Twelve Spheres v4

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Transcript of Twelve Spheres v4

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From: Alistair J. R. Young <avatar-use...@ar >Subject: Re: GURPS Mage, Wizards, and Compartmentalized Mind questionDate: 1999/02/28Message-ID: <c1.2b8.2PrYlT$>X-Deja-AN: 449551513X-NNTP-Posting-Host: ar : ane.netX-Disclaimer: The opinions below ARE my company's, because I OWN it!References: <> <>X-Wanted: Developers to wor on the architecture and code of a new object-, networ - and neatstuff-oriented free operating system. Mail <request-la...@ar > if interested.X-License: For copyright and related information, please see: /avatar/postcopy.htmlX-PGP-1: id=0x6A7AB399; fprnt=5C 27 43 25 6B 32 4D 6E E7 69 EC 7B 77 46 13 92X-PGP-2: Mail pgp ey-ava...@ar for my public ey.X-Complaints-To: abuse@demon.netX-Why-PGP: Because some little fsc wit's forged stuff with my name on it, and Idon't want to give them another chance. Only *I* get to besmirch my reputation!

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On 27 Feb 1999 01:46:10 GMT, in message <>,JefWilson <> (== jefwilson)praised Shub-Internet thus:

> In article <>, Daniel <> writes:

>> One of these days, just for the hell of>> it, I'm going to sit down and ta e the various spheres out to the>> tenth level. ;7

> If you even do that, send me the list. It would be great to give players of> list of: "this is what you _can't_ do."

Well, thin ing of that, perhaps you might find some ideas for that inmy own revised twelve-Sphere system. It only ta es them out to levelsix, though, but in the modifications to the lower levels and my sixesI'm sure you'll find a lot of stuff that they can't do... :)

The problem was, after 6, you see, you just can't find things that the

Spheres or conjunctions of them don't cover. (Except for Paradoxmanipulation. Which I don't thin should be allowed into them, anyway,but if you really, really need a Prime 10, I suppose.)


(Extracts from:) THE TWELVE SPHERES


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Apart from the products of my own deranged mind, parts and suggestionsfor this document came from a variety of sources, principally:

Fate Sphere. Changeling 2nd.

Modifications to the Prime, Constantine ThomasEntropy, and Fate Spheres. < >

Modifications to Forces, Life, <bla>and Matter Spheres.

Other modifications to Spheres. Anders Sandberg<nv91-...@hemul.nada.>

Largish chun s of text have been included from the descriptions of theSpheres in Mage 2nd, as given the various changes and clarificationsmade in this revision it would have been almost impossible to handleit with references or diffs; and, besides, it's pretty useless unlessyou already have Mage. If this doesn't count as 'fair use', I'm suresomeone from White Wolf will tell me so.

The Spheres===========

1. Avatar2. Correspondence3. Entropy4. Fate5. Forces6. Life7. Matter8. Mind9. Prime10. Spirit11. Time12. Umbra

Avatar- ------

Specialties: Soulbonds, Awa ening, Spirits, Binding, Gilgul

1 Sense Avatar2 Spea with AvatarTouch Avatar

3 Create EpiphanyBrief Awa eningSoul Lin

4 Call Avatar

Bind Avatar5 Force Awa eningReweave AvatarUnbind AvatarUnma e Avatar

6 Cleanse AvatarFragment AvatarUnite Avatar

(Note: for this Sphere to be particularly useful, it is assumed that

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everything which is sentient has an avatar - humans, werewolves andvampires (although theirs are different/altered), spirits, etc.)

* Sense Avatar:-------------

At this level the mage is able to sense the presence of the Avatars ofothers around him and whether they are sleeping or Awa ened; thestrength of these Avatars, and the level at which they shape reality(Avatar rating and Arete, approx.). He is also able to sense thesymbolic form of the Avatar (the form in which it manifests itself toits mage) - studying this can give clues to the Avatar's Essence, themage's Nature, and for example, whether the mage is Marauder orwidderslainte.

** Spea With Avatar:------------------

The mage can spea freely with his Avatar, or with the Avatars ofother mages.

Touch Avatar:-------------

When used in conjunctional effects, this level of the Sphere allowsthe mage to weave other effects around his Avatar - for example, wardsprotecting him/it from the possibility of Gilgul or the Rebirth.

*** Create Epiphany:----------------

This effect allows the mage temporarily to impose his state of greaterenlightenment onto another mage of lesser achievement.

Mages should ta e careful note that those who come to depend on thiseffect are wandering away from their path to Ascension. They will findthemselves increasingly less able to attain greater understanding for


(System: Using it, it is possible for him to temporarily increase theArete of another mage by <successes>/3 (but *never* above his ownArete). Habitual users of this will find themselves increasinglyfailing in their See ings (ST control).)

Brief Awa ening:----------------

This, in theory, allows the mage to Awa en the Avatar of anyone. Inpractice, however, this only permits Awa enings of very limitedduration - most Sleepers are quite heavy Sleepers, and so cease to be

Awa ened in fairly short order. In practice only long-term and veryconvinced Acolytes have any hope of achieving permanent Awa ening bythis method.

Note, however, that even a temporary Awa ening will have a profound -and permanent - effect on a Sleeper's psyche; although she quic lyloses her ability to wor True Magic, she will never see the world inthe same way ever again...

Most Sleepers simply snap under the stress of this artificial

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epiphany; caution is advised to avoid producing insane mages. Ingeneral, a degree of mental flexibility and open-mindedness help copesuccessfully with this.

Soul Lin :----------

This effect enables the mage to create and to brea lin s betweenAvatars, similar to those covered by the "Twin Souls" or "AvatarCompanion" phenomena.

It is possible that use of it could prevent the Avatars of Maraudersfrom communicating with each other, and so brea up the strangecoordination seen in so many Marauder attac s.

**** Call Avatar:------------Bind Avatar:------------

This level enables the mage to summon and bind the Avatar of anothermage in a similar manner to a spirit. Or, just as usefully, bind anAvatar-fragment created by the level 6 Sphere.

Note that a mage cannot perform magic when her Avatar is not with her;however, the externalised Avatar can use its power itself. Avatarsthat are bound into objects can be used in the manner offetishes. Other than the lac of magery, the mage suffers no illeffects unless the binding of the Avatar to the mage is actuallybro en.

***** Force Awa ening:----------------

The effects of this are very similar to those of Avatar 3, BriefAwa ening, save that the resultant Awa ening is permanent. Similarcaution is required to avoid the production of insane mages - without

some sort of framewor , the mind of the Awa enee is li ely to snapunder the pressure.

The less focused a person's belief in her paradigm is, the moresuccesses are required to Awa en her, and the greater the deleteriouseffects on her mental stability. Also, the vast majority of mages whoare forced Awa e will not be able to handle it, even if they wouldhave been able had they been allowed to Awa en at their own rate.

Reweave Avatar:---------------

With sufficient successes, the mage can alter the Essence, Nature,

etc. of another's avatar, create Spheres Inept, awa en Past Lives, andso forth.

(The Nephandic rebirth is Qlippothic Avatar 5. Rumours that the NWOuse similar effects to reshape their captives in Mecha into thePattern essence are totally without foundation. Really.)

Unbind Avatar:--------------

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This enables a mage to snap the binding between a mage and his Avatar,allowing the Avatar to continue on its journey. This is, essentially,the most minor Gilgul.

Unma e Avatar:--------------

This level of the Avatar sphere is necessary to enable a mage toperform Gilgul. Some also argue that this is necessary in order tocompletely destroy a spirit...

****** Cleanse Avatar:---------------

This allows a mage to cleanse an Avatar of distortions it has pic edup in its incarnations - Spheres Inept, strong Past Lives, Echoes, andso forth.

Perhaps, even, with enough successes it would be possible to undo theNephandic Rebirth, and cleanse the Avatar of a widderslainte orbarabbi. (Of course, in the case of a barabbi they would still be thesame person who became Nephandus in the first place, but someEuthanatos might consider it an appropriate prelude to the GoodDeath.)

Fragment Avatar:----------------

Now the mage can divide her Avatar (or another's) into two, creating asmaller Avatar that is Awa ened and has some use of her magicalability (but not her memories). The one created has the same Essenceand Nature as the 'parent' mage.

(System: The shard created can have Arete and Avatar ratings up tohalf those of the parent mage, rounding down. The Arete and Avatargiven to the shard are deducted immediately from those of the parentmage, with all normal effects of losing either.)

This can be useful - remember, a mind or AI created with the Mindsphere has no soul and certainly cannot be Awa ened. This allows amage to get around this problem - at the cost of wea ening his ownAvatar.

Of course, the shard-Avatar can be bound into more or less anything,just as a spirit can. But even an ensouled and Awa e boulder is stilla boulder, and unli ely to do much.

