TWELVE IS THE FINAL NUMBER - The Alexandrian is the...

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"Twelve is the accountable number. Twelve is the final number. Twelve is the number in


Numbers are important in that they represent the worth, the value, as well as the plane, as well as the vibratory frequency, the emanative quality, as well as the symbolic and realistic representation they concur upon and confer upon their namesake. And though one would say that the idolators of the world build up idols and gods come into being and into power out of the ancient past, even unto this modem moment of the eternal now, this is true. And though there be a great number of them, what is that number of these idols and gods of idolatry? Without knowing then perhaps each of the gods that were a part of ancient Egypt, Atlantis, Lemuria, that were a part even up unto the Judeo-Christian era or period of this time epoch in expression, they have been given numerals and/or numbers. The Greek gods, the Roman gods all had their ties to numbers. And man stands in the midst of their number.

Man must walk forth in illumination, light and righteousness, and be accountable for himself He can number with the righteous or he can number with the unrighteous. He can stand in the number of the illumined or in the number of those covered by shadow.

Man comes forth and asks himself many questions during the duration of length of his life. Early in life he asks questions that are associated with the importance of his learning how to utilize and find his way in a world such as he perceives around him. In the second phase of his life man asks the questions that will by their answer enable him to stabilize and fulfill all of the obligations that are placed upon him according to the system in which he lives and the culture. And in the last part of his life, man asks the question, "What have I done with my life to this point, and what should I do with it afterwards?"

But the age of accountability comes at any age. It is different with each seeker. And these are the four times of importance in a man's life when he questions: at first man in his asking is the student, the novice, and he asks basic, simple, elementary questions; in the mid-part of his life he begins to enter into initiations and becomes as the initiate, no longer the neophyte, acquiring some states of mastery, and his questions are somewhat different for in the beginning they were basically about physical expression, what he could see around him; in the middle part and portion of his life he asks questions that concern his mind, is development, his responsibilities; and in the last portion of his life, he questions philosophy and becomes a philosophical question himself.



He begins as the child; he ends up as the master. He begins as the neophyte; he ends up spiritually aware, philosophically-oriented man of knowledge, the full initiate with high degrees of mastery. In the process he comes to know himself. Whether he recognizes, acknowledges or not is another thing, but he knows himself. And he is known by others, also.

Man when he comes forth in evolution even to the Earth, the Plane of One, and began development through the seven planes that are considered the full order, the full scope planes of the physical representation, began developing in his consciousness his ability to specialize. He came to know that there were twelve important aspects to life and living, that life is actually in sets of years and time that measure twelve years each.

Twelve is the number of spiritual completion, finality and perfection in the scale of qualities--soul qualities. Twelve encompasses the seven planes and the etheric counterparts of these that are often other dimensional planes. Twelve is the accountable number. Twelve is the final number. Twelve is the number in balance.

In a world of change man divides almost as much as he multiplies--divides this from that, categorizes it, places it in its position of placement, labels it. Even as the Master Sananda Jesu Jesus said that he came forth to divide, he was a mathematician in a sense and he would be dividing the number twelve for twelve is the most divisible of all numbers, the most utilized and equated in equations.

Twelve represents total balance, full operational harmony in finality, completion and totality. It is mentioned within the Scriptures many, many times.

"Students would do well to remember that the number twelve is regarded by the esotericists of all faiths as signifying the number of completion; it recurs again and again in the various scriptures of the world. The following comments are of interests in this connection, showing as they do the significance of this number, and its relation to initiation:

'The accomplishment of the age of twelve years signifies a full period of evolution when an initiation was undergone by the Christ-soul. This took place in the inner mind (the temple) and corresponded to an awakening of the logical and intuition sides of the soul. These are the father-mother principle, indicated by the presence of the parents.' ('Dictionary of the Sacred Language of all Scriptures and Myths, by G. A. Gaskell, p. 773.)



