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The Weekly Review

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interviewPeter wiLMOtH tALKS tO iAn DArLinG




StOnninGtOn & BOrOOnDArA

DECEMBER 5-11, 2012 DownloaD ouR fREE app!

AnD tHe winners are …

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T he days of my cherished short-trip ticket are numbered. Within one month, my happily purchased cardboard pass will no longer be

available to me, and will no longer be accepted.If I’m going to continue a lifetime of criss-crossing

this city by tram, I’m going to have to go Myki.Myki, yourki, theirki … it’s all cyber-Greek to me,

and I am clearly not the only one bewildered and more than a little grumpy about surely one of the most unwieldy, problem-plagued and derided integrated public transport ticketing systems ever created.

I do enjoy tuning in to the regular talkback segment on Jon Faine’s 774 morning program with public transport CEO Ian Dobbs.

I enjoy equally the barely controlled rage and frustration of the callers and the mild equanimity of the beleaguered boss – if some of these callers could actually get their hands on Dobbs I might not enjoy it so much.

What drives so many of public transport users wild is that we blew it.

For years, this city had Metcard, a reasonably well-functioning ticketing system that (finally) integrated all modes of transport across all zones.

But our great opportunity to install a seamless, modern digital ticketing system resulted in an error-riddled, overly complicated $1.52 billion blowout.

The many Myki hiccups and failures are too numerous to mention here, but the real misstep is one that is unfortunately all too obvious to even the most casual public transport user, and it’s the issue of comparison.

Any Melburnian who has passed even once through Immigration and Customs will have had experience

of another city’s public transport automated ticketing system.

And while none of us may be aware of the pitfalls and problems that city encountered in stitching it all together, the simple ability to compare is what exposes the Myki system to

ridicule and contempt – and that’s a political problem that neither side of politics has been able

to counter.It’s no London Oyster!It’s no Singapore EZ card!No, it’s not, and no ticketing system is truly like

any other around the world as they are all computer purpose-built for each city in question.

However, they all share common features – different transport modes, distance calculations, discounts and concessions, visitor and tourist requirements – which makes the complications of Myki all the more bewildering.

It is only very recently that Myki established a visitor

card, despite this being a major and well-known need in any public transport system. But, bewilderingly, it is currently only available in city locations.

If your Myki top-up fails, you have to mail it back to head office, and you can’t buy a casual ticket to use the system in the meantime – “remote unblocking”, as it’s known, won’t be available until some time next year.

Despite all the hard-earned experience of all the other systems around the world, these failings that defy parody are part of our system.

A state inquiry into the ticketing disaster has been told that the former Victorian Labor government failed to properly investigate other smartcard ticketing systems around the world when preparing to introduce Myki. This is bewildering because you would have thought that a round-the-world investigation would have been eagerly sought by parliamentarian, public servant and consultant alike.

Imagine if they had done their homework, and a city that is blessed with so much public transport could have creamed-off the best of all available options.

It’s only $1.5 billion of our money that they’ve blown – as the kids at budget-cut TAFEs will tell you, it’s no big deal. \

we welcome your feedback »

mouthing off



yourki, theirki … it’s all

cyber-Greek to me

Follow Virginia on Twitter @latrioli

Virginia Trioli is on leave from presenting ABC News Breakfast.









december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 3

WIN CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG, the most fantasmagorical stage musical in the

history of everything, flies into Melbourne's Her Majesty’s Theatre. There are sensational sets and classics such as Oscar-nominated title song Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Bookings through or 1300 795 012. TWR has two A Reserve tickets for opening night Wednesday, January 30, valued at $211.80.

Q. Whose face forms the entrance to Luna Park?

Stonnington & boroondara

Published by Metro Media Publishing Pty Ltd (ACN 141 396 741). All

material is copyright and The Weekly Review endorses the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance’s “Code of Conduct”. Responsibility for election comment is accepted by Antony Catalano, 113-115 York Street, South Melbourne, 3205. All significant errors will be corrected as quickly as possible. Distribution numbers, areas and coverage are estimates only. For our terms and conditions, please visit

EdiTOR \ EiLEEn BERRy 9020 5350

WRiTERs \ FRAnCEsCA CARTER & JO dAvy 9020 5357 9020 5354 PROPERTy EdiTOR \ MARiA HARRis 9020 5358 GEnERAL MAnAGER \ EdiTORiAL, sALEs & MARkETinG \ TREnT CAssOn PuBLisHER \ AnTOny CATALAnO

TWR disTRiBuTiOn \ 115,000 copies

disTRiBuTiOn \ 1800 032 472

our cover \Luna Park photographed by Craig Sillitoe

For your chance to win, go to and answer the questions before midnight on Sunday, December 9. Entrants must be over 18 years old and reside in Victoria. See our competition T&Cs for more details.Congratulations to the following winners from november 21: Leah Bermingham, Helene London, Frank Bront, Emily Dunbar, Ayontika Paul, Leema Murnane.All winners must contact: within seven days of notification regarding collection of their prizes.Prizes other than ticketed events will need to be collected from The Weekly Review, 113-115 York Street, South Melbourne.

WIN A TWR reader has the chance to win a Turnbull

Bros Orchards Cherry Connoisseur Box, valued at $79.95, which includes 2.7kg of extra-large, freshly harvested cherries and the choice of four locally produced dark-chocolate treats, delivered in a gorgeous insulated wooden gift box. For a beautiful and unique gift, place orders early to guarantee supply; Christmas

and corporate gifts available to order now.

Q. Who is captain of the south African cricket Test team?

Visit us @ Like us on Facebook Follow TWR on Twitter @theweeklyreview

WIN Two lucky TWR readers can win Hallmark prize packs valued at $158, including the new

Jingle and Bell Husky puppies – two of the characters in Hallmark’s line of Interactive Story Buddies™, which feature books and plush characters with voice-recognition technology. Key phrases prompt the plush character to react with sounds and comments that change with each

Q. On which date does Luna Park celebrate its birthday?

WortH $158

WortH $211

WIN OVO by Cirque du Soleil premieres in Melbourne on January 17. OVO,

meaning “egg” in Portuguese, is a headlong rush into a colourful ecosystem teeming with life, where insects work, eat, crawl, flutter, play, fight and look for love in a non-stop riot of energy and movement. The cast of OVO features 54 performing artists from 16 countries. TWR is giving away a double pass to the 8pm show on Tuesday, January 22, valued at $208. Tickets are on sale at

Q. in which suburb is Luna Park?

WortH $208

WortH $80

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 5

6 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

cover story

luna parkCraig sillitoe

revisits the iCon

O ne hundred years ago children were not entertained by hand-held computer games. They did not listen to iPods filled with music. Teenagers did not text on mobile devices and update on Facebook, but 100 years ago

Melbourne was entertained by Luna Park. On December 13, Luna Park celebrates its 100th birthday. I don’t know whether Mr Moon will receive a letter from the Queen but there’ll definitely be celebrations.

Many of us have childhood memories of Luna Park. It seemed so much bigger then but just as much fun – coloured flashing lights in every direction, kids running from ride to ride and parents trying to keep up.

I wanted to photograph Luna Park like that, the way I remember it from childhood. Big, bright, colourful and buzzing with movement, with whirling rides beckoning, offering to launch us into space and then hanging us upside down to dry out. So I focused my camera on the colour and movement of Luna Park at night. I used long exposures to show what it looks like if we slow down and let the colours move; I went to the top of the ferris wheel to capture the view; and I photographed a family in front of the famous face with glittering lights.

I don’t know what kids would have thought of iPods in 1912 but I’m pretty sure they loved Luna Park just as they do now. \


december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 7

I ’ve just been to the hardware shop to buy some non-slip paint for the pavers in our backyard. I needed to do this because the other adult in this house fell over last week on these

pavers and broke his ankle. He also tore a ligament away from the bone. Oh, and there’s a bit of stray cartilage floating around inside him somewhere, apparently.

All his fault, too.He’d just painted the pavers in high-gloss and was giving

them a quick hose, which made them slippery. He said he was completely stationary, but for some reason only the universe will ever know, his leg went one way and his ankle another.

We don’t do things by halves over here. We don’t sprain or graze or bruise, we fracture and break and need surgery, and we usually do such things just before a major family birthday party or the house is being auctioned.

And we’re also not so good at learning from our mistakes.The broken ankle is serious gardening incident No. 3. He broke his

arm falling out of a green wheely bin just over 12 months ago, after climbing on top of it to squash down all the autumn leaves.

Apparently everyone partakes in this dangerous gardening activity all the time. And two years ago, he slipped a disc carrying rocks from one part of our garden to another, a chore most rational people might logically deduce could also be done just as efficiently with the aid of a wheelbarrow.

That little injury took about 12 months of physiotherapy and rendered him useless and couch-bound every day from 4pm.

I guess, if you are going to have a serious injury, you may as well do it with impact and impeccable timing.

A mate told me her partner fell off his bike just before Christmas last year, and had to have a pin put in his collarbone, which meant the whole family couldn’t go away on holiday.

And – news just in – I’ve just run into her and

she told me she’d spent the day in the hospital emergency because he again fell off his bike, this

time just with some serious grazes and a lump on his head. And, OK, he was trying to avoid a little kid who jumped out in front of him.

But, please, one of their kids was sick at home that day and it was meant to be her first day back in the office after a long hiatus.

Timing, man.And so now, for me, just three weeks before

Christmas, which is of course the busiest time of the year, I have a patient in the house who cannot walk,

work, drive, cook, shop or wash dishes.Is it wrong of me to be a bit cross about all this?

He may well be in a fair bit of pain and need to be chauffered from one orthopaedic surgeon to another,

but, you know, what about me?I’m running around like a headless chook trying to get

everyone fed and clothed and to piano and swimming, and he has the gumption to ask me to pick up season six of Seinfeld on the way home.

Uncaring, unsympathetic and a little bit peed off I may be, but I have had a long, hard talk to myself.

And, seriously, he may not be able to get up to put his dishes in the sink or make his own coffee in the morning, but he can work up enough energy to get to the freezer and put ice-cream into a bowl.

Twice in one afternoon, in fact, and all in between Seinfeld episodes. And the noises. Do those groans of

man-pain at 3am really help? \

we welcome your feedback

Do those groans of

man-pain at 3am really




/ TH




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8 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

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Curious Goose307 Sydney Road, Brunswick

Phone \ 9380 8287Barista \ Beau FieldCoffee \ Industry BeansBarista’s choice \ Three-quarter caffe latteOpen \ Daily 8am-4pm»

Goose-feather-grey floor tiles and cabinets, a black banquette and unfussy timber furniture keep the backdrop simple at this streetfront café, which is given ambience by dark blinds across its wide front windows. There’s a proud red La Marzocco espresso machine at the coffee-sack-lined barista’s station and a red-painted “Curious?” sign over the entrance to restaurant Hava Gander next door.

Lend or borrow a book from the swapping shelf, check out the collection of pre-loved espresso-machine group handles, chuckle at the quaint timber goose mascot and admire the four bell-shaped antique light fittings that grace the front counter. \

CaFÉ Business partners Robin Neaves and Beau Field

knew they would be challenged when they opened their café on Sydney Road four months ago.

“It’s a big site. But we could see it had so much potential,” Field says.

The solution was a daytime café and a night-time restaurant next door. It’s the first ownership venture for Field and the eighth for Neaves, whose business ventures have included Residential Kitchen in Lygon Street and Leroy’s Café in Newport.

Field was the head barista and manager at Residential Kitchen for a year and says the pair “clicked” from the beginning.

“We’ve approached our partnership a bit like a football game,” he says. “What happens in service stays in service, just as long as our customers are happy.”

Neave is in charge of the kitchen during the day, handing over to Field at night. Together they’ve created a lively, mod-OZ daytime menu with breakfast dishes, such as Turkish baked eggs with spicy sucuk sausage and beyaz peynir (sheep’s milk) cheese, and an open omelet with wood-roasted corn, goat’s cheese and beetroot relish.

At lunch, there’s a Mexican tuna cob salad loaded with avocado, black beans and manchego, or soft-shell tacos with

tender fillings such as pulled pork or refried beans.

barista “When I left Melbourne to

live in the UK for four years, good coffee was hard to come by,” Field says. “But by the time I came back, things had changed. It was tough to find a barista job. I started working weekend shifts for Rob and never looked back.”

Field is a self-taught barista who spent his first four years in hospitality training under Jacques Reymond at Arintji from early 2000.

Curious Goose uses coffee roasted by Fitzroy-based Industry Beans, operated by the owners of Penny Farthing Café in Northcote.

“We were looking for an independent supplier and had tried lots of brands of coffee, but we liked their service and their product,” Field says.

“Our exclusive Duck’s Nuts blend has beans from Indonesia, Brazil and Costa Rica. It’s perfect for people who just love coffee and don’t want something that’s ‘in your face’.”

The café offers a weekly single-origin bean and always has a cold-drip brew on offer – perhaps a Finca Las Rosas from Guatemala, with a lingering palate of dark toffee and figs. \



n T




To read more reviews visit


december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 9

Yering Station Little Yering Yarra Valley

Pinot Noir 2011

$1499each across any 6 wines

Single bottle $16.66

La Boheme Act Three Yarra Valley Pinot Gris

& Friends 2012

$1699each across any 6 wines

Single bottle $18.88

Oakridge Over The Shoulder Yarra Valley

Chardonnay 2011

$1699each across any 6 wines

Single bottle $18.88

Dominique Portet Fontaine

Rosé 2012

$1999each across any 6 wines

Single bottle $22.21

Coldstream Hills Yarra Valley

Chardonnay 2012

$2499each across any 6 winesSingle bottle $27.77

De Bortoli Yarra Valley

Pinot Noir 2010

$2999each across any 6 wines

Single bottle $33.32

Located less than an hour from Melbourne, the Yarra is essentially a cool and hilly region of sweeping expanses, set against a picture-perfect backdrop of blue-tinted mountains. The diverse microclimates, soils, aspects and altitudes of the Yarra lend it to an arsenal of wine styles spanning everything from delicate bubbles to elegant Pinot Noir. While warmer, lower sites of the region are suited toward full-bodied reds, winemakers are increasingly looking to the cool slopes of the Upper Yarra for Chardonnay and Pinot Noir.

Explore the YARRA VALLEY

Established in 1996, Yarrabank is an exciting collaboration between Champagne Veuve

A. Devaux and Yering Station. Following the traditional methods of Champagne their portfolio is now recognised as one of Australia’s top sparkling wine labels. The fruit for the vintage cuvée is sourced from the Upper Yarra Valley and has lovely citrus blossom and plum fruit on the nose with subtle spice highlighting the ripe fruit and yeast development. The palate delivers richness with plum and ripe apple fruit leading the charge finishing with a fine line of racy acidity and minerality.


Your local wine expert

Andrew PetersenVintage Cellars Toorak 481 Toorak Road 9826 1476

If Toorak's not your local store, come and see the wine experts at one of these stores:-

Prices available only for products in the multiples specified to 4/12/12, for one week only, or until stocks last. The Weekly Review exclusive reader offer is only available at Vintage Cellars Toorak, Kew, Malvern, Ashburton or Hawthorn. Savings based on the lowest regular selling prices nationally. Retail limits may apply. In store purchases under Licence no: 32006002. If no half dozen price is specified, no further discount is available on the product multiple shown. 317995_0512_VC_TWR_01

In over 13 years in wine retailing Toorak’s manager, Andrew Petersen, has amassed considerable knowledge and experience including a Bachelor of Viticultural Management from Latrobe and an Advanced Certificate from the world renowned Wines Spirit Education Trust. Andrew is passionate about helping you find your next favourite wine, so drop in to meet Andrew and the team at the Vintage Cellars Toorak.

KEW 181-183A High Street 9852 9510 Daniel JoyceHAWTHORN 673-681 Glenferrie Road 9815 0910 Steve Rewse-Bongers

MALVERN 160-162 Glenferrie Road 9509 6833 Nigel HutchingsASHBURTON 261 High Street 9885 1609 Mark Duncan

Yarrabank Vintage Cuvée 2008

$2999each across any six

Single bottle$33.32

Duck breast on polenta

with grilleD prawns

eat this


snapper fillet

W hat does it take to put a nondescript suburban shopping strip on Melbourne’s culinary map? A big-name chef? Multimedia attention? Or

just grateful locals – who tell their friends?Is it design? Food? Attitude? Or all of the above? Plus

a bit of X-factor?This four-month-old Euro-inspired restaurant could

be the litmus test, the tangible evidence that diners in the south are just as interested in trendy eating joints with a bit of style and flair as their northern, Smith Street-blessed cousins.

The design element is stunning – The Way to San Jose is co-owned by Orio Randi of Arteveneta design company, a craftsman who has built furniture for Melbourne restaurants including Vue de Monde, Neapoli, Izakaya Den, Josie Bones and The Commons in Sydney. He has hand-built the furniture, welded the windows, created the leadlight and turned the pepper grinders and timber serving boards that grace the finely sanded tables.

Randi’s partner, Emma Clarke, doesn’t have a background in hospitality – she’s worked in retail and finance – but she’s a driving force, a design sounding board and an avid manager of the restaurant’s waste, which is composted and recycled with zeal.

Clarke’s grandmother had lived in the area for 66 years and Clarke discovered the building in McKinnon Road up for lease while taking her to the hairdresser. She convinced Randi to take the plunge.

The Italian-centric food is in the capable hands of Andrea Mantesi, ex-Fratelli Paradiso in Sydney’s Potts Point and one of the founders of South Yarra’s iconic Caffé e Cucina. Mantesi has created a menu that shouts here and now, but carries an undertone of classic flavours and techniques.

The menu, written in Italian so there’s no doubt of its origins, offers broad dining choices from sharing plates and antipasti to pizza, pasta, risotto and substantial mains. It’s priced at a point just short of alienating regular local custom – $32-$38 mains that almost beg for $8-$12 sides, saved by sharing options and $13-$23 pizzas.

There’s a short, spunky wine list that’s rock-solid with Victorian offerings and spiced up with a few interesting European choices. About 50 per cent are by the glass.

San Jose (it’s bound to be shortened) is part diner, part drinks-at-the-bar and part pre- or post-meal snack spot. It’s open for after-work drinks, early family dinners and late long-nighters.

Nibble on a plate of plump crumbed, fried green olives filled with goat’s cheese (ours were a little overdone), perhaps washed down with a glass of Willow Creek chardonnay, or perhaps some fabulous charry prawns wrapped in crisp pancetta and served on slices of oven-crisped kipfler potato with a glass of Italian prosecco.

Also on the cicchetti list were some soft, moist cubes of polenta topped with delicate slices of carefully roasted duck breast. Choose, too, from the arancini of the day, or salted cod croquettes to create your own combo, or go all The Way to San Jose, with the lot.

Our selection arrived on a handcrafted wooden board, decorated with tiny, super-sweet roasted tomatoes and smeared with a dark, sticky vincotto.

Traditional wood-fired Naples-style pizza bases are offered with classic toppings – bianca, margherita, calabrese – and arrive as complimentary bread. There was also a raspberry and white-chocolate pizza on the dessert menu, but it wasn’t a hit.

Mains are created from carefully sourced local ingredients – pork belly from Happy Valley in Wandin, Sher wagyu from Ballan and bay-caught snapper.

The 12-hour slow-roasted pork belly was presented with dollops of finely textured, caramelised apple sauce and pan-fried gnocchi. The meat was excellent, its skin well crisped, but the pasta had too high a flour ratio for my liking and was heavy and slightly dry.

The snapper arrived in three pieces, each about the size of a child’s palm. It was cooked with care and

given an edge with not quite enough of a very fine red bell-pepper emulsion.

The wagyu, served with roasted rosemary and garlic-enhanced potatoes, was a very fine piece of eye fillet, but slightly overcooked.

I can’t vouch for all of the desserts, although a neighbouring table’s large wedge of tiramisu and chocolate-wrapped pavlova made that raspberry pizza seem even more disappointing.

Most of the elements to success are present at San Jose. The considerate, attentive staff, concerned at any food left on plates and eager to talk about the interior design, added to a pleasant experience.

I’m not certain of the X-factor, but hopefully it will emerge. \

to reaD more reviews visit

pork bellY







At first glance, this spacious, trattoria-style suburban restaurant seems broody, hardly befitting its cheeky, Dionne Warwick late-1960s inspired moniker. But the soft jewel tones of the antique light fittings, the custom leadlight and the rows of reclaimed ’70s tiles draw the eye. Dark hand-built timber tables, bar stools, shelving and herringbone-patterned timber floors have been created with a craftsman’s hands and a designer’s eye. Frosted, metal-framed windows and painted brickwork highlight the old building’s original charm, while a bohemian courtyard completes the package. \

The Way to San Jose. 135 McKinnon Road, McKinnon

Cuisine \ Modern Italian Chef \ Andrea MantesiPrices \ Share plates $15-$32; mains $19-$38; desserts $11Open \ Wednesday to Sunday 3pm-latePhone \ 9578 6550 » VerdiCT \ Put on your list

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 11


Prices available only for products in the multiples specified to 4/12/12, for one week only, or until stocks last. The Weekly Review exclusive reader offer is only available at Vintage Cellars Toorak, Kew, Malvern, Ashburton or Hawthorn. Savings based on the lowest regular selling prices nationally. Retail limits may apply. In store purchases under Licence no: 32006002. If no half dozen price is specified, no further discount is available on the product multiple shown. 317995_0512_VC_TWR_02


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Stoneleigh Marlborough

Sauvignon Blanc 2011

$1299each across any 6 wines

Single bottle $14.43

Saint Cosme Côtes du Rhône


$1699each across any 6 wines

Single bottle $18.88

Peter Lehmann Futures Barossa

Shiraz 2008/2009

$1899each across any 6 winesSingle bottle $21.10

Florian Mollet Sancerre 2011

$2199each across any 6 wines

Single bottle $24.43

Fraser Gallop Margaret River

Chardonnay 2011

$2499each across any 6 winesSingle bottle $27.77

St Hallett Blackwell Barossa

Shiraz 2010

$2999each across any 6 wines

Single bottle $33.32

Offer valid from 5/12/12 – 11/12/12 while stocks last. Limit of one redemption per customer. Limit of 2 bottles per customer. No further discounts. The Weekly Review exclusive reader offer is only available at Vintage Cellars Brighton, Brighton East, Sandringham, South Melbourne, Albert Park or Port Melbourne.

Talented young winemaker Barney

Flanders has produced a stellar line-up of wines from the 2011 vintage, which we just can’t resist featuring! Cleverly sourced fruit, in this case from a tiny site in Mornington’s Red Hill subdistrict (littered with Red Ferrosol and Ironstone soils), most evidently contribute to this little bit of Pinot heaven with its generously fruit flavoured, spice scented and savoury structured nature. Only 180 cases produced so be very quick!

Garagiste Red Hill Pinot Noir 2011



In 1975 Nat White took a leap of faith when he and wife Rosalie planted pinot noir and chardonnay vines on a plot of land at Mornington Peninsula’s

Main Ridge.“I don’t recall an Australian chardonnay or pinot noir

that we’d drunk before we planted our vines. Pinot noir and chardonnay were almost unheard of at the time [in Australia],” White says.

“There was a fair amount of pinot noir planted in Australia, but that was mainly for sparkling wine. I can’t recall anyone planting pinot noir or chardonnay in Victoria at the time.”

Hedging their bets, the Whites planted a range of grapes on their land, which included pinot noir, pinot meunier, chardonnay, riesling, traminer and cabernet sauvignon – the grapes of French regions Burgundy and Bordeaux.

“If you look at the climates of Burgundy and Bordeaux they’re fairly similar and we thought we were somewhere in the middle,” White says.

“It was a matter of trying the different varieties and seeing what worked.”

The Whites weren’t the first people to plant vines on the Mornington Peninsula – that honour goes to Baillieu Myer, who, three years earlier, had planted vines on his multipurpose farm – but they were the first to plant vines on what would be a dedicated winery.