If the shard is bound into a cloa of ephemera it becomes afree-roaming spirit that can be manipulated with Spirit as well asAvatar magics. The effect of this is identical to the relation between

spirits and their broods - by doing it, you create a Gaffling, or evena Jaggling, of _you_.

(Mages with power enough to spare to create their own Incarna areprobably indistinguishable from Umbrood anyway. Mages who thin theycan create Celestines have lost it totally.)

Unite Avatar:-------------

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This effect is the precise opposite of Fragment Avatar - it allows themage to merge two Avatars together, one of which may be her own.

(System: The Avatar rating of the gestalt is that of the two Avatarsinvolved added together; the Arete is the higher of the two +1. Unless the Avatars involved are such as the shattered shards of anAvatar left by the Embrace or a shard previously removed from another,the mergence will have some of the nastier side-effects of vampiricdiablerie - namely, the whole will contain elements of both previousparts. [This is mainly for when it is used on the Avatars of livingmages - highest willpower controls the gestalt, the other exists as asubpersonality, 'voice in his head', whatever and may challenge forcontrol when the main is low on willpower; if the willpowers areclose, you have a split personality.])

Some factions of the Celestial Chorus say that this effect is awonderful thing, and the means eventually to reunite the scatteredAvatars of mages once again into the Pure Ones, and finally into theOne.

Most others say that this effect is considerably less wonderful thanthat, and quite possibly evil in nature (despite its not beingQlippothic) - no more than the magely equivalent of Diablerie.

Nonetheless, most agree that it can be useful for reconstructing theshattered Avatars of those who have undergone Gilgul or the vampiricEmbrace... or even creating a single strong avatar from thechipped-off shards of those of a number of mages.

Mages who thin they can merge an Incarna or Celestine into themselvesin this way have, again, lost it totally. A harsh lesson in who getsto be dominant soon follows.

Correspondence- --------------

Specialties: Conjuration, Scrying, Warding, Teleportation, Opening

1 Immediate Spatial Perceptions2 Correspondence PerceptionsTouch Space

3 Shift Through SpaceSeal GateCo-locality Perception

4 Conjoin LocalitiesCo-locate Self

5 Mutate LocalitiesCo-location

6 Alter DimensionalityWide-Area Effects

* Immediate Spatial Perceptions:------------------------------

At this stage, the mage gains a een understanding of how objects andspace relate. She can intuitively sense distances between objects,find true north (or any other direction) and sense things in herimmediate vicinity without using the normal five senses. This newsense also allows her to detect spatial instabilities, warps, andwormholes.

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** Correspondence Perceptions:---------------------------

The mage may now extend her senses beyond her immediate vicinity todistant or hidden locations. Any of the senses can expand thisway. However, most mages feel that such magical perceptions thin thebarriers between the two points in space, creating a wea ness in theTapestry (li e those a ran one effect can spot).

Touch Space:------------

Luc ily, the mage may also re-wor the fabric of space, reinforcingthe Tapestry and creating a barrier to hinder scrying or the openingof actual rifts. This wor s li e countermagic, deducting successes foreach success.

In conjunction with Pattern 2 (ran 2 of any pattern Sphere), the magemay also grasp small items - house cat-sized or smaller - and pullthem through the Tapestry, conjuring them from "nowhere".

*** Shift Through Space:--------------------

The mage now gains the strength to ma e a small rent in the Tapestry,so small that only the mage herself - and whatever she holds orcarries - may slip through before it seals.

Wor ing with the other Spheres, a mage may also grasp items governedby the Pattern magics and slide them through space, performinglevitation and tele inesis.

Seal Gate:----------

She may also seal such rents or prevent them from opening, though the

greater the rift, the more difficult the feat.

Co-locality Perception:-----------------------

At this level, a mage also learns to sense multiple locations at once,perceiving the various scenes as several ghostly landscapesoverlapping one another.

**** Conjoin Localities:-------------------

The Adept may now create larger rents in the Tapestry to transport

other beings and large objects and forces. With enough successes(10+), she may even force the rent wide enough to ma e a permanentgateway.

Co-locate Self:---------------

The mage may now manifest physically in multiple locations at once,though she should also use Mind 1 if she wants to thin effectively inall of them, and Life 2 if she wants her multiple selves to perform

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separate actions.

***** Mutate Localities:------------------

A Master of Correspondence learns how to distort space. She can affectdistances and sizes around her, stretching them and thin ing them tofit her needs. In scientific terms, the mass of objects cannot bechanged, but their volumes and dimensions are li e potter's clay.

This power is limited by the topology of the affected object - adoughnut could be distorted into a cup by this, for example, but itwould remain an object containing a single hole.


She may also stac locations on top of one another in a bizarrelandscape of multiple forms or connect a variety of items together. Atthis point, the Master's perceptions are so wildly expanded that hermundane perceptions may be enhanced beyond the normal human maximum.

****** Alter Dimensionality:---------------------

This enables the mage to play with the dimensional characteristics ofa given area of space - an ordinary room with three spatial dimensionscould be made four- or five- dimensional, or compressed down to twodimensions. Dimensions can also be compressed, expanded, or twisted tosuit the mage. Wonderful for mazes, or those who want to create roomsthat don't just *loo * li e an Escher painting.

Using conjunctional effects with Matter and Life, objects can beaffected - spheres made into hyperspheres or collapsed into circles,people made two-dimensional, etc...)

Wide-Area Effects:


By s ilful use of co-locative magic, the mage now becomes able tospread an effect over more than one target; for example, a Avatar3/Correspondence 6 effect could be used to temporarily Awa en a largecrowd, or even an entire city with sufficient successes.

Entropy- -------

Specialties: Order, Chaos, Destruction

1 Sense Strengths & Wea nesses

Sense Order & Disorder2 Control Randomness in Closed Systems3 Diffuse Energy/Contain EnergyDecay Matter/Preserve MatterControl Randomness in Open Systems

4 Wither Life/Preserve LifeControl Randomness in Organisational Systems

5 Decay Thought/Preserve ThoughtReverse Entropy

6 Control Randomness in Abstract Systems

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Chaos Theory

* Sense Strengths & Wea nesses:-----------------------------

Disciples of Entropy learn to examine each thing and discern itsstrengths and wea nesses, examining what it is and what it does.

Sense Order & Disorder:-----------------------

Sense Order and Disorder allos the mage to sense the amount ofdisorder in a system, and to see which parts of the system are themost ordered and which are the most disordered.

Given this nowledge, the mage can sense if a loc has some defect, orif a gun will misfire. Chance, however, is a fic le thing. Theseinsights are not perfect, just advanced.

The ability to judge certainties and li elihoods is quiteuseful. Pressure points and opportunities become obvious to one whonows their patterns. This may not have any dramatic effects, but onceyou understand an enemy's strengths and wea nesses, it doesn't ta eSun Tzu to determine a combat strategy or Lucretia Borgia to figure

out a subterfuge.

General: Control Randomness- ---------------------------

Now that the the wor ings of chance have been studied, the dominoes ofprobability may be pushed. Disciples learn control over probability bystudying where it concentrates. Phenomena as diverse as cardshuffling, dice rolling, mar et fluctuations, traffic jams, lost mailand roulette wheels teach the mage to identify order in chaos, chaosin order and the paths of probability.

This gives the mage amazing, yet subtle control over hundreds of small

events. He can control whom a waiter will serve first, who pic s theshortest straw, who wins a coin toss or finds the one bullet in achamber, etc. He can determine the outcome of any event which wouldnormally be random. Once he discerns which apparently random eventsare in fact predetermined, he can then manipulate other eventualitiesto his own ends.

(In my metaphysics, some events are guided by destiny, but most areleft to random chance. The more an event is destined - for example,the fate of a mage with a high Destiny - the less affectable it andthe objects involved in it are by Entropy.)

(System: add the Destiny of the involved party to the difficulty?)

There's a limit to this control; the greater the probability he triesto affect, the more difficult the act becomes. Determining a coin-tossis simple magic. Determining the toss of the same coin 100 times insuccession becomes correspondingly more difficult. Hexing a pac ofcards to deal a royal flush is in the realm of possibility, butordering a shuffled dec such that each comes out as if it had neverbeen shuffled is a miracle probably not worth the bother.

At first, the mage may only control randomness in Closed Systems:

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** Control Randomness in Closed Systems:-------------------------------------

A Closed System is one in which there is a definite, finiteprobability of an event occurring, as a result of the isolation of thesystem from external influences. Tossing a coin creates one of themost basic Closed Systems - there is a one in two chance that the coinwill land heads or tails. Other examples include the shuffling of apac of cards, and a game of Russian Roulette - in the latter, thereis a one in six chance that the firing chamber of the revolver willcontain the bullet (which the Mage can affect).

