Twitter Chat 101

Post on 21-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Twitter Chat 101

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How to Host a Successful Twitter Chat

By Emily Johnson@gold_em

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What is a Twitter Chat?A Twitter chat is a public Twitter conversation around one unique hashtag. The hashtag allows you to identify chat contributors1.

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Define Your Goals

• Manage expectations. What do you plan on gaining from the chat?

• Examples:– Engage with our online community – Build our online community– Position our brand as a thought leader and engage

with trending topics– Generate awareness and excitement for our

content and brand– Gain registrations/leads

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Select Your Topic, Time & Hashtag

• Pick a topic that is timely and controversial• An hour is a good length of time to host a chat

• Pick a hashtag that’s short and simple. Remember, a tweet is only 140 characters, and every tweet needs to include the hashtag.

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• Select a subject matter expert who will remain unbiased throughout the chat.

• Prep chat questions in advance. For an hour long chat, I’d recommend prepping 10 questions. You likely won’t need all of them, but it’s nice to have them in case a question flops.

• Prep answers to your own questions. Things might start off slow, or your participants may need a little boost to get started.

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Market Your Twitter Chat• Create graphics and promote your

chat across all of your social channels• Write a blog about the topic• Add a plug for it in an email• Get top influencers in your community

to promote your chat• Co-host the chat with other reputable

organizations and pick a sharp moderator with a decent twitter following

• When the chat is done, create a blog post to highlight major takeaways and top tweets.

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How to Join and Participate in a Twitter Chat

• TweetChat is a great tool for following and participating in a Twitter chat.

• Login with your Twitter handle, enter the hashtag of the event, and TweetChat will pull up all the related messages so you can follow the conversation. It will automatically add the hashtag to your tweets so you don’t have to1.

• Send a Tweet. Introduce yourself! Example: Hello! I’m #GTEC’s Social Media Manager joining the #GTECCHAT on preparing for a #cyberattack today!

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Twitter Chat Flow• Write a welcome introduction in advance (a couple of tweets) and post

these once you’re ready to start. Include the topic and the hashtag. • Tweet your first question (Q1)• Give your participants a few minutes begin responding. If it’s quiet at

first, have one of your teammates start the conversation. • Retweet interesting answers • Retweet questions in case someone comes in late• Share related articles and resources• Announce the upcoming end of the chat and thank everyone for

participating• Tweet the chat conclusions

15 Steps to Hosting Successful Twitter Chats: Your Ultimate Guide

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Question and Answer Etiquette

• The tweet chat moderator should mark their questions with Q (for question) and the number of the question. Example: Q1, Q2, Q3,

• When you respond with an answer, mark it with A (for answer) and the number of the original question.

• Marking your questions and answers with a number helps the participants easily match the questions and answers.

2Ready for a Tweet Chat? 5 Tips on How to Join the Conversation

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Example Introduction Tweets

• Welcome to our Twitter chat: Is It Possible To Prepare for a Cyber Attack? #GTECCHAT

• #GTEC is a unique event in Oct for Canada's top leaders & influencers to learn about innovation & excellence in #publicsector IT #GTECCHAT

• #GTEC also offers a nationally recognized awards program, Summit Series and Webinars #GTECCHAT

• The chat will run from 2-3PM EST and is moderated by Executive Editor @DarkReading, @kjhiggins #GTECCHAT

• Welcome @kjhiggins, and thanks for moderating the #GTECCHAT!

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Example Wrap-Up Tweets• (Moderator wraps up the final question)

• Thank you all for participating and thank you to @kjhiggins for moderating and @DarkReading for helping host #GTECCHAT

• Continue the conversation with us at #GTEC, held Oct 19-21 at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa, Cda. #GTECCHAT

• Use discount code: GTECCHAT and Save $100 on Total Access and Conference passes

• We have a full day pre-conference program dedicated to cyber security #GTECCHAT, learn more

• As well as an entire track focused on #privacy, #security and #trust – see the agenda here:

• Thanks again for joining, and we hope to see you in October! #GTECCHAT

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Record Your Chat

• Record your Twitter chat so you can measure and review the activity later. I’ve used TweetReach.

• You can sign up for free and export up to 1,500 tweets with analysis for only $20. They also offer monthly subscriptions.

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• 1 5 Steps to Hosting Successful Twitter Chats: Your Ultimate Guide

• 2 Ready for a Tweet Chat? 5 Tips on How to Join the Conversation