In the early days, it was White’s Main Ridge cabernet sauvignon, rather than his now highly regarded pinot noir, that gained all the attention, achieving success in local wine shows.

“That initial cabernet was thin and weedy, but it was considered to be fashionable. It led me in the wrong way for a while,” he says.

“The 1983 pinot noir – it would have been our fourth vintage – was promising. I remember thinking at the time that it was better than the cabernet. NAT whiTE

Quealy 17 Rows Pinot Noir 2010(Mornington Peninsula) $50; 13%★★★★

From 17 rows of vines planted in 1982 near Balnarring – among the oldest surviving pinot noir plantings on the peninsula. It’s a far cry from the delicate pinot noirs you often find on the Mornington Peninsula, with bold, perfumed aromas of plums, cherries and spice leading to juicy sour cherry, dark berry and savoury flavours. But it’s a delightful pinot noir nevertheless. Its structure is a highlight, with good balance, grippy tannins and length to burn.

Food match \ Steak tartare

Eldridge Estate PTG(Mornington Peninsula) $25; 13%★★★★ ½

This is the second release of Eldridge Estate’s 50/50 blend of gamay and pinot noir. Both have been rippers. Unfined, unfiltered with only a tiny amount of sulphur dioxide preservative added, this is vibrant in colour and vibrant in flavour. It’s loaded with perfumed red berries, cherry, plum, spice and fresh-cut flowers. It’s fresh and juicy, with fine powdery tannins and fabulous length. The 2011 sold out quickly, with restaurants snapping it up, so go to and get in quick.

Food match \ Roast chicken with tarragon

Crittenden Estate Pinot Noir 2010(Mornington Peninsula) $34; 13.5%★★★★ ½

The grapes that made this pretty, perfumed wine come from a vineyard planted with some of Australia’s oldest multi-clone pinot noir vines. These mature vines, with a range of characteristics, thanks to their varying DNA, have helped produce a wine bursting with cherry, plum, raspberry, spice, smoke and earth aromas and flavours. Well-used, quality oak barrels have played their supporting role well. Incredibly smooth, it glides along the tongue with finesse, finishing with a light grip and lengthy, savoury, cherry and plum flavours.

Food match \ Grilled five-spice quail

Paringa Estate Estate Pinot Noir 2009(Mornington Peninsula) $60; 14%★★★★★

Layered, complex aromas of dark cherry and plum – Paringa Estate pinot hallmarks – raspberry, spice and earth, with some high-quality oak to provide a lift, are a delight. There’s elegance to the bold, intense flavours, featuring more cherry and plum, with pips as well, and rhubarb leading to a fine structure – one of the wine’s many highlights. Silky smooth, with zippy, mineral acidity and firm, fine-grained tannins, the wine fans out as it flows along the tongue to deliver a rich, long finish.

Food match \ Roast duck

5★ Outstanding 4★ Really good 3★ Good

2★ OK ★ Not worth it

Follow Ben @senorthomas

bolD fiNEssE

vibRANT ComplEx

TAsTE This

Pick of the weekGaragiste Red Hill Pinot Noir 2011(Mornington Peninsula) $45; 13.5% ★★★★ ½

I’ve tried this twice (in a random line-up and by itself) and been impressed both times. Perfumed, layered aromas of cherry flesh and pips, strawberry, cinnamon, Chinese five-spice and lifted stalk notes are a delight. It’s elegant, with good weight to the intense savoury cherry, plum, spice flavours. Smooth as silk, nicely structured, with a sour cherry-flavoured acid that works well with fine-grained tannins.Food match \ Ocean trout with braised lentils

“The early success of pinot noir and chardonnay here persuaded many people to have a go. We had early success with chardonnay, that was easy, and we had much better consistency with chardonnay. It was much harder to get the pinot noir viticulture right.”

Following in White’s footsteps is a who’s who of the Mornington Peninsula: Brian Stonier, who set up Stonier Wines, Lindsay McCall of Paringa Estate and Moorooduc Estate’s Richard McIntyre. David Lloyd, at Eldridge Estate, also played a big part in those early days through his breeding of bacteria for malolactic fermentation, a key process in wine stabilisation.

In not much more than 30 years, the Mornington Peninsula has become one of Australia’s, and the new world’s, best cool-climate wine regions.

“To me, the fascinating thing when I look back is how little we, and Australia, knew about chardonnay and pinot noir. Chardonnay is so common now that you’d think we’ve known about it for centuries,” White says.

The peninsula’s founding fathers, along with new-world pinot noir pioneers from around the globe, will be the focus of next year’s Mornington Peninsula International Pinot Noir Celebration, a two-day conference on this marvellous grape on February 8-9.

At the RACV’s Cape Schanck Resort on Sunday, February 10, more than 40 Mornington Peninsula wineries, plus specialist pinot producers from around the world, will be showcasing their wines and running Burgundy masterclasses. At $120 a ticket, it’s a great Christmas idea for the pinot lover in your life. Both events are open to the public. \ »

Ben Thomas stayed as a guest of Peppers Moonah Links on the Mornington Peninsula.(A






december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 13



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M elanie Katsalidis is an RMIT jewellery graduate who opened her own business in Fitzroy a few years ago before moving to the city in 2010 to

an architecturally sculpted space her dad helped design. Nonda Katsalidis is the director of the Fender Katsalidis

firm – the people behind the contemporary flair of the Ian Potter Museum of Art at the University

of Melbourne, MONA Pavilions in Tasmania and the Richmond Silos.

Pieces of Eight feels like a chic city gallery and it’s from here that Melanie

Katsalidis does business. It’s all about featuring the talented works of emerging jewellers (there’s more than 20 involved here) and bringing a fresh voice to an otherwise old-school craft.

“What I have always tried to do is select a fresh voice, bring a different perspective and different idea about narrative and storytelling in the jewellers we represent,” Katsalidis says.

“Everyone is very individual and their work reflects this. Each display in the store is like a mini exhibition. We have additional pieces of their work that sit in the drawers below the display and try not to create too much confusion.”

Katsalidis enjoys mixing business with her own pursuit of jewellery design. She returned to making pieces herself in April this year, which she describes as pure geometry and stepping back to essential forms. When you look at her work, you can see exactly what she means – clean lines, neat finishes and superb balance.

“My work is strong, bold and very contemporary classic

fashion \ jane rocca PUTS THe PIeceS ToGeTHer WITH jeWeLLer MeLanIe KaTSaLIDIS

sian Edwards nEcklacE \ $740

BElinda EspErson BanglE \ $690

design,” she says. “Because I don’t have much time these days, when I do, I prefer to work with precious stones and make engagement rings and pieces women will wear every day.”

Katsalidis likens herself to a bowerbird – her workspace cluttered with colour. Yet, when it comes to her own

jewellery design, she is able to cull back and keep the work simplified. “I love balance. I have an eclectic space where I live and work, but when I make

jewellery I like to pull it back to its essence.”As far as working with her architect father,

Katsalidis says the city space wasn’t the first time they had collaborated. “It’s a pretty special connection to have a project to work on together,” she says. “Dad has also helped me with my warehouse studio and home in Fitzroy, which is now where Edition X exists.”

The Fitzroy gallery and studio space, which launched last year – known as Edition X –is a concept shop where jewellery is also available for purchase. “It’s about connecting the client to the artist and showing new works.”

At Pieces of Eight (an old Spanish coin from the late 15th century), Katsalidis

keeps herself even busier by hosting monthly exhibitions and an annual group show.

“I curate the shows, so you could say between that and my business I’m pretty damn busy,” she says. \


ThE lookEdgoosE ring & Box \ $1870

14 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

Melanie Katsalidis (suppl



British brand Thomas Pink finally arrives in Australia to set up a shop on Collins Street on December 19. It’s here that the 18th-century London tailor will lure men and women to his eclectic and high-end mix of suiting, shirts, tailoring, knitwear and accessories.357 Collins Street, Melbourne


Time got a whole lot more eco-friendly with these adorable wooden watches by We Wood. No artificial or toxic material is used, just an earthy wooden finish that comes in men’s and women’s Must-have

Diana Ferrari’s summer dress collection references all the gracious moments that got us hooked on the 1950s revival in the first place. The brand takes a modern leap with this wedge sandal – buttery leather strap meets aqua

style file



december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 15

T he Weekly Review’s Beauty Scribe page has, over three years, grown in popularity and I am very humbled by your support, encouragement and enthusiasm.

It has a strong following of people from all walks of life.The email inbox is constantly chockers with queries, suggestions, ideas

and cries for help.Without your active participation, I would not be able to do my job as

efficiently and effectively.You challenge, excite and inform me. Gone are the days where the person

penning the page holds all the answers.I do not believe in dictating the do’s and don’ts about beauty.I prefer more of a conversation and the sharing of passions and, in some

cases, obsessions.Over the course of the year I have tallied your responses and input on

all the products that have been featured in these pages along with price, packaging, ingredients, ease of use, cost per use and results.

From that and with my discretion I’ve come up with this year’s winners in The Weekly Review beauty awards. They reflect your support and love and also reaffirm that if a product is good, people will flock to it.

This year’s winners offer some surprises, but overall the list confirms that beauty novices and aficionados are proud, active and ready to be called up for beauty duty – just show them the products. \

To read more reviews visit

2012 beauty awardsBeauTy ScriBe

BeST FacemoiSTuriSer

BeSTeye cream


BeSTBody cream

lust \ La Mer The Moisturizing Lotion (50ml, $365) – it astounds me that those who have tried this silent sister to the famed cream get so hooked. As one reader exclaims, “It really, really works.”

lust \ Menscience Ultralight Eye Rescue (22ml, $71) – just brilliant.

must \ Avado Certified Organic Face Cream (75ml, $14.99) – one of the best budget face creams around.

must \ Aveeno Positively Radiant Eye Illuminator (15ml, $19.99).

dhav naidu gives you his best of the best

lust \ Philosophy Purity Made Simple Foaming 3-in-1 Cleansing Gel for Face and Eyes (225ml, $30).

must \ L’Oréal Revitalift Cleansing Milk (200ml, $13.95).

lust \ Lancôme Visionnaire Advance Skin Corrector (30ml, $92) – without a doubt the super product of the year. Consumers have flocked to this.

must \ Yes To Blueberries Age Refresh Intensive Skin Repair serum (30ml, $29.95) – beauty with a conscience.


lust \ Nuxe Rêve de Miel Ultra-Nourishing Lip Balm (15ml, $19.95) – everyone needs a tub of this.

must \ Burt’s Bees Honey Lip Balm (4.25g, $6.95) – soothes and calms the lips and the hip pocket.

BeSTlip Balm

lust \ Dr Hauschka Lemon Lemongrass Body Moisturizer (145ml, $45) – light, moisturising and feels absolutely fantastic.

must \ Garnier Body Intensive 7 Days Hydrating Gel-Lotion (400ml, $6.95).

16 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

best skincareroduct

best sHaVinGroduct

Lust \ L’Occitane Shea Butter Hand Cream (150ml, $39) – pure luxury.

Must \ Nivea Hand Anti-Age Control Creme Q10 Plus (75ml, $4.37).

best HandcreaM

best HandbaG

Must-HaVebest nail

colour range

STOCKIST » Avado \ Benefit \ selected Myer Clinique, Lancôme, YSL, Valentino, Giorgio Armani \ Myer/David Jones La Mer \ L’Oréal Paris, Garnier, Australis, Aveeno \ selected pharmacies and Priceline Jack Black \ ManeNocte \ MenScience \, (02) 9634 5541 Nars \ Orly \ Sax cosmetics \ Tom Ford \ selected David Jones E.L.F. Studio \

WInto win everything on this page, yes you read right – everything,

go to

and post a comment on why you like the beauty scribe pages, what product/brand you think

should have been included and lastly why should you

win this incredible prize worth $2000

Lust \ Becca Cosmetics Ultimate Colour Gloss SPF 15 ($42).

Lust \ Yves Saint Laurent Le Teint Touche Éclat ($78) – my current favourite.

Must \ Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundation ($19.95).

Lust \ Benefit They’re Real Mascara ($38).

Must \ Australis Voluptulash Mascara ($10.95).

best Mascara

best bLusH

best Lip coLour


Lust \ Nars Orgasm Blush ($45) – just perfect, it has been topping lists around the world for a few years now.

Must \ E.L.F. Studio Blush Twinkle Pink ($9.99).

M.A.C. Cosmetics Blot Powder ($36) – hands down the most admired gushed-about make-up product of the year.

Clinique Skin Supplies for Men Dark Spot Corrector (30ml, $92) – for guys this is the one-stop shop of beauty products … it does just about everything except take out the rubbish.


Jack Black Beard Lube Conditioning Shave with Jojoba and Eucalyptus (177ml, $19.95) – shaving never looked this good or easy.

Valentina by Valentino eau de parfum (50ml, $109)

best WoMen’s


best Men’s


best uniseX


Tom Ford Private Blend Range (50ml, $290).

Giorgio Armani Acqua Di Gio Essenza eau de parfum (75ml, $125).

breakoutbrand oF tHe Year Must \ Sax Rich Lip Colour

Lipstick ($14.95) – packed with colour and lip-soothing ingredients.

Mane Nocte Day and Night cream (50g, $120 each) – uncomplicated, super innovative, thought provoking and brilliant.


best Foundation

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 17


I an Darling’s magnificent obsession with Paul Kelly has resulted in a long journey towards an understanding of this great artist and, after 2½ years working on this project, Darling has made a beautiful and strangely moving film.

I wondered why I found it so moving. It wasn’t just the stories from Kelly’s songs that gripped me, it was my journey with them. They are part of my DNA. They are – yes, in that oft-used description – the soundtrack to my youth, and that of many of my peers.

Maybe I wanted my youth back. Maybe I wished I could write a Paul Kelly song. Anyone who ever wrote a sentence for money or came to master three chords on a guitar must surely wish that. Kelly has struck a massive chord for a generation, and now Darling, a former Melburnian, has put that life on the screen, or at least Darling’s interpretation of it.

I went to Sydney to meet the man brave enough to tackle the Kelly story. In his Shark Island Productions office Darling speaks of two of his great loves – making documentaries and music – and Kelly’s in particular – to produce a passion project called Paul Kelly: Stories of Me (the name is borrowed from a Kelly song).

He first became interested in Kelly’s music and life in the early 1980s. “I remember being a big Countdown watcher, it would have been (Kelly singing) Billy Baxter, seeing this cool-looking curly-headed guy appear.

“I saw (Kelly’s band) the Dots in pubs. I was living off Punt Road and listening to Leaps and Bounds. It really felt like a song about Melbourne. It had all these strange elements. It referred to the fact that it was 11 degrees in May and I remember thinking on that Nylex sign it’s always 11 degrees. And he talked about the burning leaves. It was the first song that I could feel and see and touch.”

Kelly is important in the cultural landscape. “He speaks to all of us in such a variety of ways,” Darling says. “The vast proportion of his canon is about love, and that’s universal. Not everyone likes cricket, not everyone relates to indigenous stories; not everyone has a sense of country, but everyone is yearning for love in some way. As a 20-year-old he said to his best friend … I want to write about love like no one else has.”

Getting Kelly to commit to the project – he’d been asked by quite a number of documentary filmmakers – wasn’t easy. “It took a bit of doing,” Darling says. “He didn’t want to have a fuss made of him. But when we approached him he was in the final stages of writing his memoir, so he’d gone through a few years of really digging into his own soul, revealing a lot more about himself than he perhaps would have been prepared to do. When the book came out he said a guarded memoir is a failed book.”

It wasn’t always a comfortable experience for Kelly. “The first time he saw the rough cut I think he probably

continues » P20

interview\ PETER WILMOTH TaLks TO Ian DaRLIng


pIcture \ John Donegan

“I was living off punt road and listening to Leaps and Bounds. It really felt like a song

about Melbourne.”

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 19

was uncomfortable seeing former wives and friends saying the things they said,” Darling says.

Darling says it was the films he’s made that helped bring Kelly on board. His credits include The Oasis, focusing on homeless young people, Polly and Me, addressing child abuse and Woodstock for Capitalists, a film about American billionaire Warren Buffett.

“He knew we could deliver and he did see what our intent was, and it wasn’t to make it a sensational piece,” Darling says of Kelly. “We did deeply want to understand him through his words and music. I felt a deep sense of responsibility; whether you like him or not he’s sort of a national icon and I felt I had to do

something which at least matched the professionalism of what he does.”

“He’s very generous but doesn’t give a lot away and makes you work for it.”

Darling, who is tone deaf but “played around with the violin and the clarinet”, does not come from a musical family. “We always played records at home and we’d choose the 45 we put on before Sunday lunch. It was the Beatles and Tijuana Brass and the Seekers. My aunt gave me (Cat Stevens’) Teaser and the Firecat and it was playing on a record player when I’d heard she died (two years ago).”

D arling grew up in Toorak, the youngest of three. He went to Glamorgan and then boarded at Geelong Grammar. “It was a school that allowed me to live my truth. I

loved drama and I was in every single play I could be in. At Glamorgan I made my first film, Hooray, Hooray, the Holidays Start Today, in 1971, and always feeling that I wanted to be an actor and make films.”

He felt “incredibly comfortable on stage” and had ambitions to be an actor. He won an audition at Sydney’s National Academy of Dramatic Arts. It didn’t go well. “I walked in the door and walked out,” he says. “Was too afraid to go for the audition. I was too afraid to fail, which I think is a really interesting observation on why I would never have made it as an actor. I felt I had a degree of talent, but you had to have this incredible ability to take the knockbacks and fail. You need talent and energy and amazing resilience, and I don’t know that I had any of those.”

Does he look back with sadness or regret? “I did, but I don’t any more. The only person I had to blame was myself and I think it was probably telling me something. A few friends of mine at university and school went on to NIDA and were accepted and that was interesting.” He mentions Tara Morice (who starred in Strictly Ballroom), and comedian and actor Greg Fleet.

Instead of acting, Darling did an MBA and became an investment manager, a role he had for 15 years. “I loved it, I threw myself into it.” But he nursed a “burning ambition” to make films, which led to his first, a film on American billionaire Warren Buffett.

“We based our investment business on him and that gave me the excuse to put one foot out into the documentary world,” Darling says. “I knew nothing about it except that I knew I wanted to make that film.”

As a teenager he was inspired by a documentary he saw at school called Five Minutes to Midnight about African poverty and another called Everest the Hard Way about a group of people climbing Mount Everest.

“I came to (documentary making) by default. There seemed to be a nice blend. I always liked telling stories and I thought if I got into film it would be traditional narrative but documentary is the place I want to be. I love telling stories about real people. It fits with wanting to keep the film alive after the broadcast and do a lot in outreach and education. That fits really comfortably with me.”

I asked Darling whether growing up in a wealthy family meant certain expectations were placed on him. “Probably self-imposed,” he says. “I probably felt that I wasn’t a natural product for the documentary world. But you’re forever learning and exploring and working out where your path may take you. Having gone into the investment world it’s enabled me to have a degree of independence that I perhaps wouldn’t have had.”

His previous role has allowed freedom in his next. “There are good rewards for an investment manager. For documentary filmmakers it’s unbelievable how poorly you are rewarded. Only eight documentaries have broken even in the history of Australia. It’s such a subsidised industry. It’s incredible to think how hard documentary filmmakers work for so little financial return.”

Why do you do it? “It’s a good question. Let’s treat it as a generic question, why does one do it? Oftentimes

From » P19

“Each film has an education

add-on. It’s something

that motivates me in the film


20 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

I am asked for advice by filmmakers and I say ‘Don’t mortgage your house, you will never get your money back’. Don’t risk it.

“I’m prepared to risk a certain amount of my own capital in each film. Having had a business background provided me with a reasonable amount of business knowledge about how to structure a film. We have a large portion of them philanthropically funded by foundations and individuals.”

His next project is a film about a group of first-time offenders in Port Phillip Prison. Darling was approached to help them make a film called Stories From the Inside. “They wanted to tell their stories so that other young people wouldn’t make the same mistakes and bad decisions.”

Another project is Our Little Garden, a film he is making with a couple living a sustainable life in western Victoria, building a program around kitchen gardens and sustainability. “The target for that is regional preschools all around Australia.”

He wants all his films “to live on, keep the issue alive” well after its release. “Each film has an education add-on,” he says. “It’s something that motivates me in the film projects. The prison one will have a study guide and we’ll aim that to the schools, the Paul Kelly one we have senior curriculum writers around Australia writing for specific resource around the film for English, to study the themes of the film.

“I’m a big believer in targeting the next generation. If we’re going to shift consciousness and put something on the agenda it can take many years but actually has to come from the groundswell of the next generation.”

Darling hopes the Kelly film will form part of a compulsory text in 2014. “The level of excitement with the teachers is unbelievable because they can see an Australian story unfolding which is so rich. You’ve got identity and journey and struggle but also indigenous issues, religion, sex, love, poetry, storytelling, relationships, Australian-ness. It’s very exciting.”

Darling left Melbourne for Sydney in 1991. He is married to Mim and has three daughters aged 16, 14 and 12. He grew up next to Mim. “My sister married an American, my brother married an Italian and I married the girl next door.”

He loves fatherhood. “I love having girls. I think a father-daughter relationship is a really unique one. And I’ve never had a son, so I can’t compare it. There’s a gentleness in the relationship, I think. Fathers and sons can often compete or have greater issues. A father-daughter relationship is a beautiful, soft, nurturing one.”

What are his children’s reaction to his films? “After Polly and Me, which is about child abuse, and The Oasis, which is a pretty disturbing film about homeless kids, I think they’re saying ‘When are you going to make a comedy?’.”

To get his mind away from work, Darling escapes with his family to a holiday shack near Bowral in New South Wales. The “very simple little cottage” has no TV, no heating and no air-conditioning.

His passion outside family and films are adventure walks. “I go walking with a guy I made a film about (John Muir), every year or 18 months somewhere wild, off the beaten track. John takes a group of us to walk across deserts or across salt lakes.”

Darling recently visited the Kimberley, has previously “paddled around Lake Argyle” in the Kimberley and walked across Lake Frome in South Australia.

They sound like amazing trips, but you get the feeling that Darling’s greatest adventure is when he’s writing on a storyboard in his office, making an idea into a film. \

we welcome your feedback @

watch » Paul Kelly: Stories of Me is out December

Heart and soul: Paul Kelly performs on stage at the Make Poverty History concert in 2006. (Kristian Dowling / getty iMages)

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Under the radar \ Myke bartlett reviews the latest

Attending \ Pigeonhole. A laneway installation featuring puppetry, sound and physical performance. (December 7-9) www.pigeonholeinstallation.comWAtching \ Louis Theroux: Return to The Most Hated Family. An uneasy return to the dark heart of American Christianity. (ABC 2, December 10.)Listening \ Sam Sparro. Re-Return to Paradise. Deluxe reissue of Sparro’s superb second LP ahead of this Sunday’s show at the Prince Bandroom.

Myke’s space

playCHARLES DICKENS PERFORMS A CHRISTMAS CAROL \ Athenaeum Theatre, December 5-9, $25-$40»

It’s that time of year again – high streets are strung with lights and supermarket aisles are packed with crackers and novelty chocolates.

Just as reliable a season tradition is the return of this superb take on a classic tale.

For the past 10 years, Melbourne actor Phil Zachariah has donned Dickens’ shoes for a one-man show starring more than 20 characters.

Recently, Zachariah’s fame has spread abroad, winning him fans throughout Europe. This week’s dates are merely the Melbourne leg of another world tour. \

tOP Pick

musicAT THE BBC \ Amy Winehouse (Universal)


there’s an undeniable sense of the tragic to this collection of live performances. Assembled from radio sessions and concerts, At the BBC takes us swiftly through Winehouse’s brief career. in its mix of covers and album tracks, we can hear the singer all too quickly disappear into

her own doomed mythology. if it’s a sometimes difficult listen, that’s only because we know how this story ends.

