Tutor Marked Assignment C

Post on 17-Sep-2015

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Tutor Marked Assignment B

Transcript of Tutor Marked Assignment C

Tutor-Marked Assignment C

Part A) 1. Setting and Establishing scene.The setting is Monday morning traffic along Newbury road were it seems like everyone is on that road. The author uses Monday morning traffic as most people have the weekend off, and are not looking forward to going to work. We see through the way he describes the drivers as fuming vehicles. as we go further into the story the author introduces Reg and how he is on his bike, pedalling his way around the drivers, Reg becomes one of the main characters within the plot after his accident with the girl.

2. PlotThe passage finishes on an interesting point, with the girl asking Reg whether he would want to go on a Magical Mystery Tour. This could be a joke or more likely she could be telling the truth. This is more likely as it makes the script more interesting for the reader. As they would be thinking where is she going to take him.

3. Character a) Within the script the author mentions a few characters such as the taxi driver and the postman. Nonetheless they are three major candidates within script; Reg, the girl and the person telling the story.

b) From the script we learn that Reg was going to work until the accident. We also learn a little bit on his character, that he was a little smug as he avoided the traffic.From the person telling the story we learn they are stuck in traffic and can only watch the events unfolding. About the girl we could establish that she is a bit clumsy as wasnt watching were she was going. Also little bit odd, as after being in an accident the first thing she asks whether Reg would like to go on a Magical Mystery Tour.

4. DialogueDialogue within the script does not begin until the four paragraph until then we are given a description of the setting. We learn that Reg saw the girl coming but due to his faulty breaks couldnt stop. After the accident Reg is having trouble getting his words out until the mystery girl asks Reg if he would like to go on a Magical Mystery Tour.

Plat BWould you like to go on a Magical Mystery Tour? asked the girl, springing to her feet and helping him up. Reg in pain and looking confused by the question What? he replies. The girl still looking so innocent and emotionless like nothing has happened Do you want to go on a Magical Mystery Tour? Your crazy replies Reg as they both move off the street onto the pavement. I want to take you here, I had a dream I would bump into someone today, and that I would take them on a tour that not many people have done. Reg looking on confused Ok Ok your crazy? As he slowly gets up from the pavement and begins to walk the other way Get away from me! he shouts limping away, still clearly in pain. After walking a few steps he stops, clearly cannot go further, looks back and sees the girl signalling him to get into a car. Further confused about where the car came from and unsure what to do. The girl walks up to him and calmly says you are not going to go far on that ankle, come in the car and we will get that seen to and after you can do what you want she begins to walk away and sits in the car. After looking around and seeing nothing that would help him, a defeated looking Rag begins to walk in the direction of the car, and slowly gets into the white range rover. And asks Who are you? All will be explained she replies, and orders the driver to drive away. Throughout the journey the two didnt talk to each other, until Reg had a light bulb go off in his head Oh No!!! What am I going to do about work? The girl still emotionless looking straight ahead Ive sorted it, told them you wont be in work for a few day a clearly aggravated Reg a few days!! Drop me off work now!! Or I will call the police the girl still calm I have told them you have gone away for a couple of days. You dont want to come across like your lying do you? Who are you? Why am I here? What do you want with me? Reg says. The girl replies I told, I had a dream that I would bump into somebody and I will show them my world. the girl looks at him and smiles, while Reg looks on scared fearing the worse. After two hours they approach a gate, the gates are two massive automatic gates and open as soon as the car approached them. Each side had beautiful views, evenly cut grass, and clean trees and straight ahead Reg looked on in shock at the beauty of the house. He looked at the girl; she looked back and smiled welcome to my home. As they got out the car they worked towards the house, when Reg walked into the house he was left speechless, Wow he said. Gorgeous crystal lighting, huge reception, and marble floors everything looked pristine. Right said the girl follow John, he will take you to room. Get some rest he will provide you with clothes and get your leg seen to, and later I will meet you. Reg becoming to soften towards her I didnt catch your name? She turns back towards Reg Its Dulcinea. Then walks away. John takes Reg up to his room, which is again big, the sun is bright and the views are excellent. John drops some clothes off to Reg. As John is about to leave Reg searching for answers attempt to gain some from John John who is she? Why has she brought me here? I believe she told why youre here sir, she had a dream she would bump into someone today and that was you. As for who she, shes one of a kind sir. a smiling John mentions as he walks away. During the evening Dulcinea comes to Regs room who looks smartly dressed in a black suit the girl asks about his leg, back to her emotionless self its getting better, thanks for calling the doctor. A smiling Dulcinea acknowledges this and asks are you ready to see my world? Reg nods his head, still a bit scared about what is going to happen or see, but at the same time excited. The girl walks him to the furthest part of the house, into the library, she makes sure no one is around and hits a switch on her desk, which unveils a secret passage. Follow me she instructs him he reluctantly follows her up the stairs. Where they reach another door, this time it is steal door and requires some code. She types the code in and looks back at Reg and smiles. Reg getting more anxious and breathing faster as they walk along and approach another door. Are you ready to see my world? Reg nods his head. Dulcinea opens the door walks in as Reg follows. Reg is in shock of the view and happy about what he is seeing, looks at Dulcinea and smiles This.. This is amazing? As he looks round at the magical kingdom.