And again,

'This number (of the twelve disciples) is typified by many things in the Old Testament; by the 12 sons of Jacob, by the 12 princes of the Children of Israel; by the 12 running springs in Helim; by the 12 stones in Aaron's breastplate; by the 12 loaves of the shew-bred; by the 12 spies sent by Moses; by the 12 stones of which the altar was made; by the 12 stones taken out of Jordan; by the 12 oxen which bare the brazen sea. Also in the New Testament, by the 12 stars in the bride's crown, by the 12 foundations of Jerusalem which John saw, and her 12 gates.' (Bishop Rabanus Manrus, A.D. 857.)

All these recurrences of twelve probably have their origin in the twelve signs of the zodiac, that imaginary belt in the heavens through which the sun appears to pass on its journey in the course of a year, and during its greater cycle of approximately 25,000 years."

But what is the greatest importance? The thing of greatest importance is that you recognize where you are in life's spectrum, in life's scope, and scope reaches from the past through the present into the future. That is the vantage point of seeing that is allowed and enables man to see.

Man must find his place. Man must relate to all placements about him. To understand himself he must see the twelve people that he is in one. He must see this in youth, he must see it in adulthood, and he must see it in the ancientness of age. For to "know thyself' you must keep looking again and again to keep up with that self and its changing, for all things are in a state of change.

It is that a thing of importance is to see how close you are to fulfillment of the prophecies and the establishment of Jerusalem, the Golden, and there are many twelves involved with that. 2

A thing of importance is to know where you are in your spiritual progressive pathway, whether it is coming upon mastery or discipleship. If it is discipleship, you must find where you are and where you are likely to be placed in the perspective order of the twelve disciples.

You will have a need to find your place in the twelve divisions of the zodiac. And in numerology, equate the numbers and find out their meaning.

"The twelve signs of the zodiac fall into two groups of signs, and their related synthesis has much to do with the Science of Triangles. They are:

Bailey, Alice A. From Bethlehem to Calvary pp. 75-76. 2 Revelation 21:12-21



1. Seven signs related to the unfoldment of planetary consciousness uponEarth and only incidentally involving the fourth Creative Hierarchy, the Human Hierarchy.

2. Five signs related to the unfoldment, in time and space, of the HumanHierarchy. These five signs are of major conditioning importance and may be enumerated as follows:

a. Cancer

b. Leo

C. Scorpio

d. Capricorn

e. Pisces

These five signs are related in the planetary sense to the five great races of which our present race, the Aryan, is the fifth. These five races, under the influence of the five signs, produce the externalisations which are called the five continents--Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, America. These five continents are to the planetary Life what five major endocrine glands are to the human being. They are related to five centres.

All these appearances, expressions of qualities and material evidence of life are the symbols of outer and visible signs of inner and spiritual realities or of Life, whatever you may mean by that term. For our purposes, we could define Life as the energy emanating from certain great Lives Who stand behind our solar system as its life and source, much as the Monad stands behind the appearance of a man upon the physical plane or of the soul upon its own level. Man, it might be stated, is the expression of seven principles and of the life expression or activity of five planes. In this 7 + 5 is to be found the clue to the mystery of the seven and the five zodiacal constellations." 3

These are the important twelves. Depending on whether you are a historian, or a spiritual seeker, or a mathematician, you will have to see it from each of their viewpoints as we go along.

As you evolve and grow, things are divided into areas of three. The threes are then grouped, positive and negative, equaling six on either side; and the two sixes together equate then to twelve--completion, totality, finality, and balance. To this point each of you has lived many lifetimes in the past in many

Bailey, Alice A. Esoteric Astrology Volume III A Treatise on the Seven Rays pp. 425-426.



astrological signs, hopefully to learn as much as you could from each of these signs that you were born into.

Each of you that knows yourself to be a seeker, and "Israel" means "the seeker," and knows that you are chosen and selected and that you are given dispensations of grace, love and of the law to accomplish and grow forth, must then also realize that you are disciplic unto the master calling, for to understand the mysteries one has to utilize the mysteries, and one becomes a mystic when they utilize the operation of these things. When this is done they must find themselves in the order of number, placement and position, for as a seeker after growth, development or whatever, you are then as Israel, for "Israel" means "the seeker", "the seekers." Israel is divided into twelve tribes, the head of each one of these tribes being one of the sons of Jacob.4

Man is like unto and will find his position when he settles into his correct and appropriate tribe division, zodiactic division, and as he finds himself similar to in his growth, evolution, his mental, his spiritual essence, like unto one of the disciplic ones of Sananda Jesu Jesus, the Christ. Each disciple represented an astrological sign, represented a number, and represented one of the twelve divisional typifications into which every man will fit--into one of the twelve, there from that point to grow through the others in his progressive growth cycle to learn all that life affords and what the world can offer him in intrinsic lessoning values. Each one is a member of one of the twelve tribes, like unto, if not almost as, one of the twelve disciples and under the influence of one of the Zodiactic Houses. So is it the number from one to twelve should be seen.

