Two Dollar Radio Fall / Winter 09-10 Catalog

Post on 29-Mar-2016

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Catalog of frontlist titles from Fall '09 through July '10.

Transcript of Two Dollar Radio Fall / Winter 09-10 Catalog


TWODOLLARRADIOBooks too loud to ignore.

TWO DOLLAR RADIO is a family-run outfit founded in 2005 with the mission to reaffirm the cultural and artistic spirit of the publishing industry.

We aim to do this by presenting bold works of literary merit, each book, individually and collectively providing a sonic progression that we believe to be too loud to ignore.

ERIC OBENAUF . . . Publisher / EditorELIZA WOOD-OBENAUF . . . Editor / Art DirectorBRIAN OBENAUF . . . Publicity / MarketingRIO OBENAUF . . . Heiress



5“Aesthetically consistent, editorially adventureous.”-Zach Baron, Village Voice

“Their author list is impressive. I marvel at

[their] idealism.” -Michael Greenberg, TLS

“Two Dollar Radio has a very strong brand, publishing adventurous fiction across a spectrum of ideas rather than genres. They also understand the value of design, creating attractive books that look nice together in a set. They continue to be a model of how to start a small press and publish great stuff. In short, they don’t

compromise.” -Patrick Brown, Vroman’s Bookstore Blog



3. Fall/Winter 2009

THE CAVE MANNovel by Xiaoda XiaoiSBN: 978-0-9820151-3-1decemBer 2009 / $15.50 US, $17 caN

* excerpted in Bookforum’s Summer ’09 ‘Fiction Forward’ issue.

* Publisher Weekly selected as an “indie Top 20” (Fall Titles that show big promise).

“Excellent and moving.”-PuBLiSherS WeekLy

“Like Solzhenitsyn, Xiao has transformed his camp experience into sublimely vivid fiction. The Cave Man will have a transforma-

tive effect on all those fortunate enough to read it.”-JAy NEUGEBOREN, Bookforum


The cave maN is an extraordinary and moving portrait of a man brutalized in Mao’s China.

Ja Feng is contained within a three-foot by four-and-one-half foot solitary con-finement cell in a prison camp. He has survived this punishment for nine months, a period of time that has forced him to question his most basic human faculties.

The cave maN follows Ja Feng once he is released from solitary confine-ment, as he tries to integrate with fellow prisoners who view his skeletal figure and erratic screaming fits as freakish, and his heartbreaking attempts to assimilate into Chinese culture, to reestablish familial bonds and to seek out an ordinary humanexperience.

Xiaoda Xiao was arrested in 1971 for tearing a poster of Mao and was sentenced to a five-year prison term as a coun-terrevolutionary. He came to Amherst, MA, where he lives with his wife, in the spring of 1989 shortly before the break-out of the democratic movement in Tiananmen Square. He has published stories based on his prison experience during the last years of Mao’s regime in various magazines in the U.S., among them, The Atlantic Monthly.

5. Fall/Winter 2009

FLATS + QUAKETwo Novels by rUdoLPh WUrLiTZerISBN: 978-0-9820151-4-8 / $17 US, $18 CAN

* Two classics of the counterculture together for the first timein one “69ed” edition.

* Original introduction by Michael Greenberg.

“Wurlitzer is one of the most unique and fascinating American writers.”-DENNIS COOPER

“Wurlitzer might be the closest thing we have to an actual cult author, a highly talented fiction writer.” -BArNeS & NoBLe reVieW

“A serious and ambitious writer... Wurlitzer’s profile is one of an outlaw who has flown under the radar of traditional American fiction.”-MICHAEL GREENBERG, from his introduction.


FLaTS is a post-apocalyptic exploration of the human self. Submerged amidst a cast of faceless characters named after ruined American cities who compete over a shrinking fringe of space, Flats is a modern masterpiece of the counterculture.

QUake chronicles the unraveling of society after an earthquake strikes ’60s Los Angeles. By painting a bleak picture of what people are capable of doing to one another in extreme circumstances, Quake is nihilistic and haunting, as well as uncomfortably foreboding. And more relevant than ever.

rUdoLPh WUrLiTZer has published five novels, Nog, Flats, Quake, Slow Fade, The Drop Edge of Yonder, and a non-fiction book, Hard Travel to Sacred Places, as well as three screenplays – Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, Two Lane Blacktop, Walker. Among his twelve produced screenplays are Voyager, Little Buddha, and Candy Mountain, which he co-directed. He also wrote the libretto for the Philip Glass opera, In the Penal Colony, as well as several plays, short stories, and articles.

7. Spring/Summer 2010


iSBN: 978-0-9820151-5-5aPriL 2010 / $15.50 US, $16 caN

* excerpted in Black Clock’s Summer issue.

“A wizardly writer.”-TOBIAS WOLFF

“A master chronicler of the ab-surdity, emptiness, and beauty that riddle modern life.”-WAShiNGToN PoST

“One of my favorite living writers.” -JONATHAN LETHEM


In his fifth novel, celebrated writer Scott Bradfield delivers an arresting and unsentimental childhood voice.

Salome Jensen is three years old when she is taken from her home by the man who fixes the hot water heater. As Sal drifts through Laundromats and other people’s homes, she develops a perspective of the world and an understanding of its people more meaningful than the most erudite observer could muster.

The PeoPLe Who WaTched her PaSS By is often hilarious as well as startling, and a poignant new contribution to the body of literature of a respected prose craftsman.

