[Twitter Case Study] Getting the India Internet Day (#iDay) to Trend on Twitter (BoringBrands.com)

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of [Twitter Case Study] Getting the India Internet Day (#iDay) to Trend on Twitter (BoringBrands.com)

Getting the India Internet Day to Trend on Twitter


Social Media Case Study


About the Client

TiEcon-Delhi is one of Asia's largest entrepreneurship-focused ongoing conferences, and arguably the most influential of its kind. With an objective to envision and explore trends and shifts in the hottest areas of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, TiEcon-Delhi exposes those attending to remarkable individuals and their path-breaking experiences in their respective domains.


About the Event

The India Internet Day is an annual event organized by TiE-Delhi. It brings together Entrepreneurs, Activists, Investors, Enthusiasts, and everyone else connected to the Internet under one roof.

Attended by guests from overseas, the India Internet Day is an indispensable day of networking, learning, and vision.


Role Played by BoringBrands.com

As Supporting Partner for the event, BoringBrands.com was entrusted with the social media properties of TiE-Delhi to ensure that #iDay was a success.

In effect, we had to replicate the highly-charged event atmosphere online.


Strategy Adopted

To come up with a focused Social Media Strategy, we ran a quick analysis on the expected audience at the event. We found that the average audience is:

• Highly intelligent• Tech-savvy• On-the-move• Conversational• Opinionated

The only platform that could do justice to such a demanding profile is – Twitter!


Phase 1: Warming Up

This started 3-4 days prior tothe event, wherein we startedtalking about the speakers,sessions, and other highlightsof the event. Because peoplewere already keeping a tab onthe #iDay hashtag, this startedgenerating interest.


Phase 1: Warming Up

And of course, a note of thanks to the sponsors and partners.


Phase 1: Warming Up

Meanwhile, we were whetting the appetite on Facebook as well.


Phase 2: The ‘Little’ Push

Minutes before the event was to start, we tweeted live images of the event. We also retweeted images of speakers on their way. This helped build a sense of urgency and kick-started the tweet-storm that was about to come!



Phase 3: Getting the Conversations Going

During the event, we made sure to keep the conversations going by posting relevant retweets, tweets, and replies. We didn’t shy away from a bit of humor, as well!



Result: #iDay was Trending for 6 hours!

Due to the sheer volume of tweets generated, #iDay was trending in Delhi for more than six hours!

A memorable day, indeed. :-)


#iDay Twitter Impact for @TiEDelhi

#iDay was not just a memorable event, it also provided huge visibility for our partner TiE-Delhi. Here’s a quick look at the numbers.

Top Tweet – 2076



Top mention – 183


Top media tweet –

2257 impressions


The #iDay Experience

All in all, #iDay 2015 was a memorable event where people taught new things, learned new things, networked, and had a very good time.

It’s amazing what a little bit of strategy can do!