While the earlier, jazzy tracks are reasonably faithful to the originals, songs from Winehouse’s gutsier second album are presented without

their retro stylings. Rehab, for example, loses its jauntiness and gains a burnt-to-the-filter smokiness. We can hear the woman, rather than the swagger, and it’s impossible to forget the song’s

sad postscript.the cd is accompanied by a second disc,

featuring a touching documentary. even better, the deluxe edition contains two additional

dVds – a 2007 concert and a Jools holland tribute. \

LOVE STORY \ Opens December 6 at Cinema Nova, Rated M, 94 min»

Reality and fiction become jumbled in this charming, odd film from New Zealand director Florian Habicht. Playing himself, Florian is in New York with two things on his mind – making a film and falling in love.

When he glimpses Russian actress Masha Yakovenko on the subway, he decides to kill two birds with one stone.

Florian’s stumbling relationship with Masha becomes the film’s narrative, leading him to seek advice from real people – most of them found on Manhattan sidewalks – as to how he can simultaneously woo a woman and tell a good story.

He jumps into a taxi to seek advice on seduction, then asks drug-store shoppers how to enliven a sex scene. “You find out she’s a man!” one suggests.

It’s hard to tell how much is staged, but the input from New Yorkers seems convincingly frank.Florian’s approach to filmmaking feels halfway between Woody Allen and Morgan Spurlock.

From Allen, he’s inherited a sense of jazzy romance and relentless self-analysis; from Spurlock, a willingness to poke public opinion and to lay himself bare.

If we’re not sure what is real, neither are the protagonists. When Masha pauses during an intimate moment to tell Florian, “You know I’m just acting, right?”, it feels like a cold slap. We recognise it – that gut-punch realisation that the object of our affections just wants to be friends. \

THE CULT \ Channel Seven, Wednesday,

December 5, 10.30pm»

With ratings season over, networks are poking about in the cupboard for embarrassing purchases. New Zealand melodrama The Cult is three years old, so it’s safe to say it’s been in the cupboard for awhile. It’s not exactly great, but its earnestness and weirdness make it a cultish curio.

Surly lawyer Michael Lewis isn’t having a good time. His two adult sons have gone missing and, within the first three minutes he’s found a mysterious envelope in a supermarket, been harangued by a stranger and then shot in the chest. Understandably, he wonders what is going on.

His investigations lead him to Two Gardens, a rural property housing Momentum, the eponymous cult. Behind its walls, the mysterious Edward North presides over a happy-clappy bunch in white suits. Spooky, possibly supernatural things are afoot and we suspect North is up to no good.

The series is trying for the dark territory of shows such as Lost and The X-Files, but may be trying too hard. When something intrinsically silly takes itself so seriously, it’s hard for us to do the same. Still, this is by turns gripping, bewildering and snigger-inducing. Perfect fare for late summer nights. \

to read more reviews visit







PhiL Zachariah

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 23

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summer reading



“S he was powerful rather than beautiful. An athlete, not a model. She had started out highly strung and over-eager, her hulking

frame working against her developing muscles. Under a masterful and patient touch, she had learnt to harness her energy and unleash the full extent of her ability.’’

So begins ABC journalist Gerard Whateley’s story of Black Caviar, one of the great champions of the Australian turf.

At a time of year when sports biographies abound, Whateley’s Black Caviar: The Horse of a Lifetime ($45) stands above the rest. The author combines his gift for storytelling with a journalist’s curiosity and knack of asking the right questions. We continue to recommend Black Caviar to our customers and take great delight when they return to tell us how much they enjoyed this tale of a remarkable sporting hero.

The Horse That Bart Built: The Rise and Rise of So You Think ($34.95), by Whateley’s ABC colleague, Helen Thomas, tells the story of another great Australian racehorse, So You Think.

Like Les Carlyon’s The Master: A Personal Portrait of Bart Cummings – this year in paperback and a great buy at $34.99 – Thomas’ book digs away at the Cummings mystique and reveals a hard-working and canny trainer whose ability to spot potential champions,

nurture them and bring them to their peak on race day remains unsurpassed.

Cricket books, as usual, are everywhere at this time of year. One of our favourites is Christopher Lee’s Howzat! Kerry Packer’s Cricket War ($24.99).

If you saw the recent Channel Nine mini-series on Kerry Packer’s World Series Cricket revolution, you will be familiar with the high drama and secret deals that surrounded this extraordinary moment in Australian sport. Respected scriptwriter Christopher Lee has done a terrific job transferring this story into a highly readable paperback.

The September release of Jim Stynes: My Journey ($39.99) ensured this deeply moving memoir was a Father’s Day bestseller. We are delighted to report that the book continues to sell well, especially among those seeking gifts for older teenage boys and 20-something men.

An AFL Irish import and unlikely football hero, Stynes won a Brownlow Medal and became one of the great champions of the game before he retired and co-founded Reach.

Stynes’ reflections about his role as a respected community leader, then president of Melbourne Football Club, and later as a high-profile cancer patient whose bravery captured the community’s heart, provide readers with much food for thought.

Historical biography is a popular genre this summer.Our favourite is Bertie: A Life of Edward VII by

Jane Ridley ($55). The British academic has dedicated more than a decade to researching and writing this outstanding portrait of Queen Victoria’s eldest son.

Edward the Caresser, as he was known, is often remembered for his many extramarital affairs and hedonistic lifestyle. Ridley discovers a man whose character was deeply influenced by the difficult relationship he had with his mother, and

24 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012




DOUBLE YOUR FIRST HOME OWNERS GRANT hurry next 2 weeks only!




Julia Boyko 0431 762




to \





who went on to become a much-loved king and deft foreign-policy expert.

While on the topic of royalty, Blood Sisters: The Hidden Lives of the Women Behind the Wars of the Roses ($45) may sound like a rollicking historical romance fiction, but in it author Sarah Gristwood examines the influence of the women involved in 15th-century English Tudor court life.

Meanwhile, William Shawcross, official biographer of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, returns with Counting One’s Blessings: The Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother ($44.99). Drawing on a vast selection of royal archive material, Shawcross reveals a remarkable 20th-century life.

Australian history buffs are also well served this Christmas.

Eureka: The Unfinished Revolution by the prolific Peter FitzSimons ($49.95) focuses on the 1854 uprising by Victorian miners against the harsh authorities who governed life on the goldfields.

This event remains one of the great moments in Australian history and FitzSimons takes readers to the heart of the rebellion and examines its impact on our colonial past.

Flinders: The Man Who Mapped Australia, by Rob Mundle ($44.99), is a must-read for anyone interested in those late 18th- and 19th-century adventurer-navigators who discovered and charted the Australian coastline.

Matthew Flinders’ story is a remarkable tale of courage, ambition, drama and leadership.

This year has been a remarkably prolific year for Australian political commentary.

Among this rich field, former Age journalist James Button’s Speechless: A Year in My Father’s Business ($32.99) stands out for its inventive structure, graceful storytelling and Canberra insights.

Other non-fiction titles we recommend this

Christmas: Never A Gentleman’s Game, by Malcolm Knox, $39.95; Exit Wounds: One Australian’s War on Terror, by John Cantwell with Greg Bearup, $34.99; Why I Left Goldman Sachs: A Wall Street Story, by Greg Smith, $24.99; The Last of the Imperious Rich: Lehman Brothers 1844-2008, by Peter Chapman, $19.95; Who I Am, by Pete Townshend, $39.99; The John Lennon Letters, $45; Autobiography, by Mary Quant, $49.99; QF32, by Richard Champion de Crespigny, $34.99; My First New York: Early Adventures in the Big City, various contributors, $19.99; Tales From the Political Trenches, by Maxine McKew, $29.99; The Richard Burton Diaries, edited by Chris Williams, $39.95; Give Me Excess of It, by Richard Gill, $49.99; By The Book: A Reader’s Guide to Life, by Ramona Koval, $29.99; Artists In Conversation, by Janet Hawley, $39.95. \

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 25

P: 9813 020020 Camberwell Road, Hawthorn EastMon - Fri: 9:00 - 5:00 | Sat: 10:00 - 5:00 | Sun: Closed*Some exclusions apply | Sale Ends Monday 24th December



The SiamThis lavish hotel of 39 stately rooms (including 11 villas with pools) feels like an urban resort with its riverfront location, gorgeous interiors, fine food and brilliant guest activities. \

AloftBright, fun and pitched squarely at the young, this W Hotels offshoot towers above the entertainment hot spot of soi 11. Smartphone-controlled rooms, wine shop, cocktail terrace and free access for guests to Bed Supperclub across the road. \

CabochonA faux colonial mansion of eight rooms with an eclectic soul. Stuffed zebras and model aeroplanes adorn the Joy Luck Club bar, Thai Lao Yeh restaurant caters to spicy palates and the rooftop pool is a godsend in the sticky season. \

W BangkokJust opened on the elite Embassy Row strip. Check it out. \

The Big Mango has had a couple of difficult years – riots, then floods – but the Thai capital has bounced back more confident and exciting than ever. Take a bite of the New Bangkok.

getaway \ kendaLL hiLL enjoys bangkok’s bright Lights

Stay here … eat at …

hotel muSe’S SpeakeaSy

Soul Food MahanakornFor a more vibrant, streetfood-style take on trad Thai, head to American food writer Jarrett Wrisley’s lively Thong Lor shopfront. The cocktails aren’t bad either – have a Bangkok Bastard with Beefeater, bourbon and kaffir lime. \

Ogu OguFunky izakaya and sake bar in the upscale Wireless Road neighbourhood. Menu highlights include seafood in sake jelly, shabu shabu kurobuta and superb salmon sashimi. \

NahmAustralian chef David Thompson holds his own with the best chefs in the world by dishing up whoop-ass Thai in the refined surrounds of the Metropolitan Hotel. \

Bo.lanTwo of Thompson’s protégés are behind this elegant dinner restaurant, where the focus is on impeccable produce, prepared beautifully. \

QuinceAustralian chef Jess Barnes (ex-Grossi Florentino) turns out Euro-accented menus dictated by what’s best at the market each day. \





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drink at …Trendy Thonglor is the epicentre of Bangkok’s cocktail revolution with cool, character-filled bars such as Iron Fairies ( and the hipster WTF (it stands for ‘’Wonderful Thai Friendship’’, apparently – Banyan Tree’s 61st-floor Moon Bar is still the go-to terrace for a brew with a view ( but newcomers such as Hotel Muse’s Speakeasy ( and Sofitel So’s Hi So bar ( offer chic alternatives for getting high in the City of Angels. \

Sofitel So’S hi So bar


oo M



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december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 27

getaway \ eddie morton is full steam ahead at echuca moama

Echuca Moama Wine Tours 1300 798 822 If there is one Echuca Moama resident who will stick in your mind long after you head back to the big smoke, it is Sue, the Echuca Moama Wine Tours guide. After moving from Melbourne five years ago for a scenery change, she discovered all the delicious grape varieties the Murray region had

to offer. Aboard Sue’s minivan and with her unrivalled enthusiasm you will visit a handful of the area’s nicest characters and their wineries, and taste what they have to offer. »

A lot stands between Echuca and Moama, but their differences barely make a dent in what is otherwise a story steeped in the hard yakka of

Aussie history.While the name Moama means “the place of the

dead”, Echuca quite literally means “the meeting of the waters”, which is convenient given that the livelihoods of both towns have relied on the mighty Murray River since their founding in 1853.

Being border towns, Echuca and Moama have had to deal with two governments, a constant turnover of population and 10 floods that have breached the 94-metre mark.

At the end of the 19th century and well into the 20th, Echuca was Australia’s largest inland trade port with a population of more than 5000. Racy vaudeville floorshows with scantily clad dancers entertained the endless influx of riverboat workers at any one of the town’s 60-plus drinking holes.

Today, Echuca and Moama’s joint population is more than 20,000 and this once-raucous, paddle-steamer port defines itself as one of Victoria’s culinary and winemaking epicentres.

Fresh produce is standard with every meal. Wholesome country cooking is its trademark.

It’s little surprise, then, that Echuca has long tempted Melburnians the 2½ hours up the highway for weekend getaways. Picture-perfect sunrises and sunsets, iconic Australian wildlife such as koalas and kookaburras, and the crisp morning air make for a relaxing weekend.

There are two distinct precincts in Echuca. High Street and the port, where you can stroll through the town’s paddle-steamer and river-trade history, visit the blacksmith or take a ride on the old horse and cart, and the “new town” or Hare Street, where shopping rules and the town bustles on its daily errands.

It’s considered a must to explore the river. Spend the night on one of the town’s paddle steamers and the sound of the wheel turning in the water is enough to relax the most hyperactive city slickers. The world’s oldest still-operating paddle steamer, the PS Adelaide, dates to the gold rush.

If not by boat, then by car or on foot. Savour the surrounding wine region or check out the billabongs, river and creeks. In all their guises, Echuca and Moama are a soothing sight for sore eyes. \

Eddie Morton travelled courtesy of Echuca Moama & District Tourism

Echuca was our

largest inland port


28 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

A beautiful selection of north facing apartments & terrace homes in a tranquil setting on the banks of the river. Now Selling from $437K – $2.7M.

• Impressive balconies & landscaped terraces of up to 229sqm.• Spectacular treetop & river views.• Rooftop relaxation & entertainment facilities.• Health & wellbeing retreat with heated lap pool & gym.• Lobby bar, cafes & restaurants.• Walk to popular retail and food & beverage hubs

– Victoria St and Bridge Rd.

Haven DisplayHaven Facade Architect – Chris Hayton



*Apartment customisation is available to new purchasers only. Terms and conditions apply.



Ceres554 High Street, Echuca(03) 5482

Oscar W’s101 Murray Esplanade, Echuca(03) 5482

The owners of Ceres have a long culinary history with the town as they had a hand in several other top restaurants before opening Ceres nearly six years ago. Situated on bustling High Street, they offer an eclectic fusion of tapas, Italian pastas and French-inspired desserts. With a cosmopolitan yet relaxed interior, Ceres is a definite foodie highlight for this country town. If there is one thing on the menu that you cannot go past, it is the made-to-order tarte tatin. It is simply scrum-diddly-umptious! \

If you are going to visit Echuca, you cannot go past a night on one of the many paddle steamers. The PS Emmylou is the epitome of the town’s heritage. It provides luxurious accommodation for two and a three-course meal. While you watch the landscape of towering gum trees and perfect sunsets pass you by – with the movement of the paddle wheels through the water providing a hypnotic motion – sit back and enjoy a glass of wine and make sure your camera is fully charged and at hand. \

Situated atop the port of Echuca is the renowned Oscar W’s, where you can try the region’s finest produce in the company of some of the region’s funniest characters. A family of kookaburras lives in the treetops and makes for some entertaining (read laugh a minute) dining buddies. The menu is a mixture of Australian and European cuisine and is a testament to the region’s local growers and manufacturers. After your meal Oscar W’s doubles as a popular bar and meeting spot for locals and tourists. \

This epic homestead was built in 1861 and, after being owned by one family for more than 90 years, the stunning mansion and wood shed have been restored to their original charm and more. The entire station redevelopment is aimed at catering to the region’s booming wedding industry, providing accommodation and a luxurious reception venue. The homestead has nine bedrooms and can sleep 24 people. It has a media room with billiards table, a pool and a balcony with one of the area’s best views of the Murray. \

Stay here … eat at …

Perricoota StationPerricoota State Forest Road, Moama. 0418 253

PS Emmylou57 Murray Esplanade, Echuca(03) 5480

Big wheels keep on turning:

Captain and chief engineer of PS Emmylou

Alan Bartsch stokes the boiler.











december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 29

a p a r t m e n t s \ d e s i g n \ a r c h i t e c t u r e \ s u s t a i n a b i l i t y

developing our city

40Vantage highett


37inside+ carter grange+ ironic iconic+ aV Jennings+ the castle

Building on its success in Melbourne’s new-house market, Carter Grange has, with the launch of Hudson 31, directed its

winning formula for affordable luxury in dual-occupancy design.The Hudson 31 offers dual occupancies of 31 squares, each with

flexible floor plans offering three or four bedrooms – and up to three living spaces – with a starting price of $730,000. The design requires a block with a minimum width of 15.24 metres and a depth of 43 metres.

The completed price includes ground-floor timber flooring, first-floor carpets, double glazing to all living and bedroom windows, stone benchtops, 2.74-metre ceilings on the ground floor, European kitchen appliances and fully ducted, refrigerated air-conditioning and gas ducted heating. As in all new house purchases, window coverings and landscaping are at the buyer’s discretion.

Director Gerald Stutterd says Carter Grange has received increasing inquiries for dual occupancies featuring the quality architectural design and affordability offered in its freestanding houses.

“Melbourne’s land values mean people are looking to maximise potential. People want to downsize and upgrade without leaving their neighbourhood and the Hudson 31 is a great solution. They can have two homes on their block with contemporary open-plan living, luxury finishes and architectural design all for an affordable price. They can also save up to $40,000 in design and planning fees with us before they start construction.

“We have included a level of finishes that our market expects, like stone benchtops and timber floors, higher ceilings, double glazing and fully ducted air-conditioning. So they are part of our standard offering, not optional upgrades at extra cost.’’

Like all Carter Grange houses, the Hudson 31 is built using the Hebel power-wall system with advantages in thermal and acoustic efficiency as well as build time. On average, Carter Grange houses are completed in six months. It also includes semi-commercial

grade windows with fly screens and locks. The exterior is fully rendered and the interior has a seamless contemporary style with high ceilings and doors, a semi-cantilevered hardwood staircase, and modern plaster reveals without architraves.

From the streetfront, the ground-floor plan includes a single garage, study, powder room with shower, separate laundry with external entry, living room, butler’s pantry with preparation bench and sink, L-shaped kitchen open to meals and living area with wide glass sliding doors leading to outdoor living.

The first floor includes an open central living or study zone dividing the main bedroom from two further bedrooms

and the family bathroom. The main bedroom includes a generous walk-in wardrobe and en suite. The family bathroom includes shower and bath and the two bedrooms have built-in wardrobes. The three showers are walk-in, with a seamless base and fully tiled.

With spotted-gum flooring on the ground floor, the upper floor is carpeted and all wet areas are tiled. All

kitchen and bathroom benchtops are stone, with a waterfall end on the kitchen bench. The kitchen features European

stainless-steel appliances with a 900mm commercial upright oven with five-burner cooktop and matching rangehood.

Stutterd says that the Carter Grange price includes fine-tuning of the plan to meet personal or planning requirements. For instance, the main bedroom and en suite can be on the ground floor, the upstairs living area can be converted to a fourth bedroom and the garage can become a double.

“We offer flexibility with our plans and we don’t believe people should have to pay extra for most minor fine tuning,’’ he says.

“Our approach is straightforward. We make sure our new homes are well designed, include quality finishes, and are time- and cost-effective to build.” \


Hudson 31 \ carter grange


‘‘We offer flexibility with our plans.’’

Level 2, 108 Toorak Road South Yarra / 9827 1177 /

South Yarra

Premier location,

perfect to live in or invest


James Cirelli 0407 761 430

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2 Bedrooms FROM $424,000

32 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

Developing our city carter grange

Head office \ 15 Compark Circuit, Mulgrave

Sales \ 1300 244 663


pricing guide

Double-storey dual occupancies from $730,000

Standard features

l Flexible floor plan with three or four bedrooms

l Rendered Hebel power-wall panel system with fully rendered exterior

l Aluminium powdercoated semi-commercial windows with flywire screens and locks on all opening windows

l 2.74-metre ceiling on ground floor and 2.59 metres on first floor

l Modern plaster reveals without architraves

l Semi-cantilevered Pacific oak stairs l Spotted-gum flooring on

ground floorl Ceramic tiles in wet areas and carpet

on first floor

l Stone benchtops throughout with waterfall end in kitchen

l Double undermount stainless-steel sink in kitchen and single sink in butler’s pantry

l European stainless-steel 900mm commercial upright oven with five-burner cooktop and 900mm rangehood

l Glass splashback in kitchenl Fully tiled walk-in showers with

seamless base and glass screens as required

l Walk-in wardrobes to main bedrooms, others built-in wardrobes

l Fully ducted refrigerated air-conditioning

l Gas ducted heating with linear grating

Facilities l Single garage with

remote-controlled doorl Security systeml Intercoml TV points and data pack

eco green rating

l Six-star energy ratingl Double-glazed windows to all living

and bedroomsl Gas-boosted solar hot waterl Energy-saving LED lighting

Spacious 1 & 2 Bedroom

apartments From


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THURSDAY 5:30-6:30PM

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The future is Bright

8 Queens Ave Hawthorn

Damon Krongold 0418 850 757

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 33

ironic iconic\ RACHEL BERGER TALKS


T he most popular painting in the National Gallery of

Victoria’s vast collection of 70,000 works is John Brack’s Collins Street 5pm. This snapshot of Collins Street in 1955 reminds me of the Melbourne my family arrived

in, before the impact and benefit of immigration.Brack so masterfully captured this 5pm exodus

of office workers wearing drab raincoats and grim expressions that, in a single glance, I’m transported smack-dab into the crowd. I, too, have experienced the same existential angst travelling home from work.

Whether it’s on a wall, freestanding or performance art, I find looking at artwork totally gripping. The less I can make sense of it, the more gripping it is and, let’s be honest, performance art can sometimes be very oblique.

Q: Why did the performance artist cross the road? A: I don’t know. I didn’t stay ’til the end.Although art galleries primarily provide a space to

show works of visual art, they are, more importantly, a socially interactive space where anyone can engage with the art in their own unique way and – as I like to do – watch others engaging. The crowd in Brack’s painting is anyone and all of us, living our lives and doing the best we can, often without the time to challenge our imaginations beyond deciding which sauce – tomato or barbecue – to have with our snags.

Art galleries provide a venue where we can interact with the unthinkable, the unusual, the beautiful and

Beautiful Melbourne East







u #1


34 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

Galleries of rogues, heroes and history

The Ian Potter Centre in Federation SquareThis is where you’ll find John Brack’s Collins Street 5pm, indeed, it is where the entire NGV Australian Art collection is housed. Opened in 2003 as the first public art museum dedicated to Australian art, indigenous art and non-indigenous art, the collection has almost 25,000 works in many genres. More than one visit is needed to make the journey through the history and diversity of Australian art. Here you get a commentary on our landscape – rural, urban and psychic. You can see how it has changed but, inevitably, still continues to express the message that we all belong here. \

Heide Museum of Modern ArtIn 1934, John and Sunday Reed purchased an old farmhouse in Bulleen and began madly planting hundreds of European and exotic trees. Their vision and efforts created an idyllic refuge for artists such as Sidney Nolan, Arthur Boyd and Albert Tucker, who, together with the rest of the Reed’s remarkably talented cabal of friends, gave birth to Australian Modernism. Nolan painted 26 of his 27 Ned Kelly works at Heide. There’s a tangible feeling of artistic nurturing in these buildings and the surrounding six hectares of gardens, which fulfil the diverse environment of trees, shrubs and flowering plants imagined by the Reeds all those years ago. \

Monash Gallery of ArtThis building reveals itself slowly on approach. It’s not imposing, but is home for a pantheon of Australian photographic talent. Designed by internationally renowned architect Harry Seidler, it’s the only public gallery in Australia committed exclusively to collecting Australian photographs after the acquisition committee resolved in 1984 to establish a unique Australian photography collection. With this aim, MGA relocated in 1990 to a purpose-built building in Jells Road. This collection has more than 1400 photographs tracing the history and development of Australian photography from the 19th century to today. \

we welcome your feedback »

occasionally the forbidden. The quiet contemplation of a work of art may not burn a lot of calories but it’s hardly passive.

The National Gallery of Victoria in St Kilda Road houses one of the most impressive collections from around the world. This is the gallery by which I judge all others because, like so many Melburnians, I feel it is my gallery. I take visitors there with a ridiculous amount of pride and, I’ll admit it, I show off, as though I’ve made the purchases and curated the exhibitions!