If disorder was increased in a system where two dice were rolledthousands of times, it is possible that no consecutive roll will bethe same. Similarly, if a pac of playing cards (arranged in order ofsuit and number) was ta en and shuffled once, it would appear as if ithad been shuffled hundreds of times. If disorder was decreased in thesystems described above, rolling the two dice would always resulted inthe same number, even if rolled several thousand times. In the pac ofcards example, the dec could be shuffled a thousand times but therewould still be only one or two cards displaced if the disorder wasdecreased.

*** Diffuse Energy / Contain Energy:--------------------------------Decay Matter / Preserve Matter:-------------------------------

Inanimate objects and tangible forces, as Patterns of order, are themost subject to the forces of Entropy. Machines are especiallysusceptible to this phenomena. Cloc s wind down, engines brea ,warranties expire and all things eventually fray and decay.

A Disciple of Entropy can "fix" this deterioration, causing newtelevision sets to blow a fuse while old jun er cars mysteriouslystill run years after they should have fallen apart. Roc s may also be

caused to erode and teapots to chip and shatter, but as Entropy is aslow and gradual process, the only things which can be affectedinstantly are those, such as machines, which have thousands ofintricate moving parts.

Control Randomness in Open Systems:-----------------------------------

This ability wor s in the same manner as the second ran 'ControlRandomness', save that at this ran the mage is able to affect OpenSystems:

An Open System is one where probability is being continually affected

by variable outside influences - however, the mage cannot affect thechance of a specific event occurring. Instead, he can flood a systemwith chaos (or reduce its effect in a system), ma ing it generallymore or less random in its operation. The mage has little control overexactly how this randomness will manifest itself. For example, a magebeing chased over an unstable wooden bridge can use Entropy to affectthe Open System that is the chance of the bridge collapsing. Bymanipulating the probabilities of this happening, the mage can causethe bridge to collapse just when the people chasing him are abouthalfway across.

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Increasing disorder in an open system (such as the operation of amachine) could result in computer crashes, circuit brea ers trippingfor no reason (while others fail to trip when they should causingpower surges), corruption of computer data, and so on.

Decreasing disorder in a machine would ma e it wor more efficientlyand more predictably -- circuit brea ers trip when they should,bac -doors into computer systems become inaccessible, phone exchangesroute their calls to the correct destinations, and so on.

**** Wither Life / Preserve Life:----------------------------

The Effects of Entropy, order and probability are far more complexwhen dealing with living organisms, due to living beings' complex andself-corrective nature. If a robot overtaxes itself and stresses itswor ings, it runs down until someone repairs it. A man who overtaxeshimself will heal given time and care, and may even grow stronger.

Adepts of Entropy study how life forms begin, mature, wither, anddie. They also observe the hundreds of factors which affect the courseof life, from the effects of heredity to the stresses of evolution andgrowth. The Adept learns how to influence the random factors of life,

giving her immense power either to destroy it or affect itsdevelopment.

These Arts affect probability, not Life Patterns themselves.

Control Randomness in Organisational Systems:---------------------------------------------

This ability wor s in the same manner as the second ran 'ControlRandomness', save that at this ran the mage is able to affectOrganisational Systems:

An Organisation is a peculiar system in that it combines elements of

both Closed and Open Systems. An 'Organisation' is here defined as acollection of individual components that interact in a complex manner- - thus bureaucracies, society and even the human body areOrganisations. They are meta-organisms, comprising many individualentities (sometimes millions). In all Organisations, there is a rigidframewor in which it operates - the hierarchy of employees, the dailyroutine, etc. - which ma es it a Closed System. However, anything canhappen within that framewor as the organisation interacts with theoutside world - employees can arrive late or call in sic , rivalcompanies can put in a ta e-over bid, a new contract can be signed,wars can start and so on - which ma es it a in to an Open System. Assuch, Organisations are more difficult to magically affect, but once amage has a foothold, the rewards and the possibilities are endless.

Increasing disorder in (for example) a busy restaurant could result intables never being served by waiters, coo s calling in sic on busydays, health inspectors arriving, customers complaining, waiterstripping up while carrying food etc. Decreasing disorder may result intables always being served as soon as they are ta en by customers,employees calling in on time, and everything generally running li ecloc wor .

***** Decay Thought / Preserve Thought:

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Masters of Entropy expand their control over reality by studying theways in which ideas change over time. The effects of the natural orderof things on objects are fairly clear and indisputable, but the factthat chaos affects intelligent thought seems farfetched. Yeteverything which is organised is subject to the laws which governorder and chaos, be it the structure of a molecule of an organisedbody of nowledge.

Where the Masters of Mind rudely subject the minds of others to theirown will, however, masters of Entropy merely point out things thatwill stri e a person a particular way and let his thoughts follow thenatural progression to other possibilities.

Masters of Entropy who specialise in chaos can shatter a person'sworldview simply by ma ing a few weird comments (or can at leastconfuse him), while those specialising in order can present logicalarguments which can advance a person's conscious or subconsciousthoughts to some higher (or at least different) set of ideas.

Reverse Entropy:----------------

This ran also permits the mage to reverse entropy - effectively'rewinding' an event through time [although time still passes in thenormal way.] With this, the mage could cause the in in in y water toreturn into a drop of in , a cloud of smo e to diffuse bac into thesmo e grenade, and so forth. It causes disorder to evolve bac intoorder, contrary to the normal state of existence.)

****** Control Randomness in Abstract Systems:---------------------------------------

This ran of Entropy is similar to ran s 2, 3, and 4 in that it allowsthe mage to affect the order and disorder in systems; however itallows the mage to affect any system, even those which are normally

outside of change. Now the mage can affect the organisation of suchthings as abstract ideas, time, space, and magic itself.

Chaos Theory:-------------

This ran of gives the mage control over systems containing /billions/of variables - a good example of this is the infamous ButterflyEffect. In Chaos Theory, the final outcome of an event can beradically changed by the slightest alteration of its startingconditions. At this level, the mage is actually aware of preciselywhat must be done to guide the system into the desired outcome. Thisallows him, for example, to control the weather or affect events in

the future by modifying their starting conditions.

Fate- ----

Specialities: Fate, Blessings, Curses

1 Sense Fate & FortuneDetect Lin

2 Augury

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ConcealmentExamine Web

3 Affect Predictable PatternsAffect Lin s

4 Affect LifeSpeed/Slow Destiny

5 Affect ThoughtGeas/Ban

6 ???

* Sense Fate & Fortune:---------------------

The Disciple of Fate begins to sense the current of Destiny, and candiscern what is significant and what is not, and what is true oruntrue.

Given this nowledge, the mage can pic a luc y horse, choose theoriginal between two identical items, or see who is doomed in anupcoming battle. Fate, however, is fic le. These insights, as those ofEntropy, are not perfect.

Detect Lin :------------

Detect Lin enables the mage to find the connections betweenthings. For example, a cuddly toy is connected to a particular child,or a pac et of drugs is connected to both a local dealer (thesupplier) and a street rat (the buyer). Note that this does not allowthe mage to determine *how* the things are connected; it only allowshim to sense the connection itself.

Successes Effect1 Sense connection to mage only.2 Sense connection to those mage nows.3 Sense connection to object.4 Sense connection to total stranger.

5 Sense connection to concept.

** Augury:-------

Augury allows you to sense an object or person's destiny morespecifically than the general sense. Unli e Time 2, this is notspecific sight of the possible future, merely a symbolic indication ofthe direction the force of destiny is pushing in.


Concealment allows the mage to ward someone against either thedetection of their destiny - or even if they have one at all -, or theconnections that they have with others. It is common for powerfulmages to use this to avoid being lin ed with their plots. (If a mageuses it on himself, lin s between him and an object are concealed notonly when he is analysed with Fate 1/2 but also when the object is.)

Examine Web:------------

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Examine Web allows the mage to examine the web of connections about atarget in a more specific way - this could allow the mage, forexample, to discover the possible outcomes of an event, or thepossible influences on an individual... Of course, the mage may easilymiss connections by being too specific, or be overwhelmed by uselessinformation if he isn't specific enough.

*** Affect Predictable Patterns:----------------------------

A Disciple of Fate may curse or bless an object (a Matter or Forcespattern), or lay a Destiny upon it. Using a conjunctional effect withMatter 2, or Forces 2/4, the mage may imbue a physical object,affecting the course of its destiny and of those who come in contactwith it. A blessed loc et may ta e a bullet intended for its wearer,though he may later die a glorious death in battle. Time 2 allows moreof a say in such events, but even then, they may not be certain.

