Truth of Sade Satti

Post on 20-Feb-2015

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All about Sade Sati i.e. seven and half year cycle of Saturn in one's life cycle. Horoscope

Transcript of Truth of Sade Satti

Mystery of Sade Sati What is Sade Satti?

Sade Satti is a very horrible word for general people.

When, Saturn transits through the 12th, 1st, and 2nd house from the natal moon (where one's Moon is placed in the birth chart), this is termed Sade satti. Saturn takes 2 � years to pass through each sign (30 years to make one round of the zodiac), its passing through 3 signs make it 7 � years. Sade means "half" and Satti translates to "seven" and hence the name Sade Satti. There is a general belief that Sade Satti period brings dissatisfaction, disappointments, depression, differences, disputes, disharmony and undesirable results ,but actually this is not the case. Saturn does not always behave this way and it really depends on individual's chart. For example if Saturn is acting as a yoga karaka, there is no way it can cause all that problems in native's life. Most of the people go through 2-3 periods of Sade Satti in their life time, 4 periods are very rare. It reappears after every 25 years from when it first finished.

Sade Satti Influence

While it is true that during this 7-1/2 years Saturn transit period people do experience some tensions and troubles, it is nothing to be scared about. Even while giving some troubles and tensions, it does not deny you success. As a matter of fact a number of people prosper to new heights during this period. Sade satti is about doing one's obligatory duties without considering likes and dislikes. One who does this forever is least effected by Sade Satti and in fact gains during this period. However if anyone is arrogant, egoistic, unsympathetic, and non-hard working then he is targeted during the person's Sade Satti and can make him go through a lot of hardships.

Three Cycles of Sade Satti

First cycle of Sade-sati generally affects close relatives more than the native. The 2nd cycle influences the domestic front as well as the business front, and the 3rd cycle affects children, family, health, and physical suffering or may even indicate the death of the native. However before coming to any conclusion an astrologer must the following things.

• Is Saturn acting as a functional benefic or malefic in the natal chart? • Is Saturn coming under aspect of any naturally benefic/malefic planets. • What is the Dasa/bhukti running during that time? Is Saturn involved there? • Is the transit of Saturn under Vedha from Jupiter? • What is the nature of Nakshatra under which Saturn falls in natal chart?

• How strong is the Natal chart. E.g. how many benefic planets in kona and Kendras, How well placed is Lagna and Lagna lord etc..

• What's the influence of Lagna on Saturn? E.g. is Saturn in Lagna or is it in conjunction with Lagna lord.

As you can see the results will really vary chart to chart. If someone is having all the -ve factor in the chart as explained above then his time will be very bad, but if someone has most of the factors as +ve, then Saturn will end up giving very good results. Keep this in mind while studying the bad effect explained below.

First Cycle

In the first cycle, when Saturn transits 12th house from moon for 2.5 years, the evil results are felt more by the parents and near relations of the native than the native himself. There could be some eye related problems to people who abuse this wonderful gift e.g. watching too much TV by sitting close to it. Saturn from this position throws its 3rd aspect on the 2nd house, which may affect the financial position of the native by increasing the wasteful expenditure. Because of 7th aspect on 6th house it can cause some debt. And finally because of 10th aspect on 9th house, it can bring down the general fortune of the native and can also cause setbacks to the father of native.

Second Cycle

During the Second Cycle when Saturn transits first house from moon for 2.5 years, it affects the native himself in domestic (7th aspect on 7th house and professional fields(10th aspect on 10th house). Being in the fist house it denotes ill health for the native. It can result in Weak finances, many miseries, loss of health, separation from family, loss of friends, increase in unnecessary expenditure, failure in undertakings, humiliation, loss of self confidence and self respect. One must keep in mind that these results can occur only when Saturn is acting as a pure malefic in the native's chart as explained above. Less than 5% of the natives going through Sade Satti will actually feel all these results. For most of the people there will be mixed results only.

Third Cycle

During the Third Cycle when Saturn transits in the 2nd house from Moon, It affects one's health, children and may even cause death if it come in late life .During this transit (8th house aspect). It may cause Loss of money, heavy expenditure, loss of health, unhappy domestic life (aspect on 4th house), mental distress, loss of wealth, increase in enemies, physical distress, quarrels with relatives and friends, lots of grief, all sorts of sufferings.

You can check which cycle(if at all) you are going throgh by clicking here.

