputations, particularly floating-point operations. Math

    coprocessors are also called numeric and floating-point


    Most computers come with a floating-point coprocessors builtin. Note, however, that the program itself must be written to

    take advantage of the coprocessor. If the program contains no

    coprocessor instructions, the coprocessor will never be

    utilized.In addition to math coprocessors, there are also graphics

    coprocessors for manipulating graphic images. These are

    often called accelerator boards.


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    MEMORYA computer requires a memory to store and retrieve instructions and data. Thereare a variety of storage devices including semiconductor memories and

    magnetic memories. Generally, the term memory refers to only the small

    integrated circuits called chips, which are used as a computer's internal



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    EXPANSION SLOTSAn opening in a computer where a circuit board can be inserted to add newcapabilities to the computer. Nearly all personal computers (except portables)contain expansion slots for adding more memory, graphics capabilities, and

    support for special devices. The boards inserted into the expansion slots are called

    expansion boards, expansion cards, cards , add-ins , and add-ons.


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