The NGV was founded in 1861, when Melbourne was the largest city in Australia and the gold rush meant we had money. Wealthy citizens provided funds (and donations of works of art), which made it possible for the NGV to purchase Australian and international works.

Roy Grounds was commissioned to design the gallery at 180 St Kilda Road in 1959 and we finally got to enjoy it when it opened in 1968. I can’t stand at the “mousehole” entrance and not be magnetised by the water wall, which was intended to emphasise the building’s simple shape by the water’s movement.

But it’s the Leonard French stained-glass ceiling, which took five years to construct and is made of 224 triangular pieces of glass in 50 colours, that leaves me breathless. I’m enveloped in its colour and, standing beneath it, I feel protected from the storm tides of life. \

Got an Ironic Iconic

idea? Email me

Follow Rachel on Twitter @boom_berger






december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 35

Arlington Rise

Developer \ AV Jennings

Sales \ 5259 3518

Sales Centre \ 49 Newcombe Street, Portarlington

Open \ Saturday to Wednesday, 11am-4pm


Standard features

l Land allotments from 360m2 to 720m2

l Wide frontages up to 19 metresl Depths up to 39 metresl Flexibility to choose your own builderl Design guidelines to protect investmentl Bay and country viewsl Landscaped parkl Future native wetlands areal Walking distance to the beach and pierl Quaint local high street with a selection of

local cafes and shopsl Welcoming local community clubs: walking,

lawn bowls and golfl Affordable living for coastal and tree

change lifestyle

S ince it was established as a seaside village in the 1840s, Portarlington has progressed as something of a quiet achiever on Victoria’s Bellarine Peninsula.

As it has Melbourne and Geelong on one side and the Surf Coast on the other, one could be forgiven for passing through this sleepy township on a summer pilgrimage without a second glance.

But it took only one look for residential property developer AV Jennings to recognise Portarlington for all it offered as a place to call home, particularly for those over the age of 55.

AV Jennings’ Victorian state manager Peter Vlitas says Portarlington is an untapped resource for residential development, which is surprising given its location and facilities.

“The fact that it’s a fishing village with views to the bay and the Melbourne city skyline – it gives you the best of both worlds,” he says. “I think it’s very much an untapped resource in Victoria.”

Arlington Rise is a 25-hectare residential development aimed at the over-55-year-old demographic. There are roughly 250 allotments of land up for grabs, ranging from 360 to 720 square metres.

The land overlooks a township that boasts an 18-hole award-winning golf course, a 24-kilometre cycling track around the head to St Leonards and a plethora of vineyards tucked away in the surrounding hills.

In short, there’s a lot to fill the days of those who are no longer working full time.

“Portarlington has a lot of facilities nearby that people in that over-55 age bracket will want to have,” says Vlitas, who took full ownership of the project about six months ago.

“Other people have gone to different townships in the area, but there wasn’t a lot of development occurring in Portarlington so we thought this project was a good one to get involved with on the Bellarine Peninsula.”

AV Jennings has partnered with building companies to offer house-and-land packages, but once the land has been purchased, the choice of builder, floor plan, even the kitchen sink, is left entirely up to the owners.

Vlitas says this process is suitably tailored to the growing demographic of people who are looking to retire within the next couple of years.

“This project targets people who are over 55 and want to buy a block of land today, spend the next two to three years designing their dream home and then building it,” he says.

“We’re in no rush for people to build. It’s nice to have homes there within a reasonable time frame because it gets the community going a lot quicker, but we recognise that if you’re

approaching retirement, you’ve probably already got a home in Melbourne or Geelong and you’re not looking to make that move straight away.”

Swapping the suburbs for the seaside is a path well travelled for those approaching retirement. The proximity to Victoria’s second-largest city is paramount to the success of this small town and, Vlitas anticipates, Arlington Rise.

Geelong is a half-hour’s drive from the town centre and, on a clear day, you can make out the Melbourne city skyline 40 kilometres away across the water.

While the convenience of its location cannot be underestimated, Portarlington has been quietly putting together facilities that would seldom necessitate a trip to the big smoke.

On bustling Newcombe Street, the historic Grand Hotel cuts a fine figure among shops and eateries that suit every taste. The town foreshore is dotted with picnic benches and barbecues, which overlook the clusters of mussel nets bobbing in the water.

AV Jennings is letting the township do the talking to those interested in a slice of Arlington Rise, and it is proving a

smart move.The site will have a number of parks and public areas

available for residents and the local community.“We’re upgrading all adjoining roads as part of the

development,” Vlitas says of AV Jennings’ planned infrastructural improvements. “We’re also creating some

wetlands that will be adjacent to the area so there’ll be some walking tracks through the actual site.”

The company has pledged to look after land investments as the community takes shape, with subdivision restrictions and design guidelines firmly in place.

It’s a formula that is being applied on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, with a similar development under way in Noosa. “It’s a growing demographic, the population is getting older and we think that this is going to be a new form of development; people will have to start catering for the over-55-year-olds,” Vlitas says.

A mere five minutes from the golf course, Arlington Rise is just about custom-made for retirees, but the freedom to design your own house and live independently is an image not often associated with the term “retirement home”.

“I would say [Arlington Rise] is more a lifestyle community,” Vlitas says. “It’s got everything people in that over-55 age bracket could want to have right on their doorstep.”

And then some. \ JO DAVY


Developing ouR city





december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 37


1 2 0 0 H I G H S T, A R M A D A L E

Damon Krongo ld 0418 850 757Andrew Fawel l 0414 508 155

1&2 BEDROOMS FROM $459,000

– Bruce Henderson Architects

– Premium location

– Truly boutique - 17 only

– Including basement parking


Artist impression

Register your interest today at

W hen the cast of the film The Castle’s uttered “A man’s home is his castle”, it resonated across Australia.

Five years ago, Youth Futures decided to take that dictate one step further, deciding “every man needs a castle” and set out to develop portable, affordable and beautiful housing to act as crisis accommodation.

Thus, The Castle micro-dwelling was born. Youth Futures is a Launceston-based not-for-profit

organisation that began offering crisis accommodation to young men.

While crisis accommodation remains a core focus, it has expanded to look after all youth, as well as women and families, in need of help.

As the program developed, Youth Futures put in place social scaffolding to support young people in the community, such as workplace training opportunities and a job-placement program.

The Castle is a key part of the program.Client services manager Lisa Legge said that Youth

Futures wanted to work at a preventative level and offer support to families.

The Castle can be taken to a site where it is most needed.

“These days, blended families are the norm and children stay at home longer for education,” Legge says.

“Many families face difficulties – financial, spacial and how to manage different family rules under one roof. So we started thinking, well, if teenagers had a little cabin of their own to go to, that would stop them

Castle is king developing our city \ A Tasmanian micro-dwelling is a shelter pioneer, writes KIRSTY MANNING-WILCOX.

coming into a shelter. It also means youth do not have to move from their school, social and support network in their area and the crisis is not compounded by loneliness and isolation.

“We have a woman living in one model in a remote area, which means she does not need to leave her support network in that region.”

Before the design phase started, Youth Futures went to all the high schools in Launceston and asked teenagers what they wanted in their own space. Interestingly, the placement of The Castle in a suburban backyard was crucial for the students.

“We said, ‘Here’s the house, where do you want to put it’?” Legge says. “They all wanted it right by the back door, or connected by a breezeway.”

In short, they wanted a space of their own, yet still connected to their family.

Youth Futures chief executive Harry Tams approached the University of Tasmania’s School of Architecture to come up with a design.

The first prerequisite was to make The Castle a beautiful, contemporary design.

It is crucial to the marketability of The Castle that it not be stigmatised as “cheap crisis housing” or “for poor people”, Tams says.

A secondary feature of the architectural finesse is that it could be marketed to the public as luxury cabins or studios.

The profits from these dwellings will offset On a role: The placement of The Castle was crucial for students. (SUPPLIED)

38 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

Damon Krongold 0418 850 757 Andrew Fawell 0414 508 155

Argo apartments, where timeless style meets contemporary design. Argo boasts an enviable location, hidden in an exclusive South Yarra enclave, yet so close to the vibrancy of Chapel Street, Greville Street

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the cost of the portable ones used for crisis accommodation and ensure Youth Futures can continue

to self-fund projects.There are also practical, bureaucratic barriers to overcome when creating the accommodation.

Youth Futures did not want its clients to be hassled by the need for planning permits and building permits that can take months to process.

The upshot is that The Castle is classed as a caravan instead of a permanent dwelling.

Richard Burnham, lecturer at the School of Architecture and Design at the University of Tasmania in Launceston, says: “The latest prototype can be registered as a motor vehicle but features a fold-out section that enables it to expand by 30 per cent in width when set up on site.

“The next prototype will incorporate a slide-out section, an expanding roof and a

more sophisticated and reliable digital design and fabrication process.”Tams emphasises: “We have had nothing but

support from the local council and government authorities. We are actually doing them a favour

because we are developing a higher-density living model. We are filling a real niche and need.”

Burnham says that one of the main design challenges was “making a 10-metre square micro-dwelling feel spatially larger than it physically is. This is achieved through design tricks such as corner windows and

pop-up mezzanine areas. The other design challenge was developing a construction system that could be assembled by a low-skill workforce – like a large piece of furniture.

“Castles are made predominantly from plywood components (cut from about 60 sheets/150 components) cut on a CNC router and are assembled with a rubber mallet, glue and screws. Students and staff have developed a software plug-in that drives the design of The Castles and cutting files for the components.”

The flat-pack nature of the design means The Castle is easily transportable and can be developed and moved quickly on to sites in remote areas. This could provide a model for future crisis housing needs in the event of floods and bushfires.

At this stage, the caravans are still in the prototyping and costing phase, but Tams thinks that the basic model with heat pump, shower, air-conditioning, oven and cooktop, fridge and TV will cost about $25,000.

While The Castle was designed for youth accommodation, there has been keen interest from the 50-60 demographic reeling from a financial crisis and facing life on the pension. With design modifications for disability access, Tams insists The Castle provides beautiful, cheap living. \

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It can be taken to

sites where it is most needed

It can be taken to

sites where it is most needed

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 39

Vantage Highett

Address \ 284-286 Highett Road, Highett

Developer \ Accord Property Group

Building and interior design \ ClarkeHopkinsClarke Architects

Sales \ Leo Shang, 0407 958 090

Display suite \ Corner of Highett and Graham roads, Highett

Open \ Monday and Wednesday, 4-6pm; Saturday and Sunday, 11am-2pm


Pricing guide

Two bedroom from $499,000 two bathroom

Two-bedroom, from $540,000 two-bathroom plus study

Sky home from $545,000

Standard features

l Integrated Bosch kitchen appliances including stainless-steel cooktop, oven, dishwasher and rangehood

l Integrated refrigerator upgrade availablel Stone benchtops l Concealed blind housingl Two interior schemes availablel Integrated air-conditioning and heating

using linear grates and condensers in basement and on roof l Large terraces

l Walk-in and built-in wardrobesl Two bathrooms l Separate laundry or

European laundry in bathrooml 2.7-metre ceiling heights in living areas

Eco green rating

l Average energy rating of eight stars, with no individual unit achieving lower than 6½ stars

l Double-glazed windows with acoustic sealsl Centralised hot water and gas with

significant savings


l Secure basement car parkingl Two lifts l Video intercoml Storage in corridor on apartment level or

inside sky homesl Woolworths supermarket and 14 retail

outlets within development

Spacious floor plans, high-quality finishes and proximity to retail and services have attracted buyers to Vantage Highett,

a four-level, 130-apartment residential and retail development in Melbourne’s south-east.

Just 18 two-bedroom apartments and split-level “sky homes” are still available in the development on the corner of Highett and Graham roads, which is scheduled for completion early next year.

Apartments throughout the complex are significantly larger than inner-city alternatives. The available two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartments offer internal areas from 71 to 86 square metres with terraces of 10 to 25 square metres. The two-level “sky homes” range from 87 to 92 square metres with terraces up to 13 square metres. Computer workspaces are provided in the living area or as separate study spaces, depending on floor plans.

A Woolworths supermarket is set to open on the ground floor of Vantage, along with 14 other retail tenancies that can be accessed from Highett Road and via basement parking.

Brent Hill, director of project marketing group 360 Property Group, says the high quality of apartment interiors has been a major drawcard. “The fittings and finishes selected by the architects are at a South Yarra level, and are not generally seen in suburban apartments,” he said.

Architects ClarkeHopkinsClarke designed the building and interiors. The Melbourne practice has won a string of awards for residential, commercial and public projects.

Thanks to floor-to-ceiling glazing that opens onto terraces and a 2.7-metre ceiling height, living areas will be spacious and flooded with natural light. Blinds throughout the apartments are cleverly concealed with the ceiling design, which also includes fully integrated heating and cooling with apartment condensers in the basement and on the roof, rather than on apartment terraces.

Buyers have a choice of two interior schemes governing the tone

of high-gloss laminate joinery and mirrored splashbacks. Kitchens feature stone benchtops and integrated Bosch stainless-steel appliances with gas cooktops, under-bench ovens, rangehoods and dishwashers supplied. The kitchen includes joinery for integration of refrigerators, which can be purchased as an additional upgrade. Some floor plans also include an island bench with extra preparation and storage area.

Wide, limed-timber floorboards are available as an upgrade for living areas and bedrooms, with large-format tiling and wool-blend carpets supplied as standard.

The contemporary design offers comfort and practicality along with style. Bathrooms have full-height tiling in large

shower recesses with frameless glass screens. Floor tiling rises into a splashback behind ample vanities, meeting with mirrored recess and storage units.

Vantage has an exceptional eight-star average efficiency rating, with no apartment less than 6½ stars.

All windows are double-glazed and have acoustic sealing.Seven of 18 split-level “sky homes” are still available.

These are on the top two levels of Vantage, with open-plan living, kitchen and meals adjoining a terrace and full bathroom on the ground floor. Upstairs are two bedrooms, with a central bathroom, a European laundry in the corridor and a study nook.

Each apartment has a secure storage compartment on the same floor level, security lift access and car parking in the basement. Bike storage is also available in the basement.

The Accord Property Group is an integrated property development company that manages projects from inception to completion, from design, construction, project co-ordination, and interior design to fit-out. Recent projects include Claremont House in North Melbourne, and Table Rock Apartments in Beaumaris. \


Location Vantage Highett offers residents exceptional access to transport, shopping, entertainment and leisure options. With Highett train station directly across the road, residents have the choice of 30-minute city

commute. Sandringham Beach is a short drive and Melbourne’s famed sandbelt golf courses are within two kilometres. With many parks and sporting grounds in the surrounding area, residents can choose from a broad range of activities from archery to hockey and football. Vantage is adjacent to the Highett village with its delis, cafés, banks, bakeries, doctors, dentists, post office and hairdressers. Also nearby is the Southland Shopping Centre with more than 400 shops including three department stores and the 16-screen Village Cinema complex. Schools in the area include Mentone Grammar, Mentone Girls’ Grammar, Haileybury, St Leonard’s College and Brighton Grammar. \




dEVEloPing our city

40 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

42cover story

44 47

inside+ we love it+ agents’ choice+ market news+ property listings

saturday’s auction results online @

in partnership with

The real estate cover story (right), We Love It property reviews on the following pages have been visited by TWR journalists. Agent’s Choice and Out of Town are real estate promotions provided by the agents unless tagged as written by a TWR journalist.

A mong the minimalism so popular today, every so often a house comes along that is rich in décor and detail, and proudly so.

The property at 20-22 George Street, East Melbourne, is one such example. High ceilings, superbly proportioned rooms, richly painted interiors, an impressive kitchen and north-facing living make this a standout property. Not many houses in East Melbourne can come up with this winning trifecta: light-filled living; a three-car garage; and a 16-metre swimming pool.

It is also the consummate blend of period and contemporary. So much so that it is hard to tell where the old finishes and the new begins.

This solid-brick Victorian, known as Eastern Lea, exudes a classic refined style. It could easily have been dropped into George Street from the royal borough of Kensington and Chelsea in London. So it is fitting to discover that one of the vendors was born in England.

Heritage documents reveal that the house was built about 1870; otherwise its history is sketchy. Its slate roof is gently hipped to the eaves. Polychromatic bricks feature in the first-floor corners, around the windows, eaves and chimneys. The construction is three bricks thick, so you can forget about noise from Punt Road at the end of the street.

Twenty years ago architects Rosenthal Mackay and Munckton completed the first renovation. They opened up the ground floor, created the north-facing informal living zone with a wall of Georgian-style windows and double doors that open to a terrace overlooking the swimming pool and back garden. Along the way they created a dining room designed for evening entertaining, where dusty rose-pink walls provided a background glow for hundreds of dinner parties over two decades.

The wife in this partnership is an excellent cook and the kitchen, with its white-tiled and timber surfaces, looks like something from a design magazine showcasing the best of country living: a big Paul Bocuse double oven and cooktop,

white-tiled splashback and purpose-built fixtures for pans and cooking equipment of the sort you might see in a commercial kitchen. Timber beams overhead and mellow, polished timber floors add to the appeal.

Eight years ago the architects returned to Eastern Lea. This time the brief was to add another wing. Second-hand bricks provide a seamless transition between old and new. The architects created a walk-through pantry with loads of hidden storage, added a European laundry, powder room and vestibule with double doors opening to a gorgeous sitting room or library. In winter this is the place to feel cosy and warm by the fire in winter. In summer, fling open the double doors to the verandah and terrace beside the swimming pool.

The gorgeous timber staircase – its handrail worn smooth by more than a century of use – wends its way up to the first floor where rooms are arranged around a central landing. The main bedroom, with white marble open fireplace, overlooks the greenery of George Street through two large windows framed by heavy drapes. Beside it is a very large dressing room and marble en suite.

A second large family bathroom is next to it.Another grand room at the front of the house, now used as

a study but equally suitable as a bedroom, is painted a deep grey-blue with co-ordinating drapes and the same green outlook. Still on this level is a third bedroom.

In a quirky piece of design, the staircase takes you up and up until you arrive at a study where built-in bookshelves and desk line three walls. There is a stunning view over the rooftops to the spire of St John’s East Melbourne. Again, this room could easily be used as a fourth bedroom.

For elegant living and sheer convenience, this house has it all: at one end of George Street is Punt Road; at the other end, the Fitzroy Gardens with the city beyond. The MCG, tennis centre, several hospitals, parks, coffee shops and cafés are all within walking distance. \



EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONSPROPERTY EDITOR \ MARIA 0409 009 766 @mariaharristwr jO DAvY \ 0411 388 365



Bennison Mackinnon \ 9864 5000 Price \ $4.5 million – $5 million Expressions of Interest \ Closing December 10 at 5pm

Fast facts \ Elegant renovated period house with all the trappings of the era such as high ceilings, elaborate cornices, polished timber floors and marble fireplaces; modern gourmet kitchen with Paul Bocuse double oven; refined casual sitting room; study; dressing room; three marble bathrooms; powder room; Euro laundry; zoned heating and air-conditioning; 16-metre lap pool; exquisite garden; garage entered from side lane.

East Melbourne \ 2kms from the city

4 3 3

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42 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 43

we love it

The period features of this classic Victorian residence have been successfully coaxed into the 21st century at the hands of interior designer Stuart Rattle.

The formal entertainment rooms of old now ooze contemporary elegance, rows of cornices framing an elaborate ceiling rose in each. One of two gas log fireplaces sits snuggly between library walls in the lounge, while french doors in the dining room lead to a secluded bluestone courtyard.

While the separate study and laundry mid-way down the hall hint at the size of this property, the spacious open-plan kitchen and meals area at the end confirms it. Miele and CaesarStone are a contemporary combination with wide American oak floorboards underfoot.

Several sets of french doors open the space up to include a magnificent glass atrium at the back of the house, which serves as a living area.

Bluestone steps between ivy-covered walls lead down to a second, symmetrically designed courtyard centred around a swimming pool and surrounded by tall hedges.

Upstairs, the main bedroom’s position at the front of the house opens to the wide terrace balcony; it also has an en suite and spacious walk-in wardrobe.

Three other bedrooms and a large bathroom with a double vanity comprise the remainder of the second storey. \ JO DAVY

RT Edgar \ 9826 1000

9 Kensington Road

Price \ $3.8 million +

Auction \ December 15 at noon

4 2 1

South Yarra



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44 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

Nearly 50 years after it was built, this modernist house by architect Theodore Berman is still drawing admirers. Piers of large river pebbles and stone – one of the architect’s signatures – support the carport

and stone walls extend across the façade as far as the main entrance.

The entry features an internal light well and garden with doors leading from the hall to the study, family and meals area and powder room. Floor-to-ceiling windows allow natural light into these rooms.

The house has been beautifully maintained with many original features such as an internal timber screen. A new kitchen with modern appliances and stone benches is at the centre of the house, where the old kitchen would have been. Sliding doors open from the kitchen and meals area to a broad verandah. The three bedrooms and two en suite bathrooms are at the rear. \ MARIA HARRIS

A contemporary design ensured this new townhouse doesn’t waste an inch of its 340-square metre block of land.

Zoned accommodation has the main bedroom on the ground level, with a

spacious en suite and fully fitted dressing room.The formal lounge, kitchen, meals and living area share

an open floor plan, but a partial dividing wall in the centre creates defined spaces; on one side is an Escea gas log fireplace; on the other a built-in bar. A north-facing atrium is a clever addition along the side of the house.

Stone benchtops frame a V-ZUG-equipped kitchen, which overlooks the landscaped rear courtyard.

The upstairs landing is another space saver, with a built-in desk and shelves creating a compact study nook.

Three bedrooms make up the remainder of the second storey, one with a spacious en suite, the others sharing the travertine-tiled main bathroom. \ JO DAVY

Fletchers \ 9090 8390

25 Studley Park Road

Price \ $1.6 million +

Auction \ December 8 at 1 pm

3 2 2

Noel Jones \ 9809 2000

17 Westminster Street

Price \ $1.35 million +

Auction \ December 8 at 1pm

4 2 2

Kew Balwynpostcode



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december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 45

we love it

Hopetoun Avenue has fewer oak trees and tennis courts than its neighbours in this prestigious pocket of Canterbury. However, it has an understated grandeur that is a winner with families and the ideal setting for

this extensively renovated Californian bungalow.Built c1930, the front four rooms off a wide entrance

hall are a combination of rich period details woven into the warm contemporary aesthetic. An alcove of leadlight windows in the lounge is bordered by tall built-in bookshelves, creating the perfect spot for a seat or desk.

Opposite, the main bedroom has been updated to include a luxuriously appointed en suite and dressing room.

The back half of the house forms an L-shape around the south-west backyard and pool, with a long line of french doors dominating the rear wall. The kitchen, flush with Miele and Smeg appliances, shares an open floor plan with the casual dining and a sunken living area.

Vaulted ceilings at the back of the house and throughout the second storey have allowed the inclusion of north-oriented skylights and rows of clerestory windows to bring in as much light as possible. Two bedrooms, in their own wing off the family/living room, complete the ground level, while two more are upstairs, off a large rumpus room.

The landscaped back garden has been arranged around a spacious entertainment deck and the pool, which is tucked in the back corner. \ JO DAVY

Jellis Craig \ 9810 5000

33 Hopetoun Avenue

Price \ $2.1 million +

Auction \ December 8 at 1pm

5 3 2



Marshall White Armadale9822 9999

The undeniable appeal of this light-filled family residence's stylish dimensions is further enhanced by equally irresistible north-facing garden surrounds.

3 2 2

Let's eat lunch @E´Latte Café, 204 High StLet's eat dinner @ Preserve Kitchen, 32 High StLet's drink coffee @Two Seeds, 186 High St


3 Chamberlain Street, Ashburton

Price: $1.1 million +

Auction Saturday December 8 at 12.30pm

OFI Thur noon-12.30pm; Sat from noon





Christopher Russell & Smarthouse9817 0123 & 9859 2020

Simply divine or simply divide. Unique opportunity to buy a double-size allotment of 1290sqm. Currently offering a church and separate hall or subdivide (STCA).