Remedies for Sade Satti

Remedies should not be applied without taking into consideration how exactly the Sade Satti is going to affect you. If Saturn is trying to correct some of the wrong doings of your life e.g. trying to make you work very hard by creating obstacles, then it should probably be left untouched as its doing it for your own betterment. However if you feel that your life is really going through hell, you must consult a competent astrologer before applying any remedy. Daily reciting of Hanuman Chalisa can be done without any problem as it helps the native in all cases. Similarly wearing an Iron ring made out of horse shoe in your middle finger of right hand, offering copper and sesame oil to Saturn every Saturday are other harmless activities. Wearing any stone during this period is an absolute No No, unless the astrologer has really done his analysis (You can ask him the questions I explained earlier).


Saturn, which according to Hindu mythology is the son of Sun God, is not always a bad planet. Proper care must be given to complete analysis of this planet before concluding that Sade Satti can cause problems in one's life.

Nothing strikes greater fear in many hearts than the mention of an impending sade-sati of Shani maharaj as Saturn is ‘affectionately’ known in India! Through the tireless efforts of ‘modern’ jyotishis, judging from the number of questions I receive through web-portals, kalasarpa yoga, sarpa yoga, mangal dosha are gaining a lot of ground and rapidly in the arena of fear-causing astrological indicators! I am not trying to minimize the potential negative influence of these factors when these are in full sway, but it would be equally reckless not to point out that the negativity is not unconditional and must not be applied blindly in any and all charts. While I am not in favor of sugar-coating and pussy-footing around negative indications (as is done by some modern astrologers who turn their noses at any and all forms of arcane ‘gloom and doom’ astrology), but I am even more strongly against amplifying and over-reacting to all that is potentially-negative but challenging in ones life. With this principle guiding me, I hope to focus in a balanced manner on the phenomenon of sade-sati in this article. Saturn is the outermost of the three superior (outside the orbit of earth) planets (Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) planets that are considered in traditional jyotish. Saturn takes on an average a little over 29 months to traverse through each constellation or sign or rashi of the zodiac. This can be rounded up to 2.5 years per sign or 30 years for one revolution around the zodiac. Saturn is the outermost planet that describes more than one revolution around the zodiac during the lifetime of most human beings. Now, the sign in which the moon is placed in the birth chart of an individual is considered to be of a very significant factor in jyotish. Moon is the indicator of the mind and is considered to be especially sensitive to astrological influences. The moon-sign or janma-rashi, then, becomes the astrological i.d. of an individual, particularly to influences that are of an ongoing nature as one progresses in life. The moonsign, understandably, plays a significant role in judging the influence of transiting planets during ones lifetime and forms the basis of gochara or transit readings in jyotish. When Saturn arrives in the sign that is in the 12th house from the natal moon (that is, just previous to the moonsign) one understandably enters into a new phase in life. This period lasts till Saturn exits from the sign that is after the moonsign. Its transit through these three signs, namely, the sign in 12th from the natal moon, the moon sign itself and the sign next to the moonsign, takes about 7.5 years and the term for 7.5 in hindi is ‘sade-saat’. Hence, the sade-sati of Saturn refers to its transit through the trio of the two signs flanking the natal moon and the moonsign itself. This phase of 7.5 years repeats again in about 30 years and so, many individuals may experience 2 to 3 such periods during their lifetime. To a somewhat smaller extent, the ‘influence’ is also believed to occur when Saturn transits the signs that is fourth and eighth from natal moon. These 2.5 year periods are known as panoti, dhayia or adhayia in folklore jyotish. As a matter of fact, none of these periods, and for that matter sade-sati itself are mentioned prominently in most of the standard classic texts in jyotish; it is remarkable that their impact in the jyotish framework is so deep-rooted and known to even beginners. To give an example of the periods described above, if we assume that one was born in the Mesha or Aries rashi, in other words, with the natal moon in Aries rashi in the birth chart; when Saturn transits the signs of Pisces, Aries and Taurus, the individual will experience