Affect Lin s:-------------

Affect Lin s permits the mage to forge or brea the connectionsbetween things, such as those he detected with the first ran . Theselin s are those of sympathy and contagion which may be used with

Correspondence, in addition to being traceable with Fate 1 and 2.

**** Affect Life:------------

With this, an Adept of Fate can weave a potent spell over a livingbeing's Destiny, blessing or cursing him and his line. Other Spheresmay be woven into such a charm, creating hereditary magical gifts orflamboyant curses. These Arts affect fate, not Life Patternsthemselves.

Speed / Slow Destiny:---------------------

This ran allows the mage to direct the forces of destiny toward oraway from the target. While the actual flow of time does not alter,destined events in the target's future may be brought to occur sooneror later than they otherwise would have.

The caster has no or little control over the outcome, unless he haspreviously used another Fate effect to alter the target'sdestiny. Even if this is the case, that may not necessarily be thedestiny that is brought to pass or prevented, if the target hasanother stronger destiny.

***** Affect Thought:


Masters of Fate may affect thoughts as Disciples can objects andAdepts living beings. This supreme magic directs the force of Wyrdinto a mental concept, creating a "happy thought" or "cursed idea",which brings Fate or Fortune to bear on those who concentrate upon it,possibly extinguishing or exalting the thought. This may lead toparadigm shifts, new faiths, or insanity.

Geas / Ban:

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By the use of conjunctional effects to provide suitable consequences,the Master of Fate may afflict a being with a Geas (a compulsion tounderta e some tas ) or Ban (a forbidding from doing something).

****** ???

Forces- ------

(Oh, gods, the Forces sphere. After much trouble and strife, I havefor the moment withdrawn from the unequal struggle of finding aparadigm-invariant way of dividing forces into two bloc s, in favourof just describing them as 'higher' and 'lower' forces. Pic your owndefinitions - the magnitude division from Mage 2nd, the lesser/majorforces division from Mage 1st, divide concrete from abstract forces,or whatever...

It might well vary between paradigms anyway?)

Specialties: Elements (any or all), Technology, Physics, Weather

1 Perceive Forces

2 Control Lower Forces3 Spawn Lower ForcesTransmute Lower Forces

4 Control Higher Forces5 Solidify ForcesSpawn Higher ForcesTransmute Higher Forces

6 Create ForcesQuic en ForcesWide-Area Forces

* Perceive Forces:----------------

The mage discerns the movements of energy. By identifying theirPatterns, she can perceive all types of energy flows, sensingwavelengths far beyond the limited range of visible light and sonicfrequencies upon which normal mortals rely. The mage may see anythingfrom infrared light to x-rays to gravity waves. Even in the absence ofsuch positive forces, some mages have learned how to perceive coloursin dar ness, sense stillness and hear volumes from silence.

** Control Lower Forces:---------------------

*** Spawn Lower Forces:

-------------------Transmute Lower Forces:-----------------------

**** Control Higher Forces:----------------------

***** Solidify Forces:----------------

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The Master of Forces can imbue patterns with of force withcharacteristics normally associated with Matter patterns. Onecharacteristic of Forces is that, while powerful and destructive, theare also easily diverted and destroyed. A Master can 'solidify' apattern of forces, ma ing it stable and lasting. Such forces canpower perpetual motion machines without resorting to a magecontinuously regenerating the Pattern, or be used to fashion barriers,weapons, and tools.

Some forces are naturally solidified, such as gravity.

Spawn Higher Forces:--------------------Transmute Higher Forces:------------------------

****** Create Forces:--------------

The Archmaster of Forces may create entirely new varieties of forces(e.g. sound that travels in a vacuum, fire that freezes, magnetismthat wor s on plastic, etc.)

Quic en Forces:


The Archmaster may also imbue Forces patterns with some of thecharacteristics normally associated with Life patterns. Alternately,the master may set up a tric le of Quintessence (requiring Prime 2)into a Forces pattern. Such 'quic ened' patterns have some of thecharacteristics of living things.

Some forces are naturally quic ened, such as fire.

With a conjunctional Mind effect, such 'entities' can be programmed tomove, react, assimilate other patterns and even reproduce themselves.It is even possible for a spirit (usually one aspected to forces) to

inhabit such a 'body.'

Wide-Area Forces:-----------------

The mage learns to act as a catalyst for larger forces, rather thaninfluencing them directly. This allows him to create or influencephenomena for miles around - while Forces 3 may conjure a hurricane,Forces 6 can conjure a storm front across a continent.

Life- ----

Specialties: Shapeshifting, Disease, Healing, Improvement, Cloning,Creation

1 Sense Life2 Alter Simple PatternsInfluence Self

3 Alter SelfInfluence LifeTransform Simple PatternsCreate Simple Patterns

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4 Alter Complex PatternsTransform Self

5 Transform Complex PatternsCreate Complex PatternsPerfect Metamorphosis

6 ???Perfectly Metamorphose Other

* Sense Life:-----------

The mage begins his study by identifying Patterns of Life. By readingthese Patterns, he can learn a lot about a life form - its age, itssex, and every aspect of its health. With this awareness, the mage canalso sense different forms of life nearby.

** Alter Simple Patterns:----------------------

Life manipulation begins with the simplest living Patterns. A mysticcan alter the structure of basic life forms now, from microscopicviruses and bacteria to creatures as complex as insects and shellfish(as a good rule of thumb, any invertebrate is considered a simple LifePattern). All plant life, from algae to sequoia trees, possess Life

Patterns simple enough for the mage to manipulate.

The mage can only influence these simple Patterns at this level; hecan heal simple creatures or ill them, cause crabs to sprout extralegs, trees to bear fruit or bees to release the pheromones whichsignal a swarm. Whatever he does, the creatures themselves remain whatthey always were - he can mutate them, but not transform them.

Influence Self:---------------

The mage also begins to understand the most complex Patterns of Life,beginning with the one most familiar to him, his own. At this stage,

he may only affect the normal processes of his own pattern (such ashealing, but by no means limited to that) - slowing or hastening them,adjusting them relative to each other (altering hormone levels ornerve impulses, for example), or even initiating them or stopping thementirely, or ma e instant corrections or disruptions to his pattern,to heal or to harm.

*** Alter Self:-----------

At this ran , the mage can alter his own Pattern, ma ing subtleimprovements and variations as he did with simple Patterns at Life2. He cannot substantially change what he is, but can change his

gender or appearance or physically modify his body to grow claws, fur,gills, etc.

Influence Life:---------------

The mystic begins to understand other more complex organisms now, andmay influence the patterns of other beings as he did himself at theprevious ran .

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her. Whatever she becomes, that form is as natural as the one she wasborn into.

Create Complex Patterns:------------------------

At this level, the mage also gains a most unique power, which somemight hold as divine: He can weave a new Pattern to create any lifeform, even a human body, using conjunctional magic to translate itfrom energy, matter, or pure Quintessence with the appropriate ran ofForces, Matter or Prime. Unfortunately, the life form created has nomind or soul beyond the base material or the Resonance it carries.

Consequently, many mages prefer to create a new being out of PrimeForce, certain that it possesses no mind or soul beyond what themystic gives it. This might seem pointless, but mages have foundvarious uses for such soulless shells. Some create new forms of lifemerely to study how new "improvements" might effect their livingbodies, while others imbue these soulless lifeforms with preprogrammedreactions that mimic instinctual intelligence.

Empty hus s ma e ideal resting places for spirits and astral forms aswell. Most spirits can manifest in an empty body (or even possessoccupied bodies) and interact with the physical world. A mage who

helps an Umbrood across this way can demand favours and expect to getthem.

Masters of both the Life and Mind Spheres can untether their psychesand create new bodies for their own astral forms to fill, while thoseadept at Avatar have devised a form of life insurance which involvesreincarnating in new bodies when the old ones die. Such mages oftenleave a long trail of different identities behind them, attaining adegree of immortality.

****** ???

Perfectly Metamorphose Other:


The mage may now apply the perfect metamorphosis available to theMasters of Life to other individuals.

Matter- ------

Specialties: Transmutation, Shaping, Conjuration, Complex Patterns

1 Matter Perceptions2 Alter Form3 Basic Transmutation

4 Complex Transmutation / Quilted Forms5 Alter PropertiesPattern Dissociation

6 Quic en Matter

* Matter Perceptions:-------------------

The Disciple of Matter begins by recognising the various Patterns ofMatter, including the underlying structures that give objects their

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shapes and physical properties. With these perceptions, she can detectthings hidden from normal senses. In addition to sensing thecomposition and properties of Matter, the Disciple can discernstructures hidden within structures; material no longer forms abarrier to her senses.

