TS2: The Miller 100 Baby Challenge [Part 2]

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of TS2: The Miller 100 Baby Challenge [Part 2]

So we left off last time with our poor Freya in the throes of labour for the first time. Oh? And what’s this…?

…Oh, hell.

I guess now would be a good time to mention that I have a random triplets and quads mod installed. And, of

course, I immediately get quads. Oh well. Four down, 96 more to go.

So, usually when I’m playing I just randomly name characters whatever I feel like at the time. However,

since this is a challenge I decided to go with a theme. Video game characters!

The first two boys are named Desmund(from Assassin’s Creed) and Kirby(from…well, Kirby).

The other boy is named Aeon after a Soul Calibur character, and the last, only female, is named Lara – after the famous Lara Croft.

Well, at least she’s happy. I guess that’s all that matters in the end.

Freya rolled this almost immediately after having the quads. Well, you’re gonna have that many and then some. Might as well lock the want while you have it.

The quads all pooped themselves at once while Freya’s on the verge of starvation. Help. Me.

Well, now that the quads have been born and Freya’s needs have more or less evened out(as much as they can with the babies all pooping themselves at the same time

constantly), Freya’s back out finding a new boyfriend.

And, of course, the date went pretty well. ;D


Even if she’s been recently impreggernated, she still makes time to make sure her eldests are doing okay.

Between throwing up, of course.Although I’m really not sure what the cause is here – just minutes after getting knocked up, Freya helped herself to some spoiled pizza and got food poisoning. Considering that there’s no “baby?” thought bubble above her head, I’m gonna

guess it’s the food poisoning this time. She does throw up a few more times because of morning sickness, though. I also feel the need to mention that while

she was pregnant with the quads, she did not throw up even once!

Another near miscarriage? Is this going to be a running theme here?

Pop number one, all over again.

Baby birthday time!I really hate how finicky the birthday thing is, though. From toddler on,

you can just click on the sim during their birthday and age them up. However, since the babies are reliant on another person to age up, it’s a

pain to get them all aged up.Freya here spent nearly all night trying.

Here’s Lara, the solo female so far. She’s maxed out in neat, outgoing, and nice, leaving only a couple points in lazy and serious. She’s definitely got her mom’s skin and

eyes, but I’m guessing she’s got her father’s facial struture. Really hoping she grows into it a little better.

Next is Aeon. I consider him the eldest for some reason. His features are a little softer than his sisters, but that

nose is still a little painful to look at.

Kirby’s features freak me out a little. D: It’s those eyebrows. They’re supervillian eyebrows.

(Also notice Aeon and pre-haircut Desmund being cute in the background!)

Lastly, Desmund. His features seem to go together the best so far, although it probably won’t be until their teen transition that we’ll really see how everyone looks.

We’ll end this part with the boys being cute together! Lara’s off somewhere in the corner. For a sim with such

high outgoing points, she’s a bit of a loner.Ta-ta for now!