sade-sati. When Saturn transits the sign of Karka or Cancer and again when it crosses Scorpio or Vrischik, the individual will experience the panoti or adhayia of Saturn. Nit-pickers may immediately wonder – what if the natal moon is in the last degree of a sign? Will Saturn then have a different influence than if the natal moon were in the first degree of a sign? In the former case, Saturn will have to travel almost 5 years before it meets up with the natal moon but will only spend 2.5 years of the sade-sati after it has crossed the moon. Could the effects/influences of this be different from that experienced by an individual who has the moon in the first degree of a sign and who therefore experiences a longer proportion of the period of sade-sati after transit Saturn has contacted the natal moon? On a related but different note one also wonders with some trepidation, “Is the entire period of 7.5 years going to be an encounter with hell or only certain months during these 7.5 years?” Saturn invokes the image of an emaciated, irritable, cold-hearted, curmudgeonly old man with a very stern way of making his presence felt. He is unforgiving, treacherous, negative, sans emotions or flexibility and represents chronic and debilitating illness; is lame, of poor eyesight and the giver of worries placing obstacles in ones path. Imagine seven and a half years of problems, failures, frustrations, illnesses and deaths surrounding you and who would not cringe in fear as ones sade-sati approaches which ones net-jyotishi menacingly warns one about. But is the picture always so gloomy and hopeless? Saturn’s association with Saturday, blue sapphire and mustard (oil) are exploited within the similia similibus framework employed by some jyotishis for recommending the remedial procedures associated with these and others Saturn-related factors and devices. If only life were magically simple and antidotes so effective! Give a horoscope to five different astrologers and you may walk away with more than one recommendation and different diagnoses. Interpretations can be so very different. There is also a bigger picture view of Saturn which is a product of experience, imagination and a different way of looking at life. This provides one with a slightly different take on Saturn and what it is supposed to represent and do to us in our human experience of a lifetime. Saturn is about removal or all that is unnecessary, all that is old and in need for an overhaul. The deathly winter of Saturn can only be followed by the spring of regeneration. This kind of optimistic thinking gives one some hope, that if we can only cling to the root that is sticking out in the river, we would be able to survive the rapids, the twister that sade-sati is.

We also see Saturn as the teacher whose sole purpose in our life is to make us realize our mistakes, our moments of laziness and inaction that landed us in the deplorable state, today and which we need to address and reverse now so that we fare better during the next encounter with Saturn. The accounts of karma need to be paid now and the piper is at our door beckoning for that which is now due.

Such is the powerful imagery of that which is negative and painful in astrology that the benefic planets really do not stand a fighting chance in claiming a lion’s share in our

discussion of jyotish principles. We remember the negatives more vividly as we complain about and curse our fates and God, while conveniently forgetting our escapes and all the grace that we have enjoyed in past. Saturn, mars, Rahu and Ketu, particularly the first three are generally regarded as evil planets at a basic and somewhat crude level of jyotish, with afflicted sun, waning moon and mercury with evil associations also being attributed with malefic properties. Saturn, of course, takes the cake in terms of its ability to wreak havoc upon the human soul and according to orthodox view, must be held in esteem and at a distance if possible. Sade-sati in such a framework is believed to expose one to the distilled and fully concentrated vitriol that Saturn is capable of inflicting on someone. Hence the need for fear, prevention and remedies galore! But, does that work? Is undoing of ones karma that simple and capable of being brought about by the mere act of buying and wearing a gemstone or footing the bill for doing a pooja for appeasing Saturn, a worship to appease the gods, or for that matter even an act of self-discipline through fasting, denying oneself of some joy or luxury and volunteer service offered to the needy? The latter procedures of self-denial, self-discipline intuitively do make sense but perhaps more so when done without any ulterior motives. If the charity or sacrifice begins with the incentive and intent to seek pardon for ones undesirable actions of the past, then understandably, its efficacy is rightly of a diminutive nature when compared with the similar activities done with no ‘selfish’ intent behind such practices. But, practical and ideal are often two different sides of reality. Twins and others with the moon in the same sign often do not experience the same degree of negative effects in life while concurrently going through a period of sade-sati. This is very commonly seen and is frequent enough to raise doubts about the uniformity of negative experiences during sade-sati in the life of a nativity, thus bringing to the fore the same thing that many jyotishis keep repeating. One swallow does not indicate the arrival of summer! As one sifts through writings, mostly in modern texts as opposed to scriptural texts which are generally silent about sade-sati (though not about Saturn and its negative impact on most humans) – one comes across references to the strength and beneficences of Saturn and of moon resulting in a mollifying effect on the sade-sati influences. In other words, if one is born with moon in strength and in benefic combinations and/or if Saturn is also likewise disposed, then the individual will not experience drastic effects during sade-sati. When moon is beneficially disposed, this is like saying that the person has a stable and well-disposed mental ability. The mind is not driven by ego and is compassionate, kind, fair and even-keeled; not given to impulse and selfish gratification. On the other hand, if Saturn is similarly disposed, the individual is aware of the need for justice and fairness, is hard-working and aware of ones duties and limits. During sade-sati, these qualities are expected to make one endure duress and to avoid taking steps that would make life more miserable than it should. The sense of fairness is the more important trait, I think and is what reduces ones entanglement in the illusions of human experience: the maya. Expectations and ambitions beyond the scope of ones efforts are what often cause problems when they encounter the Saturnine framework and frustration and anguish ensue.