** Alter Form:-----------

At the second ran of Matter, the mage can overpower the rigidPatterns of reality. By selectively altering different aspects of anobject's Pattern, he can change its shape however he desires -compressing it to increase its density and decrease its volume whileretaining the same weight, inflating it so as to decrease its densityand increase the volume, or temporarily changing the state so thatsolids become liquids or liquids become gas. Permanent changes instate require Ran 5. Note that changing the state with Matter in noway affects the actual temperature of the material.

A mage who understands this ran may sculpt matter into any shape shepleases, limited only by the physical properties of the materials sheuses. Bro en items may also be repaired seamlessly, if she has themundane nowledge to do so.

Note that when articles are created from the ether, those whichcontain highly energetic elements will require conjunctionaleffects. Radioactive elements and other highly energy-containingcompounds such as explosives will require a conjunctional Forceseffect to supply that aspect of the pattern (for example, creatingmatched plutonium spheres for an atom bomb will require Forces

 _6_. Similarly, producing a blac hole (a great recycler of patterns)will require Entropy. Simply producing organic materials, OTOH, doesnot require Life.)

*** Basic Transmutation:--------------------

The mage may transmute one substance into another, without changingits shape, temperature, or basic state - mil into cream, mahoganyinto oa , water to acid, or lead into gold. The more radical thetransmutation, the more successes the spell requires. It's easier tochange water into wine (one success) than into sulphuric acid (three),and more complicated to turn stones into bread (three successes) thansourdough into rye (one).

With an understanding of Prime and the other Pattern magics, a magemay use conjunctional effects to transform items governed by Forces,Life or Prime into basic Patterns of Matter, including changing livingbeings into stone or spinning moonlight into thread. With Prime 2, shemay harness the ether to create (or uncreate with Prime 4) any

/simple, basic/ thing composed of /one common homogenous substance/. Aquartz boulder shaped vaguely li e a woman is possible, but a daintychina shepherdess is not. With difficulty, a stic of plastique couldbe conjured (but not the detonator). A bowlful of oatmeal or evenblueberry panca es could be made to appear, but not a baroque weddingca e. The more rare and/or complex a given substance, the moredifficult it is to create from pure ether. It's easier to create glassthan diamonds and simpler to ma e flour than bread. Elaboratecreations must wait until ran 4.

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Ma ing things hotter or colder than they were originally, or to changeone substance into another with a higher or lower potential energy,requires a conjunctional effect with Forces, though Matter alone canchange ice into ice cream or boiling water into hot soup. Transmutingsolids into liquids or liquids into gas requires either Matter 2 orthe use of Forces 3/Prime 2 (or some mundane means) to boil or freezethe affected substance.

**** Complex Transmutation / Quilted Forms:--------------------------------------

Adepts of Matter may now perform radical changes to physical materialsand craft complex and intricate items involving several commonsubstances or one or two rare ones. Any sort of regular matter may bechanged into any other - though as with ran 2, the more radical thetransformation, the more difficult the feat.

With conjunctional effects, the Patterns of Life, Forces or Primeitself may be transmuted into Matter, allowing mages to turn pump insinto gilded coaches, lightning bolts into swords, or theQuintessential ether into master eys. Complex organic creations arealso possible, including sil ballgowns, roast chic ens and Persianrugs.

***** Alter Properties:-----------------

At this pinnacle of understanding, Masters of Matter may create newsubstances which do not exist in nature by ta ing existing materialsand altering their physical properties, such as boiling and meltingpoints, density, ductility, transparency, viscosity, refractive index,etc.

All the substances of legends and comic boo s are possible with thislevel of magic. Masters build castles with paper-thin walls and wearclothes of indestructible armour that feel softer than sil and weighless than a feather.

Pattern Dissociation:---------------------

A sorcerer may even ma e one object immaterial to some othersubstance, creating bullets which can phase through armour and robotswhich may wal through walls, leaving the walls intact. This may evenbe extended to energies and living creatures using conjunctionaleffects.

****** Quic en Matter:---------------

The Archmaster may also imbue Matter patterns with some of thecharacteristics normally associated with Life patterns. Alternately,the Archmaster may set up a tric le of Quintessence (requiring Prime2) into a Forces pattern. Such 'quic ened' patterns have some of thecharacteristics of living things. This enables the mage to producepseudoalive, self-repairing, self-sustaining, or self-reshapingmaterials such as 'living metal' or 'bioplastic'.

Mind- ----

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Specialties: Communication, Illusion, Self-Empowerment, Astral Travel

1 Sense Thoughts, Emotions & ResonanceEmpower SelfConditionals

2 Read Surface ThoughtsAffect ResonanceMental ImpulseMental Shield

3 Mental LinWal Among Dreams

4 Control Surface MindAstral Travel

5 Control Deep MindCreate IntelligenceThe Country of the Mind

6 Forge PsycheUntether

* Sense Thoughts, Emotions & Resonance:-------------------------------------

The mage begins to sense the thoughts and emotions in the air around

her. She cannot yet read these thoughts, but can sense their strengthand intensity, and somewhat of their general nature. This is not atrue loo at the soul (that requires Spirit 1 and/or Avatar 1), but atthe shell of emotional radiance that surrounds it.

The mage may also read the psychic impressions left on objects. Atthis stage, she cannot read any actual thoughts or images, but cansense "goof" or "bad vibes" from an object or place. This includes theResonance attached to Tass or the aura of a Quintessential wellspringat a Node or Juncture. Without Prime 1, she can't tell how strong suchenergies may be, but she'll be able to understand the best uses forsuch Quintessence.

Empower Self:-------------

At this level, the mage learns to master his own mind. As the mageexplores the powers of his mind, he learns to develop eideticmemory. amazing computational speed, a type of multi-tas ing brainfunction, mind-over-body control of their autonomic responses, andmany other such things.

The Mind initiate also learns to influence her dreams and shieldherself from the inevitable mental barrage of others' thoughts andemotions. With wor , she can hide her aura and shield her thoughtsfrom casual observation - though determined and perceptive mages and

other beings may still be able to read them.


The mage may create conditional, or contingency, effects in hisspells. For example, a suspended animation spell could have a SleepingBeauty clause, ending it at the iss of a prince, or a fire spellcould be set to trigger when a door was opened. This requires theappropriate Spheres to sense the triggering condition. Other magical

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effects could also be wor ed into the program as subroutines, to usethe Virtual Adept terminology.

By setting certain things in place - "This wall will turn to fire whensomeone leans on it, a [Correspondence 1/Life 1]/Mind 1/[Matter3/Forces 3] effect (the first set of square brac ets are the sensoryhalf, Mind 1 for the conditional, and the second set produce theresult)" - entire artificial systems of magic ("Words of Power" and soforth) can be created with "clap on/clap off" functions, ma ingreliable static magic that anyone with the appropriate eys and accessto the weavings can access. To eep such stored magic from beingstolen by enemies, many mages have used Matter and/or Life to tiethese to heirlooms and/or bloodlines, leaving their descendants alegacy of magical abilities. Eventually, of course, the magic is usedup or the heirlooms are lost, so nothing lasts forever. Such"contingent" effects can be detected with the first ran of Mind orEntropy, though it ta es Mind 2 to truly fathom the effect's nature,and the full set of Spheres used to completely understand the effect'seffects.

(System: setting up a conditional effect requires at least three magicrolls - for the sensory effect(s) that will trigger the conditional,one for the conditional itself, and for the effects that will betriggered by the conditional.)

** Read Surface Thoughts:----------------------

The mage learns not only how to recognise thoughts, but how to readthem. Two mages of this same ran can also form a primitive mentallin by dropping their shields and reading each other's surface minds.

Affect Resonance:-----------------

She can read memories "attached" to objects by others' minds (basicpsychometry) and scan surface thoughts from unshielded minds. The

greater the emotional content, the louder the "volume" and the easierit is to read such impressions. She can leave those same psychicimpressions on objects or places intentionally, too, "creating"resonance.

Mental Impulse:---------------

The mage can also send such thoughts and emotions out ("loo ingdaggers" or "blowing isses") until they find their target. Complexthoughts cannot be sent this way, but single words, images, oremotional impulses can be easily beamed into an unshielded being'ssubconscious mind. Such suggestions are much more insidious, and can

often be more effective, than direct communication.

Mental Shield:--------------

The mage may also create more elaborate shields in her mind anddisguise the colour of her aura, or erect a complex mental "windowdressing" to fool other mentalists into underestimating or ignoringher. She can also control her dreams to some extent, though manyaspects still lie beyond her influence.

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*** Mental Lin :------------

The mage can now establish a clear lin between her own mind and theminds of others. She can use this lin for telepathic communications -or invasions.

The ability to project thoughts and images into another's mind allowsa mystic to project false perceptions. At this ran , the mage has fullcommand of perceptual illusions. Some teach means of projectingpsychic disturbances into a subject's mind. These psychic assault ta emany forms, but their end goal is to turn the victim into a mentalvegetable.