"For instance, I will

give you some idea of these correspondences in connection with the first two houses:

First House:

Physical body or form.--The causal body of the soul

Appearance or manifestation. --The emergence of the soul.

The head.--Brain.--The head centre.

Personal activity. --Soul expression.

Mannerisms, etc.--Ray types and qualities.

Second House:

Finances. Monetary interchange.--Prana.

4 Genesis 35:22-26



Expenditures.--Use of energy.

Possessions. --Control of the form.

Losses. --Withdrawal from matter.

Gains. --Acquisition of spiritual powers.

The other ten houses you can work out for yourselves. It is interesting to note, for instance, in connection with the second house (and the same idea can be applied to all of them) that Taurus, the mother of illumination, and Venus, the endower of mind plus the embodied soul, are related and active in this house. The light of matter and the light of the soul are both involved in the use of energy and in the problem of what is desired, what is regarded as loss, and what shall be the gained objective. It is, therefore, the house of values--material and spiritual." s

If you take the unit of one, it represents oneness, singularity of purpose and motivative force and focus of intent. It is the single. It cannot balance. Although oneness is harmonious, it cannot balance upon the scales. Thus to it, to make oneness full and complete, total, harmonious balance, numerically, we add a two, which makes the number twelve. Then it will balance. The one, or the oneness principle, is then balanced by the duality of the second character figure.

There are colors associated with each of the twelve planes mentioned, each of the zodiactic astrological positions, each disciple's traits, each tribe's traits, each son of Jacob. A number unto each is given. So is it.

The first twelve years of the life of the Master is the time wherein through His innocence He is open to receive His mission and ministry and the vision of how this will come about, according to Divine Order. The first twelve years of the life of Sananda Jesu Jesus were quite filled with learning, experiencing, education and preparation, realization of His mission and ministry. And at the age of twelve He went into and up to Jerusalem with His parents. He went then from the courtyard of life into the temple. 6 The temple is often in numerology associated with the number twelve. What does the Twelfth House represent? (Answer: The unseen potential.) Yes. And where is the unseen potential greater than in the temple of the living God, for He is not seen but He is felt.

Bailey, Alice A. Esoteric Astrology Volume III A Treatise on the Seven Rays pp. 510-511. 6 Luke 2:41-52



In His twelfth year the Master went forth into the temple not to be taught of the Scribes but to teach, and so began His ministry, and so began He to be about His Father's work. And this is true of each.

Why do you think that twelve disciples were chosen? So that they would typify one of every kind or type of man that would ever be upon the earth created, with a similar trait or personality characteristic of the twelve lead parts and/or position portions. Yes, truly it is so.

It is that each of you that has been called and, know that you have a calling and have been called into discipleship, know that you relate in one way or another closer to one disciple's attributes than perhaps all the others. This is for your own knowing, and perhaps you can tell how many of the astrological signs you have finalized and completed from where you are in this life, how you have come to this point.

Twelve ... Twelve ... when you gather twelve about you and entrust them and deliver unto them the twelve power potential charts, secular orders, when you place this in those twelve that you have gathered around you, you have signed a death warrant for the elimination of the thirteenth, which is ordinarily the master that brings you forth to that point.

There are many masters, and unto each comes a master when he has a need and when he is readied. There are many teachers. There are fewer masters but they are still quite sufficient and they help you master something by what they do, say or show, each being a different kind of master, mastering something different, a little bit more differently.

Every man at one point in his evolutionary development spiritually becomes a disciple. But which one of the twelve will you be like unto?