A chart with such a situation where the two primary astro-indicators, namely, moon and Saturn are well-fortified indicates one who has been working at what gives power to sade-sati and has the karmic balance which is more ‘black’ than “red” as ledgers go. Yet, no one is perfect and sade-sati will bring such situations and opportunities when negative influences can operate and surface in ones life and one can experience defeat and distress or experience a degree of helplessness that is associated with negative destiny. Mahatma Gandhi was born in Tula lagna (Libra ascendant) and was assassinated when transit Saturn was very close to natal moon and transit moon was close to the ascendant. Saturn is considered a benefic and yogakarak for Libra ascendants. In other charts, people have experienced rise and gains during sade-sati, though often with some degree of mental turmoil or uncertainties that plagued ones mind and disturbed if not destroyed mental peace. If sade-sati is beginning to sound like a factor to be taken into account but not expected to override everything else at a given moment, then that is indeed what is observed. With approaching sade-sati, if one can adopt a certain degree of mental detachment towards the outcome and goals and can take the opportunity to exercise some self-discipline and a sense of fairness, the better one will be prepared to withstand what the period has to offer. On the one hand, this smacks of astrological opportunism, but on the other hand, this can be taken as an opportunity for one to practice certain ways of living and reacting to life, ways that are in tune with and harmonious with what the astrological rhythms and signatures signify. A karmayogi, one who carries out ones duties without excessive attachment to the goals and fruits of such actions will be less affected during sade-sati than another who continues to cling to a goal-oriented life and has difficulty in letting go of control. While such a perspective of living throughout life is very welcome, we are all creatures of desires and passions and cannot be ‘good’ all the time. But, if we can live as we should and as we are supposed to in order to attain spiritual growth, even for short periods of time, then we do come out that much better in life. As they say, there is a time to sow, a time to care for the crop and a time for harvesting – then this is exactly what the astrological periods and rhythms of life are indicating to us. When we do manage to work with astrological cycles, life seems to be smoother and more wholesome than otherwise. The emphasis is obviously on right action (and right speech and thought as well) at the proper time. Approached thus, sade-sati takes on a different form and Saturn can almost become an ally, a teacher and not the menacing destroyer that it is often made out to be. However, the best time to act is ‘now’ and not necessarily when the piper begins knocking on the door. Even so, I hasten to add, that proper action never goes to waste in the long run, so those who awaken late may not reap immediate benefits, but eventually will, if they go through their tests with a certain degree of detachment. This, though difficult to do, is basically what a devotee does. The surest form of detachment is through spiritual surrender. Surrender is what Bhakti or devotion is all about. Surrender is not the same as shirking ones responsibilities or assumption of passivity. One never surrenders actions, one surrenders the goals, or more specifically the desire and expectation of the fruits, the outcome of proper action. This is the primary lesson that Saturn in our charts is supposed to provide us to the degree that we require, in the manner that is necessary to get our attention.

Sade-sati is about ones duties and proper discharge of those and it is about ones dharma. It often makes its influence known through its impact on our ‘luck’ or our escape buffer. This is the benefic reserve that we enjoy through our past good actions. The navamsha chart which provides an important background of our destiny (9th house) has rightfully been recommended as the secondary chart by many jyotishis, ancient and subsequent. It holds an important role in the determination of the influences during the sade-sati of Saturn. In fact it defines the bounds of sade-sati. Though it is nominally considered to stretch over 7.5 years while Saturn transits the three houses around ones natal moon (12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon), the critical focus is when it makes two cycles around the navamsha chart, and contacts the natal moon in navamsha, thrice. Sade-sati, in this scheme begins when Saturn enters the navamsha occupied by the natal moon while it is behind the moon (generally about 40-43 degrees behind the natal moon in rashi). Over the next several years, it goes around the 12 signs in navamsha and contacts the moon again, and then another cycle and it leaves the moon-navamsha. Saturn’s influence begins with the first contact and ends with the third contact with natal moon in navamsha. Saturn stays in one navamsha sign for approximately 3.3 months. During the two cycles, it travels through 24 navamshas in approximately 6.5 years. This is the core duration of the period during which the ‘sade-sati’ influence is experienced. During its transit through the navamshas, it contacts other planets and influences the areas and attributes represented by those. These must be considered when determining the course of sade-sati in a horoscope and during a reading. During this period, if transit Saturn makes contact with natal Saturn, natal mars or natal rahu, the negative influences if unchecked can be experienced and these are also the periods when ones clarity of vision and thinking may be compromised. Conversely, when transit Saturn comes across natal benefics, a certain degree of relief may be experienced with a change in perception and insight. These are times for initiating spiritual activities with an aim for improved spiritual understanding and not merely for escaping from pain and troubles. As always, it is necessary to gauge the benefic state of those planet in individual charts and one must not go with a look-up table like approach. One must not blindly associate readings with a given combination as unfortunately is also done in otherwise revered and valuable ancient texts in jyotish. Without keeping into context the rest of the specific horoscope, advice rendered based on nascent interpretation of combinations (yogas and arishtas) can be less than useful and even misleading.

