Two decades of the Polish civil service - presentation

Post on 11-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Two decades of the Polish civil service - presentation

Two decades of the Polish civil service –

achievements and challenges

1989: "Round Table Negotiations" – the end of the communist rule

1991: establishment of the National School of Public Administration

1996: the first Act on Civil Service

1996: reform of the centre of government: the Office of the Council of Ministers � Chancellery of the Prime Minister (strengthening the position of the PR)

1997: Act on the branches of the government administration – more flexibility in governing the state

Towards civil service – milestones (1)

1997: new Constitution

Art. 153 of the Constitution

In order to ensure a professional , reliable , impartial and politically neutral discharge of the State's obligations a

corps of civil service shall operate in the organs of government administration

The Prime Minister shall be the superior of such corps of civil servants

Towards civil service – milestones (2)

Civil Service model

To date: 4 Civil Service Acts of 1996, 1998, 2006 and currently binding of 2008

Mixed model (career-based / position-based)

common trend in the post-communist countriesdominated by the solutions characteristic for position-based system

Civil service in figures (1)

The share of employment in the public administration (in a broad sense) in relation to employment in the national economy in 2012








UE 15UE 27





in thousands of posts

Civil service in figures (2)

Civil service as part of public administration (2012)






1 000

1 200

Widely understoodpublic administration


Widely understoodpublic administration


Widely understoodpublic administrationby GUS (incl. soldiers

and officers)

Widely understoodpublic administration

by GUS (excl. soldiersand officers)

Civil Service Corps

1 065

969 949



Organisation and structure

Prime Minister

Head of Civil Service


C.S. corps members


C.S. corpsmembers

Head of CPM

C.S. Council

Social Dialogue Group

Other working teams

DG Forum

High Discipl. Commission

environment: international environment/cooperation


think tanks

trade unions



Media and the public

Organisation and structure (2)

Head of Civil Servicecentral organ of Government administration, competent in civil service issues, develops HRM strategy, HR and ethics rules & standards, performs the tasks with the assistance of DGs

Directors General of Officeperform activities envisaged under labour law in relation to persons employed in the office and implement HRM policy, ensure the functioning and continuity of work of an office, conditions for its operation, as well as work organisation

The Civil Service Councilopinion-giving and advisory body of the Prime Minister regarding civil service issues

The High Disciplinary Commissionexecutes disciplinary proceedings of persons employed as Directors General of Office (first & second instance), serves as a second instance for disciplinary proceedings of CS corpsmembers

Organisation and structure (3)

Civil Service Corps members

Civil Service employeesemployment relationshipon the basis of the employment contract

Civil Servantsemployment relationship on the basis of appointment



civil service employees civil servants

System of management instruments in CS

Soft law:

HRM Standards

Ethical principles

Guidelines on the observance of the

CS rules

Uniformed HRM tools for the CS :

Job description and evaluation

Performance appraisal and first


Disciplinary procedure

Recruitment procedures

Strategy „Efficient State 2020”

Financial support:

Budgetary reserve for the CS modernization

Central training

Training and ESF projects

HRM Strategy in the CS

HRM Programmesin offices

Political neutrality

Transparent and competitive recruitment

Annual report on the state of the CS

Positive opinion of the Supreme Chamber of Control on the functioningof the Act on Civil Service

Diversity & equality issues45+ trainings70% women in the CS corps50% women at managerial positions in the CSGrowing number of impared persons employed in the CS (2,7% � 3,2% � � 6%)

Modernisation of the civil service – achievements (1)

Modern tools in HRM: job description, job evaluation, periodical assessment, individual professional development programme

HRM Standards in the civil service

HRM good practices – sharing knowledge & experience

New code of ethics

Permanent mechanism of cooperation between the Head of Civil Service and Directors General – Forum of Directors General

Improved monitoring of the civil service – more detailed data, electronic reporting

Standardized training policy

New web site (also ENG version)

Open Day for Civil Service Corps

Projects co-financed by ESF (2008-2012/2015)

Modernisation of the civil service – achievements (2)

Achievements – HRM standards in the CS

Ordinance of the Head of Civil Service on the HRM stan dards in the CS

entered into force on 30th of June 2012

based on the best national and foreign practices

ensure effective organization of the human resources management in the office

support the mission and goals of the office

contribute to raising the level of satisfaction of employees of the office

implemented by Directors General of the government administration in the areas of:

organization of the human resources managementrecruitment and introduction to work (induction)motivationdevelopment and trainingtermination of employment

implementation supported by sharing knowledge and good practices

Ordinance of the Prime Minister on the guidelines for compliance with the principles of the civil service and on the principles of the civil service code of ethics

entered into force on 13 October 2011

observance of the principles ensured by the Head of Civil Service in cooperation with ministers

Achievements – New Code of Ethics

9 rules of civil servicelegality, rule of law, and increasing public confidence in public administration

protection of human and civil rights


openness and transparency

secrecy protected by law


liability for any action or failure to undertake thereof

reasonable management of public funds

open and competitive recruitment procedures

6 principles of ethics of the civil service corps

decent behaviour

public service


political neutrality



Achievements – web site

Projects co-financed by the ESF in years 2008 - 2012:

Over 50 000 trainees. Subjects of trainings included:Soft skillsSpecialist skills ITLanguage competencesand tools developed enabling implementation of training policy in all government administration offices

Customer Satisfaction Management (CSM) in 100 officesCommon Assessment Framework (CAF) in 70 officesImprovement of back-office services in ministries, central and voivodeship officesReinforcement of analitical potential and ability to work with external expertsTailor-made improvements and tools implemented in 30 offices e.g.:

Quality management systemDevelopment of optimal organisational structureManagement By Objectives (MBO) Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)Competency model

Achievements – projects co-finances by the ESF (1)

New projects co-financed by ESF aimed at:

integration and improvement management systems: by processes, by objectives, by competences

implementation of new management tools ( e.g. in the field of externalcommunication, quality management)

improvement of quality and accesibility of services provided by taxadministration to enterpreneurs

support of functioning of impact assesment system throughreinforcement of administration analitical potential

Achievements – projects co-finances by the ESF (2)

Multi-status character of public servants

HRM strategy in the Civil Service

More motivating remuneration system

Competency Management

HRM Standards in the civil service– monitoring

Flexibilization of legal framework, e.g. working time

Continuous improvement of management systems in offices

Better communication and co-operation with citizens/customers

Improvement of the image of the civil service

Modernisation of the civil service – challenges

European Public Administration Network

Public Governance Committee OECD

European Institute of Public Administration in Maastricht

Development cooperation with transformation countries

Eastern Partnership

Billateral co-operation and contacts

International Co-operation

Thank you for your attention