Tutorial Patch

Post on 18-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Tutorial Patch


Colcha realizada con tres diferentes tcnicas: Una de ellas el nine-patch.

Primer paso, sera la eleccin de las telas.Necesitamos, para que el tema salga bien, un mnimo de cuatro telas, y un mximo de nueve telas diferentes.Con ellas vamos a realizar cuadrados de 15x15 cms.En este caso he utilizado el mnimo, que son cuatro colores.

Segundo paso: Con nueve cuadrados de 15x15 cms, realizamos un cuadrado como el que vemos en la foto superior, esa es la idea que debemos coger. An no os pongis a coser... Impacientes!

Si disponis de ayuda para agilizar la costura recta, mejor que mejor. Sistema fhs de la mquina de coser gama bernina.

Tercer paso: Ahora s que comenzamos a coser. Gama bernina, prensatelas n37, de costura recta. Emparejamos telas diferentes derecho con derecho, y cosemos un margen. No cosamos todos los cuadrados emparejados, sino unos pocos. Como vis en la imagen, lo mejor es tener preparadas en un lado las parejas encontradas e ir cosiendo sin cortar la costura. Esto con el sistema fhs que permite alzar el prensatelas sin tener que darle a la palanca que lo sube y baja en la misma mquina, agilizas el tema muchsimo.

Detalle de cmo van enfilandose los cuadrados cosidos.

Despus de coser en parejas, le aadimos otro cuadrado a cada pareja, de forma que se nos queden lneas de tres en tres cuadrados.

Cuarto paso: Unimos las filas de tres en tres, de forma que realicemos un enorme cuadrado compuesto de los nueve cuadraditos de 15x15 cada uno. Se nos queda en total un super cuadrado de 45x45cms.

Quinto paso: Plantxamos, y ahora vamos a cortar el cuadrado de 45x45cms por su mitad,

y otra vez por su otra mitad:Despus de tener unos cuantos cortados, organizamos los colores de las telas a nuestro antojo:

1 variante,


tercera variante, y la que yo he elegido.

Sexto paso, organizar los bloques de forma que no nos coincidan en muchos lugares la misma tela.

Sptima y final: Cosemos los bloques en lnea. Aqu tenemos cuatro bloques por lnea. Complicado? NO se os ha quedado algn paso claro? pues no tenis ms que decrmelo a rbkpalacios@yahoo.es

Tutorial realizado por Rbk Palacios para www.latiendapatchwork.com


Hola! Qu tal va todo? Espero que bien.Hoy os explicar otra tcnica con tiras de tela al bies.Como vis queda de lo ms original, es la tira que bordea este quilt.


- Tenis dos formas de hacerlo:

+Una, modo sencillo, y otra ms complicado. Las que os vis por el modo sencillo, indico tiras de 5 cms x 45cms en diversos colores. Yo utilizo para este caso 8 telas diferentes. Os doy ideas; pueden ser de misma gama de color (azul claro, azul oscuro, azul medio), de misma gama de tonalidad ( gama de azules, azul verdoso, azul grisceo, azul con base amarilla, azul con base morada...), o potpurr como yo he hecho.

+ Las que se arriesgan con el tema, realizar tiras de diversas medidas: Unas de 6x45cms, otras de 4x45cms, otras de 4x45cms, otras de 5x45cms... utilizar hasta 11 telas diferentes.Para realizar estas tiras he utilizado fat quarter de telas exticas de www.latiendapatchwork.com, son telas que dan mucho juego. El largo ya lo tengo hecho en las tiras, que es de 45cms. POr lo tanto no tengo ms que plantxarlas y dedicarme a cortar tiras.

Tiras de diferentes medidas. Eleg hasta 11 diferentes. 6x45cms, 5x45cms, 3x45cms....

Paso nmero 1: Organizacin y cosido de tiras.

En patchwork es imprescindible, antes de avalanzarnos sobre el ensamblaje de telas, la organizacin. Si tenemos todo bien preparadito, de forma que nos facilite el paso a paso del trabajo, mejor que mejor. Por eso siempre tengo preparada, adems de la mquina con sus prensatelas, hilos,etc. la base de corte con el cutter detrs y la plantxa puesta.