Sade Sati refers to a time period of seven and half years dominated by the influence of Saturn in our life. In India, Sade Sati or Saturn spells dread and apprehensions. In Vedic astrology, moon is the major force that governs our life. This is unlike western astrology, where `Sun sign` is considered far more important than `Moon sign`. Moon sign or Janmarashi in our horoscope is the zodiac in which the moon is placed at the time of our birth. Saturn is the cold, stern planet, famously known as a tough taskmaster. It causes delays, gloom and frustration wherever it goes. Sade sati is the time when our Janmarashi comes under the influence of Saturn. Saturn transits through each zodiac or Rashi, in two and a half years. Sade sati is the time when Saturn is transiting through the sign previous to the Janmarashi (two and half years), in the Janmarashi itself (again two and a half years) and the sign next to Janmarashi (again two and half years making it a course of 7 and half years in total). Saturn`s transit in each Rashi is known as Dhaiyya.

rashi s

For example, if a person was born in `kark` (cancer) rashi then, Sade sati will begin for that individual the day Saturn will enter the previous sign, that is Mithunaor Gemini. While the Saturn is going through Mithuna Rashi, the period will be known a`Pratham Dhaiyya` (first phase). That native`s second Dhaiyya will start when Shani will enter Kark rashi itself. This will be major Dhaiyya with the profound outcome in full blow. The individual`s Third Dhaiyya will begin when Saturn will enter the next zodiac, i.e. Leo (sihm). The person`s Sade Sati will finish the day Saturn will exit from Leo. Meanwhile, that individual will be having various forms of setbacks and losses depending on the Dhaiyya and his own horoscope. People having horoscopes where Saturn is well placed, tend to progress in Sade Sati instead of suffering from reverse effects. Similarly, a strong well-placed moon also makes the horoscope holder highly immune from the effects of Sade Sati. Hence, the phases of Sade sati are not same for everyone. For rare few people the period can turn out to be fatal, for most it is most trying one, while it proves to be highly prosperous time period for few others. For an individual, different Dhaiyya give different effects on health, wealth, career, marriage and relations. Saturn is the ruling planet for Capricorn and Aquarius. It is also the yoga karaka (that planet which has the power and energy to bring growth, progress, prosperity, good luck and good fortune) for Taurus and Libra rising signs. When Sade-sati occurs for Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius moon signs, the Sade-Sati tends to be less negative. Since, Saturn takes 29 and half years approx. to complete the entire circle of zodiac belt, a Sade sati can occur upto three times in a human lifespan. It is said that the third Sade sati takes adverse effects on a person`s health and can even result in his death. 1st Dhaiyya: In the first cycle, when Saturn transits 12th house from moon for 2 and a half years, the evil results are felt by the parents and near relations of the native. The health of grandmother can be affected and may result in her death. The eyesight of the native can be affected necessitating the use of spectacles. Saturn here creates extra