Everyone finds their place in the astrological position, if they study astrology. How many Houses are there? (Answer: Twelve.) Yes. But I tell you, in the subtlety of difference, though the distinction of similarity be strong, those twelve Houses have many dwellings that could be called houses within them. For there are many mansions, 1 but only twelve Houses--a House for each tribe, and the head of each House is a son of Jacob, the tribal leader, yes.

These are the other twelves that you might wish to look up or think about:

The twelve bulls upon whose back rest the brassy sea--the vessel upon the backs of the bulls, mentioned in regard to the temple.s

7 John 14:2 8 1 Kings 7:44



The twelve stones in the breast plate of Aaron. 9

The twelve loaves of shewbread in the temple. 10

The twelve tribes. 11

The twelve spies sent by Moses into the land to see what awaited. 12

The twelve disciples.13

The twelve sons of Jacob. 14

The twelve stars in the crown of the bride. 15

The twelve foundations of Jerusalem.16

The twelve gates to the city . 11

These are the important twelves, for each represents the highest, finest completion in that cycle.

Unto the disciples the Master said, "Go ye forth then unto all nations, baptizing and healing and ministering." 18

And unto each of you: You are a disciple in a way and a manner, if not totally and completely, and I would have you act accordingly.

The disciples were chosen by the Master Sananda Jesu Jesus before He came into this earth. They were sent into the wombs of their mothers before He made His entrance, some of them previously chosen, just as you have been chosen previously and you are chosen now. Yes, truly.

When you think about life, what are you forced to also contemplate then? Death. And yet the hope of many is to be saved from that death, saved from that grave--of most, and many more than you would think, before hopefully they enter into the grave. And yet the grave is just a stepping stone to the life eternal that is promised. Death is a gate through which man passes to eternal life. It is not a finality. It is not a point of destination of finality. It is not a place wherein one tarries. It is not where one tarries completely, partially, or semi. It is not a 11semi-tarry". It is a way. For to conquer death you only have to die.

9 Exodus28:l-43 10 2 Chronicles 2:4, 4: 19 11 Genesis 49:28 12 Numbers 21: 1 13 Matthew 10: 1-6 14 Genesis 49:1-28 15 Revelation 12: 1 16 Revelation 21: 14 17 Revelation 21:12-15, 21, 25 18 Matthew 28:19



Conquering life and doing so correctly and appropriately, living life as you should, is a little harder. But there should be no fear.

"The first step towards substantiating the fact of the soul is to establish the fact of survival, though this may not necessarily prove the fact of immortality. It can nevertheless be regarded as a step in the right direction. That something survives the process of death, and that something persists after the disintegration of the physical body, is steadily being proved. If that is not so, then we are the victims of a collective hallucination, and the brains and minds of thousands of people are untrue and deceiving, are diseased and distorted. Such a gigantic collective insanity is more difficult to credit than the alternative of an expanded consciousness. This development along psychic lines does not prove the fact of the soul, however; it only serves to break down the materialistic position.

It is among the thinkers of the race that the first assured recognition of the soul will come, and this event will be the result of the study and analysis, by the psychologists of the world, of the nature of genius and the significance of creative work. " 19

But I say this: How many actually, knowing their life is eternal, still fear the grave a little? I tell you that you will not sleep there nor will you rest there, for there is a master for you. If you do not know this master as of yet, for you personally upon the first to the twelfth level of consciousness, as everyone has teachers and masters, if you do not know who the master is in your life as of yet, seek him out that you might find him and know him, for this is the one that will call you forth out of the tomb. This is the one that will call you forth. Even as the sons were said that they would be called forth out of Egypt, 20 so out of the tomb shall each be called forth.

Ray One ... how many rays are there? (Answer: Seven.) Seven. Rays One through Seven give their colors. Within the color range is the extreme from one color to another, there being two colors associated with each Ray. This constitutes then fourteen colors. This means a master, twelve disciples, and a thirteenth disciple as we have mentioned, making fourteen. It means twelve astrological signs and then the sign of the sun, the master, and the dark planet being fourteen.*

* From TaPa's March 29th 1980 dissertation.

19 Bailey, Alice A. Esoteric Psychology Volume I A Treatise on the Seven Rays pp. 98-99. 20 Matthew 2: 15