Let's eat lunch @Caffé Boccaccio, 1044 Burke RdLet's eat dinner @ Stafans Charcoal Grill, 305 Whitehorse RdLet's drink coffee @The Brown Engine, 226 Whitehorse Rd


54-56 Nungerner Street, Balwyn

Price: $1.8 million +

Auction Saturday December 15 at 11am

OFI Thur, Sat 12.30-1pm





Fletchers Balwyn North9859 9561

Commanding an elevated position, this impressive house offers generous family accommodation, a formal dining room and a renovated Tasmanian oak kitchen.

5 2 3

Let's eat lunch @The Village Café, 2/74 Doncaster RoadLet's eat dinner @ Kati Thai, 66a Doncaster RoadLet's drink coffee @Mint on Burke, 1144 Burke Road


1a Fortuna Avenue, Balwyn North

Price: $1.15 million - $1.25 million

Auction Saturday December 8 at 2.30pm

OFI Thur 1.30-2pm; Sat 2-2.30pm





hockingstuart Balwyn/Hawthorn9830 7000

Classically refined, this family house features lounge/dining, living, meals, stone kitchen, teenager's retreat, study, large north-facing deck and double garage.

4 2 2

Let's eat lunch @Café Rubix, 519 Middleborough RdLet's eat dinner @ ELiza's 604-610 Middleborough RdLet's drink coffee @Middleborough Café Latte, 539 Middleborough Rd


56 Eram Road, Box Hill North

Price: $750,000 - $820,000

Auction Saturday December 15 at noon






agents’ choice

46 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

agents’ choice

Tucked away in McMaster Court, this family house exudes sophistication and style.

Each elegant aspect has been carefully considered. Crisp white walls, American oak parquetry floors, dazzling high ceilings and

silk furnishings all feature throughout. While every window in the house frames picture-perfect Paul Bangay-designed gardens, the study is especially blessed to overlook a flourishing Japanese maple and tranquil water feature.

Sweeping windows in the kitchen and meals area look onto a lap pool, terrace and sunken garden. A bathroom and laundry are discretely positioned past the kitchen.

Upstairs, the main bedroom has a walk-in wardrobe. Along with the guest bedroom, it also has an en suite.

Three further bedrooms, each with floor-to-ceiling built-in wardrobes, are serviced by a central bathroom.

A lift, servicing all three levels, takes you to the lower-ground floor, where a wine cellar and home cinema are nestled beside a five-car garage. \ DANIEL McCULLOCH

Kay & Burton \ 9820 1111

5 McMaster Court

Price \ About $5 million

Expressions of Interest \ Closing December 10 at 5pm

5 4 5

toorak postcode


Marshall White Hawthorn9822 9999

This two-storey contemporary residence has been built to exacting standards with attention to detail and designed for relaxed indoor/outdoor year-round entertaining.

4 2 2

Let's eat lunch @Moka Pot Café, 315 Doncaster RdLet's eat dinner @ Loong Palace, 270 Doncaster RdLet's drink coffee @Caffé Romeo, 319 Doncaster Rd


14 Macedon Avenue, Balwyn North

Price: $1.5 million +

Auction Saturday December 8 at 12.30pm

OFI Thur 12.30-1pm; Sat noon-12.30pm





A fter our comments last week that the

million-dollar-plus market was feeling a bit subdued, the market has bounced back with a

75 per cent clearance rate on the 28 auctions we attended. Bidderman rate was up at two bidders per auction.

It’s clear the top end has turned.Spring this year is a lot stronger than

spring last year and the evidence is consistent that we have been in an improving market for the past three months.

Four weeks ago – on Super Saturday, October 27 – the market was genuinely hot.

Buyers were pushing expectations, and agents and sellers who had been in the doldrums only a month before were welcoming all bids with open arms.

Two weeks later, we felt the mood had eased. Deals were still happening but not at the same level of excitement as in October and, as another November week passed, some in the market started to wonder if maybe Super Saturday was a dream – that the market hadn’t really picked up and that we were going to limp into Christmas much the same as last year.

Certainly, the clearance rates and

Bidderman were better than in 2011.Back in mid-November last year, the

clearance rate was 44 per cent compared to 67 per cent last week. But early November still felt quieter than October, and we weren’t so confident the market was maintaining its October push.

However, the continuing results can no longer be ignored. The market has been solidly on the improve on all levels.

Several buyers are feeling a sense of urgency.

It’s as if, in the past week or so, several top-end buyers have said: “Hey, it’s almost Christmas – I’m not mucking around any more, I want a home.”

And they are acting, hence the big jump in clearance rates and Bidderman.

Million-dollar-plus clearance rates \Boroondara \ 88 per cent on solid numbersBayside \ 75 per cent on lower numbersPort Phillip \ 63 per cent on lower numbersStonnington \ 78 per cent on reasonable numbers

Biggest auction sales \Armadale, 39-41 Adelaide Street, Mark Wridgway (RT Edgar), sold under the hammer; $3.255 million, four biddersHawthorn, 18 Glenroy Road, Alastair Craig (Jellis Craig), sold under the hammer; $3.25 million, three bidders

Canterbury, 3 Grange Avenue, Scott Patterson (Kay & Burton), sold after auction; above $2.7 million Strong bidding sales \Hampton, 37 Margarita Street, Frank Hellier (Malcolm), sold under the hammer; $1.55 million five biddersKew, 4 Marshall Avenue, Glen Coutinho (RT Edgar), passed in; $3.162 million, four biddersPrahran, 20 Kelvin Grove, Andrew James (Hocking Stuart), sold under the hammer; above $1.5 million, three bidders

Several big-ticket, off-market and quiet sales have taken place in Toorak recently.

Two Toorak apartments sold – one, a Michael Munckton-designed apartment in Sargood Street for about $5.5 million (Ross Savas and Michael Armstrong of Kay and Burton), and another in Douglas Street for about $3 million (Marcus Chiminello of Marshall White).

Also in Toorak, 4 Linlithgow Road was sold in the mid-$7 millions (Andrew Baines and Michael Gibson), and 19 Linlithgow Road sold by expression of interest in the mid-$8 millions (Michael Gibson).

In Armadale, 14 Myamyn Street (Gowan Stubbings, Kay and Burton), which last sold for the mid-$3 millions in 2009, has sold before auction in the mid-$4 millions.

In Kew, significant sales include: 19 Stoke Avenue sold for just over $3 million (Chris Alcock, Kay and Burton);25 Florence Avenue sold for just over $5 million (Paul Pfeiffer & Sarah Case, RT Edgar); and1-3 Sackville Street sold for just over $4 million (Paul Pfeiffer & Nick Walker, RT Edgar).

The marketing board has been removed from 2 Daniell Place, Kew (Philippe Batters, Williams Batters) after another sale. It has been quoted at more than $6 million.

Another property above $10 million has been sold in Kew through Abercromby’s.And in Brighton, a mid-week auction netted $5 million-plus at 9 Wellington Street (Barb Gregory).

We can confirm the market is strengthening, with sales in the past week of nine homes totalling nearly $30 million, including Middle Park (Hocking Stuart), Albert Park (Hocking Stuart), Kew (Philippe Batters), Brighton (Hodges), Toorak (Marshall White), Armadale (Real Estate Gallery) and Beaumaris (Chisholm and Gamon). \

Mal JamesPrincipal Buyer Advocate0408 107 988 \ 9804 3133

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december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 47

agents’ choice

Jellis Craig9810 5000

This four-bedroom-plus-study residence is quietly secluded with a broad frontage and northerly orientation. Comfortable living and entertaining with pool.

4 2 2

Let's eat lunch @Cru, 916 Glenferrie RoadLet's eat dinner @ QPO, 186 High StreetLet's drink coffee @Car Park Café, 4/26 Princess Street


10 St Johns Parade, Kew

Price: $1.6 million +

Auction Saturday December 8 at noon

OFI Thur 2.30-3pm; Sat from 11.30am





Kay & Burton Hawthorn8862 8000

This contemporary residence with an open floor plan has a modern kitchen, timber floors, main bedroom with walk-in wardrobe and entertainment deck.

3 1 2

Let's eat lunch @Dumpling King, 572 Station StLet's eat dinner @ Simon's Peiking Duck Restaurant, 197b Middleborough RdLet's drink coffee @Liquid Café Lounge, 866 Canterbury Rd


2 Foch Street, Box Hill South

Price: $650,000 +

Auction Saturday December 15 at 11am

OFI Thur 1-1.30pm





Set on approximately 460 square metres and comprising six bedrooms with large living areas, this two-storey residence is perfectly built for family living.

The focus on space is apparent upon entry with a wide hallway accentuated by stylish timber flooring and contemporary box lantern lighting overhead.

A double garage, den, laundry, powder room and lounge encompass the front of the lower level, while at the rear the house opens up to an open-plan meals, family room and kitchen, which is fitted with marble benches, stainless-steel appliances, a fireplace and a butler’s pantry.

Outside, the possibilities continue with a large entertainment area and pool by a manicured lawn.

Upstairs, five bedrooms, each with built-in wardrobes, are serviced by two bathrooms and a linen cupboard.

The main bedroom occupies the southern end of the first floor and features a walk-in wardrobe leading through to a large en suite with freestanding bath. \ JULIAN HEALEY

Bennison Mackinnon \ 9864 5000

382 Wattletree Road

Price \ $2.5 million +

Auction \ December 8 at 2.30pm

6 3 2



©2012 National Australia Bank Limited ABN 12 004 044 937 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686 NSM4700

Freedom is no charge to change your home loan.

48 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

Marshall White Armadale9822 9999

The grand scale, gracious elegance and prized Gascoigne Estate location showcased by this c1900 Edwardian residence. Land: 1003sqm (approx).

4 2 2

Let's eat lunch @Our Kitchen Table, 134 Burke RdLet's eat dinner @ Maris, 15 Glenferrie RdLet's drink coffee @Juzt Blue, 395 Wattletree Rd


62 Kerferd Street, Malvern East

Price: $2.5 million +

Auction Saturday December 8 at 1.30pm

OFI Thur 1.30-2pm; Sat 1-1.30pm





Noel Jones Camberwell9809 2000

Take this affordable rear ground-floor apartment with a premier Scotch Hill address any direction you choose and create a fabulous future lifestyle.

2 1 1

Let's eat lunch @Porgie & Mr Jones, 291 Auburn RoadLet's eat dinner @ Zia's Pizza, 93-95 Riversdale RoadLet's drink coffee @Picasso's Café, 690 Glenferrie Road


4/9a Fordholm Road, Hawthorn

Price: $487,000

Private sale

OFI Thur, Sat noon-12.30pm





This BKK Architects-designed property combines classic Victorian features and stylish contemporary elements to form a spacious and unique family residence.

Intricate ceiling roses, cornices and detailed open fireplaces feature throughout. The main bedroom benefits from wall-to-wall built-in wardrobes, a toasty open fireplace and a sun-soaked en suite bathroom.

Opposite is the sitting room, and behind is a central bathroom and three more bedrooms, two featuring open fireplaces. Each bedroom has built-in wardrobes.

At the rear, darker timber floors lead to the open-plan family and dining room – an inviting, contemporary space with natural highlights of timber, glass and slate, and bifold doors that extend the interior spaces out to link with a timber deck, barbecue area and leafy back yard.

The laundry is tucked in behind the kitchen, a space featuring European appliances and a stylish concealed refrigerator. \ JULIAN HEALEY

Marshall White \ 9822 9999

17 Soudan Street

Price \ $1.7 million +

Auction \ December 8 at 11.30am

4 2 1

malvern postcode


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december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 49

This two-storey, renovated Victorian offers quiet, leafy living just metres from Toorak Road. Its black lace-bordered balcony features double doors and is complemented by a paved courtyard below.

Inside, an arched hall with timber floors leads to the main living area and kitchen. The television unit and fridge are tucked away behind cabinets leaving the folding double doors that open to the side courtyard to claim all the attention. The kitchen has a marble island benchtop and European appliances.

A second, rear courtyard has an awning that stretches over the entire space and provides a second off-street car space reached from the back laneway. Upstairs, a study enclave has been added to the landing, which then branches off to all three bedrooms and main bathroom.

The main bedroom has a huge en suite and built-in wardrobes. The two other bedrooms have their own access to the balcony overlooking Davis Avenue. \ EddiE morton

Hocking Stuart \ 9868 5444

65 davis Avenue

Price \ $1.95 million – $2.2 million

Auction \ December 9 at 12.30

3 2

South Yarra postcode


Bennison Mackinnon9864 5000

Contemporary behind its c1888 façade, this two-bedroom Victorian's bright spaces lead to a north-facing courtyard, double parking and access to Armadale Reserve.

2 1 2

Let's eat lunch @Pheast48, 48 Wattletree RoadLet's eat dinner @ Chez Bob, 22 Beatty AvenueLet's drink coffee @Coin Laundry Café, 61 Armadale Street


30 Cambridge Street, Armadale

Price: $850,000 - $930,000

Auction Saturday December 15 at 1.30pm

OFI Thur noon-12.30pm; Sat 4-4.30pm





Jellis Craig9810 5000

This stunning contemporary residence's huge living/dining areas, dedicated home theatre and flexible gym surround an open-plan kitchen with full butler's pantry.

6 5 2

Let's eat lunch @George's, 819 Burke RoadLet's eat dinner @ Trinitas Thai, 955 Burke RoadLet's drink coffee @Brunetti, 1/3 Prospect Hill Road


116 Through Road, Camberwell

Price: $1.6 million +

Auction Saturday December 8 at 1pm

OFI Thur noon-12.30pm; Sat from 12.30pm





RT Edgar Toorak9826 1000

New north-facing modern architecturally designed New York-style town residence over three levels and within 50 metres of Bridge Road.

3 3 2

Let's eat lunch @Café Pronto, 246 Church StreetLet's eat dinner @ The Collection, 328 Bridge RoadLet's drink coffee @Short Black Café, 140 Bridge Road


16 Hull Street, Richmond

Price: $1.4 million - $1.54 million

Auction Saturday December 8 at 4pm

OFI Thur 5-5.30pm; Sat from 3.30pm





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50 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

Alphington7-11 Lowther St Nelson Alexander 141

ArmAdAle30 Cambridge St Bennison Mackinnon 57

Ashburton1/55 Nicholas St Bennison Mackinnon 593 Chamberlain St Marshall White 118

bAlwyn56 Nungerner St Christopher Russell 631 Norbert St Jellis Craig 7914 Evelina St Jellis Craig 851/92 Belmore Rd Fletchers 10028 Hardwicke St Marshall White 11817 Westminster St Noel Jones 148

bAlwyn north90 Doncaster Rd Jellis Craig 851/2 Lemon Rd Jellis Craig 8671 Mountain View Rd Jellis Craig 8620a Columba St Philip Webb 9417 Kalonga Rd Fletchers 971a Fortuna Ave Fletchers 97152 Doncaster Rd Fletchers 1003 Bolinda Rd Fletchers 10118 June Ave Marshall White 10614 Macedon Ave Marshall White 1195 Gardenia Rd Marshall White 11923 Ray Dve Marshall White 12093 Maud St Noel Jones 14423 Willis St Noel Jones 148

box hill north56 Eram Rd Hocking Stuart 154

box hill south2 Foch St Kay & Burton 7224 Gibson St Fletchers 99

burwood24 Uganda St Jellis Craig 803 Church St Hocking Stuart 15231 Parer St Hocking Stuart 152

CAmberwell540 Burke Rd Bennison Mackinnon 6044 Prospect Hill Rd Kay & Burton 671/2 Brinsley Rd Jellis Craig 8729 King St Jellis Craig 871/4 Laxdale Rd Jellis Craig 88116 Through Rd Jellis Craig 883/903 Riversdale Rd Fletchers 9912 Amy St Marshall White 1131a Crown Ave Marshall White 1202/14 Rowell Ave Marshall White 12128 Lynden St RT Edgar 1362a St Andries St Woodards 15029 Currajong Ave Hocking Stuart 1513 Lofty Ave O’Donoghues First National 155

CAnterbury8 The Ridge Jellis Craig 7433 Hopetoun Ave Jellis Craig 8110 Burnside Ave Jellis Craig 896 Logan St Marshall White 10779 Wattle Valley Rd Marshall White 12164 Wattle Valley Rd Noel Jones 145

CAulfield north20 Labassa Gve Rodney Morley Persichetti 155

Curlewis25 Avila Rd Fletchers 102

dinner plAinsAlpine Retreat RT Edgar 158

eAst melbourne20-22 George St Bennison Mackinnon 52114 Vale St Bennison Mackinnon 56301/279 Wellington Pde Caine 10596 Powlett St Caine 105

fitzroy150-156 Gertrude St Nelson Alexander 141

fitzroy north68 Freeman St Marshall White 122

flinders3509 Frankston Flinders Rd Kay & Burton 73

gisborne7-13 Mulgutherie Way Hunt 158

glen iris34 Britten St Bennison Mackinnon 5625 Irymple Ave Bennison Mackinnon 5848 Gardiner Pde Bennison Mackinnon 582b Ferndale Rd Jellis Craig 89195 Burke Rd Marshall White 1221 Saxby Rd JA Cain First National 1401 Bath Rd Noel Jones 1465 Cromwell St Hocking Stuart 153

hAwthorn8/472 Glenferrie Rd Kay & Burton 7146 Berkeley St Jellis Craig 7635 Chrystobel Cres Marshall White 11214 Percy St Marshall White 123509/81-85 Riversdale Rd Marshall White 12314 Kembla St RT Edgar 13541 Liddiard St Hocking Stuart 153

hAwthorn eAst27 St Helens Rd RT Edgar 13411/840 Toorak Rd Hooper 1411a Hastings Rd Woodards 150

ivAnhoe eAst39 York Ave Kay & Burton 68

Kew2/100 Mount St Christopher Russell 624/45 Parkhill Rd Kay & Burton 7110 St Johns Pde Jellis Craig 8293 Wills St Jellis Craig 834 Stansell St Jellis Craig 907 Banool Ave Jellis Craig 90

172 Cotham Rd Fletchers 9625 Studley Park Rd Fletchers 9851 Davis St Walsh Cairns & Co 10427 Barrington Ave Marshall White 11448 Barrington Ave Marshall White 1245 Campbell St Marshall White 12418 St Anthonys Plc Marshall White 12522 Kent St Marshall White 12539 Carson St Noel Jones 142

1/27 Glenbrook Ave Bennison Mackinnon 602/5 Fenwick St Jellis Craig 9123 Brunel St Jellis Craig 9162 Kerferd St Marshall White 1091 Tennyson St Marshall White 12762 Repton Rd Hocking Stuart 154

melbourne401/401 St Kilda Rd Kay & Burton 66173/29 Queens Rd Kay & Burton 6910a/29 Queens Rd Marshall White 127

mont Albert16 St Georges Ave RT Edgar 13716a St Georges Ave RT Edgar 138

mont Albert north410 Belmore Rd Jellis Craig 92

moorooduC421 Coolart Rd Jacobs & Lowe-Bennetts 156

north melbourne41-43 Little Leveson St Noel Jones 147

point lonsdAle14 Buckleys Rd RT Edgar 158

portseA27 Wattle Gve Bennison Mackinnon 62

prAhrAn573 High St Pride 9585 High St Pride 9514 Jessamine Ave Marshall White 12841 Eastbourne St Marshall White 128354 High St Marshall White 12952 Spring St Hocking Stuart 154

QueensCliff9 McDonald Rd Fletchers 101

reseArCh60 Beauty Point Rd Barry Plant 73

riChmond4 Fraser St Kay & Burton 70143 Somerset St Jellis Craig 84

in partnership with

Auction cleArAnce rAtes

november 2012

SUBURB AUCTIoNS %ARMADALE 19 68%ASHBURToN 6 100%BALWYN 17 65%BALWYN NoRTH 32 59%CAMBERWELL 29 72%CANTERBURY 11 64%GLEN IRIS 30 73%HAWTHoRN 30 70%HAWTHoRN EAST 11 55%KEW 29 72%KEW EAST 8 100%MALVERN 18 72%MALVERN EAST 24 67%PRAHRAN 21 71%SoUTH YARRA 36 58%SURREY HILLS 20 65%TooRAK 21 71% SOuRCE \ REIV *Due to the very low volume of auctions  in some suburbs the clearance rates are likely to show a high degree of volatility.


Last week’s editorial on the above property stated it occupied a 2743 square metre block of land. The land size is 863 square metres. We apologise for the error, which was made in production.

12/14 Burnley St Fletchers 10316 Hull St RT Edgar 139

south melbourne909/18-20 Dorcas St Caine 105

south yArrA1/112 Walsh St Bennison Mackinnon 6136 Davis Ave Marshall White 1109 Kensington Rd RT Edgar 1319 Fulham Ave RT Edgar 13252 & 54 oban St RT Edgar 13975 Hope St Dixon Kestles 154

southbAnK1304/250 St Kilda Rd Bennison Mackinnon 59

st KildA39 Jackson St RT Edgar 140

st KildA eAst184 Alma Rd Rodney Morley Persichetti 155

surrey hills24 Blackburn St Kay & Burton 7294 Guildford Rd Jellis Craig 921/78 Middlesex Rd Jellis Craig 939 Scheele St Jellis Craig 933 olyve Crt Fletchers 10240 Guildford Rd Marshall White 116251 Union Rd Marshall White 117571 Whitehorse Rd Marshall White 1292/22 Chestnut St Noel Jones 149

thorpdAle1016 Morwell-Thorpdale Rd SEJ 156

toorAK6/14 Woorigoleen Rd Bennison Mackinnon 611/43 St Georges Rd Kay & Burton 645 McMaster Crt Kay & Burton 657 Duffryn Plc Kay & Burton 692/212a Kooyong Rd Jellis Craig 783 Power Ave Marshall White 11172 Grange Rd RT Edgar 130listings provided by campaigntrack.


3 First Ave Noel Jones 149

Kew eAst10 Munro St McLaren 10448 Westbrook St Marshall White 126

mAlvern2 Frederick St Bennison Mackinnon 544 Staniland Ave Bennison Mackinnon 552a Wilks Ave Kay & Burton 707 Parslow St Marshall White 10817 Soudan St Marshall White 1159 Meredith St Marshall White 12674 Jordan St RT Edgar 133

mAlvern eAst382 Wattletree Rd Bennison Mackinnon 539 Warida Ave Bennison Mackinnon 5535 Darling Rd Bennison Mackinnon 57

we love it

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 51

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52 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

Armadale | South Yarra | Sorrento-Portsea

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�a �B �CArmadale | South Yarra | Sorrento-Portsea

54 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

Armadale | South Yarra | Sorrento-Portsea

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Armadale | South Yarra | Sorrento-Portsea

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Armadale | South Yarra | Sorrento-Portsea

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Armadale | South Yarra | Sorrento-Portsea

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Armadale | South Yarra | Sorrento-Portsea

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�a �B �Cdecember 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 61

Auction Sunday 9th December at 12noonView Saturday 2.30-3pm,

Sunday from 11.30amEmil Foller 0403 301 097Andrew Macmillan 0418 142 252Office 39 Ocean Beach Road, Sorrento

5984 0999

Mortgagee Auction. Serene, secluded and superbly spacious on approximately 2434sqm, thissprawling, light infused beach house just an easy stroll to Shelley Beach delivers a positionof privilege in fiercely held Wattle Grove. Features sumptuous spaces to relax, unwind andentertain, a deluxe stone topped kitchen with vast island bench, opulent wet room stylebathrooms and a full size tennis court for fitness and fun. Offering immediate entry to therarefied world of one of Portsea’s most exclusive enclaves, this is a blue chip address worthy ofyour grandest design.