expenditure. The position of Saturn may affect the financial position. As Saturn aspects second house, it may retard environmental activities. If in a birth chart, Saturn is passing through the last phase of life, it may force native to get sanyas. In addition to the above during this period, the father of native may have set back or reversal, loss etc. in his profession and will lead to an extra, unwanted and uncalled for expenditure which may become unbearable for the native. 2nd Dhaiyya: During this cycle, Saturn transits the moon sign for 2 ½ years. During this period, it affects the native himself in domestic and professional fields. It also denotes ill health and death of some relations, fear from enemies, journey to distant places and separation from relations like brothers, sisters, wife or family etc. May cause imprisonment, miseries, loss of wealth, fatigue and general debility, loss of friends, Obstructions and delay in undertakings, failure in attempts and increased expenditure. 3rd Dhaiyya: Saturn when transits in 2nd house from Moon, third cycle of Sade Sati starts. It affects one`s health, children and it may even cause death if it comes late in life. During this transit, loss of health, happiness, loss of position, increased expenditure, financial stress and physical weakness might be felt. If there is any gain of wealth from others, then the same will be lost, and one can also have get deception through wicked men. May cause death of children too if other combinations to confirm the same are present. Many believe that Sade Sati is the debt of karma, which each individual has to pay in his life. Still, astrologers suggest certain remedies to lessen the ill effects of Sade sati. Visiting Hanuman temple, to offer tribute to deity who won over Shanidev is one such popular one. Charity of black udad and oil is also a widespread action to pacify Saturn. Sade sati is the astrological phenomenon during which the effects are felt by the individual and his/ her relatives. It is not a phase to be scared of. The biggest advantage of Sade sati is that it teaches us important lessons in life which if learnt properly makes up the basic foundation of every success and achievement, we make henceforth. Laziness and wrong attitude has to be discarded as the repeated failures teach us. The unwanted and unnecessary things are discarded. It is also the time to take a detachment from materialistic success and failures, instead of fretting over them. Sade sati gives perfect opportunity to be in touch with our spiritual self. In the long run, any person who value higher learning in life and accomplishments obtained after a series of trials will think that the existence of Sade Sati has made his life more meaningful.

The real truth about Sade Sati... In Indian astrology the period when Saturn transits 12th, 1st and 2nd houses from Moon sign is called Sade Sati. And it is a very dreadful word for the common masses.

It occurs after every 30 years in life. People go by merely by traditional conventions and general belief that Sade Sati period brings dissatisfaction, disappointments, depression, differences, disputes, disharmony and undesirable results. But actually this is not the case. Sade Sati consists of 3 cycles of 2 ½ years called Dhaia (2 ½ years) when Saturn transits in 12th, 1st and 2nd houses from Moon sign. The three cycles are explained below as per standard dictum and shouldn't be accepted as such, subject to other conditions laid down below: 1st cycle: In the first cycle, when Saturn transits 12th house from moon for 2 years, the evil results are felt by the parents and relatives of the native. The health of grand mother will be affected and may result in her death. The eyesight of the native can be affected necessitating the use of spectacles .Saturn here puts era expenditure. The position of Saturn may affect the financial position, as Saturn positions 2ndhouse, it may retard environmental activities. If in a birth chart Saturn is passing through the last phase of life may force the native to take sanyas; be detached from his or her family, wealth, home, etc. Forsaking of these worldly things amounts to Sanyas. In addition to the above during this period, the father of native may face a set back or reversal, loss etc. in his profession, and will lead to an extra, unwanted and uncalled for expenditure which may become unbearable for the native. 2nd cycle: During this cycle Saturn transits the moon sign for 2 ½ years. During this period, it affects the native himself on the domestic and professional front. Also denotes ill health and death of some relations, fear from enemies, journey to distant places and separation from relations like brothers, sisters, wife or family etc. It may cause imprisonment, misery, loss of wealth, fatigue and general debility, loss of friends, Obstructions and delay in undertakings, failure in attempts and increased expenditure. 3rd cycle: When Saturn transits in the 2nd house from Moon, third cycle of Sadi Sati starts. It affects one's health, children and may even cause death if it comes late in life. During this transit, loss of health, happiness, loss of position, increased expenditure, financial stress and physical weakness might be felt. Gain of wealth from others, which will be lost, deception through wicked men. May cause death of children too if other combinations to confirm the same are present.

Definition of Sade Sati

Sade sati is a transition phenomenon of Saturn. When Saturn or Shani transit through twelfth, first and second house from the natal moon of birth chart, the period is termed as sade sati. Saturn takes two and half years to transit from one house to another house so the transit of Saturn or Shani through these three house takes seven and half year which is a literal meaning of shani sade sati.

Description of Sade Sati

Our lives on the mortal land are highly impacted by the movements of heavenly bodies in universe as we all are the natives of earth which is surrounded by many happenings around reflecting different energies upon being in the centre. These universal bodies like planets carry out some certain movements or revolutions for some fixed spans of time which bring changes on the lives moving upon the land in different estimated ways. For further explicit expression in the language of astrology, different planets leaves different impacts on different horoscopes on account of their different arrangements above in the sky.

