TUMUS ELECTRIC CORPORATION LTD.tumuselectric.com/pdf/2016-03-31--Tumus... · TUMUS ELECTRIC...

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Transcript of TUMUS ELECTRIC CORPORATION LTD.tumuselectric.com/pdf/2016-03-31--Tumus... · TUMUS ELECTRIC...


Corp Office: 1207-A, P J Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai -,400 001, IndiaTel: 022-22721981, Email: compliance,tumus@gmallcom

20th April, 2016

To,Department of Corporate ServicesBSE LimitedP.J. Towers,Dalal Street, Fort,Mumbai - 400 00 I

Ref: Tumus Electric Corporation Limited (Scrip Code: 504273)

Dear Sir/Madam,

Subject: Submission of Share holding pattern for the quarter ended 31st March 2016 as per Regulation 31of SEBI (Listing Obligation & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015

Kindly find enclosed captioned Shareholding Pattern as per Regulation 31( I)(b) of SEBI (Listing Obligation &Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for the quarter ended 31st March, 2016 received from our RTAMis. Purva Sharegistery (India) Private Limited.

Kindly also note that pursuant to BSE Circular DCS/COMP/34/20 I5-16 dated 16th March, 2016, we have filedand uploaded the said shareholding pattern in XBRL mode. on the listing center of BSE. Electronicallygenerated acknowledgment 1804201605100631 dated 18th April, 2016 enclosed for your reference.

Encl: As above

Regd Office: Rani Baua P B Ch h " R01 or ala" eva, M.P. - 486001, India, Tel: 07661.-'31.C;)'3G'1


Corp Office: 1207-A, P J Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001, IndiaTel: 022-22721981, Email: compliance.tumus@gmailcom

20th April, 2016

To,Department of Corporate ServicesBSE LimitedP.l. Towers,Dalal Street, Fort,Mumbai - 400001

Ref: Tumus Electric Corporation Limited (Scrip Code: 504273)

Dear SirlMadam,

Subject: Submission of Shareholding pattern for the quarter ended 31'1 March 2016 as per Regulation 31of SEBI (Listing Obligation & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015

Kindly find enclosed captioned Shareholding Pattern as per Regulation 31(l)(b) of SEBI (Listing Obligation &Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for the quarter ended 31'1March, 2016 received from our RTAMis. Purva Sharegistery (India) Private Limited.

Kindly also note that pursuant to BSE Circular DCS/COMP/34/2015-16 dated J6lh March, 2016, we have filedand uploaded the said shareholding pattern in XBRL mode, on the listing center of BSE. Electronicallygenerated acknowledgment IS04201605100631 dated IStll April, 2016 enclosed for your reference.

Thanking You,Yours Faithfully,For Tumus Electric ~""~ti

"'~Manish MouryaCompany Secret

Encl: As above

Regd Office: Rani Baug, P B Chorhata, Reva, M.P.- 486001, India. Tel: 07662-320369

--- -- ---



Scrip Code

Entity Name

Compliance Type

Quarter 1Period





Date & Time: 18/04/201605:10:27 PM

Regulation 31 - Shareholding pattern



16104/2016 2016-03-31- Tumus - Report ShareholdingPatternfor quarter ended31-March-2016 html

General information about company

Scrip code 504273


Class of Security Equity Shares

Type of report Quarterly

Quarter Ended I Date of Report (For Prelisting IAllotment) 31-03-2016

Date of allotment I extinguishment (in case Capital Restructuring selected) I ListingDate

Shareholding pattern filed under Regulation 3I (I)(b)

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Sr. No. Particular YeslNo

1 Whether the Listed Entity has issued any partly paid up shares? No

2 Whether the Listed Entity has issued any Convertible Securities? No

3 Whether the Listed Entity has issued any Warrants ? No

4 Whether the Listed Entity has any shares against which depository receipts are issued? No

5 Whether the Listed Entity has any shares in locked-in? Yes

6 Whether any shares held by promoters are pledge or otherwise encumbered? No

7 Whether company has equity shares with differential voting rights? No

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16104/2016 2016-03-31- Tumus - Report ShareholdingPatternfor quarter ended31-March-2016.hlml