Armadale | South Yarra | Sorrento-Portsea

PORTSEA | 27 Wattle Grove

4a 2B 2CE

2 Bedroom, 2 Balcony, 2 Bathroom, 2 Secure Car ParksThis inviting first floor apartment is perfectly positioned to Burke Road trams, schools, shops & cafes. Providing a large open plan living area with double doors opening to a north facing sun soaked balcony, large kitchen with stone benches, stainless steel appliances, meals area & living room, 2 generous bedrooms, both with courtyard outlooks, main with WIR & ensuite, stylish central bathroom, separate European laundry, secure underground parking for 2 cars & storage room. Special features include reverse cycle air conditioner, timber floors, apartment security intercom, only one of nine in a small complex. Ideal home or investment.

KEW 2/100 Mount Street

Auction: Saturday 8th December at 11.00amPrice: $540,000 plusOpen: Thursday 11.00 - 11.30am & Saturday 10.30 - 11.00amContact: Joseph Brancato 0430 464 111

Russell Turner 0419 955 655Office: 1161 Burke Road Kew 9817 0123




62 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

Simply Divine or Simply DivideSuperfluous to the Uniting Church´s needs; this heavenly (double size) allotment of 1290smq approx. measuring 30.48M X 42.36M

(100´ X 139´). Set in a sought after area of Balwyn in a delightful tree lined street, this unique opportunity to purchase a double

allotment is overflowing with possibilities. Currently offering a church & separate hall, Sunday school building & church office, it

would be a true blessing for a similar organization to have the opportunity to make use of one or both of the original structures.

Alternatively, create a truly luxurious family lifestyle with expansive home & accruements such as tennis court & pool. A further

option is the possibility to subdivide & redevelop the site (STCA). The location is superb with a tree canopied avenue, Balwyn High

School zone & walk to Whitehorse & Belmore Road, tram & shops.

BALWYN 54 - 56 Nungerner Street

Auction: Saturday 15th December at 11.00am

Price: $1.8 Million plus

Open: Thursday & Saturday 12.30 - 01:00pm

Contact: Chris Ewart 0419 897 979

Jonathan Shepherd 0409 886 878

Office: 1161 Burke Road Kew 9817 0123

Co Agent:

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 63

Residence 1, 43 St Georges Road Toorak

Exclusive Town Residence Designed by Robert MillsPrestigious St Georges Road is home to this Robert Mills exclusive design. Set over 3 levels with a private lift the home comprises formal living & dining with gas log fireplace, European kitchen & open-plan family and dining room with full height glass doors that open to a private garden, main bedroom with en suite and walk-in wardrobes, 3 further bedrooms with built-in wardrobes and 2 further bathrooms, theatre and recreation room, store room and parking for four cars.

CALL Ross Savas 0418 322 994 Andrew Sahhar 0417 363 358 OF INTERESTClosing Monday 10th December at 5pm VIEW Wednesday 12 - 12.30pm & 6 - 6.30pm

64 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

5 McMaster Court Toorak

Near New French Provincial HomeThis exquisite French provincial family residence is the epitome of luxury living & boasts excellence in design & appointments. Flooded in natural light through “picture book” windows overlooking Paul Bangay designed gardens, terrace & the pool at the rear. High ceilings add to the wonderful spaces and classic feel of the home.The home takes full advantage of the N/W orientation and comprises formal and informal living areas & 5 bedrooms. Features 5 car basement, lift & gym/cinema.

CALL Andrew Baines 0418 328 407 Ross Savas 0418 322 994 Andrew Sahhar 0417 363 358 OF INTERESTClosing Monday 10th December at 5pm VIEW By Appointment

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 65

401/401 St Kilda Road Melbourne

The Terrace ApartmentSuperbly positioned this half floor, as new apartment situated in an iconic boutique address by Elenberg Fraser. This stunning residence featuring video security entrance, an impeccable blend of formal & informal living areas overlooking a stunning outdoor entertaining terrace of approx 230sqm including spa. Two generous bedrooms both with marble ensuites, 3rd bedroom or study, Gaggenau kitchen, fully fitted study in main suite & 3 basement car spaces with lift access.

CALL Michael Gibson 0418 530 392 Nicole Gleeson 0414 809 221 OF INTERESTClosing Monday 10th December at 5pm VIEW Wednesday 1 - 1.30pm & 5.30 - 6pm, Saturday 12 - 12.30pm

66 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

44 Prospect Hill Road Camberwell

Victorian Family Home in the Heart of CamberwellThis fabulous north facing family home offers beautifully proportioned accommodation in stunning garden surrounds. The home comprises grand entry foyer, 4 spacious bedrooms (main with WIR and en-suite), formal living & dining rooms, an exceptional light filled family area featuring a stunning kitchen, meals area & lovely outlooks across the swimming pool & gardens. Additional features 2 car spaces, alarm, ducted heating, all moments from the finest schools, cafes and parks.

CALL Andrew Sahhar 0417 363 358 Ross Savas 0418 322 994 Chris Alcock 0407 907 748 9th December at 12noon VIEW Thursday 2 - 2.30pm

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 67

39 York Avenue Ivanhoe East

‘ Rangeworthy ’ C1900The impressive tower of ‘Rangeworthy’ is a local landmark heralding a remarkable family lifestyle opportunity on 3120sqm (approx). In a prestigious location, this significant 5 BR and study period residence commands a first-class position among magnificent gardens with N/S tennis court. Substantial family accommodation highlights all manner of luxuries and perfectly preserved period decoration flowing seamlessly throughout this architect-renovated and extended family domain.

CALL Nicole Gleeson 0414 809 221 Scott Patterson 0417 581 074 Judy Balloch 0408 753 877 OF INTERESTClosing Monday 10th December at 5pm VIEW By Appointment, Thursday & Saturday 2 - 2.30pm

68 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

7 Duffryn Place Toorak

Quiet Court LocationSuperbly positioned in a rare Toorak cul-de-sac is this 2 storey family home on low maintenance garden allotment. This comfortable residence features 4 bedrooms (main with en-suite and WIR) open plan kitchen and family room, separate formal living and dining room all opening onto North facing courtyard, 2 further bathrooms, double remote garage and heating and cooling. Close to public transport and schools.

CALL Peter Kudelka 0418 319 439 Jacqui Ralph 0418 106 068 8th December at 3pm VIEW Wednesday 1 - 1.30pm & 6 - 6.30pm

173/29 Queens Road Melbourne

Spectacular PenthouseSuperbly positioned on both 16th and 17th floor, with separate entries, this renovated apartment in this landmark building and boasting 180 degree views over Albert Park and Sea. Featuring Security entry and outstanding accommodation which includes: lounge room, dining room, gourmet kitchen on the 17th floor, 3 superb bedrooms plus study/4th bedroom on the 16th floor, multiple balconies, air-conditioning, 2 easy accessible basement car parks, indoor swimming pool, sauna and gym.

CALL Cher Coad 0412 252 858 Matt Davis 0412 466 858

Conjunctional Agent Rodney Morley Persichetti Rodney Morley 0418 321 222 Andrew Tolson 0418 312 542

EXPRESSIONS OF INTERESTClosing Wednesday 12th December at 5pm VIEW Saturday & Sunday 11 - 11.30am

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 69

4 Fraser Street Richmond

Spectacular Living, Superb LocationThis compelling new residence conveys ultimate sophistication & luxury. A remote-controlled ‘showroom’ garage plus 2nd off street park, security & C-Bus2 home automation enhance this outstanding designer home seconds to Bridge Rd & trams to the MCG &CBD. A light-filled living/dining opens onto entertainment decking complementing 3 bedrooms (robes, main en suite), study area, balcony, city aspects, Miele kitchen, stylish bathroom, laundry/WC & heating/cooling.

CALL Rebecca Edwards 0423 759 481 Daniel Bradd 0411 347 511 15th December at 2pm VIEW Wednesday 1 - 1.30pm, Saturday 11 - 11.30am

2a Wilks Avenue Malvern

Single Level Stonnington Estate LifestyleSuperbly located in the heart of the Stonnington Estate is this immaculately presented solid brick 3 bedroom home set in delightful garden setting with a perfect blend of bedrooms and living areas.This quiet home offers spacious and bright open plan living opening onto peaceful rear garden with pool, separate dining with open fire place, modern granite kitchen with meals area, 3 bedrooms with BIR’s and secure parking for two cars via remote gates.

CALL Peter Kudelka 0418 319 439 Gary Ormrod 0419 588 331 8th December at 12noon VIEW Wednesday 11 - 11.30am & 5 - 5.30pm

70 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

8/472 Glenferrie Road Hawthorn

“Netherton” - A Superb Scotch Hill HighlightThis fabulous renovated Art Deco apartment delivers a perfectly quiet & comfortable ambience with delightful views. Nestled on the top floor featuring large older-style spaces & impressive character throughout a flexible floorplan of 2 generous bedrooms plus study/3rd bedroom. Offers light-filled living & dining with OFP, stylish kitchen & bathroom plus small balcony & carport on title. A superb low-maintenance opportunity near shopping, transport, parks & Kooyong Tennis Club.

CALL Rebecca Edwards 0423 759 481 Tim Picken 0419 305 802 15th December at 12noon VIEW Thursday 12.30 - 1pm, Saturday 12 - 12.30pm

4/45 Parkhill Road Kew

Peaceful & Private Garden HavenAn exclusive low-maintenance lifestyle sanctuary in an established treed setting, this spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom town residence with beautiful north-facing garden oasis is nestled to the rear in boutique ‘Parkhill Rise’. Tasteful contemporary enhancement complements excellent proportions for immediate enjoyment near High St trams and Victoria Park. Offers extensive living and dining, sunny patio and garden, stone kitchen, duct heating, air-cond, double auto garage.

CALL Sam Wilkinson 0400 169 148 Michael Liu 0402 699 076 15th December at 1pm VIEW Thursday & Saturday 12 - 12.30pm

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 71

2 Foch Street Box Hill South

Smart Style for Today Plus Bonus Space for TomorrowStyle, comfort and scope form a compelling trio in this delightful 3 bedroom home poised to quiet perfection on substantial land (678sqm approx) with bus, Box Hill Golf Course and quality schools nearby. The stylishly attired, sun-flooded layout features lovely open-plan living areas and smart modern kitchen whilst a deep garden deck overlooks generous level gardens that create an idyllic blank canvas for extension or perhaps an additional rear dwelling (STCA).

CALL Richard Spratt 0412 493 189 Scott Patterson 0417 581 074 15th December at 11am VIEW Thursday 1 - 1.30pm, Saturday 12.15 - 12.45pm

24 Blackburn Street Surrey Hills

Al Fresco Living and Entertaining Made EasyThis handsome home is all set for you to enjoy its stylishly attired spaces and easy-going nature. In a family-convenient pocket near train, tram, Surrey Hills and Mont Albert cafes, parks and playgrounds, this immaculate home offers a relaxed, sun-filled interior featuring spacious formal living/dining, superb casual areas (Stone Kitchen/WI pantry) and leafy entertainer’s deck amid lushly lawned north garden. With 3 bedrooms (main/semi-ensuite), stylish study area and bathroom.

CALL Richard Spratt 0412 493 189 Daniel Bradd 0411 347 511 8th December at 11am VIEW Thursday 12 - 12.30pm, Saturday 10.30 - 11am

72 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

3509 Frankston Flinders Road Merricks

“Cunana” – Jewel in the Mornington Peninsula CrownAn iconic property by SJB Architects privately located with breathtaking views of Western Port and Phillip Island. Set on 27 acres approx. among lush farmland the house comprises open plan gourmet kitchen and living, atrium courtyard, master with en suite, two further bedrooms, two bathrooms and three terraces. Two self-contained apartments, indoor pool, home cinema, gym, lift, games room, cellar and study.


CALL Rollo Moore 0418 336 152 Prue McLaughlin 0417 389 006 Tom Barr Smith 0438 368 020 SALE

VIEW Strictly by appointment






Tue 18th December at 5:00pm (unless sold prior)

PRICE GUIDE $1,750,000 - $1,900,000

INSPECT by appointmentPhoto ID required

CONTACT John Gilbert 0418 365 954Eltham Office 9431 1222

RESEARCH / ELTHAM 60 Beauty Point Road

"RIATTA" - Rare 22 Acre Property - Steeped In History

This grand mud brick family residence, set on 22 spectacular acres

(approx.) is a haven for horse lovers. Featuring reclaimed materials such

as historic front double doors from an old city bank, large beams from the

old Port Melbourne pier, and gorgeous Hawthorn bricks, you will enjoy

casual living zones, impressive formal dining and drawing room, a master

suite with Juliette balcony, plus a solar heated indoor swimming pool.

The property also provides a converted barn (with en-suite), tennis court,

spectacular city views, stables, paddocks, dams, ménage and more.

Situated close to Eltham schools, shops and public transport options,

this is a rare opportunity for acreage AND convenience.

Call today for a private viewing.

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 73


In a class of its own with a 94´/29.26m frontage to one of Canterbury´s most exclusive streets, this outstanding 1920´s residence merges classic character and inspiring contemporary beauty. Further complimented by flawless luxury and style throughout the 10 principal rooms including 4bedrooms/2bathroom and a self-contained apartment (5th Bedroom/ensuite) perfect for extended families or independent teens providing supreme space and comfort. Architecturally transformed this sensational family home flaunts a divine main bedroom (dressing room/ensuite/garden aspect), formal sitting

Prestige family living on superb 1,248sqmroom, separate dining, teenage retreat, office/study, stunning European Kitchen (Liebherr fridge/freezer),superb family/meals area (Bar and feature fire) bi-folding doors opening out to an expansive and private rear garden and deck area. A perfectly executed home also featuring heating, cooling, security, double garage with additional off-street parking via auto-gates.

74 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

Auction Thursday 20th December at 7pmInspect Thursday 1.15-1.45pm & 6.30-7pm,

Saturday 2.30-3pmLand 29.26m x 42.67m approx.

ContactGeordie Dixon 0418 588 399      Tom Ryan 0413 872 550Alastair Craig 0418 335 363

OfficeHawthorn 9810

5 3 6 4 1

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 75

HAWTHORN 46 Berkeley Street

This spectacular modern residence, designed and built to the most exacting standards of style and quality, creates a superb context for living and entertaining, enhanced by an elevated allotment of some 1145sqm high on Scotch Hill. Substantial, sophisticated formal Living and Dining domains are matched by huge, family friendly informal spaces that include a beautifully appointed Kitchen, featuring imported German joinery, a granite bar and cellar. Beyond, a gracious terrace and precisely landscaped north westerly gardens ensure indoor allure is complemented by outdoor elegance. A large

CLAREMONT - unrivalled refinement on Scotch HillStudy/Library and 2 Bedrooms, each with ensuite, complete downstairs dimensions. Upstairs a vast main Bedroom with dressing room, superb ensuite and retreat opens to a stunning terrace that sees the city. State-of-the-art surround sound entertainment system, complete home automation, sub floor hydronic heating, industrial capacity air-conditioning, 10,000L stainless steel water tank and secure basement garage are amongst this elite residence´s comprehensive luxury list.

76 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

Expressions of InterestClosing Monday 17th December at 5pmInspect Thursday By Appt (12-12.30pm) &

Saturday By Appt (3.30-4pm)Land 1145 sq metres approx.

ContactJacinta Tatti 0409 514 893Richard Winneke 0418 136 858Paul Keane 0419 330 571

OfficeHawthorn 9810

3 3 4 2 1 1

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 77

78 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

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december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 93

� � � � � �



9593 6222 18 Belford Street, St Kilda 3182

BE ONE OF ONLY NINE573 High Street, Prahran

Conceived by awarding winning Richard SwanssonArchitect, each individually designed unit boasts superb

natural light, floor plans with extended living, wellproportioned balconies and high quality fixtures andfittings. A small development of only 9 and fantastic

position ensures this block will be iconic in years to come.

Secure today to maximise Stamp Duty savings.

For more information



12- 12


Sat &

Sun 12

- 3.00p


CONTACT:Angus Ferguson 0427 584 444

Tony Pride 0417 300 056

Apartments from $375,000Two bed apartments from $649,000


SUBSTANTIAL STAMP DUTY SAVINGSConstruction due to completion April 2013. 1 & 2 bedroom

apartments available. Upper level apartments featuringspectacular views. Cutting edge design, lifestyle location and

functionality are key traits of LYNX Prahran.

Spacious living areas with floor to ceiling windows leading to privatecourtyards or generous entertainer’s balconies - a lifestyle manywould envy. Bedrooms are accented by large windows providing

an abundance of natural light. Kitchen with stone bench tops, glasssplash backs and fully appointed with stainless steal appliances,

integrated refrigerator dishwasher & microwave. Bathrooms are fullytiled and accented by modern chrome fixtures and sizable shower

concealed Euro laundry & Security entry with CCTV. Linked toPrahran, a location that can’t be beaten. Transport, cafes, restaurants

and all the amenities that Prahran offers at your front door.

One Bedroom, one bathroom from $314,000Two Bedroom, two bathroom from $585,000

DISPLAY SITE OPENCorner of Charles & High Street Prahran

Thursday 5pm-6pm, Saturday & Sunday 2.30pm-4pm

CONTACT AGENTSMark Dihm 0410 377 704, Tony Pride 0417 300 056

Maarten Bruin 0418 365 41, Marc Peters 0418 337 051

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 95


96 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012


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98 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012


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100 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012


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102 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012


december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 103


9817 4401 1167 Burke Road, Kew

AH Valda Walsh 9826 6520, 0418 384 330 or Simon Wash 0419 337 460

In perfect condition with original features intact an 1890 Victorian single storey home with modern extension. Entertainment deck and pleasant views to the Western sunset Land approx 840 sqm with landscaped gardens. 7 main rooms plus 2 bathrooms,

laundry, large cellar and vast under house storage. Car port for 2 cars and 2 other off street spaces.

Inspect Thursday & Saturday 12:30 – 1:00pm

51 Davis Street, Kew High Street, Kew 9854 8888

KEW EAST 10 Munro Street

Retaining a picturesque English façade, this

eight room clinker brick home comprises four

bedrooms, two bathrooms, lounge, formal

dining, large kitchen, family /meals, ducted

gas heating, carpets over hardwood timber

floors, carport, garage, external kitchenette &

wood fired pizza oven. Walk to shops, city

transport, Kew High School & Hays Paddock.

AUCTION This Saturday at 11 am

INSPECT Thursday 11:30-12 noon &

Saturday 10:30-11 am

LAND 680 sq m approx.

CONTACT John Cokalis 0411 184 124 &

Nick Whyte 0417 131 153





ABSOLUTELY ORIGINAL...OFF CHAPEL STREETFor auction by the Trustees, this Victorian Terrace is an increasingly rare find ...just 200steps to Chapel Street Presented in original condition with its solid-brick integrity intact,this flexible 2 or 3 bedroom Terrace retains period detail, a vintage kitchen & beyond-vintage bathrm. Ready to renovate, renew & reconfigure to maximise outdoor space withpossible OSP from ROW. It's time to get to work on this original Terrace.


EXECUTORS AUCTIONSATURDAY 15TH DECEMBER AT 11AMPROPERTY MUST BE SOLD ~ SUIT $480,000 - $520,000 BUYERSFor further details contact:MATTHEW IACO ON 0412 522 900 or 9532 8845

INSPECT WED 12-12.30, SAT & SUN 11-11.30

2-3 1




104 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012 (03) 8413 8000

A 3 B 1 C 2East MElbournE96 Powlett street

First time OFFered in 41 YearsThis grand Victorian terrace home retains considerable 19th century character.Complemented by its privileged East Melbourne position as part of Historic “CanterburyTerrace”. Enjoy the advantage of rear lane access to a secure double LUG, endlesspossibilities for renovating & re-modelling. Formal reception rooms lead to a separatebreakfast room & the east facing kitchen situated above a lower level sitting room whichopens to the paved courtyard garden. Upstairs, a main bedroom with balcony, 2 furtherbedrooms & bathroom with scope to enhance. Under instructions from State Trustees.

auctiOnSaturday 15th December 11:00amViewThursday 6th December 2-2:30Saturday 8th December 12-12:30cOntactPaul Caine 0407 393 900OFFice370 Albert St, East Melbourne

A 1 B 1 C 1South Melbourne909/18-20 Dorcas Street

Fridcorp development - elmPerfectly positioned adjacent to the Royal Botanical Gardensand within easy access to Melbourne’s arts precinct, CBD.Features: open plan living with built in shelving opening ontoundercover balcony, fully intergrated kitchen, spacious doublebedroom with BIRs & dual access, stylish bathroom & eurolaundry. Includes Secure car space, security entrance tostunning foyer, double glazing, communal gym & large northfacing entertaining area with pool, spas, BBQ & dining facilities.

For SaleviewBy appointmentcontactPaul Caine 0407 393 900oFFice370 Albert St, East Melbourne

A 3 B 2 C 2East MElbournE301/279 Wellington Parade south

THE EXECUTIVE PACKAGEQuality Living in the CBD’s Doorstep. A spectacular threebedroom, two bathroom executive apartment with a massive30m2 entertainer’s terrace. With city and park outlook andfacility rich building this lifestyle only minutes’ walk to Springand Collins Street is a winning solution for the busy executives.Complete with two side by side secure parking spaces, a hugeadjacent storage room and the joy of convenience and styleand full life style facilities.

For SAlE$1,600,000 - $1,690,000VIEwBy appointmentConTACTPaul Caine 0407 393 900oFFICE370 Albert St, East Melbourne

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 105

BALWYN NORTH18 June Avenue

Elegant new French Provincial inspired home of grand

proportions luxuriously appointed with light-filled interior

comprising sitting/movie room plus wide tiled hallway

leading to a stunning informal living domain incorporating a

state-of-the art Miele kitchen+Butlers pantry opening to a

covered alfresco area (B/I barbeque); huge retreat, 5

bedrooms, master with retreat/balcony, dressing room+

ensuite plus 4 bedrooms, 3 ensuites. Features include

security, d/heating/cooling/vacuum, rem/gates/dble garage

(I/A). Balwyn High zone. Land Size: 970sqm approx

Auction Saturday 15th December at 11.30am-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 1.15-1.45pm & Saturday 12.30-1pm


Contact Mark Sutherland 0418 691 585James Tostevin 0417 003 333



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

106 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

CANTERBURY6 Logan Street

Set on a magnificent sweeping allotment close to Maling

Road this landmark Federation residence showcases the

grandeur & graciousness of its era with classic period

features matched to living areas & zoned accommodation

befitting today´s lifestyle. Comprising elegant hall, formal/

informal living & dining rooms, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms,

renovated kitchen, outdoor entertaining area. Includes alarm,

timber over-mantels+ OFPs, d/heating/cooling, landscaping,

original stables/storage, auto gates to period style triple

carport. Land size: 1,945sqm/20,936sqft approx.

Auction Saturday 8th December at 3.30pm -----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 1.15-1.45pm & Saturday from 3pm


Contact Joe Muinos 0423 222 043James Tostevin 0417 003 333



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 107

MALVERN7 Parslow Street

This classically styled residence´s timeless design and

generous proportions provide significant appeal for every

stage of family life. Natural light streams through inviting

sitting room, study, formal dining, main bedroom (en-suite/

WIRs), four further bedrooms (two with en-suites), two

additional bathrooms and large retreat. The generous living/

dining areas with Gaggenau kitchen and butler´s pantry

open to a covered terrace and northwest garden. Features

heating/cooling and double garage. Land: 706sqm/7,600sqft


Auction Saturday 15th December at 11.30am-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 2-2.30pm & Saturday 2.15-2.45pm


Contact Madeline Kennedy 0411 873 913Andrew Hayne 0418 395 349


Web -----------------------------------------

Office 1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999

108 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

MALVERN EAST62 Kerferd Street

The grand scale, gracious elegance and prized Gascoigne

Estate location showcased by this c1900 Edwardian

residence highlight not only its immediate comfort but its

significant potential (STCA). Exceptional proportions

distinguish the entrance foyer, study, magnificent sitting

room (marble OFP), elegant formal dining, four bedrooms,

two bathrooms, large capable kitchen, casual dining and

generous living opening to the picturesque garden. Features

ducted heating, ducted vacuum, laundry, 53m licensed bore

with pump, sheds and garage. Land: 1003sqm (approx).