Sade sati is one of those significant movements of one of the malefic and strongest planet that is Saturn, leaving various effects on people according to their birth chart. The journey of the planet Saturn in the solar system plays a major role here as on account of those celestial movements it also plays some actions in the horoscope chart as through traveling from one house to another taking different time spans. These different arrangements of planet Saturn in various houses of horoscope chart desert variant shades in different aspects of our lives .

Like wise every planet, Saturn also revolves around the king of Solar System, the Sun, which makes it revolve its impact throughout different zodiacs or horoscope signs while leaving its footprints behind. The planet completes its one revolution in its orbit by taking the time of 29 years and 5 months on account of its being the slowest planet, to reach the same point from where it started while covering all the sides of Sun. Throughout this universal long journey of Saturn, its shadow also travels throughout 12 zodiac signs and in his path it stays at 12 turns of horoscope signs for some specific periods. Altogether it stays in each zodiac for 2 years and 5months giving equal time at each turn. This is the longest staying planet which further enhances its impotence in the astrology and so on in our lives and in turn for the same reason, it is believed to produce delays in the path of the person.

Sade Sati expresses staying of planet Saturn in three houses or zodiacs for whole 7years and 5months, leaving a major impacts for this period on the person which are perceived to be degrading effects. This dark shading of horoscope starts with the entrance of Saturn in the 12th house, in the sign just previous to the moon sign, followed by its residing in the moon sign or 1st house which ends with its stay in the sign next to the moon sign as giving equal time at each house which comes out as 7.5years as total, further expressing the name of the period as Sadhe Saati. As Saturn takes almost 30 years to complete its cycle of all zodiacs, it also explains its arrival in the moon sign after every 30 years which further articulates its presence in a normal life span for 2 or 3 times.

There are some other similar aspects of the planet also as it leaves similar impacts when it enters the fourth and eighth house but they are comparatively less effective. The residing of Saturn in each sign is known as Panoti, Dhayia or Adhayaia among the masses. The Dhayia of 12th, 1st and 2nd house is most prominently known among the folks since ages and has a dominating role in astrology.

These different shades of Saturn’s effect have been perceived as destructing impacts of the most malefic planet on the lives of the mortals as they are believed to bring downgrading in all aspects of life but it’s the human nature to pick out the negative side of the coin while closing eyes towards the positive reflections. Like wise every revolving body in the sky, planet Saturn also bestow different colors comprising some lighter, some darker shades which have been veiled by the cloth of myth that the planet Saturn and it’s periods of different arrangements on sky and land only bring hurdles resulting in losses in every direction. But through the right vision and in right articulation, these movements bring extreme changes in the life of mortals in different directions.

Impact on various moon signs

This hazardous period of Saturn leaves different effects on different zodiacs on account of his relationships with different planets ruling over variant moon signs. These relationships effects the lives of natives by coloring them with different shades and mending the path of mortals in different directions. The period of sadhe sati is also impacting various moon sign in different ways.

This time Saturn have entered Virgo on 9th of September 2009 which expresses its commencement of Sade Sati in the lives of Librans and conclusion of it from the lives of Cancerians. This time Saturn’s transit in Virgo will turn favorable for most of us.

Planet Saturn

In the language of astrology, Lord Saturn is among the most malefic Planets believed to leave adverse effects on the horoscope as it reflects delays, gloom, frustrations, defeats, betrayals, failures and losses. But in true picture of it, shani dev is a potent planet which always enhances the potency of the surroundings in the horoscope like it would strength up house in which it is present in spite of whether the house signifies positive impacts or negative. Considering some other significant points, sometimes lord shani could also turn the positive reflection into negative due to its presence but still it could not be called to be entirely negatively reflecting planet.

In the words of Hindu perception supported by doctrines, the Lord of planet Saturn, the Lord Shani is believed to be a very aggressive deity who always assumed to be pleased and should never be ignored for staying away from his wrath and well being. But on the other side of the coin, it has also been said that pleasing him and paying gratitude to the Lord Shani brings good fortune, success in every direction and the lord confer his divine protection to the devotee. Nevertheless it could not be ignored that mortals are afraid of the lord and his furious eye as so on from the presence of his soul image in the sky and planet Saturn in the horoscope. Nowadays planet Saturn is also excepted in western astrology for being a dreadful celestial body leaving gloomy impacts on horoscopes.

