Twin paradox

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Twin paradox

TWIN PARADOXA longer life, but it will not seem longer

Twin Paradox Animated


Experimental VerificationIt really happens!!!! Time dilation has been verified experimentally by

precise measurements of atomic clocks flown in aircraft and satellites.

* gravitational time dilation and special relativity together have been used to explain the Hafele–Keating experiment.

* It was also confirmed in particle accelerators by measuring time dilation of circulating particle beams.


Time Dilation•A moving clock ticks more slowly than a

clock at rest.

Analogy between Hindu and British CalendarNeed for an equilizing factor!

Twin Paradox

FALLACY IN THE PARADOX•Betty goes off in a rocket ship at close to

the speed of light and returns to Earth some years later. Anna stays put. Viewed from Earth, Betty's time is slowed, so when Betty gets back Anna should be older than Betty. 

•But viewed from the rocket ship, it is Earth that is moving, so Anna's time is slowed, and on return Betty should find it is she who is older. 

•However both accounts cannot be right: when the twins finally get together again, Betty might either be younger or older than Anna, but not both. Hence the claim of paradox.

•  The resolution comes from the fact that the two perspectives, Anna's and Betty's, are actually not completely symmetric. To accomplish her trip, Betty must accelerate away from Earth, cruise at uniform speed for a while, then brake, turn around, accelerate again, cruise some more, and finally brake again to land on Earth. Anna merely remains immobile.

•All Betty's maneuvers, acceleration and deceleration, break the symmetry between the two sets of observations. The principle of relativity, remember, applies to uniform motion, not to accelerations. An acceleration is not relative; it is absolute. Taking this into account, it is Betty who ages less. On her return, Ann would be older. 

•  It has nothing to do with the effect of motion on the aging process.