Bien, el comienzo es as: Me pongo en la mesa tooodas las tiras que he cortado, teniendo visible todos los diferentes colores que voy a manejar. Debo unir tiras, hasta realizar un ancho total de 40 cms. Nos queda un trabajo de 40x45cms.

Bueno comienzo con una buena organizacin

Ensamblaje de tiras. Prensatelas n37 de Bernina, puntada recta con margen especial para costuras patchwork.

Paso n2: Cortar el trabajo por su mitad. Vuelta a ensamblar.

Cortar por la mitad las tiras, como en la fotografa.

Nos queda de la siguiente manera. Pero ahora cogemos una tira y la cambiamos de orden.

De esta forma no nos coinciden las tiras. Observis el cambio?

Vuelta a nuestra mquina de coser, y unir otra vez.

Paso n3: Uso del ngulo de 45 de nuestra regla.

Esta regla es marca olfa. Algn da os hablar de las diferentes reglas, y la importancia de conocer todos sus rayajos, para facilitarnos nuestra labor.

Colocamos la regla, como podis apreciar en la siguiente fotografa. La raya que marca ngulo de 45 en el margen de la tela, siendo paralela a la unin de tiras.

La ubicamos de forma que el margen diagonal nos de un total de 11 cms de esquina a esquina de la tela. Debemos realizar bloques de 11x16cms, entonces podemos comenzar dando a la diagonal 11cms 16cms. nicamente estate atenta para despus dar el largo diferente.

Cortamos otra tira, y seguimos sacando bloques de 11x16cms.

Paso n4: Ensamblaje de los bloques, segn largo y ancho del quilt al que vayamos a aplicarlo.

Como no realic fotos a lo que sera el bloque resultante; (haceros la idea, de que las tiras quedan en diagonal en un rectngulo de 11x16cms.

Cogemos estos rectngulos y comenzamos a realizar la cenefa: Cosemos los bloques entre ellos por el ancho de los mismos, el de 11cms.

Y el resultado, tiras largas de bloques que uniremos al quilt.

Importante, no olvidis guardar los restos del trabajo, por muy macabro que os resulte aprovechar esos retalillos, en el prximo tuto os voy a ensear cmo.

Espero que se haya entendido bien. Si queris realizar el mismo trabajo con las telas, tenis un kit preparado en www.latiendapatchwork.com. En este blog encontraris cmo hacer tooodo el quilt, que contiene tres tcnicas: el nine patch, que ya est explicado en el tuto anterior de esta seccin, esta tcnica de tiras al bies, y la prxima que pronto la veris. NO me seis impacientes!

Detalle de la cenefa ya finalizada.

Aqu podis observar las lneas rectas por dnde se une bloque y bloque.

Thursday, March 1, 2012A Pink Classic

After staring at fabrics for too long trying to decide what pattern to make my baby a quilt withI went with classic hourglass blocks. There are probably loads of good tutorials for these blocks already, but since these are one of my favorites I wrote one up for this quilt:Baby Hourglass Quilt: Quilt size: 32" x 41" , Block size (unfinished): 5" x 5" Youll need:32 print 6" x 6" squares, and 32 white 6" x 6" squares (approx. 1 yard cut into 5 strips 6" x the fabric width, then subcut 7 squares from each strip). For this particular quilt I used about 8 different print fabrics, and cut 4 squares from each fabric.

1. Draw a diagonal line in pencil from corner to corner on the wrong side of each white square. I knowI hate this part too.if it helps this is how I line up my squares then I draw lines on multiple squares at one time:

2. Pin a print square and a white square right sides together with the pencil line facing up. Sew 1/4" from the line on each side ( I usually dont pin these squaresbut you shouldIm just lazy). Continue until all of the 32 print and white squares have been sewn together.

To make this process faster you can chain piece all of the squares. Sew on one side of the line on all of the squares, then without cutting the threads in between the blocks put them back through the machine and sew down the other side. Then when youre all finished clip both threads in between each block.

