Twitter For Business

Post on 07-Sep-2014

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Twitter for Business course run for the Kildare Enterprise Board.

Transcript of Twitter For Business

Twitter For Business

Today I’m going to

•Give you an overview of how Twitter can be used for business, discussing specific examples

•Show you how to use some of the tools that can help you use Twitter effectively

By the end of the session you will have:

•Set up a Twitter account

•Understood the various ways Twitter can be used for Business

•Set up a Hootsuite account

•Discovered how to find content to tweet

•Know how to find customers on twitter

What is Twitter?

Twitter is what is called a microblogging site. People post short updates and share them with followers. Unlike Facebook you don’t just become friends with people you know. You can choose to follow people who share similar interests or whose Tweets you find interesting. It is shorter and faster moving than Facebook.

•A great way to converse with customers and potential customers

•Good way to research what is being said about your industry.

•Tweets can be up to 140 characters (letters, numbers, symbols and spaces)

What do businesses use Twitter for?

•Customer Service



•Customer feedback – product development – crowd sourcing

•Lead generation


Setting up your page

Things to think about

•Profile picture or logo?

•Make your bio compelling and human… why would someone want to follow you? What have you got to offer?

•Hash tags are added to Tweets to mark that they are about a specific topic. •Using the search box at the top of the page you can search for a hashtag.•Popular at the moment #notinmyname #corrie #lls #vinb•Great for watching the television

Hashtags #tags

@replies•The @symbol before a word signifies that it is a user name. For example I am @spiderworking •If you are addressing a Tweet at someone you need to use the @ before their name to ensure they see it.•The @symbol can be used anywhere in a Tweet. •If you add it at the beginning only the person you are Tweeting, you and people that follow both of you will see it in their news feed•If you use the @symbol mid tweet all your followers will see it as well as the person that you are talking about

RT - ReTweet

•An RT is when someone shares a Tweet that someone else has posted so that their followers can see it.

•To ReTweet someone hover your mouse over the Tweet

•Click the arrow circle

•You will be prompted to confirm that you want to ReTweet.

Lets set up Hootsuite!

What is Hootsuite

•Makes it easy to manage your Twitter account

•Easy to keep on top of searches

•Schedule Tweets

•Shorten links

Find customers by using Hootsuite search

•Type search term into search box

•Click on round symbol to set your location

•Allow location search

•Click ‘Save as Stream’ at the bottom of search box

•Will update regularly

Finding content to share

•Google Alerts

•Google Blog Search

•Twitter search





•Create your own!

Finding content to share

Finding content to share

Scheduling Tweets and shortening links with Hootsuite

•Type in your tweet

•Paste your link into the box underneath (next to

•Click Shrink

•Click the calendar symbol

•Choose the date and time

•Click ‘OK’

•Click Schedule

Measuring your success

•Click throughs on short links

•Follower Count


•How many RT’s

•How many mentions


•Sharing buys good will

•Use your personality

•Be conversational

•Stay on topic

•Be an expert

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