Auction Saturday 8th December at 1.30pm (unless sold prior)


Inspect Thursday 1.30-2pm & 7-7.30pm &Saturday from 1pm(by appointment at advertised times)


Contact Rae Tomlinson 0418 336 234James Tomlinson 0408 350 684



Office 1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 109

SOUTH YARRA36 Davis Avenue

Located on one of South Yarra´s most sought after Avenues,

the French style of romance and refinement are beautifully

expressed throughout this double fronted, single storey

Victorian. Three double bedrooms complemented by two

beautifully appointed ensuites and a bright family bathroom

lead to an atrium that basks in pure natural light. Beyond,

superb spaces for living, dining and entertaining are

accompanied by an open plan kitchen with a French

influence opening to a charming sandstone courtyard.

Security/surveillance system & double garage.

Auction Saturday 15th December at 12.30pm-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday & Saturday 12-12.30pm-----------------------------------------

Contact Susan McGlashan 0417 554 224Joanna Nairn 0419 994 664



Office 1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999

110 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

TOORAK3 Power Avenue

This stately c1936 family residence´s charm, gracious

proportions and enchanting northwest gardens (910sqm

approx.) provide scope for a renovation or possible new

home site (STCA). Ornate ceilings distinguish spacious formal

living/dining room (OFP) with balcony, three bedrooms,

bathroom, den and well equipped kitchen. Below, parquetry

flooring flows through second living (OFP), 4th bedroom,

study or 5th bedroom, kitchenette and bathroom. Features

ducted heating, evaporative cooling, alarm, powder-room,

cellar and garage.

Auction Saturday 15th December at 10.30am-----------------------------------------

Inspect By appt Thursday 12-12.30pm & Saturday 12-12.30pm


Contact James Redfern 0412 360 667David Volpato 0414 701 983



Office 1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 111

HAWTHORN35 Chrystobel Crescent

Showcasing impressively proportioned spaces, elegant period

character & north-facing rear garden with ROW, this Arts &

Crafts-inspired residence presents a rare opportunity in a

prestigious Grace Park Estate dress circle position. This 4

bedroom home has comfortably evolved merging modern

appointments with Art Nouveau features near leading

schools and Glenferrie Rd. Offering sitting room, living room,

dining to alfresco area, gourmet kitchen, hydronic heating,

alarm, decorative ceilings. Unique potential for family

excellence. Land: 670sqm / 7,210sqft approx.

Auction Saturday 8th December at 2.30pm-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 1-1.30pm & Saturday from 2pm


Contact Chris Barrett 0412 927 409Peter Mitchell 0418 374 556



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

112 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012


A most attractive Californian Bungalow style family home

offering five bedrooms, four flexible living zones and

providing excellent home entertaining with a large inground

pool set in a private landscaped garden, and a large double

garage with storage and adjoining home gym. Quiet location

near primary schools, parkland, train & tram. Corner

allotment on Land 632sqm (15.96 x 39.44m) approx.

Auction Saturday 15th December at 11.30am-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 1.15-1.45pm & Saturday 3-3.30pm


Contact Stephen Gough 0439 844 855Hamish Tostevin 0408 004 766



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 113

KEW27 Barrington Avenue

This elegant Edwardian enjoys an exceptionally generous

allotment (835 sqm) approximately, enhanced by north

westerly rear aspects with hardly another house in sight.

Entirely comfortable current day spaces lead to the deep,

wide garden backdrop, easily able to accommodate a

contemporary extension and still leave ample outdoor

dimensions close to the list of leading schools that makes

Kew such a desirable family destination. Wide tree lined

street, garage and rear lane access. Irresistible appeal - past,

present and future.

Auction Saturday 15th December at 11.30am-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday & Saturday 12-12.30pm-----------------------------------------

Contact Nicholas Franzmann 0412 247 175Mark Dayman 0409 342 462



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

114 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

MALVERN17 Soudan Street

Designed by award winning architects BKK, the spectacular

extension of this classic c1890´s solid brick Victorian

residence has produced an unforgettable family home.

Arched Baltic pine hallway introduces sitting room with

study nook, main bedroom with stunning en-suite/BIR, three

further bedrooms (BIRs), designer bathroom, state of the art

European kitchen and sensational living/dining areas

opening to a striking covered deck and northeast garden.

Features 5 OFPs, heating/cooling, alarm, water tank,

irrigation and garage.

Auction Saturday 8th December at 11.30am-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 1-1.30pm & Saturday from 11am


Contact John Manton 0411 444 930Andrew Hayne 0418 395 349



Office 1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 115

SURREY HILLS40 Guildford Road

Set in gorgeous gardens with lofty mature trees this

beautiful Victorian residence c1890 boasts a sought-after

Surrey Hills location with an interior featuring Baltic Pine

floors, arched hallway flowing past 4 bedrooms, main (bay

window, WIR+ensuite), study, sitting room, powder room &

family bathroom to a full-width open-plan living, dining and

Bosch kitchen all opening to a wide deck providing ample

scope for living and entertaining family and friends. Features

include d/heating, OFPs, w/tank, workshop/storage & OSP.

Land Size: 1,012sqm/10,893sqft approx.

Auction Saturday 15th December at 12.30pm-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 11.45-12.15pm & Saturday 10.30-11am


Contact James Tostevin 0417 003 333Zali Booker 0422 576 049



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

116 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

SURREY HILLS251 Union Road

A secluded, serene and tropical-inspired rear oasis with self-

cleaning pool complements the stylish spaces, quiet

ambience and garden vistas of this fully renovated 1920s

family residence. Immediately relax into a conveniently

located lifestyle that´s focused on private indoor/outdoor

family enjoyment in a secure landscaped environment. Set

behind remote-control gates, including 4 bedrooms, 2

bathrooms, formal sitting & dining (OFPs), living room with

Cheminees Philippe fireplace, family meals, gourmet kitchen,

ducted heating, alarm, workshop/storeroom & carport.

Auction Saturday 8th December at 2.30pm-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 1.30-2pm & Saturday from 2pm


Contact Kathy Malcolm 0416 279 966Antony Woodley 0421 286 741



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 117

ASHBURTON3 Chamberlain Street

The undeniable appeal of this light-filled family residence´s

stylish dimensions is further enhanced by equally irresistible

north-facing garden surrounds. Both the generous formal

sitting and sun-drenched living/dining area with stylish

kitchen and study nook open to wide decks and the lush

deep private garden. The main bedroom with en-suite,

private courtyard and 2WIRs is complemented by two

further bedrooms (BIRs) and second bathroom. Features

ducted heating, RC/air-conditioner, laundry and double

carport. Land: 664sqm/7,150sqft approx.

Auction Saturday 8th December at 12.30pm-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 12-12.30pm & Saturday from 12pm


Contact Daniel Wheeler 0411 676 058Madeline Kennedy 0411 873 913



Office 1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999

BALWYN28 Hardwicke Street

This charming renovated/extended Californian Bungalow set

in a leafy garden with mature trees & enviably located in the

Balwyn High zone features dark stained timber floors, four

bedrooms (main/ensuite), three upstairs plus a bathroom,

sitting room, light-filled central Granite+Euro kitchen/meals

with sky dome, formal dining & two informal living areas

one with adjoining bathroom & one opening to the garden &

s/heated I/G pool. Features include d/heating, OFPs, R/C air-

conditioners, r/storage, cellar, w/ tanks, dual OSP. Land size:

717sqm/7,718sqft approx.

Auction Saturday 8th December at 1.30pm-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 2-2.30pm & Saturday from 1pm


Contact Mark Sutherland 0418 691 585James Tostevin 0417 003 333



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

118 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

BALWYN NORTH5 Gardenia Road

Take advantage of this sprawling 828sqm (approx) allotment

and create your dream. Perfectly positioned to enjoy

sweeping parkland views over the rear fence, walk to

Greythorn Village and many transport options or Westfield

Doncaster is only a short drive away. The current 3 bedroom

1950´s weatherboard is comfortable but offers scope for

enhancement or utilise this expansive site to build a new

home or re-develop with a selection of townhouses (subject

to council approval).

Auction Saturday 15th December at 10.30am-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 12.15-12.45pm & Saturday 10-10.30am


Contact Ross Stryker 0401 318 772Doug McLauchlan 0418 377 718



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

BALWYN NORTH14 Macedon Avenue

Generously proportioned this classic two-storey

contemporary residence situated in the prized Balwyn High

zone comprises marble tiled entrance, elegant formal living

room (OFP) & dining room, study & powder room. An

extensive family living room features a bay window, superbly

appointed kitchen which opens to a private garden with

alfresco area & s/heated in-ground pool. A circular staircase

leads to an expansive retreat, 4 bedrooms, family bathroom

& views. Includes alarm, d/heating/cooling/vacuum, rem/dble

garage (I/A).

Auction Saturday 8th December at 12.30pm-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 12.30-1pm & Saturday from 12pm


Contact Joe Muinos 0423 222 043James Tostevin 0417 003 333



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 119


Enviably situated in the Balwyn High zone, this classically

designed contemporary residence´s light-filled family spaces

have been stylishly refurbished throughout. Timber entrance

hall leads to generous formal living/dining room, main

bedroom with stylish en-suite/WIR, two further bedrooms

(BIRs), study/4th bedroom (BIR), bathroom, teen retreat,

superb gourmet kitchen and casual family/dining opening to

northwest gardens. Features ducted htg, RC/air-con, alarm,

pwdr-room, laundry and double garage. Easy access to

shops, transport, parkland and the Eastern Freeway.

Auction Saturday 22nd December at 10.30am-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday & Saturday 11-11.30am-----------------------------------------

Contact Robert Ding 0418 858 393Shamit Verma 0401 137 597



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999


A superbly located very comfortable family home ideally

located on the high side of this elevated street with

sweeping district views and excellent Northern sunshine in

the rear gardens. Comp. 4 bedrms, 2.5 baths, large formal

sitting room, family room & meals area, a children´s´ play

room and external studio. Land Size: 606sqm approx North

facing block with potential city views.

Auction Saturday 8th December at 11.30am-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 10-10.30am & Saturday 11-11.30am


Contact Stephen Gough 0439 844 855Mark Sproule 0408 090 205



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

120 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

CAMBERWELL2/14 Rowell Avenue

Impeccably maintained rear Villa Unit in a quiet, private and

secure cul-de-sac position in the leafy Sunnyside Estate

precinct. Benefitting from a northern orientation it

comprises polished floors, generous living/dining room with

well-appointed granite/Technika S/S kitchen spilling out to a

sun drenched deck & courtyard garden; plus 3 bedrooms or

2+study, updated sky-lit bathroom & Euro laundry. Also

includes video intercom, alarm, d/heating/cooling, gas mains

B/Bque, w/tank, dble carport+storage & rear lane access.

Auction Saturday 15th December at 12.30pm-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 2-2.30pm & Saturday 10.30-11am


Contact Duane Wolowiec 0418 567 581Désirée Wakim 0412 336 266



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

CANTERBURY79 Wattle Valley Road

Attractive period home featuring spacious zoned family

living/entertaining areas over three levels with a superb

family domain including a Smeg/stone kitchen cathedral

ceilings & huge glass sliding doors opening on to a large

deck that overlooks a solar heated in-ground pool plus a

formal sitting room (OFP), retreat & teenage study area, five

bedrooms, main/WIR/ensuite, two family bathrooms &

separate laundry. Features include alarm, hydronic heating,

R/C air-conditioners, carport+tandem OSP. Located close

Maling Road, schools, parks & transport.

Auction Saturday 8th December at 1.30pm-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 2.45-3.15pm & Saturday from 1pm


Contact Duane Wolowiec 0418 567 581Désirée Wakim 0412 336 266



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 121

FITZROY NORTH68 Freeman Street

A secluded inner-city sanctuary with parkland views directly

into the historic Edinburgh Gardens, this idyllic 4 bedroom

double-fronted Victorian embodies versatile living near

Queens Parade and Brunswick Street. On a 508sqm

allotment approx. with remote-control rear access; includes

3 bathrooms, separate studio (possible office or apartment),

living, conservatory dining, elegant Smeg/Miele kitchen &

family room, hydronic heating, air-con, alarm.

Auction Saturday 8th December at 4.30pm-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 12-12.30pm &Saturday from 4pm


Contact Antony Woodley 0421 286 741-----------------------------------------


Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999-----------------------------------------

Conj Andrew Simondson 0412 999 128

GLEN IRIS195 Burke Road (Cnr Netherlee Street)

A position that boasts Central Park, several premier schools,

trams, trains and even Harold Holt Swimming Centre all

within meters certainly presents some powerful advantages

for this spotless 4 bedroom/ 3 living residence. Immediately

enjoy these prized amenities with impeccably presented

interiors offering scope to renovate/ reconfigure if or

whenever desired (STCA) utilising a 435sqm approx corner

site with second frontage to Netherlee Street. Currently

configured as consulting rooms with residence. Remote

garage/ OSP.

Auction Saturday 8th December at 10.30am-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 1-1.30pm & Saturday 10-10.30am


Contact James Redfern 0412 360 667David Volpato 0414 701 983



Office 1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999

122 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

HAWTHORN14 Percy Street

This instantly appealing double fronted Victorian home close

to Glenferrie Road is set on a generous landscaped allotment

enhanced by a super living domain incorporating a stylish

kitchen/dining & living room, wide deck and private garden

with mature trees. Complemented by classic period features,

arched hallway, 3 bedrooms main with WIR/ensuite access

to bathroom, sitting room & external study/retreat/office.

Features include alarm, d/heating, polished timber floors, air-

conditioner (living area), OSP/ROW.

Auction Saturday 15th December at 10am-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 11.45-12.15pm & Saturday 11-11.30am


Contact Joe Muinos 0423 222 043James Tostevin 0417 003 333



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

HAWTHORN509/81-85 Riversdale Road

Spectacular views, scintillating style and a sensational

location showcase the impressive lifestyle appeal of this

brand new penthouse apartment. Wide oak floors flow

through hallway to generous northwest living/dining room

with gourmet Miele kitchen and north and west facing

balconies commanding uninterrupted views to the city. The

main bedroom with en-suite/BIR is complemented by two

further bedrooms (BIRs) and stylish bathroom. Features

heating/cooling, video intercom, laundry, lift, 2 basement

car-spaces and storage.

Auction Saturday 15th December at 1.30pm-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 1-1.30pm & 6-6.30 & Saturday 1-1.30pm


Contact Nicholas Franzmann 0412 247 175Andrew Hayne 0418 395 349



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

Actual View

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 123

KEW48 Barrington Avenue

A premier, tree lined position that places coveted schools,

transport options, renowned shopping and parkland all

within walking proximity highlights the certain family

success of this 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom single level home.

Arranged around a central Japanese inspired atrium,

beautifully private modern proportions are enhanced by

abundant natural light, a covered alfresco entertaining deck

and solar heated pool/ spa. Slab heating, reverse cycle

heating/cooling, alarm, ducted vacuum, water tank, double

garage, OSP. Land: 641sqm/6,900sqft approx.

Auction Saturday 8th December at 11.30am-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 12-12.30pm & Saturday from 11am


Contact Chris Barrett 0412 927 409Peter Mitchell 0418 374 556



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

KEW5 Campbell Street

A magnificent plane tree setting just metres to parkland, this

superbly renovated residence provides enviable environs for

the active family on a low-maintenance established garden

allotment. A cleverly zoned four bedroom, two bathroom

home with upstairs parents retreat (main bedroom, spa

bathroom and office/lounge room), family living and dining

to deck, rumpus/TV room and granite kitchen. Featuring

laundry, ducted heating, air-conditioning, wood heater,

polished floorboards, plantation shutters, abundant storage,

rainwater tank and off-street parking.

Auction Saturday 8th December at 12.30pm-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 11-11.30am & Thursday 6-6.30pm & Saturday from 12pm


Contact Antony Woodley 0421 286 741Chris Barrett 0412 927 409



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

124 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

KEW22 Kent Street

This deceptively spacious Edwardian home c1910 is

complemented by attractive period characteristics matched

with stylish renovations and a two-storey extension

featuring an arched Baltic Pine hallway, sitting room, four

bedrooms (main/WIR/ensuite), two bathrooms (1+laundry),

retreat/study area, smart timber & Euro kitchen (WIP) with

living/dining, wide deck, private garden and recreation room

or office. Features include Plantation shutters, ducted

heating, evap. cooling (upstairs), R/C air-conditioner, OFPs,

rear lane access.

Auction Saturday 8th December at 2.30pm-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 11-11.30am & Saturday from 2pm


Contact Joe Muinos 0423 222 043James Tostevin 0417 003 333



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

KEW18 St Anthonys Place

Nestled peacefully in an exclusive cul-de-sac development,

this superb single-storey town residence with north-facing

rear garden presents the perfect downsizing opportunity.

Tucked away behind Alexandra Gardens moments to Kew

Junction and Glenferrie Road; enjoy the wonderful

community atmosphere of a secure, quality lifestyle complex

with this spacious freestanding home. Comprises two

bedrooms (main ensuite), study or 3rd bedroom, living room

(OFP), dining room, lounge/TV area, well-appointed kitchen

and auto garage.

Auction Saturday 8th December at 12.30pm-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 11.30-12pm & Saturday from 12pm


Contact Kathy Malcolm 0416 279 966Antony Woodley 0421 286 741



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 125

KEW EAST48 Westbrook Street

Impeccable attention to detail defines this elegant modern

home where impressive proportions are complemented by

Dandenong Ranges views and 2 entertainers gardens.

Offered for the first time, 4 bedroom/ 4 living

accommodation includes St George appointed kitchen,

downstairs guest bedroom with ensuite/ WIR, large main

bedroom with fitted WIR/double ensuite with spa. Abundant

built in storage, intercom entry, alarm, remote double

garage, OSP. Walk to High Street shops tram, bus, Hays

Paddock and schools.

Auction Saturday 8th December at 12.30pm-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 11-11.30am & 6-6.30pm & Saturday from 12noon


Contact Cameron Edgoose 0438 064 212Hamish Tostevin 0408 004 766



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

MALVERN9 Meredith Street

Superb architectural spaces by Alan Powell and a northern

landscaped garden enjoy extraordinary peace, privacy and

natural light. Built for the current family in 1988. Generous

single level 3 bedroom accommodation includes 3 separate

living domains, x1 OFP, open plan kitchen, large main

bedroom with ensuite, BIRs and own courtyard garden.

Alfresco entertaining, remote double garage, OSP. Walk to

Malvern Village shops/cafes, trams, trains. Would benefit

from a cosmetic upgrade. Land size 635 sqm approx.

Auction Saturday 15th December at 2.30pm-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 11-11.30am & Saturday 10-10.30am


Contact Susan McGlashan 0417 554 224Mark Harris 0414 799 343



Office 1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999

126 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

MALVERN EAST1 Tennyson Street

Executors Auction. Charming Ardrie Estate Edwardian

residence within a deep northwest corner allotment offers

outstanding scope to renovate, rebuild or develop (STCA).

High ceilings and leadlight windows characterize the

hallway, generous formal living room, bright formal dining

(OFP), 3 bedrooms (2OFPs) and bathroom. The light-filled

well-equipped kitchen with casual dining area opens to the

deep northwest garden offering plenty of scope for

extending. Features ducted heating, air-con, laundry, original

garage & out-house. Land: 524sqm/5,652sqft approx.

Auction Saturday 15th December at 10.30am-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 1-1.30pm & Saturday 1.15-1.45pm


Contact Justin Krongold 0403 163 355Daniel Wheeler 0411 676 058



Office 1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999

MELBOURNE10A/29 Queens Road

Commanding absolutely spectacular 180 degree views that

encompass the city skyline, Albert Park Golf Course and Lake

and Port Phillip Bay, this sensational apartment´s generously

proportioned northwest oriented dimensions offer immediate

lifestyle appeal in the exclusive, tightly held Sky building.

Balconies surround expansive living/dining, well equipped

kitchen with dining, main bedroom with en-suite/WIR, two

further bedrooms (BIRs) and bathroom. Features ducted

heating/cooling, video intercom, powder-room and 2xgarage

plus heated pool and gym.

Auction Saturday 8th December at 2pm-----------------------------------------

Inspect Wednesday 1-1.30pm & Saturday from 1.30pm


Contact Mary Dowling 0438 098 888Mark Harris 0414 799 343



Office 1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 127

PRAHRAN41 Eastbourne Street

The distinctive Jackson Clements Burrows design of this

contemporary residence makes a striking statement in style

while also delivering supremely effective indoor/outdoor

living from tranquil sitting room through to generously

proportioned living/dining with state of the art kitchen

opening to stunning north facing terrace with heated pool.

The main bedroom (BIR and balcony) is accompanied by two

further bedrooms (1BIR) and designer bathroom. Features

ducted heating/cooling, alarm, audio wiring, powder-room,

Euro-laundry, OSP and gates.

Auction Saturday 8th December at 11.30am-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 1.45-2.15pm & Saturday from 11am


Contact Dean Gilbert 0418 994 939Kehren Eade 0419 395 614



Office 1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999

PRAHRAN14 Jessamine Avenue

In one of Prahran´s most tightly held pockets, this

captivating c1929 English style residence´s romantic

elegance is more than matched by a spectacular botanic

garden setting. Beautiful ceilings and timber floors are

highlighted through sitting room (OFP), dining room,

fabulous kitchen and living room opening to the picturesque

garden with spacious studio. Four bedrooms (BIRs) are

complemented by two bright bathrooms.

Features 3xRC/air-conditioners, laundry, store-room and

approved plans and permits for an extension.

Auction Saturday 8th December at 10.30am-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 1-1.30pm & Saturday from 10am


Contact Dean Gilbert 0418 994 939Justin Long 0418 537 973



Office 1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999

128 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

PRAHRAN354 High Street

A quintessential inner city Edwardian ideally positioned

opposite Victoria Gardens, within easy reach of Chapel Street

and Hawksburn Village. Three double bedrooms, one with

heating/cooling and an open fire place, lead to a welcoming

living/dining area, with its own reverse cycle heating/

cooling, which incorporates an efficient, user friendly open

plan kitchen. Attic storage, a bright bathroom and private

low maintenance courtyard complete engaging, updated

spaces in a location of huge lifestyle allure. Options exist for

further updating.

Auction Saturday 15th December at 11.30am-----------------------------------------

Inspect Wednesday 5-5.30pm & Saturday 12-12.30pm


Contact Mark Harris 0414 799 343Richard Mackinnon 0414 822 579



Office 1111 High Street Armadale 9822 9999

SURREY HILLS571 Whitehorse Road

An enchanting high walled front garden conceals this private

and peaceful 1920s Californian Bungalow which enjoys a

secluded & preferred north-facing rear aspect. located near a

range of shops, cafes, fine schools, tram and Beckett Park;

this charming home presents a wide entrance hallway, 3

bedrooms or 2 plus study, generously proportioned lounge

and separate formal dining room that are complemented by

lovely period features, bright family bathroom and an

updated kitchen. Offers scope for further enhancement

(STCA). Land: 17.3M X 39.8M / 693sqm approx.

Auction Saturday 15th December at 1.30pm-----------------------------------------

Inspect Thursday 1-1.30pm & Saturday 1.45-2.15pm


Contact Ross Stryker 0401 318 772Hamish Tostevin 0408 004 766



Office 266 Auburn Road Hawthorn 9822 9999

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 129

130 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 131

132 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 133

134 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 135

136 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 137

138 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 139


This quality built residence on its own block is in as new condition and will suit the most discerningof buyers.

Perfectly situated in this peaceful yet handy location with parkland and bike/walking tracks virtually atyour doorstep and transport, shopping strips and freeway access close by.Light and bright with most rooms enjoying brilliant northern sunshine, this superb home comprises:Downstairs – main bedroom with ensuite , lounge and dining overlooking private paved courtyard, powder room , laundry, open plan family room with stunning Bosch equipped stone kitchen withsoft-closing cabinetry, remote-controlled double garage.Upstairs – two further bedrooms, 2nd bathroom and loads of storage.Quality fi ttings throughout including, air conditioning, ducted heating, alarm, water tank etc.An impressive home with minimal maintenance ......sounds like a great plan!