3. Place a square on the cutting mat, and cut down the pencil line from corner to corner. DO NOT MOVE THE PIECES YET! ( I pulled mine apart a little just so you can see the cut)

4. Cut another diagonal line from the other corner to corner on the same square.

5. Press the triangles towards the print fabrics. You should be able to lay out 2 hourglass blocks from this one cut square:

6. Match and pin the center seams, then sew the pieces together to make 2 hourglass blocks. Press seam to either side or open.

7. Now for the fun part (not really) squaring up the blocks to 5" x 5". Everyone has their own method of squaringthis is how I do mine:Align the diagonal lines of my block with the diagonal lines on my cutting mat

Measure from the center 2 1/2" out on one side, and trim off the excess. Do the same on the top or bottom, then you can align the edges along the grid lines and trim the remaining edges to make a 5" block. If your mat doesnt have these handy grid lines youll have to find another way, but simply measuring 2 1/2" out from the center on each side should be fine. You can even cut more than one at a time if youre not a perfectionist.

8. Lay the blocks out in 9 rows of 7 blocks each, rotating every other block. Sew the blocks into rows, and press the seams towards the print fabrics (that part is important so youre seams will match up nice and tidy when sewing the rows together). Pin and sew the rows together to finish the quilt top.

Apparently its 5 year old boy torture to make him hold up a pink quiltheaven forbidyou should have heard the grumbling.

*To make hourglass blocks in any size cut your starting squares 1" larger than youd like the (un) finished squares to be. * The fabrics in this quilt are Daisy Cottage by Bee in my Bonnet Designs for Riley Blake (here, here, here, here, and here), and the bright pink small floral and polka dot are Children at Play by Sarah Jane for Michael Miller. Tuesday, June 28, 2011Tutorial: July star blocks

This is probably the most basic star block. But it is a classic favorite that looks good in any fabric, and is easy to re-size to make smaller or larger. My blocks finish at 11" (10.5" after squaringif you square them).

Start with 8 4" background squares, 1 4" center square, and 8 3" squares for the star points.On 4 of the background squares place a 3" square in a corner right sides together and sew from corner to corner. The tape trick comes in handy again on these blocks. Cut the corner off leaving 1/4" and press open.

Place another 3" square in an adjacent corner and repeat the steps.

Layout your squares again and sew the squares into three rows.

Press the seams of each row in opposite directions, and sew the rows together.

The finished block should be 11". I squared my blocks up to 10.5".

48 blocks (6 in each row, 8 rows) makes a perfect twin size at 60" x 80". You might also like:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009Tutorial: Double Hourglass Blocks the EASY way!

First offthings always look better in my head than they do typed up, so please try one block and see how it works for you before cutting up all your fabric. Also, if your a perfectionist this method might not be for you, some of your points and seams wont perfectly match upbut it will take you about 1/4 of the time of other methods. Enjoy and let me know if this works for you! (click on pictures if you have a hard time reading the script)

Jodi has pre-made triangle templates that work for this pattern in her etsy shop here. It may save you from cutting fingers when your cutting out all those triangles! :) To figure out how to make different block sizes: Figure out the finished block size you want, say5" so you add an inch to that and cut your template 6" square. Now youll have to figure out how big to make your strips. So divide 6 in half ( the size of your template) so you want your finished double strip after its sewn to be 3". Now the tricky part is figuring out how big to make your strips including the inseam, my inseams are usually .5" ( 1/4" + 1/4") so add that to 3" (how big your finished strip should be) Which leaves you with 3.5" which you divide in half and thats how big to make your strips.. 1.75" wide. That sounds right in my head but beats me if it will really work! Try one first just in case Im totally bonkers! If you want to make this with a Jelly Roll, you would cut your template 9" square and it would leave you with a 8" block. But again.I havent actually tried it so make sure you try it before cutting up all your fabric! Or else I would feel really bad. :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012Tutorial: Squares and Strips Bed Quilt

This is a great quilt for a beginner who wants to tackle something bigand a good way to use a fat quarter bundle thats collecting dust (wouldnt we all love that problem?!).