Planet Saturn or lord shani has been present in Hindu mythology since ages with its long tale back from origin. In the scared words, Saturn is the son of Lord Surya possessing completely opposite colors from his paradisiacal father. They are two entirely different portraits representing the son and the father as Sun is the divine light, spreading brightness in the lives and on the other hand, Saturn expresses darkness pouring gloom on land. Sun is the divine symbol of domination and governance in the world while the Saturn represents deteriorating and poverty on land. Sun is the is beginning of all lives and the life itself but his son Saturn confer hurdles and obstructions resulting as end of life. This whole is enough to explore the two opposite poles of universe holding a thread binding them together.

Dhaiya of Saturn

Planet Saturn stays in each house or each zodiac for 2.5years and then moves towards the next one. This revolutions of planet Saturn which is known as presence of Lord Shanni in folklore, keeps on going as completing one cycle in almost 30years and then starting the next one. It can also be understood as the revolving of Saturn in the Sky besides revolving of its Shadow on land. The stay of Saturn in each zodiac is known separately as Dhaiya and the fearful word Sade Sati comprises 3 Dhaiya's or phases starting from 12th house, followed by 1st house and ending at 2nd house. These all three Dhaiya's leave different impacts.

1st Dhaiya of Sade Sati

First Dhaiya is about the stay of planet Saturn on the 12th house in the horoscope of the person. It is the place of expression of comfort, luxury and expenditure of the native, and as planet Saturn is known for enhancing the negative reflections in the lives of the mortals. First Dhaiya of sadhe sati boosts up the level of expenditure as more lavishing resulting in downgrading finances accompanied by poverty, lack of prestige and honor followed by lack of comfort. As this house also predicts stay in foreign lands, the planet produces aimless travels further impacting the finance and status badly.

The negative rays of Saturn from this house reaches to parents and closed ones of the native as it would effect the health of grandmother which might end up with her death. This phase could also bring shani dosha which bring defeats to the father in different directions resulting as more troublesome for the native. It could also answer in weak eyesight of the native compelling towards the adoption of spectacles.

Saturn also create a feeling of isolation and could compel the person to be in solitude after being fed up of the materialism outside in the world. In the last phases of life it could break the touch of the person with the surroundings and could lead him towards Sanyas while leaving behind his or her worldly threads of relations and colors of comfort and affluence. This whole could also be articulated as living in the quest of true meaning of life.

2nd Dhaiya of Sade Sati

Second Dhaiya or second Cycle is the expression of changes in the lives on account of residing of Planet Saturn in the first house or Ascendant for the span of 2.5years.

The first house is the ascending Lord of horoscope chart expressing the attitudes of the native, his or her health and path of life. Presence of Saturn in the first house could create difficulties in the path of life, loss of morals or ethics, hurdles of health and would leave the native in a state of ambiguous predicament leading towards sorrows.

This is the destination exploring ways for all directions as it expresses all aspects of life of the native to some extend on account of which the presence of Saturn induces impediments and hurdles in the walk of the native and makes his or her life difficult. In simpler language, the shades of the gloomy planet produces shani dosha which surrounds the person with hindrances in the two major aspects of life that is career and family life.

Second Dhaiya of sadhe sati in the horoscope could produce bad health of the native and his closed ones which might result in the death of some relatives. Second Dhaiya of sadhe sati creates the possibilities of loss and harm from foes and enemies and surrounds the native with betrayals. Second Dhaiya of sadhe sati could also produce some distances in the closed relations in the family through shifting to distant places and might create loss of friends. This is believed to produce loss of wealth, presence of obstructions, delays, failures further creating physical and mental weakness which could also comprise imprisonment in worst effects of the planet.

3rd Dhaiya of Sade Sati

Third Dhaiya is the end phase of Sade Sati of Saturn and its about the period of Saturn in the 2nd house of the horoscope chart. The second house in the horoscope describes the strength of affluence and its channels along with the oratory skills. The shadow of planet Saturn in the second house produces shani dosha which would enhance worries coming out of hurdles, failures after hard efforts and bad health. It leaves the native in a disturbed state of mind surrounded by misunderstandings accompanied by stress emerged out of financial weakening.

Third Dhaiya of sadhe sati has the most dominating effect on health of the native which could lead him or her to the end of life as it possesses a greater potency of inducing the chances of death specially when comes in the last phases of life. Third Dhaiya of sadhe sati effects the financial stature of the person by weakening it along with downgrading the position leading towards stress about the same. The financial gain would turn in loss on account of some deceptions which would surround you. This whole would result in vanishing happiness and would further add to physical weakness. This period could also result as in death of children when some other aspects would suit too.

Third Dhaiya of sadhe sati expresses the harsh face of the Saturn as turning very tough and cruel to the native, showing him or her the toughest walk of life.