Table I - Summary Statement holding of specified securities

No. Of No. Of Shareholding as aNumber of Voting Rights held in

No. of Total nos. each class of securities (IX)Category Nos. Of fully paid Partly shares shares % of total no. ofCategory of paid-up underlying shares (calculated as No of Voting (XIV)shareholders up equity held (VII)(I) shareholder equity Depository per SCRR, 1957) Rights Total as(III) shares = (IV)+(II) held (IV) shares Receipts (V)+(VI) (VIII) As a % of a% of

held(V) (VI) (A+B+C2) Class Class Total (A+B+C)eg: X eg:y


(A) & 1 707840Promoter 707840 63.9 707840 707840 63.9Group

(B) Public 2784 399935 399935 36.1 399935 399935 36.1

Non(C) Promoter-

Non Public

Shares(CI) underlying


Shares held

(C2) byEmployeeTrusts

Total 2785 1107775 1107775 1107775 1107775 100

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16104/2016 2016-03-31- Tumus - Report ShareholdingPatternfor quarterended31-March-2016.html

Table I - Summary Statement holding of specified securities

Number ofShareholding , as a Number of Shares

No. Of No. Of Shares % assuming full Locked in pledged or

Shares Underlying conversion of shares (XII) otherwiseCategory Outstanding encumbered Number of

Underlying No. Of convertibleCategory of convertible securities ( as a (XIII) equity shares(I) shareholder Outstanding Warrants securities and percentage of held in

(II) convertible (Xi) No. Of diluted shareAsa Asa dematerialized

securities Warrants (Xi) capital) (XI)= (VII)+%of %of form (XIV)

(X) total No. total(a) (X)As a %of No. (a) Shares (a) Shares(A+B+C2) held held

(b) (b)

Promoter &(A) Promoter 63.9 573340 81 573340


(B) Public 36.1 0 0 176607

Non(C) Promoter-

Non Public

Shares(Cl) underlying


Shares held(C2) by


Total 573340 51.76 749947

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16104/2016 2016-03-31 - Tumus - Report ShareholdingPatternfor quarter ended 31-March-2016.hlml

Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group

Number ofNumber of Shares

No. Of Shares Shareholding , as a % Locked in pledged orNo. Of shares (XII) otherwiseShares Underlying assuming full conversion encumbered Number ofUnderlying No. Of Outstanding of convertible securities ( (XIII) equity shares

Sr. Outstanding Warrants convertible as a percentage of diluted held inconvertible (Xi) securities and share capital) (XI)= Asa Asa dematerializedsecurities (X) No. Of Warrants (VII)+(X)As a % of %of %of form (XIV)

(Xi) (a) (A+B+C2) No. (a) total No. totalShares (a) Sharesheld held(b) (b)

A Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group

(I) Indian

(a) 63.9 573340 81 573340Sub-Total(A)

63.9 573340 81 573340(I)

(2) Foreign

TotalShareholdingof Promoter 63.9 573340 81 573340and PromoterGroup (A)=(A)(I )+(A)(2)

B Table III - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Public shareholder

(I) Institutions

(t) 0.02 0 0 0

Sub-Total(B) 0.02 0 0 0(I)

( 3 ) Non-institutions

(a(i)) 25.04 0 0 55446

(e) 11.05 0 0 121161

Sub-Total(B) 36.08 0 0 176607(3)

Total PublicShareholding 36.1 0 0 176607(B)=(B)(1)+(B)(2)+(B)(3)

C Table IV - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Non Promoter-Non Public shareholder

Total ( 100 573340 51.76 749947A+B+(2)

Total (A+B+C 573340 51.76 749947)

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Individuals/Hindu undivided Family

Searial No. I

Name of the UITAM BHARAT BAGRIShareholders (I) Click here to go back

PAN (II) AAEPB6014D Total

No. of fully paidup equity shares 707840 707840held (IV)

No. Of Partlypaid-up equityshares held (V)

No. Of sharesunderlyingDepositoryReceipts (VI)

Total nos. sharesheld (VII) = (IV)+ 707840 707840(V)+ (VI)