* The blocks are all 8" finished (8 1/2" unfinished).* Each fat quarter will make 4 + 1/3 blocks. Each 1/4 yard will make 4 + 1/4 blocks. So if you know the number of blocks you wantdivide that by 4.3 or 4.25, and thats how many fat quarters or 1/4 yards youll need.* The table below is a guidelinemeasure your mattress to make sure what size youll need. Remember that a large quilt can shrink as much as 4" in each direction depending on the batting. Size# of Blocks# of Fat QuartersOR # of 1/4 yards

Throw56" x 64"561314

Twin64" x 88"882021

Queen88" x 96"1323032

King104" x 96" 1563637

1. If youre using fat quarters download and print the cutting diagrams HERE.If youre using 1/4 yardsdownload and print the cutting diagrams HERE.Be aware there is VERY little waste if you use fat quarters. This is ALL of my scraps from 3 fat quarters:

No wasting fabric here! Once your comfortable cutting, stack 2 fat quarters or 1/4 yards and cut at the same time. If your FQs are wonky and youre short a strip or 2just substitute it for something elseno one will know. ;)2. Choose a 4 1/2" square and sew a 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" strip from a different fabric onto each side of the square. Press out. Repeat with a 2 1/2" x 8 1/2" strip on the top and bottom. Press out. Repeat until all of these pieces are gone. Youll have 1 of these blocks for each fat quarter or 1/4 yard you cut.

3. Sew the remaining 2 1/2" x 8 1/2" strips into sets of 4 until they are gone. I like to press my seams open.

4. Sew the 2 1/2" squares together into 16 patch blocks. Sew the squares into rows of 4 first and press, alternating the pressing direction for each row (or press seams open). Sew the rows together to make a block and repeat until the squares are gone.

There arent many of these blocksbut if you want more variety in your quilt you can always make some more with scrap squares!5. The rest of your blocks will be your plain 8 1/2" squares. 6. Layout the blocks randomly:# of Blocks per Row# of Rows





6. Sew the blocks into rows and press, alternating pressing directions with each row. Sew the rows together and press. * When sewing together a large quilt like this, I sew the blocks together into sections. I layout and sew one quadrant at a time, then sew the 4 quadrants together to make the large quilt top. Its like making 4 mini quilts and sewing them together to make the large quiltand its much easier to handle under my sewing machine.

* My fabric is Seaside by Riley Blake Designs, and Vintage Modern (the red, green, and grey rectangles) by Moda. Which is why I called it my Seaside quilt for those of you that askedno one said I was good at naming quilts!

Happy Quilting!

Log Cabin ClssicoA forma clssica de executar o Log Cabin, com um quadrado central e uma metade clara e outra escura.

Material necessrio:- 2 tiras de tecido, da mesma largura (neste caso tm 3 cm), em cores contrastantes (claro/escuro o ideal);- 1 quadrado de tecido para fazer a parte central do bloco. Neste caso, o quadrado tem 3 cm, tal como as tiras, mas pode ter as medidas que se quiser.1

Comeamos pelo tecido de cor mais escura. Coser a tira na lateral do quadrado e cortar o excedente.2

Continuando com a mesma cor, coser uma tira de tecido por cima. cortar o excedente.3

Mudando agora de cor, coser a tira de tecido na lateral.4

Mantendo a mesma cor, coser por baixo, fechando assim a primeira volta ao quadrado central.5

Comear uma nova volta, cosendo novamente a tira mais escura na lateral.6

Ainda com a mesma cor, coser por cima.7

Mudando de cor, coser uma tira clara na outra lateral.8

Mantendo a cor, coser a tira por baixo, de forma a fechar a segunda volta.9

Comear nova volta agora com cor escura, na lateral do bloco.10

Mantendo a cor, coser uma tira na parte de cima.11

Mudar para cor clara e coser a tira na lateral.12

Continuar com a cor clara, coser uma tira por baixo, fechando a terceira volta no bloco.13

Iniciar mais uma volta, a coser a cor escura na lateral.14

Continuar com a cor escura e coser uma tira na parte de cima.15

Mudar para cor clara, e coser na lateral.16

Terminar a 4 e ltima volta cosendo uma tira clara na parte de baixo do bloco.E pronto!