Tunisia – what has happened here to affect tourism?

Post on 16-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Tunisia – what has happened here to affect tourism?

Tunisia – what has happened here to affect tourism?

This is what attracts tourists to Tunisia

This is what it looks like now.

Relieved British tourists arrive home from crisis-torn Tunisia as dozens prisoners fleeing blazing prison are shot

Thomas Cook brought 1,800 tourists home yesterday in six evacuation flights and the same number were being flown home on emergency flights today.The tourists were left behind when a state of emergency was declared, temporarily closing the country's airspace.

Natural hazards such as the volcanic eruption in Iceland disrupted tourism for weeks.

Terrorism also affects how people travel.

Remember Swine Flu. All flights to Mexico were cancelled.

Incoming and domestic tourism was severely reduced when this country was

affected by foot and mouth.

Thu 20/1/11

Climatic Conditions.

WALTTo describe the location of tropical storms and the times of year they occur.

WILFUsing the evidence you have collected to write a description.

Tropical Storms.

Hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons are different names for the same thing.

They occur in tropical areas where the temperature is hottest.

Why is the tropics the hottest area?

10º – 30° north of the equator.

10º – 30° south of the equator.

They can not cross over the equator because of the earth’s rotation.

Tropical storms travel from east to west so they mostly affect the countries on the western side of the continent.

Tourist destinations that have hurricanes are

USA – around the Gulf of Mexico

The Caribbean Islands

Central America such as Mexico

Tourist destinations that have cyclones are

The Pacific Islands such as Fiji and the Philippines.

Northern Australia = Queensland and the Northern territory.

India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and the Maldives

Tourist destinations that have Typhoons are

China and Japan

USA and Caribbean

Japan and China

Australia and Pacific Islands

India, Thailand. Sri Lanka.

When to avoid the tropical storm season?




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Travel and Tourism BTEC first Steve Ingles

Key Geography for GCSE

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The monsoon lands are north and south of the equator between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Caprocorn. This is where the weather is hot and wet during certain times of the year. Monsoon countries have wet and dry seasons.