Types of documentaries

Post on 06-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Types of documentaries

Ashleigh Ravenscroft

Types of Documentaries

Fly On The Wall

A documentary where the camera is unseen and ignored, recording real life events as they unfold. The unobtrusive camera allows audiences to draw their own conclusions and their is little narration if non at all.

E.g. 'Big Brother' and 'Educating Essex'.

A documentary where there is a combination of interviews and narrations. They also have archive footage and material and could even contain actual footage. The narrator links everything together in order to advance the narrative and argument.

e.g. 'Born to Kill'



A documentary where the subject has full acknowledgement of the whereabouts of the camera e.g. talking directly towards the camera.

e.g. 'The Secret Millionaire'


A documentary that follows the lives of individuals and could be set within a community. It often is long running and gives descriptive detail about the characters and their own lives.

e.g. 'Big Fat Gypsy Wedding'


A documentary that features the re-enactment/ reconstruction of events/situations that have actually happened.

e.g. 'Crime Watch'

Reality TV

A factual documentary, that is also known as infotainment (information and entertainment).They usually contain surveillance, observation and commentaries.

e.g. 'Police Camera Action'

Fully Narrated

A documentary where an off screen voice over is used to create a visual aid and to create meaning, portraying its narrative. It allows the audience to have a greater understanding of the events that are being played out.

E.g. 'Planet Earth'