Property Address: 1 Saxby Road, Glen IrisAuction: Saturday 15th December at 10.30amPrice: Price on ApplicationInspection Times: Thursday 12.30-1pm & Saturday 11-11.30 amContact: Bryan Cain 0418 320 525 Elia Defreitas 0419 137 227

1 SAXBY ROAD, Glen Iris 3 2 2 Toorak Road Camberwell 3124 (03) 9805 2900140 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

‘LOWTHER PLACE’This incredible property (former site of St Jude’s Church of England) located in a quiet Alphington cul-de-sac comes to completion, offering a unique collection of nine properties on an enormous block. An amazing amalgamation of old and new, modern and classic, each residence offers a unique floorplan (1BR / 2BR / 3BR) with secure parking/garages, whilst enjoying a consistently high-quality range of features and fittings across the board, including Calacatta marble, Miele appliances, original hardwood boards, architecturally designed cantilevered staircases, stunning original lead-light windows, and luxury bathrooms like you’ve never seen - you won’t want to miss this!

ALPHINGTON 7-11 Lowther StreetAUCTION Sat 15 December from 3 pmINSPECTION Wed 12.30-1 pm & 6.30-7 pm, Sat 3-3.45 pmOFFICE 119 High St, Northcote | 9486 1800CONTACT Tom Alexiadis 0417 030 452 Luke Sacco 0407 528 040 Roland Paterson 0417 367 997

NELSON Gertrude St, Fitzroy 9419 5511


150-156 GERTRUDE STREET FITZROYSimon Verduci 0419 993 330

Fitzroy Icon: The Essence of Gertrude StLandmark building situated in one of Melbourne’s most sought-after precincts.> 4 separate tenancies on secure long term leases > Current income $246,480 pa + GST + Outgointgs> Superb corner position with north-facing aspect > Land size: 394 sqm (approx) > Building size: 688sqm (approx) > Zoned : Business 1 > Excellent investment opportunity

Hawthorn East 11/840 Toorak Road View: Sat & Thur: 12.30-1pm

Spacious and original 2 storey town house set at rear of deep secluded block. In an excellent location it is within walking distance of Tooronga Shopping Centre, handy to transport and South Eastern Freeway.

Comprises: Entry hall, formal living room opening to court yard, new gas wall furnace, separate family kitchen, laundry, separate powder room, U/C parking. Upstairs: 3 bedrooms (2 with BIR’s), balcony, tiled bathroom, separate shower and toilet.

Auction: Sat 15 Dec @ 11am

Contact: Rob Hooper 0416 068 854

Office: 9822 9808 1361 Malvern Rd Malvern VIC 3144


december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 141

The ConsortKew

39 Carson Street

An exclusive brand new development comprising 6 luxurious single level apartments and 1 stunning penthouse designed by

renowned architect Nicholas Day. Each sizable apartment comprises generous formal and informal living spaces with

substantial blue stone paved outdoor terraces, 3 bedrooms + study and amazing views or fabulous green aspects. Three

secure car spaces with additional storage room and lift access, commercial grade powder coated double glazed windows,

extensive use of Calacatta and marble, 3 and 3.5m ceiling heights, Gaggenau appliances, European oak floors and heating

and air-conditioning complete these homes fabulous list of credentials. Situated close to Kew Junction shops/cafes/

restaurants, and easy access to CBD.

In conjunction with


Mark Wridgway 0419 510 777

142 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

For Sale


Wed 11-12:00pm

Sat 3-4:00pm


289 Whitehorse Rd


9830 1644


Mark Rathgeber


John Bradbury


december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 143


144 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012


december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 145


146 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012


december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 147


148 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012


december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 149 273 Camberwell Road 9805 1111

think results

2 1 1

This is where your dream begins!

Auction Sat 8 Dec, 11.00

Quoting $650K - $710K

View Thu 12:00 - 12:30, Sat 10:30 - 11:00

Helena Chow 0407 226 828

Andrew Ryan 0419 685 555

Very rare offering to budget buyers of a home to

renovate in this beautifully established and

prestigious residential area. This character brick

semi- detached home is presently liveable, yet is

ideal to restore/extend... so a brighter future awaits.

Land 280 sq metres approx.

HAWTHORN EAST 1A Hastings Road

Auction this Saturday

3 2 1

A captivating family classic in a coveted locale

Private Sale

View Sat 12:30 - 1:00

Jason Hearn 0409 828 590

Caroline Hammill 0418 334 561

This immaculately renovated 1930s beauty is in a

class of its own, enjoying high ornate ceilings,

hardwood floors, captivating lounge, formal dining,

open plan living/dining, granite kitchen, paved

courtyard, large work space with potential to

convert to further accommodation and LU garage.

CAMBERWELL 2A St Andries Street

It’s smart to sell in summer. Selling your home in summer is smart.

People are still buying homes but there

aren’t as many homes to buy.

it’s even a smarter time to sell.*

0418 334 561

0409 828 590 or our

150 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

> VIEW Thurs 6.00 - 6.30pm> EOI Closing Friday 7th December - 3.00pm> MEL REF 59 / J3> PRICE Price on application> OFFICE Balwyn/Hawthorn 279 Whitehorse Road 3103> TEL 9830 7000> CONTACT Maurice Di Marzio 0419 182 276 Toby Parker 0413 581 104

Camberwell 29 Currajong Avenue

Incomparable luxury without compromise.

The sheer magnitude of this stunning 5 star entertainer’s transformation will leave you breathless! Bringing a new benchmark to the Sunnyside Estates finest avenue, this builder’s own home (of approx 72sqs) showcases a standard of luxury rarely seen with incomparable quality throughout elegant refined rooms & vast relaxed domain ideal for the proud entertainer. Spectacular granite/Euro kitchen plus butler’s pantry open to a stylish alfresco kitchen/BBQ area amidst night-lit salt/solar IG pool/garden oasis. With every conceivable lifestyle accoutrement through 5 BRs, (BIRs/WIRs, 3 full ens plus fully tiled family bathroom), executive fully fitted study, large teen retreat, fully fitted theatre room, security/auto gates, 20,000 ltr water storage, lock up garage with workshop & an abundance of storage space throughout.

5 4 2 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 151

> VIEW Thurs & Sat 1.00 - 1.30pm> AUCTION Sat 15th December - 2.00pm> MEL REF 60 / J6> EPR $910,000 - $1,000,000> OFFICE Balwyn/Hawthorn 279 Whitehorse Road 3103> TEL 9830 7000> CONTACT Reilly Waterfield 0422 291 773 Nick Holmes 0409 215 104

Burwood 31 Parer Street

Classic and contemporary, a beautifully balanced entertainer!

Don’t be fooled by the classic modest facade of this late 1940s clinker home. It reveals a consummate family entertainer! Treat your family to all the space, style and luxury they deserve. Elegant, character-rich refined living and dining rooms are perfectly balanced by easy-flowing and sun-filled casual spaces that effortlessly unfold to an all-year-round entertainment terrace, indulgent glass-enclosed salt/solar pool and landscaped night-lit gardens. Land: 697sqm approximately.

Photo identification required upon inspection

4 3 2

> VIEW Thurs 12.00 - 12.30pm & 6.00 - 6.30pm, Sat 12.00 - 12.30pm> AUCTION Sat 15th December - 2.00pm> MEL REF 60 / H6> EPR $800,000 - $880,000> OFFICE Mt Waverley 361 Waverley Road 3149> TEL 9807 9522> CONTACT David Macmillan 0411 111 108 Ross English 0419 444 040 Mark Watkins 0411 396 264

Burwood 3 Church Street

A lifestyle of renovated family inspiration.

A retro renovation with a contemporary edge, this stunning 4 bed 2.5 bath clinker brick beauty is a fabulous family lifestyle home. Enjoying a funky 50s entry, this beautiful home enjoys a downstairs main bedroom (large WIR & luxury ensuite), sunken lounge (potential OFP), state of the art stone kitchen/meals, north facing open plan living & dining opening to a relaxing deck, upstairs children’s domain with retreat & a north facing rear garden with BBQ, pizza oven, playground & vegie gardens. Stylish with stained floorboards, it boasts ducted heating, R/C air cond, timber blinds, multizone surround sound, shed & water tank. Quiet no through road, metres to tram, shops & schools.

4 2 2 703 (approx) The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

> VIEW Thurs 12.00 - 12.30pm & Sat from 11.30am> AUCTION Sat 8th December - 12.00pm> MEL REF 45 / D9> EPR $850,000 - $930,000> OFFICE Balwyn/Hawthorn 279 Whitehorse Road 3103> TEL 9830 7000> CONTACT Reilly Waterfield 0422 291 773 Nick Holmes 0409 215 104

Hawthorn 41 Liddiard Street

The ultimate all-year-round entertainer.

The classic Victorian profile nestled in a convenient pocket near Glenferrie Rd shopping precinct totally belies the contemporary magic within this exciting entertainers oasis. Comprising: 2 BRs (BIRs/OFPs) & immaculate bthrm precede brilliant architect designed extension where stylish interior spaces & luxuriant garden “rooms” are inexplicably entwined for seductive indoor/outdoor entertaining. Innovative design includes louvred-walkway & bi-folding glass linking chic Euro/granite kitchen/meals, stunning decked c’yard, superb fireside living & stylish night-lit north-facing courtyard. Includes: heating, cooling, security, keyless entry via sidegate, built in BBQ, surround sound, mature trees, dripper system & OSP via automatic sliding timber gate.

2 1 1

> VIEW Thurs 1.00 - 1.30pm & 6.00 - 6.30pm & Sat from 10.30am> AUCTION Sat 8th December - 11.00am> MEL REF 60 / B7> PRICE POA> OFFICE Glen Iris 58 High Street 3146 > TEL 9885 9811> CONTACT Ross English 0419 444 040 David Macmillan 0411 111 108 Nicholas Goold 0408 553 181

Glen Iris 5 Cromwell Street

A Stunning Californian, Sparkling Family Home.

Set in beautiful gardens creating individual landscaped rooms, this exquisite 1930s 4 bedrm 3 bathrm Californian Bungalow has a light and airy feel for entertaining. Glistening with polished boards & period detail, this captivating home enjoys an elegant lounge (OFP), superb open plan entertaining (OFP), modern classic kitchen (Euro appliances), downstairs main bedroom (BIRs & timeless ensuite), guest bedroom (ensuite), interactive floor plan & study area. First time offered in 34 years, this light filled treasure boasts plantation shutters, ducted heating, air cond, storerooms, water tanks, a workshed, garden shed & a double carport. Tree lined street, near Ferndale Park, walk to schools, train, tram & shops.

4 3 2 603 (approx) 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 153

Box Hill North 56 Eram RoadClassically refined, this family home features lounge/dining, living, meals, stone kitchen, teen retreat and a massive north deck. With study, master ensuite and double garage, live near schools, shops, bike trail, buses and freeway.

> VIEW Thurs 11.00 - 11.30am & Sat 11.30 - 12.00pm> AUCTION Sat 15th December - 12.00pm> MEL REF 47 / F4> EPR $750,000 - $820,000> OFFICE Balwyn/Hawthorn 279 Whitehorse Road 3103> TEL 9830 7000 > CONTACT Maurice Di Marzio 0419 182 276 Mark Purdey 0428 946 683

4 2 2 Malvern East 62 Repton RoadBehind a classic facade this immaculately maintained & elegant Edwardian adjoining Ardrie Park offers period style with scope to update. Traditional interiors offer 2 bedrooms, generous lounge, kitchen/meals & sunroom. Tandem carport.

> VIEW Wed 12.00 - 12.30pm & 6.00 - 6.30pm & Sat 2.00 - 2.30pm> AUCTION Sat 15th December - 10.30am> MEL REF 68 / H2> EPR $600,000 - $660,000> OFFICE Glen Iris 58 High Street 3146> TEL 9885 9811> CONTACT Ross English 0419 444 040 Nick Renna 0411 551 190

2 1 2 362 (approx)

Prahran 52 Spring StreetThis designer 2-storey 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom residence with off-street parking is a lifestyle sensation. The sought-after setting near Hawksburn Village is complemented by a striking interior with the WOW factor.

> VIEW Wed 12.00 - 12.30pm & Sat as advertised> AUCTION Sat 15th December - 12.30pm> MEL REF 58 / G6> EPR $800,000 - $850,000> OFFICE Armadale 835 High Street 3143> TEL 9509 0411> CONTACT Andrew James 0411 420 788 Eleanor Dewar 0421 341 421

2 2 1 Park St, South Melbourne

Leila Timmer 0418 388 728 Jacqueline Iversen 0419 391 794

Auction Sold Separately Sat 15th December at 1.30pm

Open Wednesday 6-6.30pm & Saturday 1.30-2pm

Melbourne’s Finest Location2 stunning Victorian homes proudly displayed in Melbourne’s most desired location.This tightly held precinct offers unsurpassed inner city living combined with tranquil surrounds of Botanic Gardens and Fawkner Park. Buy one or buy both, choice is yours. Total 477m2 approx.75 Hope Street – Charming 2BR plus study, home on 252m2 approx. land. Light fi lled with North facing living and entertaining, hostess kitchen, 12’ ceilings, polished boards, open fi re place and OSP/garage for 2 or more vehicles.73 Hope Street - Positioned on 225m2 approx. land and featuring 3 good sized light and airy bedrooms with built in robes, high ceilings and ornate features. Whilst both homes are extremely comfortable; outstanding scope exists to add value and capitalize on this golden location.



ak R






73 & 75 Hope Street, South Yarra

154 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

9525 9222 203 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield Nth




Leonard Persichetti 0417 319 900 Campbell Kilsby 0402 212 093

ST KILDA EAST, 184 ALMA ROADFAMILy ENTERTAININg IN SPACIOuS SPLENDORSuperbly spacious with outstanding family zones, this stately 5 bedroom/study 3 bathroom 1920s home has an air of older style luxury on a large garden allotment of 866sqm (approx.). Welcomed by a wide entry hallway, this captivating treasure enjoys 5 fabulous living zones, granite kitchen, north facing paved alfresco area with elevated garden, bay glimpses and ample parking. Metres to Alma Village and bus, moments to Alma Park & leading schools.

AuCTION: SuN 9Th DECEMBER AT 1INSPECT: SAT 11 - 11:45 & SuN FROM 12:30

Leonard Persichetti 0417 319 900

CAuLFIELD NORTh, 20 LABASSA gROvE‘DELMAR’gRAND AND gRACIOuS ENTERTAINER wITh TENNIS COuRTThis grand 1926 Californian Craftsman entertainer has 5 bedrooms and study on a 1533sqm (approx.). Including a north-south tennis court offering endless potential. The residence features superb architectural detailing, high beamed ceilings and Walter Burley Griffin lead-lights and provides four expansive entertaining rooms, large kitchen, Art Deco bathroom, laundry, 2nd bathroom and tandem garage in a prestigious locale, metres from schools and trams.

AuCTION: SuN 16Th DECEMBER AT 1:30INSPECT: SAT, SuN & wED 12 - 12:30






december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 155

Set among glorious gardens at the end of a long tree-lined driveway, this four-bedroom country house is a secret sanctuary offering 10.5 hectares of possibilities. Positioned to take full advantage of commuting via

Peninsula Link, it is only 10 minutes’ drive from schools, shops and services. The prime pasture and fertile soil offer scope for agricultural or horticultural projects or equestrian activities. Large interiors provide stylish living, including a large kitchen with Miele and Ilve equipment and Thermalux wood-fired range. The main bedroom has a walk-in wardrobe and en suite; three additional bedrooms have built-in wardrobes. There are also open fireplaces, ducted heating and cooling, security, mains and underground tank water, three-phase power, a lock-up garage with studio/home gymnasium, a shed/workshop and dam. \


Jacobs & Lowe-Bennetts \ 5976 5900

421 Coolart Road

Price \ $1.99 million

Private sale

4 2 3

moorooduc postcode


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4 2 Na Veidrala Island, FijiIdyllic Island OpportunityBuy your very own Pacifi c Island, complete with resort style residence. Only a few hundred metres offshore from Fiji’s main island of Viti Levu.• Access to the island by boat from a jetty and

mooring on the mainland.• Live the dream in paradise or create an eco/

tourism business opportunity• Large home – four bedrooms, two bathrooms,

spacious living areas, timber deck• Dock house, generator house and BBQ are

freestanding • Na Veidrala Island is in the District of Serua on

the south coast of Vitu Levi in Korovou Bay• Stunning ocean views, privacy and seclusion

guaranteed...the ultimate lifestyle.

Price$1,995,000 USD (+ taxes if applicable)

ContactJim Hughes 0411 882 723

LJ Hooker Sunshine CoastCommercial South07 5437 7122





PROPERTYSEJ Real EstateLocal people with national connections...

SEJ Real Estate

Warragul 03 5622 3800Miranda Pike 0404 193





Tranquil as can be with birdlife enjoying the established trees. This 5 acre property includes private & peaceful gardens admired from inside and out, a permanent creek & dam plus great facilities for animal management. When you step inside the home you genuinely won’t want to leave!With 3 large bedrooms + study (or 4 BR), 2 bathrooms, 2 living rooms, immaculate presentation, triple garage and more this property upon inspection will not disappoint. Just 10 minutes to freeway entrance, 1.5hrs to Melbourne & only 3km to school, kindergarten etc.



Open For Inspection: Sat 8th & 15th Dec 11:30am – 12pm

Contact Agent: SEJ RuralcoPhone: 03 5622 3800Internet ID: wg3199

156 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012

Historic ‘Barunah Plains’ Circa 1850One of Australia’s Premier Lifestyle RetreatsGrandeur with Modern Comfort Once Victoria’s Largest Sheep Station Inspection: Strictly by appointment with agents For Sale by Expressions of Interest: Closing Friday 14th December 2012

• 641 Acres (259.7 Ha) of prime undulating rich basalt country.

• Homestead 135 Squares, fully restored bluestone Victorian Mansion, 10 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms plus 3 bedroomed self-contained wing. Set in century old garden on the banks of Warrambine Creek.

• Inground pool and summer pool house with kitchen and entertaining area, Tennis Court, Croquet Lawn.

• 5 Cottages, 2 fully renovated, Shearers quarters complex.

• Full set of original station outbuildings including, 20 stand bluestone shearing shed, bluestone coach house & stables, plus numerous bluestone buildings.

• Securely watered by Stock & Domestic Right from Warrambine Creek, 3 dams, bore, Massive 1.38 megalitres of rainwater storage.

‘‘Barunah Plains’’ 10 minutes Inverleigh, 30 minutes Geelong (Bay & Beaches), 45 minutes Avalon Airport, 75 minutes Melbourne CBD & International Airport.

Expression of Interest

Ken Drysdale 0409 195 470 Elders GeelongShane McIntyre 0428 937 622 Elders MelbourneWeb Id 4654635

‘‘BARUNAH PLAINS’’ Hamilton Highway, Wingeel via Geelong Victoria




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december 5, 2012 \ The weekly review 157

POINT LONSDALE 14 Buckleys RoadPrime Location - Elite Family Home. Families looking for lifestyle will celebrate this 2 storey white timber home’s combination of period character, smart modern spaces and simply fabulous blue ribbon location. Attention to detail creates a refi ned ambience throughout this light fi lled home. Features include but are not limited to 5 double bedrooms, 3 with ensuites, plus 4th central bathroom, formal lounge with OFP, large open plan living/dining adjoining crafted timber kitchen, additional family/rumpus room, study/upper level retreat, north west facing courtyard, low maintenance gardens, ducted heating and storage.

Private Sale View Saturday 12.30 - 1.00pmCall Peter Cordner 0414 582 289 Prue Street 0400 030 729 Offi ce 61 Point Lonsdale Road, Point Lonsdale 5258 1811


The following properties and vacant lots offer the perfect opportunity for a savvy investor as part of a multiple mortgagee sale, or individual looking for a slice of alpine investment.

2 x 3 bedrm duplex apartments- almost complete, not fi nished internally.1 x 2 bedrm & 1 x 3 bedrm plus loft free standing chalets - almost complete, not fi nished internally.4 x vacant blocks of land (sizes from 218m2 to 223m2 approx).

Auction Wednesday 19th December at 5.00pm at Pitcher Partners Presentation Room, Lv 19, 15 William St Melbourne Call Robin Ford 0430 749 701 | ce 1/62 Chamois Road Mt Buller



REALESTATE 5428 2544

33 Brantome Street, Gisborne Grumont 0409 138 472 / Trevor Hunt 0418 550 832 / David Oliver 0403 023 706 / Brian Hunt 0418 320 412

7-13 Mulgutherie WayGISBORNE

“MULGUTHERIE HOMESTEAD”.ON 8078m² (2 acres approx).A grand & most significant Macedon Ranges property set within exceptional mature gardens. Fullyrenovated & modernized to a luxurious standard. Brick construction with stone features. Offers superbfamily/guest accommodation & magnificent entertainment opportunities.Within 50 mins to CBD & 25mins to airport. Features: 4 bedrms (2 with ensuite), bathrm & powder room. Formal & informal livingareas, grand dining room & gourmet kitchen. Indoor outdoor entertaining, home theatre & much more.

PRIvATE SALE:PRICE: $1,950,000vIEW: By appointment. 83 High Street, Woodend (03) 5427 2999

Auction Saturday 15 December at 12.30pmReserve Price $685,000View Sat 8 Dec 2.30pm-3pm or by appointmentContact John Keating 0419 880 444

Woodend 8 Romsey RoadCampanui – The Woodend Lifestyle QuadrellaA quintessential Woodend c1930’s three bedroom weatherboard cottage with charm and character in spades, an extremely scarce and sought after spacious one acre block, a beautiful garden with masses of colorful plants, shrubs and mature trees and sweeping lawns, and views to Mount Macedon!

158 The weekly review \ december 5, 2012 83 High Street, Woodend (03) 5427 2999

Auction Thursday 13 December at 2.30pmReserve Price $3,250,000View By appointment onlyContact John Keating 0419 880 444 Colour brochure available

Diggers Rest - Toolern Vale 829 Black Hill Road (Only 30mins Melbourne GPO via Calder Freeway)

Pinewood Homestead - Circa 1870 on 97.1 Ha (240 Acres) An Undeniably Beautiful Historic Homestead and Prized GardenPinewood is an inner country/outer metropolitan hidden jewel and is now for sale for only the second time since 1848. Of bluestone, brick and weatherboard construction comprising 63 squares living area it is very privately set within a garden lover’s paradise featuring a mix of formal gardens, stunning rose walks, garden conservatory, mature shady trees, lawn areas and colourful botanic floral beauty. Also 26 square manager’s residence, outstanding recycled water supply and excellent farm outbuildings. A versatile property ideally suitable for cows, sheep or horses only 6 minutes to new Metro Electric Train Service at Diggers Rest.

A Model off er that’s a lot less taxing.

Purchase an Audi from the ‘A’ Model range,

and the driveaway price will be reduced by

an amount equal to the GST*.

*The manufacturer’s recommended driveaway price will be reduced by the GST component for all new A1, A3, A4 (excludes allroad model), A5, A6 (excludes allroad model), A7, and A8 stock vehicles purchased and delivered between 1 November and 30 November 2012. While stocks last. Excludes fl eet, government and rental buyers. Not available with other off ers. LMCT444

Off er now ends December 31 and while stocks last.

Overseas models shown.

Audi Penfold Burwood130 Burwood Hwy, Burwood | Ph 03 9268 1555

Audi Approved:plus70 Burwood Hwy, Burwood

Ph 03 9268 1555

Audi Centre Doncaster

576 Doncaster Rd, Doncaster | Ph 03 9840 8600

Audi Approved:plus

Cnr Doncaster & Elgar Rds, Doncaster

Ph 03 9840 8600

Off erextended