Wal Among Dreams:------------------

The mage may now contact the minds of other dreamers in her sleep andbegin to explore the Dream Realms. While wa ing, she may also use herabilities to enter the dreaming consciousness of others, though suchtrips are ris y. Some Sleepers have particularly rich dream lives, andeven a mage who enters one may be at the dreamer's mercy. A number ofspiritual entities also lair in dreams, and may be very territorial.

**** Control Surface Mind:---------------------

A Mind Adept can actually ta e over another person's mind and occupyhis body for her own ends. His thoughts, should she will it, are nothis own, but hers. Once this invasion has begun, she may control hervictim directly, cure or cause insanity, change his memories or set upposthypnotic suggestions. The mage can overlay her subject's aura withanother of a completely different colour and pattern. The victim mayslowly recover as the deep mind reasserts the true memories, but thesubject's Demeanour is usually irrevocably altered.

Astral Travel:--------------

The Adept can also leave her dreams behind and ma e excursions intothe astral reaches.

***** Control Deep Mind:------------------

A Master of Mind rules not only his own mind, but other minds as well,both mortal and spirit. Through this power, he may invade not only thesurface mind, but the underlying deep mind as well, completelyrewriting the personality until the thoughts which compose the psyche

bear no resemblance to anything that existed before, utterly changingthe person's nature. The only integral part of the being which themage may not touch is the Avatar and its memories of past lives, forto perform this requires also the Sphere of Avatar.

The mage may also divorce a psyche from the body, switch minds betweensubjects and merge, copy or transfer the entire sum of a person'smemories and nowledge from one body to another. His powers allow himto increase a subject's intelligence and wits to genius levels (5dots) and may begin to increase his own beyond that.

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Create Intelligence:--------------------

The greatest power of a Master of Mind, however, is the ability tocreate conscious thought. A master may create another thin ing,rational mind where none existed before, expanding its intelligenceand nowledge however she li es.

However, at this ran the mind created is only an /intelligence/, nota /sentience/. It has a full measure of reason and logic (bothdeductive and inductive), but lac s innate creativity, emotionalresponse (as part of this, it cannot possess a personality - only a*simulation* of a personality, at best), and self-awareness. It cannotgrow beyond its initial constraints.

The Country of the Mind:------------------------

to be written, based on Greg Bear's _Queen of Angels_...

****** Forge Psyche:-------------

The Archmaster of Mind may finally create true sentience. He maycreate a sentient mind, with creativity, emotions, a personality,self-awareness, and the ability to grow and change li e any othersentient being.

Computers and other inanimate objects - as well as the empty shellscreated by Masters of Life - may be given true sentience withoutgranting them a soul (that would require the Avatar sphere). When suchcreatures are destroyed, however, their psyches tend to die with themas well.


Complete astral existence is possible for the Archmaster of Mind. Hemay still return to the body - his, another's, or any manufactured one- - but need not. By using a conjunctional Spirit 4 effect, he may cloahis astral form in ephemera, and ta e on a new existence as a spirit.

This astral travel may even allow a s illed mage to pass through theVulgate entirely and reach the Epiphamies.

Prime- -----

Specialties: Channeling, Perceptions, Filling Patterns, Draining

Patterns, Ley-Lines

1 Aetheric SensesAffect Own QuintessenceUse Tass

2 Weave Odyllic ForceFuel Pattern

3 Affect Free QuintessenceCrystallise TassMinor Artificery (Weave Charm)

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Lin ing4 Affect Bound QuintessenceEnchant ItemGrand Artificery (Create Talisman)Unweaving

5 Alter FlowInfuse RelicMa e Perpetual

6 Multiple Streams

(Note: I use a modified terminology. Rather than 'Raw' and 'Free'Quintessence, I define it as either 'Bound', or 'Free'. BoundQuintessence is tied up in Patterns and the forms of things (or space,or time, or whatever). Free Quintessence is that which isn't inPatterns - it flows through living beings, along ley-lines, exists asthe bac ground foam from which mages draw the energies for Patternmagic, pools at Nodes and crystallises as Tass.)

* Aetheric Senses:----------------

At this ran of the Sphere, the mage gains perceptions of basicQuintessential energy - the nodes where it collects or wells up, theley lines and dragon paths which traverse the globe between them, the

Tass in which it crystallises, and the ebbs and flows which mar theJunctures, the times of greatest magic. He may also notice creaturesand objects charged with arcane energy, although he will need Mind,Spirit or Avatar to perceive their particular aurae and souls,assuming that they possess them.

Perceptions of Prime vary from mage to mage. Some see it as a clear,pure light or a shining matrix of white energy. Others perceive it asa dar and primal force, and see a matrix of blac against grey. Yetothers claim that it is a distinct colour, neither blac nor white,while some hear it as the music of the Spheres or describe it as atingle of magery in the air or a current flowing around them.

Affect Own Quintessence:------------------------

This first ran also teaches the mage the essential art of being ableto sense and affect the Quintessence of his own Pattern - being ableto tell the depth and fullness of the well of free Quintessence withinhim, the strength of the flow through his Pattern; being able to ma ehimself a receptacle into which free Quintessence may be poured; and,if need should be, being able to devour his own bound Pattern for itsQuintessence.

Use Tass:---------

In addition, at the first ran the mage may use Tass by converting itdirectly to free Quintessence for use in his magery; however, withoutthe third ran he still cannot channel it directly into his own oranother pattern, but can only use it to empower his wor ings.

** Weave Odyllic Force:--------------------

The mage of the second ran attains some control over the shifting

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patterns of Prime force and essential energy. She can divert smallstreams to flow differently through the cosmos or reweave them tocreate Platonic ideals, items composed solely of Prime and visible tothose with arcane senses.

Fuel Pattern:-------------

Such items exist in the aetheric, spiritual, and astral planes all atonce. When the mage conceives of an object, it ta es on some degree ofsolidity. By placing a framewor of bound Quintessence around hisconcept (and in the case of Life patterns, setting up a flow of freeQuintessence through the object), the mage may ma e it real -transform it into a physical form. Creating things /ex nihilo/,therefore, obviously requires the second ran of Prime. However,simple modification, healing or repair of existing patterns does notrequire it, as this is done by altering the pattern directly with thePattern spheres.

*** Affect Free Quintessence:-------------------------

At rare sites (Nodes) and on rare days (Junctures), primal forcefocuses into Primal energy. The resulting flow is free Quintessence

and is necessary for mages and their magic: particularly in thecreation of realms and arcane devices.

At this ran , the mage is able to manipulate this which is not boundin Patterns; most notably to tap reservoirs of free Quintessence andis able to either channel this Quintessence into another pattern orrealm, or to store it within his own, although it should be noted thatit only allows Quintessence to be transferred from one establishedpattern into another pattern.

Crystallise Tass:-----------------

The mage who has mastered this ran may also recrystallise Tass intoother forms that that in which it is found, or even crystallise outfree Quintessence which he possesses as new Tass.

Minor Artificery (Weave Charm):-------------------------------

This allows the mage to bind Prime within objects, creating single-usemagical objects such as potions, candles, holy water, magic bullets,etc., etc.

Lin ing:--------

The mage may also attempt to interweave his magical effects with thoseof other mages, wor ing together towards a single end - ma ingdifficult effects easier to enact, or enable the casting of morepowerful effects than any could manage alone.

(System: add up the total successes of all the co-operating mages,then subtract 1 success for every mage involved in the procedure torepresent the losses involved.)

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**** Affect Bound Quintessence:--------------------------

A mage of the fourth ran finally learns how to affect the boundQuintessence within all Patterns. By extracting it, he may affect apattern's incarnation in reality. Each shard of inanimate matter andeach spar of energy has Prime stored within; without Prime in itspattern, that matter or energy ceases to exist.

Those who now enough about Matter or Forces can use conjunctionaleffects to alter the amount of Prime stored in various parts of thesepatterns, thereby 'dissolving' different aspects or properties of theenergy or matter. A sorcerer could ma e solids become insubstantial,cause a magnet to have only one pole, remove a chemical's ability toform nuclear bonds with other chemicals (this process would, forexample, ma e an acid unable to corrode), or cause objects to losetheir mass yet remain solid. While pattern mageries alone can do thesame thing, extracting a target's bound Quintessence is a direct and"easy" way to alter it.

Enchant Item:-------------

The mage can also add bound Quintessence to a pattern over and above

its natural state; this is nown as /enchanting/ and object, and ma esit more *real* - generally more resistant to magic, decay, anddissipation, and able to affect other patterns more effectively. Notethat only Matter and some Forces patterns can be enchanted; livingpatterns cannot. Items can even be created in an already enchantedstate.

