TX History Ch 18.5

Post on 20-May-2015

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Transcript of TX History Ch 18.5

Chapter 18: Texas & the Civil War

Section 5: The End of the War

The War Draws to a Close• Union forces move

into South after fall of Vicksburg and Gettysburg

• April 1864: Ulysses Grant takes command of Union army

• Robert E. Lee put on the defensive

Ulysses S. Grant

The War Draws to a Close

•General William T. Sherman is remembered for his deliberately destructive march through Georgia & the Carolinas.

William T. Sherman

The War Draws to a Close

• April 9, 1865: Robert E. Lee surrenders to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse,


Battle at Palmito Ranch• May 1865: word of

surrender reaches Texas

• Hundreds of soldiers leave for home

• General E. Kirby Smith urges soldiers to continue war

Edmund Kirby Smith

Battle at Palmito Ranch

•May 12, 1865: Union troops move inland towards Brownsville

•The last land battle of the war took place in Texas after Lee’s surrender at Appomattox.

Battle at Palmito Ranch

•Confederate & Union forces clash at Palmito Ranch

•Confederate troops win battle taking 100 Union prisoners

•Won the battle, but lost the war

Consequences of War

•620,000 Americans killed in Civil War

•Deadliest conflict in U.S. history

•90,000 Texans served in the Civil War

Consequences of War

•At the end of the war, Texas was in a state of political and economic collapse.

–Cotton trade had almost come to a stop

–State government officials fled to Mexico

Consequences of War•Emancipation Proclamation—decreed that slaves were free in areas rebelling under the United States

Emancipation Proclamation