Twitter Marketing Guide for Businesses in India

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Twitter Marketing Guide for Businesses in India

Twitter Marketing Guide for Businesses in India

Sneak peek at some stats!

~243 million internet users

Project annual user base growth


India is one of the

fastest growing markets for Twitter

User Generation 3.0 has emerged – who believe in the 3S

SearchAvid searchers who leverage Web + Mobile + Social to

search for services & products anytime, anywhere



They form impressions about brands, read reviews and

browse social contest for the action begins!

They do not shy away from sharing reviews, provide

feedback on the go on social media and tweeting is

“definitely hot” with them

Reach of Twitter in India? Lok Sabha elections 2014 alone generated 60 million tweets!s

What preludes Twitter Marketing

From a brand’s perspective,

before plunging in, a couple of things have to be in place

Blog &

strong content


Active resources

to engage with

fans and handle





insights to share

How Twitter scores over Facebook

Great real-time search engine - Hashtags work

well as a search engine to give you the right


140 characters – make the point

Your tweets and tags are public, hence acts as a

great customer service channel. You cannot

delete tags with bad review

More organic, thanks to less or minimal ads

Twitter humanizes companies – when

companies tweet in a human tone, it’s found to

be more engaging by the users

More mature audience is present

Goals of Twitter Marketing

Lead Generation Brand-building Product Launch



Connecting with

influencers in

your industry

Live Events /


Intercept conversations in your industry or product

KitKat intercepted this conversation and

asked Oreo for a game of tic-tac-toe

A day later, Oreo politely refused in their

own cute way

This went viral and helped both, KitKat

and Oreo, to engage fans positively

Helped them get many positive brand


Time-consuming but worth it – being alert and hitting the nail at the right time helps!

Power Out? No problem

During the third quarter of Super Bowl

XLVII when a power outage at the

Superdome caused some of the lights to go

out for 34 minutes, the sandwich cookie’s

social media team jumped on the cultural

moment, tweeting this ad

This tweet by Oreo got 15000 retweets!

And thousands were talking about it, with

the message – OREO WON THE


Tracking results, Listening & Engaging - multiple tools are available to aid you

What do you track & analyze?

Following, Reach &

ImpressionsResponse Rate

References /


Sales Funnel

EffectivenessTwitter Leads

Engagement for

campaigns, contests,


Finding the right audience – based on parameters like interest and location, etc.

Multiple tools like


It’s a free tool that allows you to

search and list people who have a

specific location in their profile or a

specific interest

For eg. – If your bank has a demat

product, people who have mentioned

“trading” can be a part of the right

audience to target


This free search function at

( helps you

find people who have tweeted on a

particular topic

It can also be used to enlist those who

have tweeted about your company

DNDs of Twitter marketing

An incomplete profile – gives the impression of a fake account (if account not verified)

Using Auto-Bots for posts and replies

Do not auto-DM

It’s about quality, not quantity

Experiment but not too much too soon – we can spread ourselves thin

Hard-sell – your brand on twitter has a personality, give it a human touch

Don’t have an uneven following/follower ratio

Case Studies – where the market is headed

UseCase - Product launch

Fiama Di Wills Shower Jewels Campaign

To launch the new Fiama Di Wills Shower

Jewels, they leveraged Twitter for the unveiling

Users had to tweet about the new range using

the hashtag #FiamaShowerJewels and as soon

the counter hit 5000, the new range would be

unveiled at the WIFW

The digital engagement generated 10000+

Twitter mentions resulting in 46 million

impressions and was trending in India

The table on which the products were set on

was using the hydraulic pressure pump

technique. On reaching 8500 tweet, bottles

were automatically uplifted at the event.

UseCase - Branding

Fiat – Too fast to Follow Campaign

Fiat took a very unusual approach to their

social media marketing in Germany

Rather than engage with their followers, they

actually blocked them. Their claim was that the

car is “too fast to follow”!

The campaign generated a great deal of

publicity and Twitter users were lining up to be

blocked by the Abarth 500

With zero followers on their handle, they

managed to create a huge amount of buzz in

the social media

UseCase – Lead Generation

Twitter is an effective tool for lead

generation abroad though the trend is still

picking up in India

It can be done in 2 ways:

Twitter Cards – that can be setup for

ads on Twitter as shown here

The other way can be to intercept and

conversations and engage with the

relevant audience

For eg. – If a person tweets saying

“Off to Bangalore”, a restaurant can

intercept and tweet tagging him –

“Welcome to Bangalore. Would you like

to have delicious chicken at our place?”

UseCase - Video Promotion

#TheMadrasSong was released by the

Murugappa Group to celebrate the spirit of

Madras on its 375th year

Garnered more than 1.5 lakh views in 2 weeks

Twitter leveraged as the main medium to

promote the song

Contests and trivia around Madras,e tc was

used to build buzz and an engaged fan base

talking about Madras

The song was trending within 24 hours of


UseCase – Live Events

What are the implications?

Implications for the world of marketing – negative McD

McDonald’s Twitter campaign -

#McDStories is one of the big examples

McD asked users to share their nostalgic

stories about Happy Meals

It went awfully wrong and they had to

call off the campaign after negative stories

started trending

So, it becomes very important to

anticipate audience and fans reaction & be

ready with a contingency plan

Customer service channel – quick & reliable customer service earns applauds publicly

Not about a brand having social media channels, its about an organization going social

Just having a social media channel doesn’t help

It’s about the organization going forward to a

social strategy

The end-to-end strategy has to be integrated

with social media

From marketing to customer service,

elements have to altered

Example – customer service cannot be left

alone to complaints over calls, customers are

bound to tweet with your handle and expect

quick response

Top management needs to buy in to the idea of

moving forwarded socially and be actively


Last, but not the least:

Leverage Twitter Influencers to market your brand. Some influencers we worked with in the past

Devina Malhotra Satheesh Akanksha Redhu

Sathya Narayanan Tarika Singh Naveena Vijayan