Types of dental radiographs in children

Post on 03-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Types of dental radiographs in children



Used primarily to detect interproximal caries,

occlusal caries that have penetrated into the

dentin, and possible caries under existingrestorations. - A bite-wing radiograph will show: • Surfaces involved• Depth of the lesion in relation to the

pulp• Presence or absence of certain

permanent teeth

Bite-wing Radiograph :

Periapical:Used primarily to detect both normal conditions,

and pathology involving the roots of the teeth and their

supporting structures

- A periapical radiograph will show :

• Furcation or apical involvement.

• Presence of calcified tissues.

• External root or bone resorption.

• Internal root resorbtion.

• Anomalies of the supporting bone and associated

structures (cysts, supernumary or ectopically erupting

teeth, etc.

Periapical View

Periapical View

Panoramic:Used primarily to provide baseline data

for growth and development, and to evaluate changes that are occurring over time.

- A Panoramic radiograph will show:• Presence or absence of permanent

teeth• Positions of the permanent teeth in

relation to the primary teeth• Evaluation of bony lesions and TMJ

Panoramic View

Reference :

Essentials of Dental Radiography and Radiology. 3 Ed, Whaites 2003