Tweet4Meat: Raising Money For Heifer International - The PowerPoint

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Tweet4Meat: Raising Money For Heifer International - The PowerPoint

Tweet4Meat: Raising Money For Heifer International - The PowerPoint

A Presentation & Plea for Donations from @FlyoverJoel

If we ate cats for lunch we could consolidate something like 85% of all Facebook photos.

The sale of horse meat for consumption is now legal again in America and it’s a game changer for little girls who want a birthday pony.

Importance of commas:Hush puppies are delicious.Hush, puppies are delicious.

Life is short so go ahead and have that second donut even if having a second donut every day is what makes life short.

My biggest issue with American English is that “breakfast burrito” slipped into common usage, but “dinner donut” has not.

Circle of Life: I drink my beer while standing in the food line then eat my food in my beer line.

My wife is out of town for 10 days which is like 70 dog days or 12

large pizzas.

The importance of tacos to self-actualization is severely underestimated on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

The Long Island Iced Tea is the turducken of cocktails.

A tortilla is the cocoon which protects a burrito caterpillar during its magical transformation into a butterfly of deliciousness.

Ugh. It’s like don’t even talk to me in the morning until I’ve had my lunch.

If you win the Mega Millions jackpot you can buy 233,000,000 McDoubles after taxes to stimulate the

economy and become the Bovine Overlord.

My salad for lunch needs more cheese and a hamburger.

It’s not lunch; it’s “best-in-class value-added burrito solutions for your integrated cross-family

enterprise nutritional infrastructure.”

It’s good that evolution made them so cute

otherwise I’d be eating otterchiladas for lunch.

Pigs are the Batman utility belt of breakfast foods.

This Thanksgiving impress your family and friends, not with a some old gravy boat, but with a fully functional gravy battleship.

If you love something set it free. If you come home to find it sitting on your couch eating Cheetos in their underpants,

get married.

Please consider a $10, $15 or even a $25 donation to Heifer International as part of #Tweet4Meat!

You can donate at:

Thanks for Reading (AND DONATING)!

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