Unless the enchantment is fixed (a matter for the fifth ran and Ma ePerpetual), it will slowly dissipate; the excess bound Quintessencewithin the item is in an unstable state, and it will see to lea awayover time. Also, the enchantments of items not specially protectedagainst such can generally be unwoven quite easily.

(Those Adepts of Prime who thin enchanting everything in the Chantryjust in case - the "I smite thee with the Sacred Teapot of Kali!"syndrome - should as themselves if they really want to receiveaggravated damage by tripping over the coffee table...)

(Systems: Both dissolving parts of patterns and enchanting patternsare conjunctional effects requiring the first level of the Patternsphere in question.)

Grand Artificery (Create Talisman):-----------------------------------

This allows the mage to produce permanent, re-usable magical objects,



Mages with the fourth level of Prime can also attempt to unweavestanding magical effects (such as wards, and things Made Perpetual,which depend upon bound Quintessence.)

***** Alter Flow:

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Masters of Prime delve into truly advanced theories. Such mages canalter established flows of Quintessence, such as ley-lines or thoseflows through living patterns.

Living beings interact with Quintessence in a unique manner. TheirQuintessence is not all stored in their patterns, but runscontinuously through them. By damming this flow, the mage canextinguish the spar of life within the creature.

Infuse Relic:-------------

This will allow the mage to create living Talismans from body parts,etc.

Ma e Perpetual:---------------

Finally, by diverting or establishing a flow of Quintessence into asuitable effect or a realm, the mage may ma e them run for eternity oruntil disrupted, without need for a mage's attention.

****** Multiple Streams:-----------------

Although Multitas ing (Mind 1) still only permits the mage to producea single magical effect, however many mundane things he may be doingsimultaneously, this level enables the mage to split the flow ofQuintessence through his Pattern - thus enabling him to manipulatemore than one thing magically simultaneously.

(System: i.e., the mage can use this to split his Arete for magic inthe exact same way as he may split his dice pool for other actions. Ofcourse, if the mage wants to do anything else at the same time,Multitas ing must be used as well - and if he needs to manipulate more

than one set of foci at once, the usual limits on what he's physicallycapable of also apply.)

Spirit- ------

Specialties: Spirit Dealings, Possessions, Rousing

1 Spirit Sight2 Call SpiritTouch Spirit

3 Rouse & Lull SpiritChannel Spirit

4 Forge EphemeraTransephemerationMaterialise Spirit

5 Bind SpiritExorcism

6 Call Lord or CelestineForge Spirit

* Spirit Sight:-------------

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The Spirit initiate can see auras, ghosts, and spirits (although notthose on the other side of the Gauntlet without Umbra 1), especiallythose her own Avatar is most attuned to through Resonance. Some magesare better at seeing wraiths and the Dead, others at seeing thespirits of Nature. All spirit-mages can sense these, but each personseems to have an easier time dealing with creatures on the samespiritual wavelength.

The Disciple of Spirit can also discern an item that has spiritessence, li e a Garou fetish or an awa ened object or location (seebelow).

** Call Spirit:------------

 At this ran , the mage is able to ma e his voice heard to spirits,even across the Gauntlet. He may use this ability to call or spea toany spirit nown to him, or even put out a general cattle call to anyspirits nearby. At this level, attendance is optional, but mostspirits will show up, if only out of curiosity or annoyance.

Touch Spirit:-------------

The mage now gains the ability to touch spirits and ephemeral objecshe can see (this ability is obviously of more use in the Umbra than inthe physical world, but using it there requires Umbra 2/3). He canpic up a fetish stic dropped by a Garou, push a spirit out of aroom, or even hit one over the head.

*** Rouse & Lull Spirit:--------------------

The mage gains the power to rouse spirits at this ran . According tomany philosophies, most spirits are asleep. Rousing is li e calling,simply louder, and will rouse not only those spirits who have been

quiescent for a long time, but those who have never awa enedbefore. Depending on the mage's diplomatic s ills, the spirit may beanywhere from curious to furious.

The mage may also use this same magic to lull an awa ened spirit, suchas one residing in a fetish, though the more powerful the spirit, themore difficult it is to put bac to sleep.

Channel Spirit:---------------

A brave (or foolish) shaman may also channel a spirit's powers throughherself. This shuts out any other magic she might do while the Umbrood

possesses her, though she can access its Charms, spea with its voice,and perform feats of incredible physical prowess. Regaining control issometimes a problem, though - many spirits enjoy riding mortal'horses' and must be forced out through contested Willpower rolls orexorcism.

**** Forge Ephemera:---------------

An Adept of Spirit gains a divine power, for he may now ta e ephemera,

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the substance of Spirit, reweave it in whatever fashion he desires,repair it, or rip it asunder. (Using conjunctional effects with theappropriate Pattern sphere.)

Using conjunctional effects with Matter or Forces and Prime 2 allowsthe mage to create short-lived items out of ephemera. These creationsmust be created as if they were material items, and fade away when theeffect's duration ends. Until then, such items are as strong as any"real" object would be. With Life conjunctionals, he may use this toheal spirits' Power.


Transephemeration is also possible for the mage at this ran . The magemay convert any material item into ephemera, allowing him to ta e itto the Umbra, or vice versa.

Materialise Spirit:-------------------

With an effect similar to transephemeration, it is possible for aSpirit Adept to force a spirit to appear in the material world -whether or not it possesses a Charm which would ordinarily allow this.

***** Bind Spirit:------------

The Master may now compel spirits to appear and bind them intoobedience. The Umbrood may also be forced into objects to createfetishes and talens, which use their powers at the behest of the magewho trapped them. Such trin ets often have a single use only, basedupon the nature of the spirit that was bound. The more powerful thespirit, the more successes it ta es to bind them. Few will stand stillfor this...

This sort of magic is of course considered very antisocial in the

spirit world. Mages who do this too often tend to get a reputation.


This power allows a mage to force a possessing Umbrood out of someone,effectively reversing the ran 4 'Channel Spirit'.

****** Call Lord or Celestine:-----------------------

The Archmasters of Spirit remember how to call the gods. With thisSphere ran , the greatest and most distant spirits - Celestines,

Incarna, the nameless things beyond the Horizon, etc. - can becontacted, channeled, or even summoned. While many of these things arepossible at lower levels of expertise, the Archmaster may use themfrom any side of the Gauntlet and may, to a degree, compel a powerfulbeing to come forth.

Losing such a contest of wills is perilous to say the least, even ifyou're an Archmaster.

Forge Spirit:

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The greatest power of the Archmaster is the ability to create newspirit entities, in much the same way as a master of Life may createnew material forms of life. Of course, as with that creation, theentities created have neither mind nor soul beyond that which is givento them (using a conjuctional effect with the Mind and/or Avatarspheres).

Time- ----

Specialties: Perceptions, Conjunctional Uses, Travel, Temporal Control

1 Time Sense2 Past SightFuture Sight

3 Time ContractionTime DilationTemporal Wards

4 Time Determinism5 Future TravelTime Immunity

6 Past Travel

Absolute Shifts

* Time Sense:-----------

The mage begins to develop a rudimentary awareness of Time's truenature, and gains the precise internal cloc essential to performingmore complex Time magic. She also detects certain time-based phenomenathat periodically shift through reality. She can intuitively sense theapproach of such disturbances and "feel" where in dimensional spacethe phenomena will appear.

Most such effects are small ripples which either speed or slow time

relative to the space outside. A few are referred to as "s ips", smallrifts which lead forward in time, but some may actually be "loops",rifts into the past. It's generally considered unwise to simply stepthrough either one, and by the time the mage has ta en the time topeer through time to see when the rift leads, time has passed and therift has sealed.

At this level, mages may also detect temporal phenomena wea er thanactual rifts. The spots where a Master steps forward in time or sendssomething forward, display a distinct irregularity in the flow of thecontinuum, while places which have been used to scry the future - orwill be used for scrying the past - display a twist in the ribbon oftime.

** Past Sight:-----------Future Sight:-------------

The mage can now shift her perceptions forward or bac ward intime. Postcognition tends to require more successes to perform, butits results are certain (or at least considered so bymost). Precognition is less difficult to enact, but the futures

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foreseen - especially far futures - tend to be inaccurate.

Most mages believe the future is constantly changing. Anytime a mageloo s foward, he simply foresees the most probable future. Thiscreates a self-fulfilling prophecy - or defeats the vision'spurpose. Through the act of foreseeing the future, the future may bechanged. If a mage predicts the manner of his own death, he can thenavoid that circumstance. This very phenomenon ma es the futureun nowable - although Fate Masters have their own thoughts on thesubject.