ScoTT BradFieLd has published stories, reviews, and essays in places as varied as Bookforum, Poetry, Triquarterly, Fence, Fantasy and Science Fiction, The Pushcart Prize Collection, The Vintage Book of Contemporary American Short Stories, TLS, The New York Times Book Review, Black Clock, The New York Ghost, and Neue Rundschauer. His books include The History of Luminous Motion, What’s Wrong with America, Ani-mal Planet, Greetings From Earth, and most recently, Good Girl Wants it Bad and Hot Animal Love: Tales of Modern Romance.

Spring/Summer 2010 9.

TERMITE PARADENovel by JoShUa mohriSBN: 978-0-9820151-6-2JULy 2010 / $15.50 US, $16 caN

* The 2nd novel from the San Francisco Chronicle best-selling author.

* excerpted in the San Francisco BayGuardian’s “Writers issue.”

“Takes the reader to precincts of the human psyche that even Céline would have thought twice about visiting. This is bold, chilling stuff. Hubert Selby, Jr. would have been proud.” -JOHN WRAy

Derek drops his black-out drunk and verbally abusive girlfriend, Mired, down a flight of stairs on purpose, and then calls his estranged twin, Frank, for help. Mired thinks she fell and blames herself; Frank knows better; Derek, ravaged with guilt, plays along before ditching town altogether.


TermiTe Parade examines how Derek, Mired, and Frank cope with the incident, and more deeply, the concepts of how we love one another, whether individuals are capable of change, and how capable we are, despite being an extremely intelligent and evolved species, of being savage animals.

Also by JoShUa mohrSOME THINGS THAT MEANT THE WORLD TO MEISBN: 978-0-9820151-1-7 / $15.50 US, $17 CAN* San Francisco Chronicle best-seller.

“I haven’t felt this enamored of a book since Denis Johnson’s Jesus’ Son.”-POWELLS.COM REVIEW-A-DAy

When Rhonda was a child – abandoned and ignored by his mother; abused and misguided by his mother’s boyfriend – he imagined the rooms of his home drifting apart from one another like separating continents.

Years later, after an embarassing episode as an adult, Rhonda’s inner-child appears, leading him to a trapdoor in a most unlikely place that will force him to finally confront his troubled past.


Selected BackliSt

THE DROP EDGE OF YONDERISBN: 978-0-9763895-5-2 / $15 US, $18 CAN* Time Out New York’s Best Book of 2008.* ForeWord Magazine Gold medal Winner in Literary Fiction.

“The most hallucinogenic western you’ll ever catch in the movie house of your mind’s eye. A Queen of Hearts sutra, a court jester’s Blood Meridian.” -Bookforum

NOGISBN: 978-0-9820151-2-4 / $15.50 US, $17 CAN* Village Voice Summer Book Pick.

“[Nog’s] combo of Samuel Beckett syntax andhippie-era freakiness mapped out new literary territory for generations to come.”-Time ouT NeW york

“A great counterforce to the loud, sentimental, novels of bullshit that take up so much spacein today’s literary landscape.” -THE RUMPUS

Also Available by rUdoLPh WUrLiTZer:


Selected BackliSt

1940Novel by Jay NeUGeBoreNISBN: 978-0-9763895-6-9 / $15 US, $18 CAN

“Neugeboren traverses the Hitlerian tightrope with all the skill and formal daring that have made him one of our most honored writers of literary fiction.”-LoS ANGeLeS TimeS

Heavily-lauded historical fiction from a respected master.

I SMILE BACKNovel by amy koPPeLmaNISBN: 978-0-9763895-9-0 / $15 US, $16 CAN

“Explores with ruthless honesty a woman comeundone.” -BOOKSLUT

“Powerful.” -LoS ANGeLeS TimeS

An unnerving portrait of a modern suburban woman.


EROTOMANIA: A ROMANCENovel by FraNciS LevyISBN: 978-0-9763895-7-6 / $14 US, $17 CAN* Queerty Top 10 Book of 2008.* Inland Empire Weekly Standout Book of 2008.

“Hilariously satirical... Miller, Lawrence, and Genet stop by like proud ancestors.”-VILLAGE VOICE

A comedic and absurdist portrait of a modern romance.

THE SHANGHAI GESTURENovel by Gary iNdiaNaISBN: 978-0-9820151-0-0 / $15.50 US, $17 CAN* Village Voice Spring Book Pick.

“Half William Burroughs, half William Gibson.”-WASHINGTON POST

Gary Indiana applies his prickly wit, nihilistic vision, and original voice to this side-splitting spin on Fu Manchu.

Selected BackliSt


CRUSTNovel by LaWreNce ShaiNBerGISBN: 978-0-9763895-8-3 / $15 US, $16 CAN

“Vonnegut-worthy satire.” -BOSTON GLOBE

“Half DeLillo’s Jack Gladney, half Christopher Hitchens.” -VILLAGE VOICE

An insightful and hilarious journey through our hyper-technological age.

LIFE ON THE LEDGEMemoir by ivor haNSoNISBN: 978-0-9763895-3-8 / $14 US

“Hanson is a good storyteller and he has good stories to tell.” -MANHATTAN USERS GUIDE

Despite playing in influential punk bands, Ivor faces the fact that window cleaning isn’t his day job – it’s his only job. A tale of risk, punk music, voyeurism, identity, and clean windows.

Selected BackliSt


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