Shareholding as a% of total no. ofshares (calculated 63.9

..as per SCRR, 63.9

1957) (VIII) As a% of (A+B+C2)

Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)

Class eg:X 707840 707840

Class eg y

Total 707840 707840

Total as a % of 63.9Total Voting rights 63.9

No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities (X)

No. Of Warrants(Xi)

No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities and No.Of Warrants (Xi)(a)

Shareholding , as a% assuming fullconversion ofconvertiblesecurities (as a 63.9 63.9percentage ofdiluted sharecapital) (XJ)=(VII)+(Xi)(a) As a% of (A+B+C2)

Number of Locked in shares (XII)

No. (a) 573340 573340

As a % of total 81 81Shares held (b)

Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)

No. (a)

As a % of total......

Shares held (b) . . .' £~Rt- .""ojM""~ktopl201"()3.31%2~%20T"m~%20-%20R.port%20S""""di,..P_",,o2""'%20q~"'%_%2031-M 'l'f16.1<m1"%~

.>~Vi~-- ~l~-



16104/2016 2016-03-31 - Tumus - Report ShareholdingPatternfor quarter ended31-March-2016.htmlNumber of equityshares held indematerial izedform (XIV)

573340 573340

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16/04/2016 2016-03-31 - Tumus - Report ShareholdingPattern for quarter ended 31-March-2016.html

Individuals - i.Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital up to Rs. 2 lakhs.

Searial No. 1

Name of theVITTU BAJRANGLAL AGARWALShareholders (I) Click here to go back

PAN (ll) ADLPA2915L TotalNo. of fully paidup equity shares 12650 12650held (IV)

No. Of Partlypaid-up equityshares held (V)

No. Of sharesunderlyingDepositoryReceipts (VI)

Total nos. sharesheld (VII) = (IV)+ 12650 12650(V)+(VI)

Shareholding as a% of total no. ofshares (calculated 1.14as per SCRR, 1.141957) (VIll) As a% of (A+B+C2)

Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)

Class eg: X 12650 12650

Class eg:y

Total 12650 12650

Total as a % of 1.14Total Voting rights 1.14

No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities (X)

No. Of Warrants(Xi)

No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities and No.Of Warrants (Xi)(a)

Shareholding , as a% assuming fullconversion ofconvertiblesecurities (as a 1.14 1.14percentage ofdiIuted sharecapital) (Xl)=(VIl)+(X) As a %of (A+B+C2)

Number of Locked in shares (XII)

No. (a) 0 0

As a % of total 0 0Shares held (b)

Number of equity~.

shares held in 12650 12650

~~dematerializedform (XlV)

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16/04/2016 2016-03-31 - Tumus Re t Sh- por arehOldingPattern for quarter ended 31-March-2016.html

Any Other (specify)Searial No. I 2

Category HUF3

Bodies Corporate

Category 1MoreBodies Corporate

than I percentage Category More than 1 percentage of shareholding

Name of the




Click here to go back

No. of the8


Shareholders (I) 11 19

No. of fully paidup equity shares 1206 119705held (IV) 1455 122366

No. Of Partlypaid-up equityshares held (V)

No. Of sharesunderlyingDepositoryReceipts (VI)

Total nos. sharesheld (VII) (IV)+ 1206 119705(V)+ (VI)

1455 122366

Shareholding as a% of total no. ofshares (calculated 0.11 10.81as per SCRR,1957) (VIII) As a

0.13 11.05

% of (A+8+C2)

Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)

Class eg: X 1206 119705 1455 122366

Class eg:y

Total 1206 119705 1455 122366

Total as a % of 0.11 10.81Total Voting rights0.13 11.05

No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities (X)

No. Of Warrants(Xi)

No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities and No.Of Warrants (Xi)(a)

Shareholding , as a% assuming fullconversion ofconvertiblesecurities (as a 0.11 10.81 0.13 11.05percentage ofdiluted sharecapital) (XI)=(VlI)+(X) As a %of (A+8+C2)

Number of Locked in shares (XII)-~"'DI"-

No. (a) 0 0 0 0 LO/--~~As a% of total -J If )~~-:2 t ),,_

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