Tulane University New Student Orientation Guidebook 2015

Post on 22-Jul-2016

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This Guidebook was published in May 2015 for new students enteringTulane in the fall of 2015 by the Office of Orientation and Parent Programs at Tulane University.

Transcript of Tulane University New Student Orientation Guidebook 2015


1 Welcome letter 3 NeW StudeNt orieNtatioN Schedule 4 Before you leave campuS5 prepariNg for your Stay oN campuS6 orieNtatioN StudeNt Staff 7 tulaNe 1018 map out your Summer 9 readiNg project 10 liviNg oN campuS 11 gettiNg iNvolved

12 Greek Life 13 Multicultural Affairs 14 Religious Life 15 Gender & Sexual Diversity

16 health & WellNeSS 16 Campus Recreation 17 Student Health Resource Chart18 Counseling and Psychological Services19 Campus Health 20 theWell

21 StudeNt reSourceS & Support ServiceS23 Safety & Security24 emergeNcy reSpoNSe 25 StudeNt employmeNt26 Study aBroad27 dateS aNd deadliNeS to rememBer 28 freShmaN directory29 tulaNe SplaSh card31 diNiNg ServiceS43 uNiverSity ServiceS47 mailiNg & ShippiNg48 campuS traNSportatioN49 guide to iNformatioN techNology53 tulaNe traditioNS