Mages commonly use this magic with conjunctional effects. Entropy 1allows a mage with future sight to view multiple probabilities orpossible futures. She may add Entropy 4 as a conjunctional effect toaffect the probability of one being fulfilled. The most probablefutures are the easiest to pic , and the least li ely the mostdifficult.

Most mages also mix Correspondence 2 with this ran of Time, becauseby itself, this ran only allows a mage to loo forward or bac wardsinto the past of her current location. With Correspondence 2, she mayscry out any time and any place in the world.

*** Time Contraction:

-----------------Time Dilation:--------------

The mage can now exert her will over the passage of time, causing itto accelerate or slow as she desires. Mystics often describe theseeffects as 'contracting' or 'dilating' time, referring to the lengthof each moment in time. Thus, contracting time around a waterfallma es it appear to flow more slowly to an outside observer; near thewaterfall, each moment does not last as long and less waterflows. Conversely, by dilating time around the waterfall, more waterflows during each segment of time. While the observer perceives thesemoments to pass normally, he will see more water flow during each

moment. Wor ing this magic conjunctionally with Correspondence 3, amage can allow a moving object to go at any speed without gainingadditional momentum.

Temporal Wards:---------------

As with Correspondence, at this ran a mage may thic en the walls oftime around some particular instant, ma ing an action that much moredifficult to discern from the future (or foresee from the past), andpreventing time travellers from arriving then as well. Each success amage gets on this sort of magic subtracts from a future (or past)success of some other mage to spy on the mage's present doings. Some

sorcerers cloa themselves in a wall of thic ened time, preventingother mages from locating their future whereabouts.

**** Time Determinism:-----------------

The mage is now able to cause absolute shifts in time, rather thansimply adjusting the rate at which time passes. He can ta e a field oftime and freeze it; a falling arrow may be stopped mid-flight or a manplaced in a field of suspended animation.

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This is a powerful effect when used in conjunction with other magics,as the mage can choose the moment in time which 'triggers' the magicaltime bomb. Some long-dead Masters of Time have left the world a legacyof magical Effects that occur even after the mage's death. Such'hanging' effects are the type of time-based phenomenon that mageswith /Time Sense/ can intuitively detect, although it ta es Time 2 totruly fathom the effect's nature, and the full set of Spheres used tocompletely understand the effect's effects.

***** Future Travel:--------------

At Master-level nowledge, the mage can do more that determine thetiming of events; he can shift objects through time. The mage actuallypluc s something out of the flow of time and repositions it at someother point along the time stream. The new position could be secondsor centuries away from the field's original place in time.

Masters say such effects are "anchored", or firmly lin ed to theirpoint of origin. A ripple exists in the time-stream at the point oftheir disappearance until their reappearance. This forms a continuousthread which the Master can pull at any time she sees fit. Forexample, a mage who sent her house forwards into the future to eep it

from being destroyed by a war succeeded in pushing it forward fiftyyears. Five years after the original magic, the war ends, so shegrasps the ribbon and pulls the building bac out of the time-streamprematurely. She may also do the same with herself, moving forwardthrough the not possible but actual future, until she finds a point inthe time-stream when she decides to disembar .

Even anchored future travel is not without its ris s; such Arts areobviously vulgar, and any Disciple of Time can recognise an anchoredTime effect and gauge the time when it will come due, while a Mastercan reach into the time-stream and pull out another traveler.

Time Immunity:


Masters can also immunise themselves from time. Figuratively spea ing,the Master simply steps laterally out of the current temporal flow. Hecan maintain his immunity only so long, but during his "time" outsideof time he perceives the world as a statuesque collection of stillimages that he may manipulate as he pleases. As a conjunctional effectwith Life or Matter, he may ta e other creatures and objects 'out oftime' as well, and may even abandon them in the frozen moment. Itseems such a state cannot last forever, and subjectively the creaturesappear only moments later, but some reappear dead of old age, havingpassed hundreds of years in a timeless hell.

****** Past Travel:------------

Theoretically, it is possible for a mage to use the same anchoredeffect that allows her to travel forwards in time to travel bac intothe past. Unfortunately, the problems with causality ma e thisimpossible. However, the Archmasters of Time have found ways to getaround this problem...

(System: left to the individual ST. The 'hanging Paradox' one in

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Horizon:tSoH will no doubt wor for most STs, but I prefer my ownversion of the laws of time and I'm sure I won't be the only one...)

Absolute Shifts:----------------

The mage is now able to ma e absolute changes in time, rather thanbeing restricted to relative changes. Instead of simply changing therate at which time flows, he is able to 'rewind' time, undoing eventsas he goes.

(System: I needn't tell anyone how unspea ably vulgar this is. Wrin le*will* be pissed.)

Umbra- -----

Specialties: Dimensional Science, Umbral Travel, Realm Construction

1 Umbra SenseGauntlet SenseGauntlet Warding

2 Manipulate GauntletPlumb the Deep Umbra

3 Step SidewaysSeal BreachGauntlet Warding

4 Rend GauntletForge Bridge

5 Outward JourneysForge RealmSeal Outer GateHorizon Warding

6 ???Open Outer Gate

* Umbra Sense:


The Umbra initiate gains the ability to sense the Penumbra around her,along with everything in it - most clearly in areas where the Gauntletis thin.

Gauntlet Sense:---------------Gauntlet Warding:-----------------

The mage can also "read" the strength of the local Gauntlet, testingit for wea nesses, or set up wards across it to alert him about


** Manipulate Gauntlet:--------------------

The mage may now use his power to thin the Gauntlet, ma ing it easierfor spirits to cross over into the physical world and manifest,assuming that they have the Charms to do so. He may also strengthenthe barrier, ma ing it harder for spirits to enter the physical world- - a useful effect for mages who've called up something they shouldn't

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If the mage nows Spirit 2, 'Touch Spirit', he may use it inconjunction with this to touch spirits and ephemera on the other sideof the Gauntlet.

Plumb the Deep Umbra:---------------------

At this level, the mage may extend his senses beyond the Penumbra, andmay probe the deep li e a 'mystic astronomer'. Thus, with appropriatemagic he may ma e contact with denizens of far Realms...

*** Step Sideways:--------------

A mage may now ma e a temporary hole in the Gauntlet, allowing himselfto enter the Umbra, a feat called "stepping sideways" by thegarou. The mage's body and (usually) clothing are translated intoephemera, the stuff of spirit, but will possess a certain glow whichthe more aware denizens of the spirit realm will recognise asbelonging to a living being. At this level, any action he ta esagainst an Umbrood creature, physical or otherwise, will be felt. Oncein the Penumbra, a mage can go anywhere she li es, up to the borders

which mar the Horizon between the Near and Deep Umbrae.

Possessions, however, are more difficult to translate - they requireSpirit 4, 'Transephemeration'.

This also allows the mage to enter Realms from the Umbra, and to leaveRealms.

Seal Breach:------------Gauntlet Warding:-----------------

The mage can also repair breaches in the Gauntlet, and reinforce thebarrier's fabric to ma e it that much harder to tear, or set up wardsacross the Gauntlet to alert him about breaches.

**** Rend Gauntlet:--------------

The mage may now rip the fabric of the Gauntlet asunder and he - andanyone else who wants to, mortal or spirit - can travel throughwithout difficulty. This is, of course, highly vulgar; most polite(and sensible) mages will seal the breach after they and their friendspass into the Umbra.

Forge Bridge:------------

The mage is now able to weave a permanent bridge between two realms,allowing near-instantaneous travel between the two.

***** Outward Journeys:-----------------

The Master may also use his power to brea free from the Horizon and

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explore the Far Realms. No longer must he rely on the tenuousconnections within Domains to travel to the Outer Realms. The mage isable to traverse the Deep Umbra, surviving its ravages for shortperiods, while he speeds through it towards his chosendestination. Masters of Spirit are said to spend years at a time ontheir outward journeys, charting the Tellurian and studying thedenizens of other Realms.

Forge Realm:------------

The Adept of Spirit can also shape the base fabric of the Umbra insuch a way as to create Horizon Realms or Umbral Domains.

Seal Outer Gate:----------------Horizon Warding:----------------

The mage can also repair breaches in the Horizon, and reinforce thebarrier's fabric to ma e it that much harder to tear, or set up wardsacross the Horizon to alert him about breaches.

****** ???

Open Outer Gate:----------------

The mage may now rip the fabric of the Horizon as he was able to ripthe fabric of the Gauntlet with Spirit 4, creating a gate into theUmbra from Outside. This is not only highly vulgar, but extremelydangerous, due to the nature of many denizens of the Deep Umbra.

- --Computational Thaumaturge, Deus Machinarum. -- Cerebrate of the Silicon Swarm.e-mail: avatar-...@ar WWW: /"I will not have captives of one sex guarded by members of the opposite sex."

-- #84, The Evil Overlord List

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